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Whe skate Pico EXAM ESSENTIALS PRACTICE TESTS Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) MUNA Coa eT CNA Ces Rm PO Rec tet calito ely (3) Yee) Quickstart ‘A quick guide to Exam Essentials Practice Tests, Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) + To gt a onion of ach pape inthe Canbride Engl: Adond ‘er lotapagn too ern Bron eee + Ttertove yours wit the Cambrge Engle Aaances ace, tat by + Avaya he East ps we don aT wthan ye coy ek te Tor eaeh tas an iv you + For Paper 2, Wiig, oo the Weng bank on page 18. Rast Wing ff cary an ty fats uo ry Use passat ht you Usette moos! anwar Mop yeu + ForPaper4 Speshing, gota pa 169 fore axa speak raters Food Language banks ray anggotalp You. + Won youve coed Tet 1,99 the ne DVD-ROM tows he Trove Speaking serie sre othe praia Woke. wl ‘athe ntomaton on te OVO-AOM on pape 1. + Tot mare exam paces realex conto, do Tots ory to empl och paper tn a ie lowed + ae ue prac recor yer seers atu ue: cy + younsed ip wah am wore phases tht you fin heeding ‘ots atthe loser on ope 206 Marin Dem revel EXAM ESSENTIALS PRACTICE TESTS Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Charles Osbourne with Carol Nuttall with new material by Tom Bradbury and Claire Morris [eat | a censace teasing | 4 Learnings erp ganits ieeaabiuc | <8 CENGAGE ‘eine Tearning” Secteur ‘©7015 rato copa Leong ef ange anne ace Ee nce LLRs RSEAVED. Napanee erkemendby econ Sronaanewssocreemanty | eter ts Sram mary ere motray | Soman gape can cg ot Ton Dasbey.creMoriardcasinatat | Shigcaping ety acy sting, upg te te, ber: Gin Mean ‘ntcmatan nebo noma stop nee ens ‘apt at pemted ner etn or fe Te Ute aes ‘errant Kowy oe any ht to th por ten ps lar tetoraire asp Span Pane Devine Eo: rowel prin omit ro Soepedtotng uae chavs nme lees wemeanpansonertnons ron ster tne "oer tt Connon bess Coreen | mT eccccpcioer ceca | Sa aaeasrune oro Sore vase cnr pedetonseipn cone tase Sete re nh SS cas = (Srntmmonronnrnrehcoan en aor sito Geogptic avin one st rpeangapecom ator copa ett x wnconpgecan | aetna no etn mens Seam genty rosennn tame rere eemenie SERB snl ore se pn ge a ‘Psst Greece by Batis SA PhaeNonber 02” Pet Year 2014 Section "age Exam overview Introduction DVD-ROM introduction Test 1 with guidance Test 2 with guidance Test 3 with guidance Test 4 Test 5 Test Test 7 Tost 8 Sample answer sheets Materials for Paper & Writing bank Glossary Audio seriots Answer key 10 2 2 52 n 20 109 128 v7 168 169 199 218 232 ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGUSH: ADVANCED rer: READING AND USE OF ENGLIBH (Nar 20 muta) mr] ee erent ‘amas Tk oat 7 | Matin choie ele Teak focas vocabulary @ [Armultsle-chice close wnt with eight aps, followed by eght four option questions. 2 [Open cece {Fas focus. grammar and some vocabulary |] |Amodifiod coz wnt with eight gaps which you fl oth the appropiate word. 3° [Word formation "Terk focue! vocabulary | Rtext with sight paps. ou ae ased ro complete the text by meting an appropriste word rom the wore prompt you are glen foreach Gap [Key word wenstormations ‘Teak foou: grammar ana vocabulary & [This task consis a six sree kay wore Tansformattons. You toasted to complete antonce whch mans the samo os the given sentence using the bey word | Matpie choice “asktocur: reading for dotaied onderstaning of xt, et, pinion site, ono, purpose, mai de rgeation fst Imesning from cont, implston, tet | You anewer sx four option mulipl-choiee [gueeione on ato | Shor texts Tek toeus:reding to understand Tesaing aorose iferet tots, | Vou read foor shor oxts by aiferant writers fn a similar opie. end with a srr purpose Reading arom tho tons you ident smiles hd dforocee inthe themes id opinions of te wears. 7 | Missing paragraphs fsk foots: loss reasing of 3 tx Henttying eforeness and meanings teroat diasurse @ [You 18d» tox rom which sx paragraphs have oon remeved: Thar sone oxtra paragraph YOu ‘acide which perographs completa each gop inthe ox ‘| Matin matching fat fooue reading for specific information na text, deal opinion, sronuce 70 | You meich ton question to diferent tos or ‘fernt sections ofa text. Paper 2: WRITING 1 hour 3 minutes Pat “enicype ond foeus ‘Narabe of questions Teak tormat + [Question 1 Part 1s compulsory. | You ito an essay Based on» given tle Essay 220-200 words tnd secompanying teas, including one ot your own Z| Ouestons 24 may Gude 9 | Youhave a choice om | You etry out wring ask sing tho fomai eter, a reports review or | toe taka [spproprate tle ana format. = propoes! 20-260 words 4 Ssenpe mish Avon Teh em Over Paper 3 LISTENING (40 minstes approximately Fon] Took type ond focus [ Norbor of quertions Teak format + [Muttpe coiee . [ania of hor unrelated extract, ‘Teak oc: understanding gist, deta om monologues or oxchang funeton, purpose, fealing ettude, [Betweon interacting speakers, Thore pinion, gone, opreement, se iene trae option ueaton for each 2 | Sentone completion s ’& monologue The tek conse of elght Teskocus: dota speci ntormation, 9epp0d sentence. 