Barnd Awareness and Customer Satisfaction On Godrej

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It is highly unpredictable to know the consumers decision to buy a product or not to buy as
today's market is more dynamic in nature with more and more product offerings with the short
product life cycles. This is because of the fastest changes in the area of product innovations across
the world with the advent of sophisticated technologies. As the customer choice is widened with
more brand awareness among the consumers and the impact on the customer satisfaction could be
measured more accurately. This paper focuses on the prospective buyers' with respect to their
brand awareness and its impact on the level of customer satisfaction of the furniture products
manufactured by Godrej . This study was conducted in Chennai a city of India. The research
results suggests that there is an impact of brand awareness on customer satisfaction with respect to
product quality, price and size of the cigarettes etc.
According to (Kameswara Rao Poranki, Mohammed Abul Khair & bdulaziz Khalid Alotaibi
April,2014) the researchers have analyzed the customer satisfaction through standards tools of
research however the Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. They have
understood that Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by a
company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is defined as "the number of customers, or
percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services
exceeds specified satisfaction goals. The researcher Kameswara Rao Poranki has the opinion that
without any brand awareness about the products offered in the market, the marketer couldn't
understands the level of customer satisfaction. Therefore, the author confirms that there is a direct
impact of brand awareness on the level of customer satisfaction. It means once, the customer
knows about the product, through the brand awareness created by the marketer, the tendency of
the customer to buy the product and uses it then only whether the marketer can assess the impact
of brand awareness on the customer satisfaction. So, the first things are first, like first the brand
awareness followed by the measurement of customer satisfaction.
The concept of Brand awareness is understood as the extent to which a brand is recognized by
potential customers, and is correctly associated with a particular product. However it is expressed
as a percentage of the target market, brand awareness is the primary goal of advertising in the
early months or years of a product's introduction by any company in any part of the world ( It is rightly pointed out by
the researcher that the Brand awareness is related to the functions of brand identities in
consumers memory and can be reflected by how well the consumers can identify the brand under
various conditions in the market (Keller, Kevin (1993). The fine tuning of brand awareness could
be the brand recognition and brand recall performance. In fact, the brand recognition refers to the
ability of the consumers to correctly differentiate the brand they previously have been exposed to.
This does not necessarily require that the consumers identify the brand name. It often means that
consumers can respond to a certain brand after viewing its visual packaging images(Percy, Larry;
Rossiter, John (1992). The brand recall refers to the ability of the consumers to correctly generate
and retrieve the brand in their memory. In another words, a brand name that is well known to the
great majority of households is also called a household name.
In this modern world, the marketing wisdom tells you to go where your audience is. Like any
population across the world, nearly every American who has a computer is on Facebook, then
most of your audience is likely there. It is more easier, to create brand awareness on social media
requires a different approach than traditional media. But there is a need for a strategy that is
custom tailored to your brand and audience; cookie cutter approaches will only take the company
ahead. The marketers shouldn't take this a formula but it could be one of the tool to promote the
product while broaden the company's social media branding arsenal. However, the marketer need
to develop their own unique social media strategy and discover how you can best apply these
tools. The above figure tells us that there are core variables attached to the brand of any company,
namely loyalty, awareness, perception, value and identity. Each variable is interrelated to one
another in order to promote the brand.
2 Consumer behavior, Brand awareness and customer satisfaction

Consumers always buy goods and services individually, however decisions always involve
several people, the following is the common decision making process:

The initiator,
the person who starts the decision making process and gathers


The influencer, the person who influences

people to buy or purchase goods and

services, they often collect information also

The decider,

who has the financial authority to make the final decision on the

The user who actually utilizes the product (Jobba 2004, 67.)

The role of the consumer can be taken by any buyer or person depending on the product, it
qualities and can also change the role. Gender plays an important role in the decision making
as men and women have different preferences. (Jobba 2004, 68.)

Many of the East African customers who shop at Bulsho store are women because the culture
and tradition says that the women is in charge of the household and the childcare so they
make the decision on daily basis on what meal or basic necessities the family has to live on.

The husband may be the source of family income but women make the purchasing decision
and they buy want they want at home. Therefore, women should be core focus group while
Bulsho is formulating its marketing strategies and marketing mix for various customer

2.1 Factor influencing consumer behavior

Consumer behavior is the process; thoughts, feelings and actions related to consumption
process, this behavior is the dynamic interaction of the individual thoughts, feelings, actions
and behavior in the environment by which the human being conducts exchange aspect of
their lives. The environment refers to the external factors that influence the human being,
these factors such as cultural and social forces in the society and in personal lives as well as
physical and situational forces relates to the actual shopping experiences. The behavior is a
dynamic interaction and communication between consumers and the marketers doing
exchanges. (Peter& Olson 2008, 5.)

There are four main factors influencing consumer behavior each of these factors can
influence a consumer action in different ways, a combination of these factors affect the
decision making process differently, these factors are cultural, social and religious, personal
and psychological.

2.1.1 Cultural factors

Culture is an important combination of character, behavior and a self-identification of human

being, these characteristics help an individual to create his or her own buying behavior, and
however, isolating culture as a variable that can be studied and readily implanted is very
difficult, taking into consideration that the buying behaviors of human beings consist of three
phases which are the individual, societal and situational. Culture affects all these phases but
the extent of the effect depends on the individual person and the circumstance. (Usunier
2000, 3.)

Culture consists of beliefs, values and customs that serve to direct consumer behavior
differently amongst the members of a particular group or society Values and beliefs are guides
to behavior in such that they form and affect attitude on how to behave on certain situations,
on the other hand customs are modes of behavior that constitute an acceptable way to
behavior in a particular culture. Cultural identification functions in different ways, the
identification of national culture which is the desire to be at home and exoticism is the desire
for one to escape from ones own home, these two ways are intertwined which can be
classified into different geographical and socio-demographic groups as well as in terms of
attitude, preferences and life styles within those groups. These beliefs shared by different
groups can help individuals to decide what can be done, how to feel, what is, what to do and
how to go about. (Schiffman & kanuk 2000, 394.)

