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IBT - Communication

Listening Activity and

Assignment (last slide)

Are you a good communicator?

Step #1

Choose 1 partner

Each person needs to have 2 sheets of paper

with them and a pencil/pen

Sit back-to-back with your partner (you will

probably want to have some type of writing
surface to press down on)
Step #2

One student needs to be Student A and the

other student needs to be Student B

During the next step continue to sit

back-to-back (no looking over your shoulder
to the next person)
Step #3

If you are Student A

Spend 2 minutes drawing something on your

piece of paper; do your best; if your best is
stick-figures, thats okay

No talking during this step

Step #4

Student A, please put down your pencil

Partners should still not talk or look at each

Step #5

Student A needs to give a clear description of

their drawings so Student B may recreate it.
Student B may listen only. You have 5 minutes

Still no looking

Only Student A may speak

Student B may not speak or ask questions

Step #6

After 5 minutes, Student B should put their

pencil down

Now you may both look and compare


Discuss the results and how the

communication effected the results
Step #7

Each student should get their 2nd sheet of

paper and pencil/pen

Student B is drawing first this time

You have 3 minutes to draw something on

your paper

No talking or looking at each other

Step #8

After the 3 minutes, all Student As should

prepare to draw

Student As are going to try to reproduce the

drawing, but Student A can only ask yes or
no questions to gain information

You have 5 minutes

Step #9

Compare you drawing and discuss your

Step #10
Each student needs to open a blank Google Doc
(save in your Unit 1 folder as - Drawing Summary)

Type and answer the following items:

Summarize your Drawing 1 Exercise
Summarize your Drawing 2 Exercise
Which one was more difficult and why
What did you learn about the need for effective

Submit on ITSL

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