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The incredibly enthusiastic Headmaster of Isolomzi High, Mr Sizo Butshingi, has instilled in his
pupils the belief that the way out of their poverty, is an education, which means passing matric. His
students trust him with their lives, and Bosch has become heavily involved in helping him realize his
dream of a 100% pass rate. With the limited supply of textbooks, and few qualified teachers, this
seems almost impossible, but at the end of 2013, Isolomzi sent their first matric student to University,
and at the end of this year, no less than 18 of their 48 Matrics have been admitted to Rhodes.

Two trips to Isolomzi took place in 2104. In July, Rowan Harmuth and his partner, Marion Wasdell
escorted a team of 21 boys to Trennerys Hotel, our base for the next ten days. Our party consisted of
Grade 10, 11 and 12 boys. We were delighted to be joined by 6 members of the music department, Mr
Scarr, Mr and Mrs Jock McConnachie, the Sanby family and the Fisher family.
The touring in July stopped en route for one night in the Wilderness, then another night in
Grahamstown visiting the Arts Festival, then on to Kei Mouth and finally at Trennerys, just in time to
watch a Rugby Test. That night we were treated to a wonderful fish buffet, and our band entertained
hotel residents to some wonderful music and singing.

Sunday was a day of relaxation around the Hotel pool, preparing for the first teaching day. After
breakfast on Monday morning, the 4X4 vehicles drove straight to Isolomzi, where we were greeted by
their 600 high school students.

An hour of assembly welcoming and festivities followed, with some amazing singing from their choir
and from our musicians. The welcome speeches were incredibly impressive, leaving some of our boys
in tears. Thereafter the teaching began. We had prepared notes and lessons in Accounting, Economics,
English, Computers and Mathematics for Grades 10, 11 & 12. Their pupils were so keen to hear what
we had in store for them. Who would have believed that Callum Blows was about to teach
mathematics to their grade 12 class! It is so hard to believe that many of their pupils walk more than
10 km to school in the morning, and yet they were just waiting for whatever we had in store for them.
On Tuesday, teaching took place in 3 sessions, with sporadic pieces of music, and Wednesday was a
free day, when our boys visited the local Songoma, and also a visit to the famous Transkei Gates.
Thursday and Friday were normal teaching days, and on Friday evening Trennerys treated us to a
wonderful braai. The boys were tired, and the free Saturday was most welcome. The trip home after
breakfast was also tiring, with a welcome stop again in the Wilderness.

The next trip was in October, our party consisting of 15 Grade 11 and 12 boys, as well as Mr and Mrs
Harker. Our aim was to grill the Matrics before their upcoming exams. Again notes were prepared and
handed out. We taught Grade 11 Accounting, where our Head boy Josh Williams was outstanding, as
well as Grade 12 Mathematics and Maths Literacy.

Our trip towards Isolomzi was exciting with the boys preparing a braai for the adults in Victoria Bay.
In addition to the normal teaching, we resurfaced the inside of 2 of their classrooms, before providing
them with 2 coats of paint.

In the past, the Isolomzi pupils have at times had to write exams outside under a tree, but before we
left, they had a wonderful grade 12 classroom with desks donated by Bosch from our old computer
room, and chairs paid for by SAB.
The boys were again treated to a music feast at Isolomzi, as well as some amazing tribal dancing. The
Bosch boys replied with their school war cry, which was most impressive. The normal feasts were
enjoyed at Trennerys Hotel, as well the traditional fish buffet and the odd beach bonfire. Mrs Harker
decided to attempt the impossible and create a library at Isolomzi, starting with books from The

The trip home was again tiring, but there were moments enjoyed by all which will never be forgotten.
I cannot stress enough how much our boys learned from these days at Isolomzi. The times spent in a
week on this trip will change their views about so much in life after visiting Isolomzi.

I was asked if there was a single moment which will best describe the two visits in 2014. The way in
which Johann Minnaar gave up his time to go on FOUR trips, and the way Alex Bohlin addressed the
Isolomzi assembly on the last day of the July trip almost got my vote. In the end, one picture (below)
sums up all that we are striving to do for this school.
Thanks to our many generous sponsors Mark Waddilove (Capital Outsourcing Group), Caltex for
petrol vouchers, Steve Palframan (Eurolux), Jacques Tredoux (paint), Olaf Van Rensburg, the Napoli
family, SAB (a large donation to purchase calculators, computer chairs and other stationary), Sherwin
Carr (Trennerys Hotel), The Answer Series, Jock McConnachie (funds from a golf day) and assisting
with transport on both trips, and Mekor Ford for donating TWO vehicles for each trip.

We are planning our next trip in July 2015, if the necessary funding can be found. Anyone wanting to
go on this trip must contact us, as soon as possible. Any ideas with funding will also be most

Rowan Harmuth (0832285698) or and Marion Wasdell

(0827739451) or

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