3 | Mutkipe choice é [isening tot involving interacting Teak focus undorstanding aude Speakers You have six Youreption |_| analepinion, main ios, specie mulple-choes questions, sd noes to |__| termaton and gist ide whet tne corres arawer i [Mattie matching 0 vo shor monclogues all ona similar | © [Mestoeseunderetandiag mand ‘tame You laten ance and mates nd aad, main oss, specie ‘bach speaker to Information fom two informaton and context Paper 4: SPEAKING (1 minutes approximately) fan ‘Teak pe ond foeue io Teak format 1 |The irteriocutor ass each | Verbal questions | You most be ableto Inuarvow | condiste to say 8 ile about gen persona intormation, (mina) | hemesives. lk about present creumstances pestoxperenca, 2 |ach candidate tala bout |View stu, wth | You must be able to Inviduat | pairofohotogranhe for” |verbl ara wiitan | gvo lntormation. Tong turn | minut, flowed By @ Instutions 1 Sxpress your onlnions (mina) |Soaccond response trom the ‘raat photos to yorso and your second candidat, ‘own experencs 3 |The intorooitor asks ‘Aven question with | You must be blew Two-way |candidate to cary outa tsk |wrten simul and | exchenge information and opinions. callaboratve | based on writen prompts. |verbal instructions | expos and jstiy opinions “ek 1 egree,dleagre of party ages. | caries | soogest and speculate «| Theinteroator sake Verbal promis You must bs ebeto Discussion | cancaates general opinion + exchange inermation snd opinions. (Gmina) [questions reste oth topic + express and ost opinions. covered in Pat 3 bate, dswgree or pully agro Lo — published by National Geographic Us Droparngfor te major EFLESL examinations Cambridge Engle First (FE: Combrdge English: Aavanena (CAE: nd, inigmational Englch Languepe, Texting System UIELTS. The series is characterised bythe cogs attention t2ch componert pays to gevelopinga detailed knowledge {of the bls and statogine nonde for sucess In each paper or par of tha exams Cambridge Englih: Advanced (CAE) Practice Tests ‘ale arrs become aware of the Cambridge English: ‘Advanced (CAE| exam oqulremants, offs dete about {he format and language in tha exam, ana helps earners ‘evelop exam ale necesary fr succes. The book alsa provides extensive practic inal pats of te exam, eing {he seta et format. Taking the Exam Cami English: Advanced is ono ofa sores of five Cambridge English exame oorreapancing to cieront levels of tho Common European Fremawork of Rtorence foranguages CEPR: + Cambridge English: Key (ET) CEFR Lovel AZ + Cambridge English: Prfiinary (PET CEFR Level + Cambridge Enaloh: Fret (FE) CEFR Level B2 + Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) CEFR Level C1 + Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE) CEFR Level C2 Cambridge Engh: Advancod is widaly recognised by Universities and. similar ecucationalineitione, ah In'commarce and Indust, as proof that the holder of this qualiieson can tako'@ course of study in Engish bt ustventy level, and seo cary out managerial and Brofessional wore flotvel. It can also be used a8 root of English sls when applying for employment in Englsh-sposking environments, “Tho exam con be taken on many datos uring ayes, and {an bo ton on paper or on computer consists of ‘ue Papers. Paper 1 Reading and Use of English (hour 30 minutes) + Par 6 « muitiplechoie cloze task. You road a toxt ‘rth eight gape. This followed by egnt fouropton Imuliplechotwe questions You nead to compte each ‘Gan with the coret option. Part sts your knowladge {St vocabulary nluding iioms eed phases, pasa ‘otha eoloations and ehades of mesring, + Par2is an open cloze task You red text wth sight ‘920s, You nead to complete cach gap with an appropriate ‘word Part? tost your knowledge of he stcture ofthe language ~ grammar end some voeabulery Part 2 is word formation tsk. You rad a shor txt ‘with eight gaps. You need te compete gach gap with Sn appropite word formed from a prompt werd In apts that appears tote right ofthe text onthe sare line es the gop. Part 3 tests your knowledge of how ‘words ara formed from other words Par 4 consists of six sentences, each of which Ie {followed by 2 word and » gapped sentence. You need to completa the gapped sentence so tet ts meaning is the some es the fst entance using testo ax words Incting the word even Par 4 oats your knowledge af ‘oeabulary and grammar. Pan 8 consists of s long text with si fouroption Iukiplecholoe questions. Part 8 tosts your abilty {0 read for detal, gist opinion, atid, purpose, Implicaion end toxtorgonisation fost uch reference and comparison. + Par consist offour short tnt writen by fur ifernt poople about the same subject. together with four ‘auctions. The questions test you ability to understand the opinions and attvces expressed in te txts nd to deny when wars gree end disagree with ach + Par consists of along tox from which sx paragraphs have boon femoved and placed In jumbled order afar tho tent. You have to delge rom whore inthe ext the peragrophs nave been removed. Prt 7 taste yout Uncertanaing of how a tox is sutured ar 8 consists of a fong