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A. Elyza Nicole Agaraps Benedictine learnings

Learning can be done in any form. It can be done by reading, listening, or

even watching some materials regarding the topic of what a person wanted to

learn. But throughout this particular activitystudying thoroughly a specific entity,

it is believed that the methods of learning as mentioned before could be

disregarded. This is because learning something regarding this particular activity

is all about experience. Each one of the students learns everything by doing. They

do experience what everything is like. They are finally getting a grasp of what is it

going to be like once they stepped their toe into the world that lies beyond the four

walls of a classroom. This will mold them into a better person, in order to know

what kind of morals that each of them should showcase on some particular


Also, it is believed that every aspect of this activity did not only taught each

member by just studying a particular entitytheir history, background, and past

experiences. But also, it also taught them how to envision. It clearly broaden their

knowledge by not just focusing on what happened in the past, but it taught them

to think of a great picture on what could the possible effect of that past data for the

greater good. It did not only teach them to only think about of themselves because

they further studied or analyzed on what positive and negative effects could their

vision could have had and take appropriate actions if needed.

It really is an activity that promotes unity among different aspectsthe

possible causes and effect. To wrap everything up, one of the underlying aspects

that such thing promotes is excellence. It teaches every student to be a better

version of themselves. It helps them to further discover their full potential. They will

now discover what they are fully capable of. But of course, as a student with

outstanding values; the knowledge, talents, or potentials that they have all

acquired will not be only be concentrated only for themselves. At the time that they

have discovered their gift, it is now their turn to share it to others. Knowledge that

a person has acquired can mean nothing if it was not to be shared. True excellence

is fully executed when it can benefit another person who truly needs it. One must

remember that for every blessing that a person receives, part of it should be used

to aid someone who needs it the most.

B. Lorenzo Cipres benedictine learnings

In every tedious but rewarding tasks we do, incorporating ORA ET

LABORA should always be automatic- as it is what our beloved school is teaching

us to do. Business planning requires me to allocate a significant amount of my

time. However, time is not just what the work demands. Research skills and critical

thinking are mostly developed in this endeavor. To work continuously does not

absolutely equate to an effective and efficient output.

Judgements are always required in every aspect of the business and this is

where ORA is essential. Clouded judgements may result for us to take shortcuts

and resort to immoral means of doing difficult things. By praying, we will be

reminded that plagiarism and low-quality work is not the way Jesus wants us to do

things. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and tremendous hard work at the

end of the day we could produce a business plan that is our own work and our best


As written in Hebrews 12:11, For the moment all discipline seems painful

rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those

who have been trained by it. To train to say no to every friend invites or to do

any enticing activity is essential while working in this business plan. Time for

research and focus are the nature of the work. If I did not say no to the seemingly

rewarding activities at the moment, I would have not finished my share in the

workload of this project. Discipline gave me the means to do great work because

it aligns my focus to what has more weight and rewarding in the future.

Without a saying, prayer is always a powerful tool for us Christians. Peace

of mind and hope are the food of the soul. Constructing a business plan requires

not only the mental side but also the spiritual pillar of a student. This is true in the

case of pressure and feeling of emptiness. Praying perpetual refill our hearts which

then results to a more productive as it eases anxiety due to the demands of the

work and deadlines.

C. Quendrick Keith Surbans Benedictine learnings

One thing from which one may learn in doing such tasks is that it teaches

the individual to broaden the different aspects of humans- physically, mentally and

spiritually. While such may be vague to the common, truly, grasping the essence

of the activity teaches that there is no elevator to any success in life. We all need

to take the stairs and step-by-step work to the top in order to achieve the goals

which is envisioned. Even in the business world, no company or business became

a popular brand in the industry by simply with an instant minute. No, such

businesses worked so much to attain the glorious achievement and such is

attained through activities like this.

Through several careful planning and rigorous research, one may attain

success because such activities are considered steps that all of us will encounter

sooner or later. However, though these steps are essential to ones success, it

must be remembered that each step should achieve a development to the human

aspect. Each step teaches one to grow not only through mental and physical

prospects but also the importance of such steps on how it affects the spirituality of

a person.

Prayer is one key element in our everyday life, and people underestimate

the very essence of it. Prayer is not only a means for communication but also, it

can be an instrument to which we may draw strength and wisdom. When one loses

the strength to work, prayer can replenish ones incapacities in life. As they say,

Pray for your work, and work for your prayers, where both work and prayer truly
applies to the activity because the accomplishment of such planning will truly drain

you out to the point of exhaustion and you will need all the energy and motivation

to muster and accomplish the task at hand. Thus, the essence of human labor is

nothing without the essence of God in it for God gave us the ability to do such work

and thus, such concept must be recollected in order to fully succeed in life.

Another thing to which I have encountered is the practice of careful

discipline. Discipline is a common term that some uses it interchangeably to other

terms, however, in this activity, you will see that discipline is not just a mere skill

that one will develop but rather it is an attitude that one must fully adapt. In this

activity, discipline shall be essential for a student, like me, have other parts

concerns in life to which I need to attend to. With that said, discipline of time and

balance in all activities was fully utilized based on my scenario where I was able

to carefully allocate all duties and responsibilities with the limited time I am given

every day. Discipline is not simply learned by reading its concepts but rather fully

experiencing it in real life. Through action alone may one be able to fully

comprehend what is discipline and this activity is a proof of such.

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