2.2 Customer decision-making process

It is a process by which a consumer makes a decision on what to buy, what quantity to buy, at
what price with respect to the factors affecting consumer's attitude during the procedure. The
various stages in the decision-making process are;

Need Recognition

This is a process whereby a prospective buyer or consumer becomes conscious of his or her
needs. These needs become functional, emotional or psychological. A need recognition or
problem awareness arises when a consumer realizes that he or she is missing something for
example a consumer realizes that he is missing his favorites application on his IPhone like
Facebook application or a spicy ingredients to prepare a traditional Somali dish. (Jobber 2004,

There are two types of stimuli that affects the decision-making process of a consumer, these
are the internal or external stimuli, internal is when the needs comes from the person himself
in the form of physical or psychological discomfort or the external which come from outside
sources such as marketing information.

2.3 Definition of a Brand -What is a Brand

A brand is an emotional and physiological relationship a firm has with a customer, strong
brands elicits thoughts, emotion and sometimes-physiological responses from a customer. A
brand is a source of a promise to its customers. It promises relevant differentiated benefits. It
does so not only to place itself into the purchase consideration set, but even more
importantly, to be the brand chosen from that purchase consideration set. This is also
sometimes referred to as the brands unique value proposition. Whether it is called a unique
value proposition or a promise of relevant differentiated benefits, it is very important that the
promise or proposition be delivered consistently at each point of customer contact, time after
time. (Lynn B Upshaw 1995, 1.)

2.3.1 Internal branding

Internal branding is the process that guides a company to implement the brand promise to
reality, this process involve planning and action at all organizational level in the company, it is
a process that start with awareness of the brand and ends at changing employees behavior, it
engages employees with the brand value, internal branding is describe as the inside-out
approach by communicating to employees the brand value, aligning employees with the brand
promise, then employees will deliver consistent message to customers and the message is
projected to the market, this inside-out approach result in a stronger brand and better brand-
customer relationship.

2.3.2 Brand value and attributes

A brand is a collection of perceptions, which creates an interaction in the mind of a
consumer; the brand value is not the logo or an advertising campaign or goods and services a
company offers to customers. This is why it is called the total brand because it is the result of
the consumers total experience. Good brands are assets to the company; they create wealth
for their companies, communities and countries. The value of a brand deliver changes in
behavior, securing a future stream of profits for the company and creates business value.
Many customers experience the value of a strong brand in their daily consumption of goods
and services. (Kapferer 2008, 9.)
There are four ways in which a strong brand can create value to customers: a strong brand
gives peace of mind to customers because the consumers trust the owner to produces the
right goods with the quality they desire, this trust is basis for their own experience with the
product and also the stories they have heard about the brand, this help to give the buyer a
peace of mind knowing that they are buying what they ask for or want and the owner has to
uphold this trust. A strong brand save time and transform the consumption experiences,
consumers are busy nowadays and so they rely on the product they trust and know better
which makes it easy to decide on what to buy and move on and also helps to tap into the
imaginary fantasy of the product thus making it more rewarding. A strong brand helps to
express our attitude, value and place in the society as such it is natural for us to seek meaning
and significant in our behavior including the goods and services we utilize, a good example is
an American expressing the value and important of an IPhone been made in the United States
(Kapferer 2008, 18-22.)

This is the function of designing and executing marketing activities to measure and manage
the brand equity of a company. This can be done in four different ways. By identifying and
establishing brand positioning which is to distinguish all the attributes that makes the brand
different from that of competitors and then emphasizing on the particular attributes so that it
occurs a distinct and value place in the mind of target consumers. Positioning also covers
convincing the customers of the importance of the brand with respect to that of others.

By planning and executing brand marketing campaigns to build a strong brand that
consumers are aware of and have a strong favorable and unique association with, this will
include, choosing the brand elements, integrating the brand into the marketing activities and
exploiting secondary associations such as company, country of origin, channel of distribution
and other brands.

By measuring and interpreting brand performance through auditing the brand positioning,
brand audit is an inclusive assessment of a brand involving activities to evaluate the health of
a brand to reveal it sources of equity and suggestion for the improvement of the equity from
both the consumer and firms point of view.
By growing and sustaining brand equity through design and execution of marketing campaign
to gain a strong leadership position in the market for the brand. Preserving and increasing on
the brand equity can be challenge. (Keller et al. 2008, 35-37.)

2.3.3 Brand awareness and advantages

Brand awareness is the probability that consumers recognize the existence and availability of a
companys product or services, creating this awareness by a company are one of the key steps
to promote the companys goods and services. Brand awareness consists of both brand
recognition and brand recall performance. Brand recognition is the capability of a customer
recognizing a brand as one, which he or she has already been exposed to.

Product promoting via brand awareness is one of the easiest and most effective ways to
promote commodity related products due to the fact that they have relatively fewer
differentiations, which makes it more competitive if you have a strong and recognize brand.
Consumers turn to make decision quickly about a product if the know or recognize the brand.
The more customers can recognize, retain and remember a firms brand the likely fact that
they will shop and that firm is greater than shopping elsewhere. This is an advantage against
competitors as customers overlook at the price and other quality when the trust and know a
brand, it became a part of the customers life style to shop where they are used to and have
confident in the brand. (Keller 2004, 50-53.)