text with soveral sections or several short tats. There ere 1D questions which equre you to dacge which section ofthe lang txt ot wich shor ext each ane rela to. Port 8 taste yout ty to read for specie information, deta, opitson Sid etude, Peper 2 Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) + ort. is compar. You ae required to write an esssy In 220-260 words. Before you wrt you" answer, You must read the Insrvetions be wall a an input text {txt Part | ocuoae on your aby to evaluat, express ‘oningns, hypothesize, ete Porsesion is weve an ‘Moportant element in your wring in Pe: + Tore ar tree questions to choose irom in Part 2. For ‘questions 24, you are raged to wite on omalltor, ‘proposal ropor or «avian in 220-260 words, art’ {uses on yor ability togive opinions pared, uty, (ve adic, compare, ete ‘Both pats ofthe Weng Paper tost your ably to write ‘toe according fo instructions in an appropriate aye dd tonite or 8 ven purpose ed erat renter Part 1 consats of tvee short monologues of tots InwoWing inlerecting speators. You are required To trawer two thee-ontion multiple-choles Questions for {ealng, attude, opinion. purpose, funtion, agreement, ‘couse of eton, general it del ote +Par2 consists of ong monologue You aerequired 10 "Gh peppad sentences with information you precoding. Each gap le completed by ona, {wo or thoe words 3 number Pert 2 ests you ety {0 understand specie information and sated option, 3 consists of 9 text volving interacting speskor. You to answer six fouroption mulpi ‘hole questions. Par 3 tess your sb to understand stitude and opinion “Part 4 consists of fo short monologues on ¢ reistad thom, There are two tasks in thie per, Both tasks Faqulre you choose Irom @ it of options the opinion that eoch sposkor expresses. Pat «tate your abit 0 Understand gs. atude and mai pain ado tery Paper 4 Speaking (approximately 18 minutes} ‘The Sposking Paper genorally iovolves two candidates tnd two examines + InPorttyouhavea brief conversation wth the examin. Part tnt our ably o giv personel information an (oe social and tteracion! language, ‘In Part2 the examiner gives you and he other candidate ‘sual end witon prompts Each candies requir to use the prompts hanes gen to tlk fora minuto. HelShe ls lso ried to snewor a question based ‘on tho oor eangiaatos prompts In 30 seconds. Part 2 {oats your ably to organisa lerger unt of dacourse + InPor 3 the axaminer gives you and he other candidate Visual and writn prompt. Vou are required to vs the prompts tohave «conversation with sh ther candidat xchange eas, xpress and sty opinions apres and 6 dleagros,suggast evaluate reach» decison through rnogotation, ete “In Part 4th examiner asks you questons based onthe ‘Doles you taked about in Part You ae rewied 19 have a thremway discussion with the enamine’ ard 0 ther canaidet Par 4 tere your ably £0 exonarge ineraton eres an uty opinion, gre andor Preparing for the exam In preparing forthe four Papers, the following points shouldbe taken ito secount Reading and Use of English To propae forthe Use of English (Parts 1, 2,9 and you need to develop your awareness and ute of both [remmatical structure and voesbusry. You eed to know Row structures such 9 ver forms, modal and aly ‘vorba pronouns prepostions conjunctions, moderna ‘Snorninersarousedcorecyinavariety of aiaren types bftex. You also needs good krowadgo of vocabulary £0 {carn wnole phases rather than single worden wolaton, how words ané phrases aro‘vsd In combination with ttrer words how vrds san have dif mearings ond sos an how iforert word cn be form from 8 root Inept teed wedaly nc fo pay atonton to grammer Sn vocabulary ax You read Mo usa of dictionaries ad trammarbookstexcertwhen dolngtheteas)anddeveloy Betton ystem for recording the new vocabulary 3nd srammor you encounor 7 and, you shoulé read ftom 8 range of material nowpaper, magennes, joursle nove leafes,broehure, ee, When you reed, Bay atorlon te txt organisation features, ain youre { Yecognise the authors purpose in ing and hie Ot hor tone, end learn to read! betweon the ines for bat is implied rather than stated oxy. i important {o praaton diferent reading stages that can bo used for afore pars of the Reading Paper, for exampie tinming fort main ies and get, seaning locate Shecie information or reading lscly to determine the vrtors prize meaning. Wting ‘You nsedto be friar with sl thetet types you may be Teaulre to write nthe exam, You shoul elso be oar Fine eter that wil be used in marking your ts ‘hie the canddte achieved the purpoo stated in the + Does the text hve #pasive gnwral effect onthe targat “is the tont ongonsed effectively and ate Iden finkad Sopropristey? + His language been used acuraty? “Doss the txt hove 2 good range of vocabulary snd fremmatcal fates? te te cegiatorspproptie forthe tak “ie the nyout appropiate? You should practise staring to owide varity of spokan Eatin antouncaments, speech, cures, aks 80 broadcast, anecdotes, odo Inriaws, dicussons, ‘You sould sao practz itoring fr diferent purposes: To understand get tently