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Inductor aso ale 2 color choke stores energin the form of magnet fled 2nd deters a nd ‘when rele Whenever current passes though conductor nes of magnetic fucare generated round. This magnetic Bux opposes ary etter die tonprersrosrg nce Elearonatelre [orem a foe tateauss the motional ‘eons dustou potent ference vlae)oneneenta pont ‘inductor soca choke, beaut chokes a block ighfrequeney fae whl lowing ou requoney slat pase “The work of American physicist Joseph Henry (1797 — 1878) provided the basis for much of electrical technology. His primary contributions were in the fed of ‘lectromagnetism. Henry waste fist to wind insulated ‘wires around an iron core ta abtin powerful tectromagnets Further, he found that i sng cells tsed fora given magnet, the magnet should be wound with several calls of wire in parle but fa battery of ‘many clisis used, the magnet winding should be a single long wie Picture ie an early electromagnet, which was bul by Joseph Henry. Through his studies, Henry found that sl inductance is greaty affected bythe configuration of 2 Circuit, especialy the coling of the wie. Among Henry's other credits are the invention ofthe electri motor, nd ‘the development ofthe fis electromagnetic telegraph, ‘which formed the basis forthe commeril telegraphic fystem. The unt of inductance, called the henry was named in hishone. The figure illustrates the changes inthe magnetic ld of a sine wave of alternating current Since the alternating current vals in amplitude and Feversesn direction, ts magnetic eld has the same variation. At point, the currents zero and there femo flux At, the postive direction of current provides some fed lines taken herein the counterclockwise rection. Point {Chas maximum curent and maximum counterlockwree fa | there is less flux than at C. Now the fed is collapsing because of reduced curent. At, with aro current, there is mo magnetic fx. The fed canbe considered as having cllapsed int the wire. It is important to note that induction by a varying current results from the change in current, not the current value itself. The current must change to provide motion of the flux. A steady direct current of 10008, as an example of a large current, cannot produce any induced voltage as long as the current value is constant. A current of 1 HA changing 102 WA, however, does induce voltage. Also, the faster the current changes, the higher the induced voltage because when the flux movesat a higher speed, it can induce more voltage. A steady direct current that does not change in value is not affected by inductance, because there can be no induced voltage without a change in current. Inductance (t) ‘The ability of a conductor to induce voltage in itself when the current changes is its seiinductance or simply inductance. Inductance (1) the ability of a conductor to produce an induced voltage in itself when the current changes. Inductance can also be defined as the characteristic that opposes any change in current. Henry (H) Henry (H) the basic unit of inductance. 1 His the amount of Inductance that produces 1 volt of induced voltage when the curcent varies atthe rate of 14/5 Induction by Alternating Current Induced voltage is the result of flux cutting across a conductor. This action can be produced by physical motion of either the magnetic field or the conductor. ‘When the current in a conductor varies in amplitude, however, the variations of current and its associated ‘magnetic field are equivalent to motion of the flux. As the current increases in value, the magnetic field expands ‘outward from the conductor. When the current decreases, the field collapses into the conductor. As the field expands and collapses with changes of current, the fluxis effectively in motion. Therefore, a varying current can produce induced voltage without the need for motion of the conductor. 3 |e © Ely, 3 © 1 g = E i i varing rmagate Rid The next half-cycle of current allows the field to expand and collapse again, but the directions are reversed. When the flux ‘expands at points F and G, the field lines are clockwise, corresponding to current in the negative direction. From G to H and I, this clockwise field collapses into the wire, Selfnductance L ‘The ability of a conductor to induce voltage in itself when the curtent changes ists seinductance or simply Inductance Asillstrated in Figure, Lhenry isthe amount of inductance that allows one volt tobe induced when the eurrent ‘changes atthe rate of one ampere per second, dijdié where nisin volts and di/dt is the current change Inamperes per second ‘Again the symbol ds used to indicate an infinitesimally small change iincurrent with time. The factor c/a for the current variation with respect to time specifies how fast the current’ magnetic flux s ‘cutting the conductor to produce v, Example ‘The currentiin an inductor changes from 12 A to 16 Ain 1s. How much is the di/dt rate of current change in amperes per second? Solution: ‘The factor di/at for the current variation with respect to time specifies how fast the current’s magnetic fluxis cutting the conductor to produce ¥. Inductance of coils In terms of physical construction, the inductance depends on how ceil is wound, “+ A greater number of turns W increases ( because more voltage can be induced. L increases in proportion to N? . Double the number of turns inthe same area and length increases the inductance four times. ‘+ More area A enclosed by each turn increases L. This means that aco with larger turns has more inductance. The L inereases in direct proportion oA and as the square of the diameter of each turn, + ‘The Lincreases with the permeability of