2.3.4 Factors influencing branding

When choosing between competing brands a thorough evaluation, particularly for brands new
to the market takes place often with an agreed list of attributes. This reflects the views of all
the customers who are willing to taste or try the new brand, however a more covert
assessment also takes place base on the social behavior or class of the individual customer
who thinks if the product fits to his/her class or if the product is where they can associate
themselves with and have a psychological though about the brand if they will be appreciated
and respected if seen with the new brand (Leslie, Malcolm, Elaine 2011, 182).

2.3.5 Brand identity, image and positioning

The identity and image of an organization is what helps the organization to know it truly exist,
with a history and place of its own different from others. In other words having an identity
means being true to yourself, with having personal goals that are different from others. There
are two main factors in brand identity. Goods and services which consumers identify with
their values and those that is in the age of marketing similarities. When a brand innovates it
creates new standards which other brand have to catch up to stay relevant which leads to
many similar products and copies which a producer needs to know what their brand stands
for, in other words diversification call for knowing ones own brand identity.

Internal and external customer satisfaction

Satisfaction is an attitude-like judgement following a purchase or a series of consumer

product interactions. Customer decides whether he or she is satisfied after purchasing an
item or after experiencing some kind of a service encounter with a representative of a
company. Customer satisfaction comes from the quality of service delivery that is
expected by the customers during the act of purchase and while being served. (Lovelock and
Wirtz 2004, 44.)

Customer satisfaction of a product is often measured with specific attributes that describe
the product features. Comparing experiences to earlier expectations is also common. Similar
elements of assessing the features of physical goods have been taken into models that
describe how service is experienced. Due to this development, there has been debates in
literature, whether there is a difference between service quality and customer satisfaction and
if so, is the quality experienced first and satisfaction follows or vice versa. Logical analysis
proves that this debate is irrelevant. Service quality is evidently experienced first, followed by
either feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. (Grnroos 2000.)

Customer have certain standards and expectations in mind prior to consumption, they
observe the service performance, compare it to their standards and finally, form a
satisfaction judgement when comparing with earlier expectations. These judgements can be
labelled either negative confirmation when the service is lower than expected or positive
confirmation when the service exceeds expectations or simply confirmation when the service
is just as expected. (Lovelock & Wirtz 2004.)

The term quality and satisfaction are sometimes referred to as identical. However, it is
believed that perceived service quality is only one component of customer satisfaction.
Satisfaction and quality have things in common but certain underlying causes are different.
Satisfaction is a broader concept whereas service quality has specified aspects of service.
Hence, perceived service quality is an element of customer satisfaction. (Zeithaml et al.
Service quality is a reflection of the customers perception of reliability, assurance,
responsiveness, empathy and tangibles. Whereas customer satisfaction is more general term
and influenced by perceptions of service quality, product quality, price, situational and
personal factors. For example, the service quality of a hotel is affected by attributes such as
what kinds of meeting facilities are available and are the equipment in working order, how
attentive the staffs are, and how well-maintained the facilities are. Customer satisfaction of a
hotel on the other hand, is a wider concept. It is affected by perceptions of service quality
but in addition to that, perceptions of product quality, price of one nights stay, personal
factors such as the customers emotional state or situational factors such as how much traffic
there was when driving to the hotel. (Zeithaml et al. 2006.)

Each organization has both external and internal customers. External customers rely on the
companys employees to meet and exceed their needs and expectations, while internal
customers are employees that rely on each other for products, services and support in order
to meet or exceed their needs and expectations. There are differences and similarities in
external and internal customers and it is important to understand them. (Naumann & Giel
1995, 363.)

Traditionally customers have been considered to be people or organisations outside of the

company. These external customers have to be served so that their needs are fulfilled and
they are satisfied with the service given to them by the company. Relationships like this exist
also within the organisation. The customer service personnel and functions of a company
need support from other employees within the company in order to serve external
customers. Products cannot be delivered in a customer friendly manner if the companys
storage does not provide a driver from the truck or the right products at the right time in
good condition. (Grnroos 2000.) Each service organisation is full of internal service
functions that support each other and the customer service personnel and functions that
interact with external customers. Usually there are more internal service functions than
functions serving the external customers


Godrej Group is one of the most respected business groups in India. Here is a brief
profile and history of the group.

The Godrej Group was established in 1897. Its founder, Mr. Ardeshir Godrej, was
a staunch nationalist and believed that India cannot win freedom unless it is
economically self-reliant. Beginning with security equipment and soaps, the group
diversified into a wide variety of consumer goods and services.

The group has diverse business interests ranging from engineering to personal care
products. Companies operating under the Godrej Group are involved in a host of
businesses - from locks and safes to typewriters and word processors, from
refrigerators and furniture to machine tools and process equipment, from
engineering workstations to cosmetics and detergents, from edible oils and
chemicals to agro products. Godrej Group is also well-known for its philosophy
and initiation of labour reforms.

Godrej was derived from Gudrez-the name of an important tribe in IranNow

headquarters of Godrej is in Mumbai(india)
Founded 7th May, 1897, Lalbaug, Mumbai
Founder(s) Ardeshir Godrej, Pirojsha Godrej
Headquarters Mumbai New Delhi, Chennai,

Key people Adi Godrej (Chairman)

Products Chemicals & Commodities, ITES
Real Estate, Appliances, fmcg
Office furniture, desk
Chair, cupboards

Trade and Market North America, South America

Western America, Eastern America
Companies 10
No. of Employees over 10000 people
Sales Turnover 1.1 billion US $
Main Market East Asia
South East Asia and Africa

The Godrej Group is one of the respected business houses of India. The
group has diverse business interests ranging from engineering to
personal care products. Companies operating under the Godrej Group
are involved in a host of businesses - from locks and safes to typewriters
and word processors, from refrigerators and furniture to machine tools
and process equipment, from engineering workstations to cosmetics
and detergents, from edible oils and chemicals to agro products.
The Company celebrated its centenary in 1997. In 1897 a young man named
Ardeshir Godrej gave up law and turned to lock making. Ardeshir went on to
make safes and security equipment of the highest order, and then stunned the
world by creating toilet soap from vegetable oil.