comext or attude or find Specking ‘You shoud practise speaking Engtsh a much a possible ‘tis importent to master convorationl skills uch o fun thing and the appropriate way to aria In 8 Lisussion giving full but nturd anewors to questions find requesting cases. Furthor information can be obtained rom the Cambridge Engish wobote: wn cambcdasznalish.oca Practice Tests: contents CCambsidge English: Advanced (CAE) in the Exam racton Tetesaves prepare cancites Cororidge English: Advanced examination by providing Sight fll practice eat whch sosuraaly rele tho est ‘ram spetfentions. ‘hero aro thre gulded tests atthe beginning, whieh {ectus essential tips to pracise exam strategy. Mest {ips offer gutcane and ger statesios or approaching heh task Other tins ler avin rlovant te opocte Guostons in the guided testa Those guided tests wil Foi stents prapae for esc paper whe te fatowing five teats (witout gudanes) wil ofr students thorough practice eta esis xara ova. “The DVD-ROM socompenying he book includes the Irate or sl the Ltening Paprs. Theso accurately fotec the sxam in both syle ana contort. Moreover, he hufo meters or Torte tana have been rocorded wth {he repetitions and fll pauses, exec a6 inthe exam ioe. | wting bank Includes sample answers for the Kinds {rTaas tot occur In Paper 2 {Weigh writing ps in ‘he form of ols and usaf phrase forth diferent {ask yous. Varad viusl materials for Paper #Spacking) Fove sls bean included, wie language bank supp tool presse and expression fr use I tho Speaking “Thorels sles glossary for asohtes, explaining vocabulary that le likey tobe utara to students. ‘lear and strsightforward design simplifies uso of the book Emam overview tables ene thot kay information [Peay sessile, while 9 specially designed menu Irokes it oa0y to navigate trough th diferent pers end Dupors ofeach proton tox. You will fd sample exam answer sheets on pages 126-108 whic you can protecapy and use to note down Your ancwors: "These wil heip you precise using the For more prestic, ther is sia a edtionl book of tts fortis seam: Exam Essentials Practice Tests Combridge Engliah: Advanced (CAEL ‘Practice Tost: principles In writing this book, three guiding principles have been ‘Sosones First, that it should be usofl for tachers, students Siting the Cambridge English: Advanced sxam forthe fstimeor vesting the oxom, whether tay are working lone or ina slate Students approaching the sxom for the fest time would bo best adviend to work through 300k nse, developing tl sks end confidence carting tho exam can cont the Exam overview {ables to concentrate on particular ares for targeted fevision, The without kay aon canbe and by tucents roving in class, wil the ith Key edton includes 8 totied answer Key an all the audlo svpt,eneutng thot students working elone can benefit frm support vie tempting hone test The second principle 1s that the questions should feeuratlyvefect the range of questone found in the Combvidge Engleh: Advanced ‘exam, Thus. students ‘obtain guiance concerning the general contant an the best way of sppronching the task from the, quetions thomsaves. Seeing the questions in this ight a= insrutons to the eanddate from the examiner rather thon intimidating helonges ~ also helps students fos! Toss daunted by the wile experience of sting 8 maior ‘am ke ti ‘The tid pice is thet the tote sed in the praton feet shosld be not only represotative of those used Inthe exam, but alo vared and intresting, Everyone rif the subject mate i rtvant interests. In enoosing, esting Suro thet the exporonce of working with this book 28 ‘Smulaing end rewarding a possible. bee xe)' This eitlon of Exam Essemiaifor students of Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) inl » brandnew OVD ROM which focuses on the Speaking test component ofthe Cambri Engsh: Advenced examination. The DVD. ROM ines wo videos + acompleteCombridgs English: Advances Speaking ast. * deer clip giving valuable edviee about tha Cambrigpe Engle Advoncad Speaking teat ‘To maximise learning from the complate Cambridge Enalah: Aavancea Speaking ts, the lllowing PDFs oe leo available on the OVD-AOM: ‘an answer ey forthe worksheet ‘the complete seit ofthe Spaaking tet, A. complete Speaking test ‘A fall Combsidge English: Advanced Speaking test inwrvaw Ie spproximaray 18 mints in length Flesee note thatthe itor shown on thie DVD-ROM ia 8 shghy extended version of the Speoking, eet. This lowe fore wide renge of language and typos of fesporse to be incuded. This nfowow sao Feotree bigh love! condeates whose performance would achiove 2 good pass n he sxam. The video therefore provides ' good model ta flow: Dont worry # you fel You may ‘ot perform tothe high standard in every area ofthe fox You will mead to demonstrate good lve ut yOu ‘il nc nged to use evry suture o tom of vecabulry erect inorder o pasate tet. The video leary deta: ‘ihe timings of he ost. ‘tho four pes of he fest and what ls volved In each two examiners inthetest oom. Examiner the ‘questions ond handles as to keep to vory ste timings a srgt to