Circular On Safety - 1

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Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir

Bangalore East
Dear Parents,

As you all know we at SSRVM give utmost importance to

safety in our school and have been diligently working
towards it.

Thank you for all your support and trust reposed in us.

Please find below several measures that the school has

implemented to ensure that the children are safe in the
protecting hands of each one of the staff members of the

Safety Measures At SSRVM, Bangalore East

Entry/exit of all persons in the school are logged

clearly with their in and out times specified, so that at any
point, there is a clear record of both insiders and outsiders
present on the premises.

A record of all staff reporting for duty are maintained-

electronic swiping and by signing the attendance register,
recording both in and out times. All contract staff sign
their in and out times as well.

Daily attendance of students are recorded through the

class teachers at the beginning of each day.

A separate register is maintained for visitors or

parents, including the name of the visitor, address,
telephone no., purpose and person being met, in and out
time, signature.

Visitor pass is given, and signed by the person who

has been met; it is handed back at the gate on exit and
tallied every two hours to ensure that all visitors have left
the premises. A specific check at the end of the day is

Every person on the premises have a valid identity

card or a visitor pass.

School perimeter is secured to control access to the


There is only one entry/exit point to the premises;

open during the school working hours and it is guarded by
2security personnels for all 24 hrs.

Walls around the school are high enough to prevent

any scaling , meeting the prescribed guidelines.
Access to areas like bus area, sports rooms/fields,
canteen, toilets are confined to persons whose presence
in the area is required only.

Parents or other visitors have no free access across

premises during school hours, and if their entry is
necessitated they are accompanied by a staff member
and with a visitors id issued so that their access is limited
and monitored. Likewise, students too have no free
access to wander around premises during school timings

Specifically for bus drivers and conductors, access

area is limited to just the bus area, and specific
instructions are given to them on which areas are out of
bounds for them.

CCTV: The school has adequate CCTV coverage.

Cameras cover all critical areas of the premises such

as entry and exit points of the school ,all corridors,
library, infirmary, auditorium ,canteen, sports room,
labs ,all classrooms ,entrance to toilets ,sports fields,
stage area, library, activity rooms etc

Vigilance Officers are appointed in each floor

with the specific purpose of maintaining an overall
vigil over safety of children in the school and ensuring
that dangers and risks to children are minimized.

Health and Wellness Officer/Counsellor is

working as a full time staff to ensure emotional safety
of the children.

Nurses- School has appointed two full time

nurses for handling any medical emergencies in the

Canteen Officer: The school has a designated

Canteen officer who will ensure basic hygiene and
cleanliness of any food or liquid items served, as well
as of the premises, counters, utensils, crockery etc.
The responsibility also includes fixing of healthy
menu for the students, collecting feedback from the
stakeholders etc

Safety Officer: The school has a designated

Safety Officer whose specific responsibility is to
ensure that there is minimum risk to child safety on
account of physical hazards such as risks related to
electricity, gas, fire, chemicals etc

Transport/Bus-in-charge: ensures smooth

operation of transport for safe travel of children
through school buses, first aid availability, tracking of
bus system, lady attenders, CCTV .

Safety plan: A safety plan is in place for handling


Disabled- friendly access: Children with special

needs are facilitated with wheelchairs, adequate
ramps, railings at appropriate points, separate toilets,
lift facility etc .

Periodic Mock Evacuation Drills: There is a basic

process and system in place for evacuation and
dealing with such calamities, conducting periodic
drills with adequate, well-labelled emergency exits .

Recruitment of staff: The employees complete

employment record is checked with specific
reference checks against each employment on the

All school staff are issued with photo identity


Biodata with personal details of all staff,

permanent or contractual are maintained as part of
school records.

All staff have undergone fire safety and

emergency evacuation mock drills conducted by fire

Basic first aid session has been conducted for

the staff.

Major committees functioning in the school:

Grievance Committee, Sexual Harassment
Committee, Sanitation Committee, Disaster
Management Committee, parent- teacher- student
committee to ensure safety etc.

Coordinators are on rounds to ensure safety of


Awareness programmes / trainings, Life skill

classes etc are a part of the school curriculum.

One helper is deputed in each washroom/toilet

throughout the school working hours and 2 helpers in
each floor.

There is a staff deputed to observe when any

external resource person is with students.

Class rooms / activity rooms / vacant rooms are

kept locked when not in use.

Head count of students are taken at the

beginning of each period every day.

Children reaching school by bus have a safe

passage from the bus to the school premises.

Children of lower classes are accompanied to

the class and to the bus boarding point in a group by
a designated representative.

Every bus has one female attender present on the


Attendance of all children on that route are taken

in the bus at the start of the journey.

In case a child who usually travels by bus is being

picked up by the parent for some reason, it is done
only after due procedure of request for special
departure from parent to the Class teacher, and a
specific gate pass signed by the authorized person is
required to be given at the gate when the parent
leaves with the child.

School buses comply with Supreme Court Order

(Nimit Kumar guidelines) -the Surakshit School Vahan

There are separate toilets for girls and boys, for

teachers, and for support staff.

Sessions on Good Touch and Bad Touch are

conducted for girl students from Pre-primary
sections to Grade 12.This is conducted once in each

Staff, helpers at school, bus drivers and

attenders have been given an orientation and a
detailed manual has been released for entire staff to

Awareness is created among all sections of

personnel associated with the school about the risks
involved with regard to child safety and simple
preventive measures that can be taken to reduce
these risks.

The Health and Wellness Officer along with

teachers plans session for children of different ages,
giving them age-appropriate inputs about simple
concepts, covering bullying, internet bullying, internet
predators, other forms of victimization, physical
abuse but especially sexual abuse, apart from
sessions on growing up, avoiding teenage vices, etc.

A basic sense of road safety are being taught to

children in the classroom.

Teachers are clearly made to understand which

disciplinary techniques are permissible and which are

Corporal punishment such as beating, seclusion,

restraint, violence and humiliation of any kind are
completely eliminated from the disciplinary actions of

Suggestion boxes are placed in front of each

class room of class 6 and above, inorder to help the
children to intimate the school management any
incident/concerns of any kind keeping confidentiality.

The school also abides by all the rules and

requirements issued by the Government / Education
Department regarding safety measures mentioned by

We need your constant support by following the below

mentioned points strictly.

Parents/guardians shall be present in the bus stops

while their ward(s) board/alight the school bus and
produce the ID cards without fail.
Students are permitted to travel only in the bus routes
they have been allotted and no change requests will be
entertained in the assigned pick-up and drop points,
unless there is a change of residence and such a
change is communicated in writing to the School
Authority (To be submitted in the office and one week
time span to revert if the changes can be
Oral communication regarding any change in pick-up or
drop points to the bus drivers/attenders is strictly not
Parents of students who commute to school on their
own shall carry ID cards with them which are issued by
the school and produce the same every day at the
security check, failing which the security will not permit
such parents to pick their ward (s).
Parents must ensure that their ward(s) are handed over
to the school staff/security personnel at the gate only
after 8.10 am and picked back at the gate.
Parents picking their ward(s) before the scheduled
school departure time must make an entry in the
register at the office and sign in the same.
Parents/visitors are not permitted inside the school
campus beyond the office area during school working
Parents have to make their own arrangement to pick up
their ward if required. No students will be sent in the
school bus in the noon trip.
We request all parents to extend their support in
implementing the safety measures.

SSRVM, Bangalore East.

v The schools decision on pick up and drop points

and timings will be final.

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