Ardeshir Godrej Pirojsha Godrej

His brother Pirojsha Godrej carried Ardeshir's dream forward, leading Godrej
towards becoming a vibrant, multi-business enterprise. Pirojsha laid the
foundation for the sprawling industrial garden township (ISO 14001-
certified) now called Pirojshanagar in the suburbs of Mumbai. Godrej touches
the lives of millions of Indians every day. To them, it is a symbol of enduring
ideals in a changing world.
First generation the two brothers were the founders, second generations
focused towards diversification of business by investing of acquiring
more business in the leadership of Mr Naoroji godrej, third generation in
the leadership of Mr. Adi godrej, is keener to keep hold on core business
The word Godrej etched into the metal of his locks stood for trust,
security and reliability. The name Godrej is today locked away in
the mind of every Indian as a symbol of responsible
entrepreneurism, self reliance through industry and prosperity from
indigenous resources. It started off with locks and then a stunned
world looked up in awe when Godrej made soaps from vegetable
oils. What started as dream has become a movement. From hi-tech
engineering solutions, futuristic security and entry systems to a
wide range of consumer and personal products, Godrej, touches the
lives of millions of Indians every day. Today Godrej is the bridge
between the future and in hundred years of history. It is a living
code of ethics for Indian industry as it races into the forefront of
global dominance.


Godrej follow ISO 9001 system standards & 14000 environment standards.
Godrej products range encompasses a wide range of products to suit homes,
offices, educational institutions & industrial requirements. To name a few,

Educational furniture: School desks, steel tables for teachers, chairs for
teachers, library stacks, training room chairs, book cases
Steel furniture - Cupboards, Lockers, filing cabinets, sliding door units,
tambour door units
Office furniture: Chairs, desks, partitions, work stations
Security equipment: Safes, fire resisting filing cabinets, strong room doors,
fire safes, data safes, fire doors, steel doors.
Typewriters: Godrej are the world's second largest manufacturer of manual
typewriters, which can be offered in several languages including Arabic,
Pashtu, French, Spanish, and Russian etc.
Warehousing solutions: Material handling equipment, shelving and
racking, metal shelves
Locks: Wide range locks covering mortise, pad locks, night latches, door
Appliances: Water Purifiers, Refrigerators, Air conditioners and
WashingMachines. Godrej
has manufacturing base in Mumbai, Chandigarh, Chennai & Goa.

Interio was established in 2006 and is one of the largest business

Groups of Godrej & Boyce.



Godrej & Boyce Mfg.Co.Ltd

Godrej Industries Ltd
Godrej Infotech Ltd
Godrej Commodities Ltd
Godrej SDN.BHD
Godrej PTE.Ltd.


Godrej Agrovet Ltd

Goldmohur Foods & Feeds Ltd
Godrej Properties Ltd
Godrej Hicare Ltd
Godrej International Ltd
Godrej Global Mid East FZE


Godrej Consumer Products Ltd

Godrej SARA LEE Ltd
Geometric Ltd
Godrej Efacec Automation & Robotics Ltd
Godrej Hershe Foods & Beverages Ltd
Mercury Mfg.Co.Ltd.,SEZ
Godrej & Khimji LLC

Godrej Group Companies:

Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.:

Godrej & Boyce
manufactures a spectrum of consumer products and industrial products. The
Consumer products include Appliances (Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Air
Conditioners, Microwaves, and DVD Players), Locks, Furniture, Security
Equipment, Office Automation, Conferencing Solutions, and vending
Machines. Industrial Products include Storage Solutions, Automated
Warehousing, Material Handling Equipment, Process Equipment, Precision
Components & Systems, Machine Tool Service, Electrical & Electronic,
Tooling, and Construction Material & Services.

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd (GCPL):

Godrej Consumer Products is a leading player in the Indian FMCG market with
interests in personal, hair, household and fabric care segments. Godrej
Consumer Products is the largest marketer of toilet soaps in the country with
leading brands such as Cinthol, Fairglow, and Godrej No 1. The company is
also leader in the hair colour category in India and offers a vast product such as
Godrej Renew Coloursoft Liquid Hair Colours, Godrej Liquid & Powder Hair
Dyes to Godrej Kesh Kala Oil, Nupur based Hair Dyes. Its liquid detergent
brand Ezee is the market leader in its category.

Godrej Industries Ltd.:

The company is India's leading manufacturer of oleochemicals. It also has

major presence in food products such as refined oil and tetrapack fruit





Godrej Mission is to operate in existing and new businesses which capitalize

on the Godrej brand and corporate image of reliability and integrity.
Godrej objective is to delight our customer both in India and abroad.
We shall achieve this objective through continuous improvement in quality,
cost and customer service.
We shall strive for excellence by nurturing, developing and empowering our
employees and suppliers.
We shall encourage an open atmosphere, conducive to learning and team
Commitment to Quality
Customer Orientation
Dedication & Commitment
Honesty & Integrity
Learning Organisation
Openness & Transparency
Respect/Care & Concern for People
Teamwork Trust









































Mr. Adi B Godrej, Chairman

Mr. Hoshedar K Press, Vice-Chairman
Mr. Dalip Sehgal, Managing Director


Mr. Bala V Balachandran

Mr. Jamshyd N Godrej
Mr. Nadir B Godrej
Ms Rama Bijapurkar
Dr. Omkar Goswami
Mr. A Mahendran
Mr. D Shivakumar
Mr. Bharat Doshi
Mr. Aman Mehta

Registered & Corporate Office:

Eastern express highway,
Vikhroli,Mumbai 400079.India
Phone;022-25188010, 25188020,25188030
Fax; 022-25188040

Lucknow office:

Godrej & Boyce Mfg.Co.Ltd

43-C ,newal kishore Road
Near akashwani,
Lucknow,UP India
0522- 2215142.