follow. Unatipted conversation ot fuestons ore therefore not posible. This eto eneure thot each candidate recive equal weatment Examiner 2 {tho sesassor! dos not usualy spankin he tect excont to greet tho candidate. Howover, Examiner 2 wil make holes. Both einer ve mores othe eandidtas ‘The tings ofthe test Par 1 Intrviow ~ 2 minutes (3 mutes for groups of to Port 2 Indiv! long tum ~ 4 minates (6 minutes for ‘r0ups oF tree) Part 3: Collaborative task ~ 4 mistas (6 minutes for (groups oF three) Part: Diseussion 8 minutes (6 mutes for groups of hee! ‘The four parts ofthe test Part nerlew - this includes groting the candidates, inroduing the examiners ‘and Gonetal questions about Pert 2: Invduel tong tur — this ivoves talking about {wo outof Uvee pictures and biely newering a question bout your prtaers pistes ar hehe hae spoken, fale sbowt prompts on 8 diagram, and reach decision {rough negation, Part Discussion = the introcitr Inds cious by asking cancldatos questions. Canaiatss exch Information and opinion elated i Me topisin Pat How ech part ofthe test should be anewared The video offre tive for improving candidates’ perormance in each ofthe four parts In Part T-eandistos eed te give persona formalin tak about ther prsent Sreumstaness, tk about past expeionces nd future plang as wal as express opinions Part 2, consistes feed fo express thelr opinions trough comparing, ypotiesising end speculating on te pictures gen. fh Par 3, candissae need t0 work topther to exch Ideas and opinions, egroe or dsagree suggest speelat tatuate and'veach a deelion Treugh egotaton. ih Par 4, condhdatesexprees and uti thir opinions ond Tips and advice Following the Sposking ‘ost, there Is 9 short ep to supplament the apebing toe gen nthe Dok Ini fives some tips and advice about how to do well in the Eemoriege English: Advanced Speaking test. ‘The workshoot {is pineble worksheet accompanies the compete COnwridge Enalan: Advanced Speaking tec. Athough prmariy designed for slrstdy ha worksheet can also Eetsee nth clssroom: k provides n-dopth formation Shout the Speaking test and focuses on the longuage ach candite uses inthe veo. “The worksheet i ivded int four sections which rlato foreach part of tho Speaking West includes eaves whic + draw tudes attention okey features ofthe candidate's response, faite those feature “ive the. student practise In developing thelr own Shawere for similar questions ‘A sopscatesoawor key and 8 full ideo seit oe seo provided, making eitca used by the ‘eae cea oh Sn Ft tr hres apa ny eon cored mang Sen net ‘ening a 0 “rorove atonal ou opto ‘Sor peal et eh a bt oy oe leer ‘thet re orm Tne. Sarena ain For questions 18, ead the txt blow ar acide which answer (A,B, © Dest fs ench gop, Tere ean exeepe atthe being ‘Mas your answers on the soparat answor set. xan © cent magne fl Division ola eg Nature's clocks (ur biti! oats govern ant ovr (0) un fu ves, Our sbneety 10 stimu 1). var the course ofthe dy, an cur bit to parte exain ‘unetions ie subject to fuctustion. The id of he dy, for aap, the (2 atime for tasks such 36 making decisions. Anything tat demands hyscl vorination on heater Nand, bas attempted nthe early evening, Wha it (9) tharos a dramatic opin portorance these active ar (Out othr times, The rk of seen t @ atory fr exspe, 20% higher dng {he RB rinve humans lived in une wth th dally ye of ight and dak, Today, we te (© oonvinotd that we ean impose aeheule on ou ves a wl Sooner oF Ista, however, We ay (7)... oF gnting our natural mythos. A goad example Ie jtiog caused whon we conten our bodys biological locks by) .. several ime zones Jet ag often lest for several ays and con body act ou dein making ably 1 A mosiios 8 ranges © vores D waver 2 A pos 8 sumet (© maximum opti 3 Amore 8 alse aifecent bees 4 A rode 2 gone caries D st 5 A lebour ——B work Cay D ont A poweruly firmly steadily high 7 pice 8 foe cre © cost 8 Alonding ——-B poneuatng — crossing raving For questions €-16, read tho tx below and hint ofthe word whieh bast sch ‘be. Use ony one word in ach gop. Thee an example athe begining ‘White your srewars IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer shes, ‘scamote-(O)IN TTT TTI TI TIT) Antarctica in danger ‘Tha lst 20 yours have osama raat neo860 0). the numbers of iors te Antartica. These (ony itclude sient who are retoarehing (0) ‘rca asus as climate change adits impact onthe ole reglons, but eee more and more fours. Some outs simpy want to see the lst unspoiled continent ‘Some, on th (1 nan tek more active pursuits he adventure spore. However, envionment ae concerra tale growing tou nduaty may (12) ou endangring the Antarctic environmen ed sowing he seeds tte extrtion (19) fhe problems acing the are is politon resulting from tourism. ‘rls vetere tow rabish no the 0, witout asin (14)... art this canbe to wif. Just 1). maging, perhaps moro, ol pit om ships insular riforeed to withstand clisons (18... ieabere O fom ‘ven seal spl ca romain a enironmental tard for many years en thar are Increasing numbers o aber breaking of ha continental ice