Chapter IV

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1. Scope of Work
This test is intended to determine the compressive strength of
cohesive soil-free in a state of disturbed (disturbed) and artificial conditions
(remoled). That is the power of free press is the specimen axial strain at
20% axial strain.

2. Equipment
2.1 Unconfined Compression Machine
2.2 Sample Tube
a) Sample tube Diameter 35 mm x 70 mm
b) Sample Tube Diameter 47,5 mm x 95 mm
c) Sample Tube Diameter 70 mm x 140 mm
2.3 Split Sample Tube
a) Split Sample Tube Diameter 35 mm x 70 mm
b) Split Sample Tube Diameter 47,5 mm x 95 mm
c) Split Sample Tube Diameter 70 mm x 140 mm
2.4 Extruder
a) Extruder Diameter 35 mm x 70 mm
b) Extruder Diameter 47,5 mm x 95 mm
c) Extruder Diameter 70 mm x 140 mm
2.5 Trimmer
2.6 Proving Ring 100 kg
2.7 Dial Indicator
2.8 Tin Box
2.9 Wire Saw
Additional Equipment
1. Moisture Content Test Set
2. Stopwatch

3. Procedures of Test
3.1. Prepare the soil sample by using one of the types of sample tubes.
3.2. Weigh the soil sample to the nearest 0.1 gram.
3.3. Place the soil sample was at the bottom of the sentries raise plet the
player by turning a crank clockwise until it just touches the soil
sample pressure plate above.
3.4. Attach a dial control strain and adjust claims the dial such that one end
pressing dial feet, while the other end touching the pressure plate.
3.5. Press the soil samples had a roundabout way players Crank in a
clockwise direction with a speed of 0.5% - 2% per minute, usually
taken 1% per minute.
3.6. Take the reading of the load on the strain of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and so on.
3.7. Imposition carried on until the specimen was breaking down, the
collapse can be seen from the increasing size of the load despite the
smaller strain.
3.8. If the strain h reached 20%, but specimen has not collapsed, then the
test is stopped.
3.9. Lower plat under pressure by turning the crank player, counter-
clockwise, then sketches the form of land and areas of collapse that
3.10. To perform experiments on the ground is not original (Remoulded),
enter the soil samples into plastic bags to prevent moisture change and
then squeezed.
3.11. Land that has been squeezed tube was then printed in, take soil
samples in such a way that the tubes were quickly filled.
3.12. Repeat the procedure (3.3) to (3.9).
3.13. Create charts the relationship between stress and strain in millimeter
3.14. In this experiment, the water content must be sought not changed.
In experiments using short test objects, adjust the height of proving
ring nut by adjusting the height of the pole (4), having obtained the
desired height, tighten the nut again.

4. Calculation
4.1. Large axial strain



Where : = Axial strain (%)

L = Different of specimen length(cm)
Lo = Long original specimen (cm)
4.2. Sectional area of the test specimen average


Where : A = Specimen cross-sectional area average (cm2)

Ao = Original specimen cross-sectional area (cm2)
= Axial Strain (%)
4.3. Large normal stress
P n
A ..................................................(IV.3)
Where : = Normal stress (kg/cm2)
P = Normal load (kg)
A = Cross-sectional area (cm2)
n = Dial reading load
= Number proving ring calibration
4.4. Normal voltage is the maximum price at 20% strain (when the
maximum load is reached when the strain has not reached 20%).
4.5. Great sensitivity of the soil types are :
QU '


Where :
ST = Sensitivity
QU = Strong free press original specimen
QU = compressive strength test specimens free of artificial (remouled)

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