Adi Godrej

Adi Godrej is one of the icons of Indian Industry. Adi Godrej is the present
chairman of Godrej Group of companies. Adi Godrej was born in a business
family. His fathers name was Burjorji Godrej and his mothers name was Jai
Godrej. More than a century age, the Godrejs were into manufacturing locks and
vegetable-based soaps. The Godrej products were among the first indigenously
manufactured products to displace entrenched foreign brands.

Adi Godrej left India at the age of 17 to enroll at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. He received his Bachelor and Master degrees in Management from
the Sloan School in 1963. Though he planned to study mechanical engineering but
he later on switched to management. After his return to India, Adi Godrej joined
the family business. He modernized and systematized management structures and
implemented process improvements. Adi Godrej took the Godrej Group to great
height during controlled economy era.

After the liberalization process, Adi Godrej restructured companys policies to

meet the challenges of globalisation. In the early 2000s, the Group completed a 10-
year restructuring process through which each business became a stand-alone
company with a CEO/COO from outside the Godrej family. Under Adi Godrejs
leadership, the group is also involved in philanthropic activities. Godrej is major
supporter of the World Wildlife Fund in India; it has developed a green business
campus in the Vikhroli township of Mumbai, which includes a 150-acre mangrove
forest and a school for the children of company employees.



Lalji Mehrotra Foundation Award for Excellence, conferred by

National Society for Equal Opportunities for the Handicapped.
Great Son of India Award given to Sohrab Godrej by National
Convention For protection of Indias Resources and Environment.

BHNS Green Governance Award for the Category Conservation &

Restoration of Habitat to Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.


Economic Times corporate Excellence Award for Corporate


Nisarga mitra Award from Rotary Club of Bombay, Virkholi for

Environmental Conservation.


Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar, awarded to Sohrabji Godrej.

Institutional Economic Studies Lok Shree Award for Social
Commitment towards the society.


Furniture is the collective term for the movable objects which may support the
human body (seating furniture and beds), provide storage, or hold objects on
horizontal surfaces above the ground. Storage furniture (which often makes use of
doors, drawers, and shelves) is used to hold or contain smaller objects such as
clothes, tools, books, and household goods.

Furniture can be a product of artistic design and is considered a form of decorative

art. In addition to furniture's functional role, it can serve a symbolic or religious
purpose. Domestic furniture works to create, in conjunction with furnishings such
as clocks and lighting, comfortable and convenient interior spaces. Furniture can
be made from many materials, including metal, plastic, and wood.

Furniture has been a part of the human experience since the development of non-
nomadic cultures. Evidence of furniture from antiquity survives in the form of
paintings, such as the wall Murals discovered at Pompeii; sculpture, and examples
have been excavated in Egypt and found in tombs in Ghiordes, in modern day

The Classical World

Early furniture has been excavated from the 8th-century B.C. Phrygian tumulus,
the Midas Mound, in Gordion, Turkey. Pieces found here include tables and inlaid
serving stands. There are also surviving works from the 9th-8th-century B.C.
Assyrian palace of Nimrud. The earliest surviving carpet, the Pazyryk Carpet was
discovered in a frozen tomb in Siberia and has been dated between the 6th and 3rd
century B.C. Recovered Ancient Egyptian furniture includes a 3rd millennium
B.C. bed discovered in the Tarkhan Tomb, a c.2550 B.C. gilded set from the tomb
of Queen Hetepheres, and a c. 1550 B.C. stool from Thebes. Ancient Greek
furniture design beginning in the 2nd millennium B.C., including beds and the
klismos chair, is preserved not only by extant works, but by images on Greek
vases. The 1738 and 1748 excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii introduced
Roman furniture, preserved in the ashes of the 79 A.D. eruption of Vesuvius, to the
eighteenth century.

Early Modern Europe

The furniture of the middle Ages was usually heavy, oak, and ornamented with
carved designs. Along with the other arts, the Italian Renaissance of the fourteenth
and fifteenth century marked a rebirth in design, often inspired by the Greco-
Roman tradition. A similar explosion of design and renaissance of culture in
general, occurred in Northern Europe, starting in the fifteenth century. The
seventeenth century, in both Southern and Northern Europe, was characterized by
opulent, often gilded Baroque designs that frequently incorporated a profusion of
vegetal and scrolling ornament. Starting in the eighteenth century, furniture
designs began to develop more rapidly. Although there were some styles that
belonged primarily to one nation, such as Palladianism in Great Britain, others,
such as the Rococo and Neoclassicism were perpetuated throughout Western

19th Century
The nineteenth century is usually defined by concurrent revival styles, including
Gothic, Neoclassicism, Rococo, and the Eastlake Movement. The design reform of
the late century introduced the Aesthetic movement and the Arts and Crafts
movement. Art Nouveau was influenced by both of these movements.

The first three-quarters of the twentieth century are often seen as the march
towards Modernism. Art Deco, De Stijl, Bauhaus, Wiener Werksttte, and Vienna
Secession designers all worked to some degree within the Modernist idiom.
Postmodern design, intersecting the Pop art movement, gained steam in the 1960s
and 70s, promoted in the 80s by groups such as the Italy-based Memphis
movement. Transitional furniture is intended to fill a place between Traditional and
Modern tastes.
Asian history
Asian furniture has a quite distinct history. The traditions out of China, India, and
Japan are some of the best known, but places such as Korea, Mongolia, and the
countries of South East Asia have unique facets of their own.

Traditional Japanese furniture is well known for its minimalist style, extensive use
of wood, high-quality craftsmanship and reliance on wood grain instead of painting
or thick lacquer. Japanese chests are known as Tansu, and are some of the most
sought-after of Japanese antiques. The antiques available generally date back to the
Tokugawa era.