sheet duno global Essential tips > ed tough he wha at ets grew a what i abot Desi wns wrt astra ao grammatiy alas oh oped od ‘a inp yu duis wnet pr of pen erased nay vrs onc i, pevoatonch > Roa whoa srtane 9 ar fe woryou neds pt one pa, ch > empybe tht or oar oe wor sui aha 54a nt mse he wis ousting. swan Hyoucan seth ot araor a strmes ‘sston aad nol sree arly, Nan but sho aa pf he ‘Sctne- thine fu praise" on bua ‘Geston 1 Lok ctl tne wore ates oh ep Clint change an ‘Stomp of sein nin Cn you tune ots oro gw to net sn ale? un 1 he gnc oa apo ean av rs ton Ton we uy or nf eto nd vat om? ih er ‘ sone T081¥> PAPER Regan Ana Ue noREN > ces 1) ‘ramp atthe Depnning For questions 1-26, 2 the text below, Use the word gion in capa the ond Frade thence to form e word tet sin the gop the same Bow. There san Wee your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separse answer shoe Essential tips > tea Brough be whol tt Eeeconwes iceman > acs net ype at wordt ‘Ssein eto ovr, ‘an ac oar. ere ese aged ‘pomenechne. eee cena aed ‘ie acd ac bo Dena ‘ean 1 The goons word Elephant training it you ere traveling In Thon, you can now take partin 0) fon unusual kind Fora sum of money wich 14097 modest youcan spend a fw dave at an elegant consarvation arr tsining to be & ahout leper ive. Pimeriy se up in an andesvou to presarveth (18 “Tha lpn the cera walomes tour a6 a meant ol Tunding iat Nevertbeles, is programme rains Sey in 1 on wh the aioe of Kachasart the anant ‘math of tdying laphant, andthe mahouts bud very ‘loz elationshige wit hele aaphens Teining ie bows 10 B20 nn tte elephants, proving them wit physi and meri 21) no Tle wel beings considered of most importance “The slogans are capi, of course, ad the care fh een 2) ft naling them 1 0 es. “The ely, Raweve ha (23). deforestation Mi lot wi elphontsseugging Yo survive in abit hat se shrinking aloe on 8 (2 .nn- Boi and he contre ‘fre ha anctsey—fr theta tengo as. ors 19» PAPER weaning ana Ue otengtan > Po S crEDLE masesT¥ keer ener srmmuLire came EXTEND TeHREeES nance, sng the word gen Bo not change the word given You mus 12S Sonucen te and et words, nluding the word given. Her fan example | a dre eroding ey sane sone IRE 108 Essential tips cameo] WisieD SHE MAD SPOKEN MORE | a Te tony Sh ising words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet, Sotaceme ag | atsomnon baimaeent | 25 Pop in fora chat whenever you stn tn. 7 Happen 1) Mater wo ncaa Rinsinetbe vn wou " mon in toma, pop infor achat. ‘Bargntoom or we + Youay eto ctangoie 28. Paula hed just eached te ate when it gant sn No soon. pone Nbogan sn 21 -Mark wrote that poem, not en si Haan, ‘According tH, ao sna 5000 oto. a porcores or tel ‘28 Ever it itis expensive, they want to stay # the hotel by the beech. Vmasctvoeee: | Tremenowmmne” | cxerave - thy wana ayn Ro nt BY ution ot 28 unas you ti heh, he seal wil besa Its cre ste tot MEAN ee eer, ‘Your failure ~ .~ the cancellation of the sehoo! Ineiotcn tweed - Sean fect i sue Gren ow oyna | 20 Noo fa mtr ben ee eft one hat seh ts Seen tad ma ‘nang! ave ee, Noriko ~ it ig the fret tims she has ever been Speconicestsoin? path ccee ve Sioa, | ecretraani, | rests PAPER? Rasdng ands or Engshy» Pte 155 ‘You re gona to read a magazine at For questions 31-38, chaote the anser {ABC oD) which you tine es best socording to Be ox Mark your anawers onthe separate anawor sect. The beauties of the stone age Jane Howard reviews tome ancient works of art. | have just come home ater viewing some astonishing works of at thet were recently discovered in Church Hole cave in Notinghamshire. They are not drawings, ae one would expect, but etchings ~ shapas cu into tho Fock Manned space fight isnot primary about science. The truth is that developments in science and computer esion moan that saelies, robots and other tachnology are probably better then aatronous ox colleen information from speca which we can use on Earth. Sit poopie do Mot get exctod whch thoy axe ean launched into space. Computes attached to a rocket don’ stimulate tha imagintion orth oninuneerrier eee. ‘gxploraton. And we do need to explore space, whatever nancial implications nthe long tenes naa {ine out whethor we can survive outside the Earths ort. Isa question ol out species suviva Aekahey hhave worked out thet at some point inthe future ~ we donot know when the sun will engulf he each ei ‘he species to continue, when that happens, we nead to be olsewhare 19 cameo a Test») PAPER 1 Reaang and Use of Engh» oi. s Which writer has erent opinion om theater bout the Inpatient oeanes ot meas seca missions? a ‘of establishing whether humans can ive on other plants? a earns tern vow rom theaters erg ‘Merle eficoncy of meted idan fan a ou eowch? share wr A opinion abot he at tester ‘of sending people ito space? GI tips ptt xa your yo yen ein yo urine idaiaiecotonsmdkcartertnge Spon fun su fos wd peta task niceaitencts seeecsdapeeras, Seamer gti eral pee naa ne chariaeesmutrtemotcoar tatoo nnn pinto urea ten fore ata or tas Suh croc se Setanta Suet sao Telnet Satie ety nud pt