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In English there are many different types of text,such as narrative text , descriptive text, report

text, etcetera in this presentation we will discuss about the narrative text. What is narrative text

Narrative Text is the text that tells something imaginative or something that is just a fantasy
fairy tales, or a true story that has been exaggerated to entertain the people.. in narrative text
There is usually a moral to be learned at the end of the story.

a. orientation
It is about the opening paragraph such as what is the story about, who is the participant, where
is the place setting, when is the time settings.
b. Complication
In this part Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the crisis (climax) of the
main participants. Without any problems, this text is only one form of exposure to events
that followed with another event.
c. Resolution
In this part The problem is resolved, In a narrative text, a solution to the problems that
arise, can be closed with a happy ending or a sad ending.
d. Re-orientation
This is a closing remark to the story. It
consists of a moral lesson, advice or teaching from the writer, and its opsional

Type of narrative text

Narrative Text may be found in the form
a. Fables
Fables are about animals that can talk and act like a human
b. Fairy Tales
Fairy tales are stories written specifically for children, often about magical characters
such as elves, fairies, goblins and ogres. Sometimes animal characters.
Story example : Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
c. Science fiction
science fiction based on some shadows on the development of science, or the
extrapolation of trends in society. Science fiction is a prose narrative of a situation that
can not appear in the world as we know
story example : To the Moon from the Earth
d. Myth
is story parables in the form of imagination and cannot be justified
story example : story of rainbow
e. Legend
Legend is folklore that are considered truly happened that the story connected with
historical figures, has been seasoned with the magic, magic, and distinctive character
f. Folktale
Is a story that cames from the community and develop in society in the past that
characterizes each nation has a diverse culture, which includes a rich culture and
history of owned respectively nation

a. Using sentence patterns Simple Past Tense

b. Usually starts with adverbs of time. Such as: long time ago ..., once, one, once upon a time.
Teks naratif adalah teks yang menceritakan sesuatu yang imajinatif atau sesuatu yang fantasi,
dongeng, atau kisah nyata yang telah dibesar-besarkan untuk menghibur orang-orang .. dalam teks
naratif Biasanya terdapat nilai moral yang harus dipetik di akhir cerita.

a. orientasi
tentang paragraf pembuka seperti ,
b. Komplikasi
Pada bagian ini Menceritakan awal masalah yang mengarah ke krisis (klimaks) dari peserta utama.
Tanpa masalah, teks ini hanya salah satu bentuk paparan peristiwa yang diikuti dengan peristiwa yang
c. Resolusi
Pada bagian ini Masalahnya diselesaikan, dalam teks naratif, solusi untuk masalah-masalah yang
timbul, bisa ditutup dengan happy ending atau akhir yang menyedihkan.
d. Re-Orientasi
Ini adalah pernyataan sebelum menutup cerita. terdiri dari pelajaran moral, saran dari penulis, dan
bagian ini bersifat Opsional atau tidak harus ditulis

4.fiksi ilmiah fiksi didasarkan pada beberapa bayangan mengenai perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan,
atau pada ekstrapolasi kecenderungan dalam masyarakat. fiksi ilmiah adalah prosa naratif dari situasi
yang tidak bisa muncul di dunia yang kita kenal

5. Mitos adalah suatu perumpamaan yang merupakan khayalan dan tak dapat dibuktikan

6. Legenda adalah cerita rakyat yang dianggap benar-benar terjadi yang ceritanya dihubungkan
dengan tokoh sejarah, telah dibumbui dengan keajaiban, kesaktian, dan keistimewaan tokohnya.

a. Menggunakan pola kalimat Simple Past Tense

b. Biasanya diawali dengan kata keterangan waktu.

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