Chinese furniture is traditionally better known for more ornate pieces. The use of
uncarved wood and bamboo and the use of heavy lacquers are well known Chinese
styles. It is worth noting that China has an incredibly rich and diverse history, and
architecture, religion, furniture and culture in general can vary widely from one
dynasty to the n

Interio division
Furniture and interio group was established in 2003 with the amalgamation of
Store well and furniture business and is one of the largest business groups of
Godrej & Boyce .Furniture and interio group has a whole range of home furniture
as well as institutional furniture ranging from bedroom and dining sets ,kitchens,
kids furniture, desks, seating systems open plan office systems, storage systems,
etc. Also has diversified areas like lab engineering solutions, Marine furniture,
interiors, carpets etc. The FIG team works with a passion of growing at the growth
rates far in excess of industry norms, diversifying to add product lines, which
enable it to be a total solutions provider in its lines of business and be a market
leader in each and every product line of its portfolio. Customer delight, respect for
all and innovation are the key prime drivers for the division. The FIG team works
with the passion of making Godrej-The choice for Home and Work Spaces.
In 2006, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Unveiled 'Godrej Interio', to provide
complete solutions for homes, offices and special projects. Godrej Furniture and
Interiors Group has unified its home, office and special projects business lines, to
offer stylish and aesthetically designed furniture under the Godrej Interio Brand At
the launch of Godrej Interio, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Chairman & MD Jamshyd
Godrej said, "Godrej Interio is an amalgamation of time-tested values of quality and
trust of Godrej and a contemporary outlook to business. Along with the new image,
we are offering a complete array of expertly designed home and office solutions,
which we are sure will delight home and corporate buyers. Our endeavour is to
give Indian consumers global quality products at affordable prices."

Godrej offers the Interio range of furniture solutions in wood, metal, composite
materials, with specially designed software for online project tracking. Interio
carries the expertise of design houses from Italy, France and India, coupled with
strong Godrej R&D.

In the B2B segments, Godrej Interio offers a wide variety of products for offices,
laboratories, education institutes as well as complete solutions including desks,
chairs, modular furniture, carpets and interiors. The range of home solutions
includes products for the drawing room, bed room, children's room and kitchen.
The range also includes special projects like labs, schools and auditoriums and
even the most specialized solutions for the Navy Godrej Interio COO Anil Mathur
added, "Godrej Interio is the result of deep understanding of consumers about their
lifestyle and desires. The Godrej Interio range of products will be available across
India through 42 Company managed Godrej Life space stores and a Network of
800 Godrej Interio Channel Partners."
An official statement issued by the company states that the turnover for the
division for the last year stands at Rs. 600 crores. Targeting a growth of 33 per
cent, huge investments are being made in the business. This includes investment to
the extent of up to Rs. 100 Crores in technology and brand building. As the result
of added investments, and aggressive marketing strategy, the turnover for 2006-07
is targeted at Rs. 800 Crores and the Division plans to reach a sales turnover of Rs.
1500 crores by 2010.
It also plans to increase focus on niche segments like Stadium Furniture, Health
and Hospitality Furniture and Corporate Showrooms. Exports are expected to grow
from the present 5 per cent to 15 per cent in the near future.

There is old English saying,the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Modern day education, however, has developed methods to make the roots of
education as sweet a process as the fruits. One area identified by ergonomists is the
furniture used in education. Poorly designed educational furniture is the root cause
of most discomfort. This is true of children in kindergarten just as it is in a
Management or Engineering Institute.

Godrej Educational Furniture is designed in keeping with ergonomics most

conducive for this sector. Godrej furniture has been created after in-depth study
across the country, taking into account factors like students explorative nature;
their natural behaviour in a classroom ;the optimum level of comfort level is
required to ensure optimum attention over a period of time.

Even physical parameters like the average height and weight of an Indian child,
and their body structure has been kept in mind.

Just as students learn better when they are relaxed, teachers teach better when they
are comfortable. Godrej furniture inspires them in the classroom and provides
ample rest between classes, like pauses after period.

Godrej interio, understands that for a teacher, a class is never really over. In the
staffroom, and faculty cabins, Godrej furniture is created to meet the specific
storage and specific needs of the teachers and HODs.

Within the library, Godrej furniture facilitates easy showcasing, referencing,

individual study and group study.

Lab and training Room Furniture is created to allow for vast storage spaces and
mobile seating.

To make break-time truly enjoyable, Godrej have specially designed canteen

furniture for close interaction, and high levels of hygiene.
It is said, Education is a process that re-invents the learner. At Godrej Interio, this
change is smooth and comfortable.

The world is a class room

Learning starts from the day we are born. A childs mind is a random access
memory. Recording sights and sounds. Absorbing colours, storing away smells. A
million stimuli. learnings.Everyday!

At Godrej, education is a natural process. To Godrej a chair is a seat of wisdom. A

table is a drawing board for ideas. A black board is a canvas for creativity. We aim
to make learning an extension of better living.

The wooden top is made up of either Pre laminated or Decorative laminate. The
desking products have a wide range, ranging from;

Executive desks
Conference tables
Premium suites
Multipurpose tables
Reception tables
Classroom desks-cum-benches
Training room tables

Godrej offers various storage products;

Filling Cabinets
Compact mobile storage
Tambour & sliding door units
Periodical display racks

Godrej has a large range of seating products. All chairs are designed considering
following data;

Anthropometrics data
Job profile
The surrounding work environment

Chair has two components;

A) Super structure
Seat & back
Arm rest
B) Under structure
Revolving type
Fixed type

Research Methodology

Research Design

A research design provides the framework to be used as a guide in collecting and analysing
data. But it is not necessary that a particular research design is always the best. Experience
with different research design will generally provide the researcher with the capability to
match a research problem with an appropriate design.