i oa Uo oe th + Sait Set ere Sts a ee, itawotunatiy econ Sarivoryitae —Sonee' Theron ea b ie Fame hve nore yes dood ‘Seite ra ge heya ss Siacenomn anne, Sarees ew Tn ewes acme ts | Se font ag Nahe te nent na__—_—Son aca ea te oa fu oes boi Wr ie reece snoop re ang teeth sere pate Tondo ‘Sat The rly pa ote Tey a cap Pat are arnt at ‘Sem oy ham ye ee gt ht and cra eons Emer tat typo ek rattan st Rat Senco Gicicmeremeecacteteth | resents naan cmcibawe ‘Ses ow oa esha era et ae ‘Sucperiouen nh nee csr ows ue Peach of an idea ‘At the end ofthe 1990s, trae Fonds in thelr mich 205, ‘Adam ‘Boon, Rienord Rcd and Jan Wight wore thinking of staring @ business. They took £500 worth ff frult to e must festival in wast London, made 2 Fuge batch of smoothies ~ fruit drinks Blended with ‘milk and yoghurt and ssked thelr customers for @ vedic a Looking back, they now sdmitthatthoy wore amazingly atv, thinking it would just take off once they hed the Fecipes and pockaging figured out In fact the three budding entreprenoure had ine. mothe. Iving on credit cards and overdrafts etore they sold their st smoothie. QO Only five years lator, though, Innocent had become: Brain's loading brand of smooth, soling about 0% ‘ofthe 60 milion cowed annually by Srveh drinkae Eight yoare aftr that, mocont ernployed 250 stat, Wore falling over 200 milion smoothies per wock {round the world, and a majority stake inthe company had boan bought up by the iteration gant, Coed (Cola, What wat tho recipe for his starting muccess? ag re Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. est 19» PAPER easing at Use of ngsin >: 2 ‘You are gong to read nemapepersbout a company that make ut ns. Se ‘baregrapte have bean amaved om the arte. Choos Hom tho peregraphs AG ‘he one whien fs ercn gop (-48 Thee Is op eta paragraph wich You do not Innocents refusal to compromise on this. point presented them with some problems when thay fet ‘tried talking to potential suppliers, Adam says. Tis ‘was when they dtcovered the trth about the majority Of sorcalld naturel fait canis a “Naivey’, adds Fichard, who io always ready with a sounabia"ean be eet ast in busin cass fange tho slatus quo.” Although Innocent’ {inks wr nlahy healthy the company Nas shwoys thay'ro supposed to 60, says Just don't especially when they I thought, “Woutar it be great to make it easy to get hold of this natural fresh goodness?” Thon al east "you've got one healthy habit ina world of bed ones. a “i easence, oxpleins Jon, ‘wo simply froze some of ‘our smoothies snd threw in 2 bl of 999 to mak Ill ek together’ To help testers mate up their minds bout which combinations worked, they dusted oth ‘1d "yes" and “no” bina and put tham out again. And ‘hee again thelr methods proved Trail ce ‘we did't rule it out completly” says Rcharé, ‘But the threo of us have always gone away once every. ‘three months fo talk about what me wart out ofthe Businoss and weve alvays boon in tho samo pace a2 long as wo'e excited and challenged and proud) business, we're going to want tobe apart oft [A Most are made from concentrated juice with ‘water and perhaps sweeteners, colours and Dresorvatives added. We didn’ even know. bout that whon wo sorted Adam explains. ‘os wen we started tlking to people and thay $3, “OK, we'll use orange concentrate” and we 3d, “What's concentrate?” and they exp it and wo sai, "No, wa want orange jl 8 Probably something to do with pur Unadulertad ingratints witha dash of qucky ‘advertising. As one campaign put fe their rinks fre not made from fr they ae fru [© “Wo dociod to koap simple’ says Richard We hac a bin that sia "yas" and in that sla Zino" and athe endo the weakend the "yee" bio was ful of empty bottles We quit our Jobs ‘he nent day” 1D Their ary years of sucess coincided with Increasing consumer concerns sbouthealtyy ating, and Innecent soon became worth 8 lot ‘of money to potenti buyers. Was there over 9 temptation in those erly years t sell up and go tnd ive on # desert sland? Essential tips ie pt a 9 eam eat yer undertacig thew Atodis suns and no pratt ca Sis or uote arp igh ch Gt stout ‘nod pray ort may ret tar eet Ste ey tes we mors ent > ook et team he main asd eo Faeroe. The goed pongaph may hr ie eek orb nese ot Di ta mp wt aes Pee cease erratic eee ccrecre os aietaecia Ste "tucker owen Hee bp ‘Stenecion teen pongepse e tnd the fact that brings a difarent end complementary sat of Bila to innocent seams to have helped thom void any big bustupe over strategy F So, at another festival in 2004, the Innovent team vied extending their ange of products Inte dessert. For us tore was this problem of Sunday evenings, siting down to watch fn vith a big tb of ee cream ~ is nice to munch ‘through ft but very ba for you, Richard adds. 1G They found thatthe finances were the basic stumbling block. Bux they oventvally had @ lucky break when Maurice Pinto, a weslthy American Dusinessman, decided to lavest in ther In ot, ‘took 18 manths from the Intl ie f taking the product to markt. yng you nave bun a peegagh st my f 9, Inns purer tS eae an Os