the core, For an ai core, iy (celative permeabilty) is 1. With a magnetic core, Lisincreased by the jy factor because the magnetic lux is concentrated in the cal + The L decreases with more length forthe same numberof tums because the magnetic field is less concentrated. Example a: What is the inductance ofthe air-core colin figure? stn 100% -2x10-" si (2022) 12.6x10-°H_ or ‘The effect of self inductance is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field. Ifthe field changes slowly, the induced current is small. If the field changes rapidly, the induced current is high. As a result of this, when a high-frequency signal is applied to an inductor, the inductor acts likea hich value resistance; it blocks the passage of high- frequency signals. Conversely, at low frequencies it acts like a low-value resistance; low-frequency signals pass easily through it. This action is the ‘opposite of the action of a capacitor which passes high-frequency signals but blocks low frequencies (including a fixed d.c. voltage). Example 2: How much isthe inductance of a col that induces 40 V when its current changes atthe rate of 4 A/S? Solution: Ms _40V dt gays = 104 a Example 3: How much isthe inductance of a col that induces 1000 V when its, current changes atthe rate of 80 mA in 2s? Solution: 04H or 40 mit For a long coil, where the length is at least 10 times the diameter, the inductance can be calculated from the formula: N2-A br (= where Lis in henrys, length (|) is in meters, and area {A)is in square meters. The constant factor 1.26x 107® is the absolute permeability of air or vacuum in Slunits to calculate in henrys. ) n26e10-¢ Ina current-carrying coil, the current generates a ‘magnetic field. The reverse effect is found when we take a coil and introduce a magnetic field into it. As the magnet is pushed toward one end of the coil and the field of the magnet begins to enter the coil, a current is, generated in the coil. We say that the magnetic field has induced a current in the coil. When the magnet is pulled away, the induced current reverses in direction. The most interesting point about induction is thatthe currentis produced oniy ifthe magnetic field is changing. A current flows while the magnet approaches and enters the coll. The reverse current flows asthe magnet is moved away. There is no flow whenever the magnet stops moving. The size ofthe current induced {depends on the rate of change ofthe magnetic field fwe thrust the ‘magnet into the col rapily, the currents large. If we move itn slowly the currents small. Of course, the overall effect i the same, with slow movement a smaller current flows, but fr alonger time. How v;, Opposes a Change in Current Applying Len2’s law to determine the polarity of vzin a circuit are shown in the figure. ‘Whenever a changing magnetic field generates a current in a coil of wire, the current will generate its own magnetic field ‘That induced magnetic field will always tend to oppose the ‘change in the magnetic field that induced it. This rule was first suggested by Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz of Germany in 1834, {Aside from generator; Lena's law also applies to motors, where a ‘current-carrying wire moves in a magnetic field. That movement, in turn, produces a current in the wire that opposes the original direction of current in the wire. Because electric ‘current cannot occur without a potential difference, this ‘opposition effect is sometimes called a back-emf. How v, Opposes a change in Curent = f 1 In Fig. b, the source is still producing electron flow into the top of the coil, but is decreasing because the source voltage is, decreasing. By Lenz's law, v, must have the polarity needed to ‘oppose the decrease in current. The induced voltage shown with the top side positive now opposes the decrease. The reason is that this polarity of v, can produce current in the same direction, tending to keep the current from decreasing, The result of self induction is that any change in the amount of current supplied to the coil (turning it on, turning it off, increasing it, or decreasing it) is opposed by a self-induced current. If we increase the supplied current, the induced current acts to oppose the increase, to hold the current constant. If we reduce the supplied current, the induced currents in the same direction as the supplied current, acting so as to oppose the decrease, to hold the current constant. Applications or uses of inductors: + Inductive sensors Inductorsare used in proximity sensors which work on the principle of inductance. Inductance isthe phenomenon in which, the magnetic field produced in the col, will oppose the flow of currentin it. So thus the inductance wil restrict the ‘currenttflow and reduces the citcuit performance. For better performances we need to amplify the currentin the Circuit. We use proximity sensors to find the level of amplification factor at which we need to amplify the current. How induced voltage (21) ‘Opposes 2 Change in Current Inductance, therefore, isthe characteristic that opposes any change in current This isthe reason that an Induced voltage is often More details of applying Lenz’s law to determine tne polarity ot vs 1m 2 Circuit are shown in the figure. Note the directions carefully. In Fig. 2, the electron flow is into the top of the coil. This current is increasing. By Lena's law, v, must have the polarity needed to oppose the increase. The induced voltage shown with the top side negative opposes the Increase in current. The reason is that this polarity of v, can produce ‘current in the opposite direction, from minus to plus inthe external

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