Research methodology depends, to a large extent on the target population and how easy or
difficult to access it. The second factor which influences research methodology is of course
the importance of decisions which will be taken based on the research.

Broadly speaking we can classify research designs into the following three categories:

Exploratory research

Descriptive research

Casual research.

Research objective

The research study is having one main objective:

To know the brand awareness and customer satisfaction on godrej

mercury furniture


To know the customer satisfaction level

To know the purchasing power of the customers

To collect data for future improvement

Exploratory RESEARCH :

Exploratory research is used when one is not conversant with the problem environment

such type of investigation is mainly concerned in determining the general nature of the
problem and variables related to it.

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. Exploratory research
is done through surveys to find the various aspects of customer satisfaction like margin,
service charges, service delivery, etc. Questionnaire is prepared to collect the primary data.

Comparative research

Comparative research, simply put, is the act of comparing two or more things with a view to
discovering something about one or all of the things being compared. This technique is
often utilizes multiple disciplines in one study.

When it comes to method, the majority agreement is that there is no methodology peculiar
to comparative research. The multidisciplinary approach is good for the flexibility it offers,
yet comparative programs do have a case to answer against the call that their

Research lacks a seamless whole

There are certainly methods far more common than others in comparative studies,
However. Quantitative analysis is much more frequently perused than qualitative, and this is
seen in the majority of comparative studies can be use quantitative data.

The general method of comparing things is the same for comparative research as it is in our
everyday practice of comparisons. Like cases are treated alike, and cases are treated
differently; the extent of difference determines how differently cases are treated. The point
here is that if one is able to sufficiently distinguish two cases, comparative research
conclusions will not be very helpful.

Nature of Study
The nature of this study is descriptive one; The research design in such studies must be rigid
and not flexible and must focus attention on the following:

Formulating the objective of the study

Designing the method of data collection

Selecting the sample

Collecting the data

Processing and analysing the data

Reporting the findings



Primary data refers to data that is collected afresh and recorded for the first time. Primary
data are those data i.e. collected by the researcher himself. It thus happens to be original in
nature. The various methods of collecting primary data are performing surveys, census,
through observation or through correct communication with respondents. But basic manner
of primary data collection is survey method. The primary data for the study was collected
through questionnaire and informally.

The primary data is collected from a questionnaire which is having 18 questions. Every
question is having its own value and it provides various aspects of this report. For collecting
the data we go through the Educational institutions, government and private offices,
banks,small scale industries, etc.situated in Himachal Pradesh


Secondary data refers to that which has already been collected by someone else.

Secondary data for the study was collected from:

_ Published literature
_ Company published data and broachers

_ Internet

_ Commercial service

_ Books

Sampling Design

The sampling design mainly consists of the sample taken for the study along with the sample
size, sample frame and sampling method.

Sample Universe:

All educational institutions, banks, companies, and government and private offices those
who are deal in the selected Areas in Himachal Pradesh were taken as the sample universe.

Sample Size:

From the universe, sample sizes of 45 offices were selected for the purpose of the study.

Sample Frame:

The offices were selected on a random basis from which the respondents were selected
based on convenience.

Sampling Method:
Convenience sampling was used, based on the willingness and availability of the
respondents. The study was conducted on offices with different type of brand business in
same segment.

Research period:

The time for the project was limited to 45 days only, from this, 30 days was spent for the
collection of data.

(Sample): Sample for the study is random.


Q 1 what comes in your mind when you hear the word Godrej? (Awareness and




The graph shows that 47% of our respondents say when they hear GODREJ word
then their safes that is used for storage comes in their minds 30% respondents said
that furniture comes in his mind first when they hear word GODREJ 23% people
say that appliances of GODREJ comes in mind when they hear about word
GODREJ .SO this results shows that there is good awareness and brand image of
GODREJ in the minds of people of Chennai.

2) How can people get information? What are means through which they fulfil
their requirements?





From the above graph I came to know that there are many sources through which
people get information about godrej. We find that 36% people get information or
fulfill their requirements through newspaper advertisement 21% people say that
they get information from sales persons 22% people get from media
advertisements, 11% people say that they fulfill their requirements through social
contacts 11% people get information from other recommendations .so it shows that
people get information about godrej through various means.
Q3. Do you use any of the office furniture solution provided by Godrej




cannot say


The purpose of this question was to know that what percentage of people use
godrej furniture of any product of godrej interio divison. We can collect
questionnaire from 43 respondents from collect questionnaire information we can
say that 73% of our respondents use godrej interio product in which we include
education institutions, government, private companies offices and mostly banks.
27% of our respondents say that they do not use godrej product in which we
include small scale companies and some government offices.
Q4 Of the given, which ones do you use and from which brand?(
competitor identification )

seating solutions 72% 28%
desking solutions 51% 49%
modular solutions 30% 70%
storage solutions 63% 37%

The purpose of this question was to know that which type of godrej interio
solutions is used by our respondents is it seating solution, desking solution, storage
solution or modular solution. Is it from godrej or other brand? 72% people use
seating solution 28% not use seating solution of godrej. 51% people use desking
solution 49% not use. 30% people use modular solution 70% not use .63% people
use storage solutions 37% not use. We find that people use local furniture in their
offices if it is not of godrej. They prefer local small companies
5) How do you judge quality (customer knowledge)

use of innovative
features and

brand name

The purpose of this question was to know that how people judge quality with brand
name, guaranty/warranty, use of new technology, or with features and benefits. We
can say on the basis of collected information that 37% respondents judge quality
with features and benefits of the product, 30% people judge quality with the brand
name of the product. 19% respondents say that they judge quality with use of new
technology in product or innovative technology, 14% people believe that they
judge the quality of product with the guaranty and warrant y of the product .so this
information tells about the perception of the respondents
6) What you think about price of Godrej furniture?




