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FIAstar 5000 in Poland:

Flow Injection Analysis of mineral

nitrogen and phosphorus in soil
Past and Present means of alleviation/phytoremediation high point nitrogen concentrations over
The Agricultural University in Pozna is Determination of zones of ecological small surface areas, resulting in high risk
one of several universities in Poland fo- hazard of contamination; and fertilizers, both
cusing on education and research in the Nitrogen is the most important mineral natural and mineral, applied to arable land
areas of agriculture, forestry and animal nutrient for crops, determining their yield in the course of agricultural production.
husbandry. It was created in 1870 by Au- and quality. It occurs in soils in the form The risk of nitrate loss from fertilizers
gust Cieszkowski, a prominent benefactor of organic (90-95%), and mineral (1-5%) after application is directly related to the
of science. After Poland gained her inde- compounds. Plants use mainly the min- climatic conditions in Poland. Generally,
pendence in 1919, it became the Agricul- eral forms of nitrogen either as nitrates 20-30% of rainfall (500-600 mm) perco-
ture and Forestry Department of Pozna (N-NO3) or as ammonium ions (N-NH4). lates either into deeper layers or runs off
University. The dynamic development of The content and mutual proportions of as surface water.
this department resulted in 1951 in the both nitrogen forms vary substantially Phosphorus is the second strongest ele-
opening of an independent school named from season to season, and depend on nu- ment after nitrogen, affecting plant yield
The August Cieszkowski Agricultural merous factors (type of soil, pH, rainfall, and quality. As with nitrogen, excessive
University (ACAU). temperature, crop rotation, etc). This is of phosphorus in the environment accounts
Today ACAU consists of the Faculties importance for crops, since the mineral for many negative phenomena, for ex-
of: Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Hus- nitrogen content of soils determines the ample eutrophication of surface and sea
bandry, Wood Technology, Land Recla- required rate of nitrogen application in the water. One of the highest concentrations
mation and Environmental Engineering. fertilization process. of phosphorus in the environment was
It has 10 000 - 11 000 students and lies On the other hand, determining opti- found in the Baltic and North Sea basins.
at the forefront of research in agriculture, mum rate of nitrogen reduces the risk of About 13 000 t/yr of phosphorus from
forestry, and food sciences. The Fac- contaminating the natural environment. Polish territory is being discharged into
ulty of Agriculture the largest offers Investigations into nitrogen balance in Baltic waters, and agricultural production
courses not only in agronomy but also in agriculture estimate the nitrogen utiliza- accounts for approx 50 per cent of this. So
biotechnology, economics and environ- tion rate at 20%, based on the share of agriculture is the most important area of
mental protection. It has several inde- products sold from farms in relation to phosphorus control in the environment.
pendent research units, one of them being those bought from outside. This is attrib-
the Department of Agricultural Chemistry uted mainly to the low efficiency of feed Method
(DAC), headed by Prof. Witold Grzebisz, nitrogen transformation by farm animals. These research projects need to be imple-
who was instrumental in DACs acquisi- The rate of nitrogen utilization in plant mented using a suitable analytical method
tion of a FOSS FIAstar 5000 flow in- production is 60-80%. Nitrogen lost from guaranteeing adequate accuracy and re-
jection analyzer in early 2004. both animal and plant production is dis- peatability as well as high throughput,
sipated in the environment through: facilitating analysis of large sample popu-
Scope of research (1) Leaching of nitrates to ground and lations. High throughput is of particular
DAC is mainly involved in research on surface water importance in the early spring, when im-
various crop requirements for nutrients. (2) Volatilization of ammonia into the mediate determination of rate of nitrogen
It also participates extensively in teaching atmosphere is necessary due to intensity of farm work,
and scientific investigation in the area of (3) Volatilization of denitrification pro- rapidly changing growing conditions and
environmental protection. The following ducts (NO, N2O, N2) into the atmo- plant growth stages. The accomplishment
projects are currently running: sphere of defined production and assessment of
Fertilization optimization of agricul- One of the best-known consequences of leaching risk thus call for rapid and relia-
tural crops (recently focused on sugar contamination of the environment by agri- ble analysis. Before DACs acquisition of
beet, rapeseed/canola, winter wheat culture is the increase in concentration of its FIAstar 5000 Flow Injection Analyzer,
and malting barley) nitrate ions in surface and drinking water. mineral nitrogen was analyzed mainly by
Forms and transformations of nutrients Municipal waste accounts for the largest the steam distillation method with MgO.
in soil proportion of nitrogen dumped to surface Devardas alloy was used for reduction of
Effect of sulphur on soils and crops water (approx 224 000 t/yr) 55 per cent; N-NO3. Distilled ammonia was trapped in
Balancing of nutrients on the farm and then comes agriculture 39 per cent. 2-4% water solutions of boric acid, and
in the natural environment There are two major sources of this later titrated in the presence of methyl red
Heavy metal transformations in soils contamination: natural fertilizers stored and bromocresol green indicators. The
and plants, their phytotoxicity and on farms (manure, dung), which cause lower limit of determination depended on