ak {Seether Rissa ty binge > octane complete tea mae se is ‘Qe The nt sets a thereon aarp ‘tere hw oy, Rod nd Wa a momar os rae’ hon apd soap ne ow toma gve el pon? ‘uerton The revs praraph on wh he auaon Worst cp frescos? sak ‘ropa pero hch oer arene onan eeton 4 The preva ni he ‘Sermo a nada Lot ers ‘prped pop wc estan he th aac emg ane Us or EngEN >) P27 2 ‘You wa going to rad a magi invovingforegn anguepee Fr qutalons 7-86, chowe ra the poop UO Mork your names onthe separate answer shes cs *P ti tough th tas uy {ogra gel ion teat ‘hararesbou Dor wry emesis at > fan ach quson nan ant ‘Stor eee Sheree! perraes i= mentions being coursed from suing languages? xpreseseypthy for toes who ad engusge earning aticut| points out oman misconcepton about what ‘rie the eeptt shown di tot language sil? emphasing he impea laring@ forign anguage series sutfering embarassment trough Janorenca of arguage? ss to naving boon Unaware of hl abs? ‘mentions he excment experienced when ‘working with anguoges? points ot wht language stile can indicate about someone's persona? clam thet lock of cara foo in commen ‘Queen 4: The wad dicuuraped ution 8 eters Netiin ie euoion tat or Scovecdin des ging, ‘Sr wordea me steht ores Youre to eamin ere. ‘Seance Then shes ta Winnie mean corn Popetot th wuryou tnd so rlomneepton tear ‘hon no nyng ‘orang wrong on concepon intone ‘eon aie, ona Se ‘Gueton sf: Thik cher words or ‘Thonn ou both ers Bie pee era PARRA PRR RE ‘A Jack Reynolds - Careers with foreign languages interpreter in the UK Most of my frends studled subjects like business ‘renginoeting, andl suspect they thoughtiearning forge languages was poinies, ape it {youre language eEngleh. Mat enenged when Became the interpreter for a couple of Sraclian footballers who'd joined Manchester United Wien my trends ‘spending Inlanguagee. dis Frencn and Spanish at school fd thon edded Portuguese at university. To Be honest "vo never soon mysolf aa a brillant Fingust ='I'was never the best in-my class = Dut we wortod sti. snd whon | wont £0 Bra ter univorsity | decided to forget any shyness [might have, and immerse myself Inthe Toca tulture Whos came back o the UK, was good fnough to qualify ae an interpreter: Apert from tho sports work, | interpret at conferencas. That {ets my adrenaline going more than boing with {ho footator, actualy. ‘Ana Ramirez ~ educational consultant {id a degre in English and Russian et university in Spain| enjoyed but 'm ashamed fo edmt that hed no idea wht | was going to do wth whon | fished. Twas by no means the only ne rom my cours in that postion, and there’ similar thing nother courtesy from what ve seen, After few felse sats, | nded sp Working ior 2 Eorope.wige organisation which {ministers various edvetiona’ project! rave around Europe and ia so 30 get to practise Ihy lengusges. Par of our brief Is to promote Fanguage looming and | genuinely bs Interestingly, one thing Xs given me, epart from ‘ij and the opporturity to mest people sround the world, loa greater avereness of my strengths fan weaknesses n Spanish. Unforunotoly, Rest lols of people saying a tha to have another Tanguage, but t's beyond my abies” The truth is though that anyone can lor a languge. We al eer our moter tongue, ater al You jt feed tho right conditions and aude, ebsoluth Botive nat " © Helen Murdoch - IT project manager em naturally curious and hate not understanding pope, and that's whats alvays atocted me to ‘Winton ef eoruting tor senalsngtng project, Tatwaye tink the candidates wio ore muliingual tend to be more adaptable and. open-minded, Which coranly lps us. | went to university 1a the 1980s, and in those days, languages were seen ‘anno more than a niceso-have™ When | told ey fathor Ta decided to study French, he cai, “Are you sure? Wouldn't something more substan Bo btr” So, combined it with a management degree. With. the. increasingly ‘competitive ‘arkatploc, I think that views changod. My work fae ton me to ciffremt counts, and helped fhe improve my Franch and pick up Arab. and {Turkish an opportunity not avaliable to every sadly, Tve_soon at fret hand the aferonce 1 Knowing 3 language can make, 'once commited @ ‘major blunder in a office In Japan. Had I spoken ‘Tpansse, 1 would have known ao to dot, and ‘would have avoided @ couple of very awkward Gays afterwards. D Timo Heikkinen - student em tn my fnal yaar st university. fm studying Chinese "but'I tea. ‘speak English” Sweatsh Fusolan, Germen and French, and Grook because fy mume half Giook and Finnieh sa Fy fom Finland. | rezetly won a pre for achiowement In'leaming languages. To be honest, | hog? Considered maa unusual because Ive picked ip nave fa Fe been told evan write well for languoge In'Finnish and Greek Tm not eure what be Going next year ve had few offers but Ym not Very doesivo. Gute 2 lot of poopie I snow are Teall good st their subjects maths, physics or wtovr— but languages detet tery and that ‘hale options Tm glad Im not inthe shoes PAPER Reng ana Use of glen bs Here

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