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Faculty Member:Sir Ahsan Azhar Dated:3rd October 2017

Semester:7th Section: BEE6A

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE-342 Microwave Engineering


Introduction to Smith Chart and its implementation

Name Reg. no. Performance Report Viva Total/25

Marks / 5 Marks / 10 Marks /

Ayesha Irfan 111440

Aqsa Ehsan 111467

Aima Zahid 111651

Noor us Sabah 110981

I. Lab Objectives:
Familiarization of Smith Chart
Design and implementation of Smith chart on MATLAB platform

hold on
grey = [0.5,0.5,0.5];
Re = 0:0.2:100;
Im = tan((-1:0.05:1)*pi/2);

% to plot normalized impedances with constant real part:

for ii = 1:max(size(Re))
Z = Re(ii) + j*Im;
gamma = (Z-1)./(Z+1);

The plot only shows circles because it only contains the resistances. We plotted the real parts of
impedances, which shown in constant resistance circles.
The radius of the circle is determined by the normalized resistance (r) as;
Radius= 1+
As r increases, the radius of the circles decreases.
The center of the circle is determined by,

Center=(1+ , 0)
The values of the centers increase with increase in resistance.
% to Mark important circles
Z = 1 + j*Im;
gamma = (Z-1)./(Z+1);
Z = 0 + j*Im;
gamma = (Z-1)./(Z+1);

The plot only shows important circles in bold with resistances 0 and 1. We plotted the real parts
of impedances, which shown in constant resistance circles.
The radius of the circle is determined by the normalized resistance (r) as;
Radius= 1+= 1, .5
As r increases, the radius of the circles decreases.
The center of the circle is determined by,

Center=(1+ , 0)=(0,0), (.5,0)
The values of the centers increase with increase in resistance.
% to plot normalized impedances with constant imaginary part:
for ii = 1:max(size(Im))
Z = Re + j*Im(ii);
gamma = (Z-1)./(Z+1);
axis square

The plot shows circles as well as arcs because it contains the resistances and reactances. We
plotted the real and imaginary parts of impedances, which is shown in constant resistance circles
and constant reactance arcs.
The radius of the circle is determined by the normalized resistance (r) as;
Radius= 1+
As r increases, the radius of the circles decreases.
The center of the circle is determined by,

Center=(1+ , 0)
The values of the centers increase with increase in resistance.
And the radius of the arc is determined by
Radius =
As x increases, the radius of the arcs decreases.
And the center will be
Center=(1, )
As x increases, the center of the arcs decreases.
In this lab we learnt how to use smith chart and plot impedances on it. We plotted three different
smith charts and observed the trends in differing the resistances, capacitances, and inductance.

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