20 Vol. 30, No 1, 2006

soil/solution ratios and concentrations of chemical analysis consists of the follow- The FIAstar 5000 Application Notes rec-
titration acid. In theory at a 1:5 ratio, and ing stages: ommend the use of 2 M KCl solution
for 0,0025 and 0,0010 M H2SO4, using a (1) Collection of samples from various for nitrogen extraction. For us, however,
burette of 0,050 cm3 resolution, the cal- soil layers, e.g. 0 - 30, 31- 60 cm 0,010 M CaCl2 proved to be much better,
culated amount per resolution is 0,79 and (2) Determination of moisture content thanks to the possibility of simultaneous
0,32 kg N/ha, respectively. Typical stand- and soil texture (we apply an orga- analysis of P, K, Mg and pH and the sub-
ard deviations are presented in Table 1. noleptic test for large sample loads) stantial reduction in use of reagents. We
Compared to the distillation method, (3) Extraction of components (accord- use a 40 l injection loop for the determi-
the FIA results showed better repeatabili- ing to Houba et al. 1986: 0,010 M nation of N-NH4 and N-NO3 (measuring
ty and lower standard deviation (Table1). CaCl2, soil:solution ratio 1:10, ex- range 0,1-5 mg/dm3). For P we often use
However, the greatest advantages of the traction time 2 h) a 400 l injection loop, particularly when
FIAstar 5000 were that less labour was (4) Filtration (filters from various man- analyzing unfertilized soil (measuring
involved and less chemical reagent was ufacturers, filtrate must be clear) range 0,005 - 1,0 mg/dm3).
consumed. These greatly improve the eco- (5) Colorimetric analysis of N-NO3, N-
nomic aspects of soil analysis (Table2). NH4 and P-PO4 by FIAstar 5000 Results
Today mineral nitrogen (N-NO3, N-NH4) (6) Whenever necessary, determination In the course of less than a year we have
and phosphorus (P-PO4) content are being of K, Mg and Na content in the same used our FIAstar 5000 to analyze approx
determined by colorimetric method using filtrate by ASA method.
the FIAstar 5000 from FOSS. Standard Cont. on page 22