The purpose of this question was to know the perception or thinking about price of
godrej furniture products. is it satisfactory or very high .60% of respondents from
total respondents say that the price of godrej is satisfactory because it provide good
quality of furniture and other services so its price is right other side 40%
respondents say price of godrej furniture is very high that its competitors so middle
families cannot purchase godrej furniture for home use or office use.
7) What are/were the main reasons of choosing Godrej Interio? (Mark
multiple options if applicable)

payment terms relations
0% 2%

range of design



The purpose of this question was to know why people choose godrej interio what
main reasons of choosing godrej by them are. In our questionnaire we give them 6
main reasons so they can choose godrej interio. 45% respondents choose godrej for
their superior quality, 35% respondents choose godrej for their good brand name,
14% respondents choose furniture for range of designs 2% choose for customer
relations and 2% choose for brand name and reasonable price.
8) Is Godrej furniture is easily available in your home market?

not avaliable

easily avaliable

The response of this question shows that 81% of our respondents say that godrej
furniture is easily available in their home market so they can purchase furniture
easily from their dealers. 19% of our respondents say that godrej furniture is not
easily available in their home market so there is need of availability think. We can
interpret by saying that people are very price conscious .They believe that godrej
furniture is very expensive & is not easily available to them.

9) What is your buying process?



The purpose of this question was to know about the buying process of educational
institutions, government and private offices and companies. 53% of our
respondents say that they purchase godrej furniture direct from godrej dealers. 23%
respondents say that they purchase furniture with tender in which most of them are
banks. 19% respondents say there is committee purchase process in which we
include educational institutions.

Q10 Which Type of Furniture companies you look in for when you go for
Purchasing Office Furniture? (Yes or no)


The purpose of this question was to know the perception of our respondents for
their next purchase decision for furniture, will they go for godrej or not what is the
main idea into their mind .in 74% respondents say they go for branded furniture for
their next purchase. 14% respondents say that they go for local companies for their
next purchase. 7% respondents say that they purchase furniture with their
economic conditions.2% respondents say they purchase standard but unbranded
11) Do you get any discount from your supplier?

YES No Cannot Say

2% 0%



The purpose of this question was to know that are godrej interio users got discount
from company or dealers. On the basis of collected information we can say that
56% our respondents say that they get discount from company or dealers. 42% of
our respondents say that they cannot get any discount from company or dealers.
2% respondents say they cannot say or they have no information.

Q 12 Have you changed your supplier (if yes for what region)
20% 29%

Lack Of
Availability Of
Product Range
28% Quality Compaints

After Sales services


The purpose of this question was to know about what are the main reasons so they
can change present supplier. On the basis of our collected data we can describe that
28% people change their supplier because of lack of availability of product range
29% people say that they can change godrej for high price, 14% people say that
they can change supplier for after sale complaint,20% say they cannot say anything
about this

Q13 Is Godrej innovative


46% YES


The purpose of this question is to know the perception of people about godrej
innovative technology

From this graph we can say that 51% of respondents are satisfied with the
innovations ,designs, styles and modifications that Godrej is offering to them &
rest 46% can be grabbed by bringing major innovations in furniture with respect
to style, design etc.
There were many organizations havent purchased Godrej furniture because
of unawareness, so company should go for more & more advertisement,
exhibitions & promotional carnivals.

Most of the organizations make their purchase process (furniture) through

Direct Buy, so company should make their purchase process through. As it
is easy, reliable & detailed to customer.

Godrej is having an extra edge over the other brands, though being ahead of
its competitors, there is still need of improvement. Godrej has close
competition with local brands, so in order to remain ahead of its competitors
Godrej Interio has to do major innovations such as more attractive designs &
styles in furniture products.
Organizations like to purchase branded furniture but they believe that Godrej
furniture is very expensive & is not easily available to them, so more
showrooms should be opened & more schemes & offers should be provided
to the customers.
There are several features that customers take into consideration while going
for purchasing furniture like aesthetic look, price, quality, warranty, after
sale service etc, so Godrej should take every aspect into consideration.
Furniture should be prepared keeping into mind that what customers think is
best design/style & not what company thinks is suitable, customer should be
given priority. That means the company should be customer oriented rather
than market oriented.

Majority of the institutions prefer wooden & steel furniture, so high quality
of steel & wooden material should be manufactured in order to meet
customer expectations.

Most of the customers complained that Godrej has high prices of furniture,
so it is recommended that the company should provide some discounts and
offers to their customers. So that the customer gets motivates towards godrej
Interio, ultimately it will help the company to get immediate orders & will
also clear ambiguity among customers.

Company reduced its warranties provided on interio products over the last
years so to remain competitive better warranties.

Concerned respondents were not available

Some respondents were not cooperative

Unawareness about the products

Biasness or prejudice of some of the respondents regarding any sort of

the information which is required for such study.

Not much of importance was attached to this task by some of the

Respondents. We were greeted with either reluctance or nonchalance.

Medium sample size of the respondents


We conclude by saying that Godrej furniture has a great potential in every region
of Chennai. The availability of funds and rising standard of institutions is an
opportunity to grab. Godrej as a brand name is known to everyone living in India.
But people are less aware about the modular solutions. Godrej Interio has to
change its marketing policies. In terms of 4ps of marketing (price, promotion,
place & product) promotion & price demands immediate attention. There is a need
of high promotion of modular solutions.

The company should maintain healthy relationship with customers in order to

retain them with the company .As from the data collected, it is clear that customers
are having future requirement of furniture in their organisation. So company
should try to give optimum satisfaction to the customers in order to retain them
with the company. So the company should provide better services to the customers
and should be concerned about price.










A whole new school of possibilities





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