Distillation method FIAstar 5000 40

Soil N-NO3
sample 35

kg/ha SD
kg/ha SD A
kg/ha SD A
kg/ha SDA

1 5,54 0,71 25,20 7,13 6,24 0,34 24,40 1,13 25

2 3,02 0,00 9,83 1,07 3,15 0,08 9,49 0,59

kg / ha

20 Soil layer:
P-PO4 0 - 0,3 m
3 2,22 1,43 11,09 1,43 2,51 0,08 5,60 1,13 15 0,3 - 0,6 m

4 3,33 0,43 8,37 1,00 3,41 0,08 9,95 0,07 10

5 1,76 1,07 13,86 2,49 2,75 0,07 14,35 0,07
6 2,02 0,29 22,78 1,43 2,45 0,07 19,00 0,42
7 0,91 0,14 14,01 0,14 0,95 0,07 9,70 0,85 0
s do s s do s
8 23,63 2,23 204,75 22,27 22,73 0,89 186,41 0,80 ts
9 14,18 2,23 110,25 22,27 17,42 1,40 94,70 0,29 Figure 2: Nitrate and phosphate content
10 22,05 4,45 55,13 11,14 27,56 2,26 63,63 0,83 of soil in various ecosystems.
Mean 7,86 1,30 47,53 7,04 8,91 0,53 43,72 0,62 (Wyskocz river watershed near Pozna,
May 2005).
Table 1: Early spring mineral nitrogen (Nmin) content of selected soil samples for
two analytical methods (layer 0-30 cm).
standard deviation for n = 2 (for FIAstar two samples randomly placed in the
autosampler, and not two injections per sample).
Extracting solution 0,010 M CaCl2; soil:solution ratio 1:10. Correlation coefficients
between the methods 0,971 and 0,991, for N-NH4 and N-NO3, respectively.

Vol. 30, No 1, 2006 21

Cont. from page 21
Form of Major cost produc- Use of Cost of Time of
nitrogen ing reagents reagents1 analysis of analysis of
(g/100 100 sam- 100 samples1
samples) ples1 (PLN) (min) 14 600 soil samples, mainly for N-NO3
N-NH4 Magnesium oxide 20,0 38,40 500 and N-NO4. During the early spring peak
Boric acid 20,0 approx 4 500 samples were analyzed over
approx 1,5 months (N-NH4 and N-NO3).

Ethanol 5,0
Analysis results will be used in the prepa-
N-NO3 Devardas alloy 10,0 42,40 500 ration of fertilization recommendations
Boric acid 20,0 and component balances of soil, plant,
Ethanol 5,0 and selected farms. Since May 2004 we
Totals ---- 80,80 1 000 have also investigated the basins of two
N-NH4 Indicator 0,021 3,35 107 small rivers, situated in areas of high agri-
Sodium hydroxide 1,033 cultural activity. Collected samples were
Calcium chloride 3,189 analyzed for P-PO4 as well as nitrogen.
hydr. Preliminary results confirm the utmost
N-NO3 N-(1-Naphtyl) 0,114 4,04 126 significance of agricultural production
FIAstar 5000

ethylene-diamine (18,04) 2 in dissipation of these components in the

dichloride environment. Typical N-NO3 and P-PO4
Sulfanilamide 0,643 contents of soil of various utilization pat-
Ammonium chloride 5,889 terns are presented in Figure 1.
Calcium chloride Our FIAstar 5000 has also occasionally
hydr. 3,091 been used for analysis of nitrogen content
in plant as well as lake and river water
Totals ---- 7,39 233 samples. We have investigated inter alia
(260-270)3 the effect of fertilization on the quality of
Table 2: Comparison of cost and time of analysis of mineral nitrogen content in soil potatoes (N-NO3 content in fresh tubers),
for distillation and FIAstar 5000 methods. and overall nutrition of sugar beet plants
For FIA method only 1 injection per sample is calculated (N-NO3 content in petioles of fifth to sev-
Including the cost of cadmium column replacement enth leaves). In both cases nitrates were
Including time of method cassettes replacement and instrument calibration analyzed in a 2% solution of acetic acid.

One analytical module of the FIAstar
5000 is currently in use. It requires fre-
quent changes of method cassette depend-
ing on the ion being analyzed. Neverthe-
less the rate of soil analysis, repeatability
of results and reduced use of chemical
reagents indisputably favour the FIAstar
compared with our former methods. Us-
ing the instrument facilitated execution of
a much greater number of analyses than
before. It also extended the scope of our
research, particularly in the area of envi-
ronmental protection. The purchase of our
next FIAstar 5000 module is planned for
the future. It would further improve the
throughput of analyses and also let us add
further analytical parameters, primarily

by Dr Przemysaw Barg, Depart-

ment of Agricultural Chemistry, August
Cieskowski Agricultural University,
Dr Barg operating the FIAstar 5000.

22 Vol. 30, No 1, 2006

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