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This chapter presents some issues related to topic of the study. They are the background of
the research, the problem of the research, the objective of the research, the hypothesis, the
significances of the research, the area of the research, ant the operational definition of the

1.1. The Background of the Research

All the people in the world needed to communicate with the othe by speaking
and listening. This was supported by Lucas (2009:48) that Listening was more
important than ever. The fact taht people were accustemed to listen what other
said,such as speech,lecturer,teacher, and head of office. It was done consciously or
unconsciously through electronic media or face to face. The situation could be formal
or informal. Formal situation were in a meeting, lecturer, interview, lesson and
seminar. Informal situation were in a market, public transportation,at the street and
etc. Therefore, in order to do all of their activities, such as some activities for need
eating, drinking, clothing,and others, people must listen carefully. The weakness of
listening skill could make misunderstanding between spaeker and listener. For the
example at shool student failed to listen carefully to the instruction, and after every
test or assignment, they finally lost their credit as they didi not follow the directions.
Therefore, communication could be a problem if active listening was not involved.
Listening English is difficult. It is supported by Brown (1994:252) second
languange learners needed to pay special attention to suvh factor because they
strongly influence the processing of speech and can even make block comprehension
if they were not attended to. In other words, they could make a listening process
difficult. One of cause is student rarely listen in target languange as not English was
not used everyday. Moreover, teaching activities was stress on listening. The next
causeswere related to the differences of culture and geography between the learners
first languange and English speaking country. Learning languange means learning
culture. It means that the lack of cultural knowledge will cause muunderstanding.
Next, English learners sometimes misintepret the meaning as they think that the
geography in English speaking country was the same as their country.

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English learners, especially at Junior High School still face many problem in
mastering listening skill. It can be happened because teaching English to Jounior
High School students obviously different from the one the Higher-level students.
According to Scot and Ytrebeg (1994:2) young learnes have specific characteristic,
for instance children learn by doing. They understand more quickly. They have a
very short attention .They could work and play alone. They learned english by using
it and they learnd best when they were motivated by being involved in activities
which were relevant to them. In aaddition according to Pennington (2009), Middle
school have characteristic such as need to feel part of peer group, consisting of boys
and girls, influenced by peer presure and confirmity to their group, prefer active over
passive learning activities that involve working with their peers and their frequent
physical activity and movement, need adult support, guideance and calm direction.
Therefore, teacher should know these characteristic in order to be able to select a
good teaching method that is suitable with them, especially in teaching listening.
Therefore, teacher should know these characteristic in order to be able to select a
good teaching method that was suitable with them, especially in teaching listening.
Listeningin practice is better focused on a learner-centered dimension. Nunan
(1990:13) stated that a challenge for the teacher in the listening classroom is to give
learners some degree of control over the content of the lesson, and to personalize
content so learners were able to bring something of them to task . It means that the
learners were actively involved in understanding the languange and in building they
skill in using the languange. In addition, the teaching materials could be given by
getting learners involved in the process underlying their learning and making active
contributions to the learning.
Based on the information got by interviewing the English teacher on June 20th

2016, SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi has adequate facilities in learning English

especially listening beacuse there are two languange laboratories. The condition of
languange laboratories are good. If one of the languange laboratories is used by other
class, the teacher can use another. The researcher also found VIII had low ability in
English especially listening skill and low motivation in learning English. Some
shortages also found at VIII, the studets feels difficult to apprehend meaning from
dialogues played. Class room atmosphere is not condusive because some students
make a noise. The student do not understand the native speaker said.

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Cartoon movie is one media which is very good to be used to improve
atudents listening skill. It could help sensibility in hearing sense and participation. It
will make the teaching learning process get more interested and enjoyable for teacher
and students. Manny of teenage student like a movie or with another genre like love,
and cartoon animation, including at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi Banyuwangi.
Based on the background above,it is important for the researcher to conduct a
classroom action research in the school that focuses on the teaching listening, entitle
Improving Students Speaking Ability by Using Cartoon Movie in Eight Grade at
SMPN 2 GLAGAH Banyuwangi in the 2015-2016 Academic Year. Since both the
researcher and the teacher deal to make collaboration research to improve the
students involvement in learning listening and improve the students listening ability.

1.2. The Problem of Research

a. How can the use of Cartoon movie media improve students speaking
achievment in oral descriptive text of class VIII at SMPN 2 Glagah
Banyuwangi in the 2015/2016 Academic Year?
b. How can the use Cartoon movie media improve students active participation
in learning of class VIII at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the 2015/2016
Academic Year?

1.3. The Objective of the Research

Based on the background and the problems of the research, the research objectives are
formulated as follows:

1. To improve the VIII grade students speaking achievment by using Cartoon

movie at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the 2015/2016 academic year
2. To improve the VIII grade students active learning participation in speaking
ability by using Cartoon movie at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the
2015/2016 academic year

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1.4. This Action Hypothesis

In this action research, the hypothesis of the the research is formulated as follows:

Cartoon movie can improve the speaking ability of the VIII grade students at
SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the 2015/2016 academic year

Cartoon movie can improve studentss active participation of the VIII grade
students at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the 2015/2016 academic year.

1.5. The Significance of the Research

The results of this Research are expected to be useful for the English teacher,
the students , and the future researchers.

1.5.1. For the English Teacher

The research results of this study may give contribution for English
teacher to develop and improve their teaching method in english lesson
especially in oral descriptive text.

1.5.2. For the Students

This result of the classroom action (CAR) are supposed to give

something interisting in speaking section. By using cartoon movie, the
students can practice their speaking ability through media.

1.5.3. For the Future Researchers

This Result of the Research is expected to give information for future

researchers to conduct further research. The other researcher , teaching
speaking skill through watching Cartoon movie will provide new educational
research to improve the quality of education in the future.

1.6 The Area of the Research

The area of this research is the Eighth year students of at SMPN 2 Glagah
Banyuwangi in the 2015/2016 academic year. One out three clasess had been taken as
the subject. This class is the one that has listening skill.

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1.7. The Operational Definition of the Terms

An Operational Definition would become a guide to understand the concept of this

study and become an important one to avoid the broad interpretation of the terms that is used
in the title of the study. The terms that are necessary to be defined operationally are speaking
achievmentand video media.

1.7.1 Speaking Achievment

Speaking is one of language skill that must be mastered by the students. The
purpose of the speaking is to share idea or meaning. Rebecca (20016:144) stated that
speaking is teh first mode in which children acquire language, it is part of the daily
involment of most people with language activities , and it is the prime motor of
language change. The students must be able to organize the ideas to construct the
sentences, to use pronunciation, voabularies, grammar, and spelling well.
In this study , speaking achievment refers to the students speaking
performance in oral descriptive text that means the students are able to give more
vocabulary, to show the grammar structures and capable to give their opinion. The
students can be more active to speak in oral descriptive text, with the organize the
idea to construct the sentences, to use pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and
spelling well.

1.7.2 Cartoon Movie Media

Cartoon han been widely used as one of the teacing aunthentic audio visual
materials in language learning classes. In other word, cartoon movie is a kinds of
movie that series of drawing and tell story or express a massage either funny and
serious and paly a television type screen. According to Rule and Ague (2005), cartoon
are preffered because they create low affectives filter atmosphere which causes high
degree of motivation.
In addition, cartoon are also considered as excellent teaching tolls because
they not only add humor to a topic but also illustrate the idea in memorable way. In
deed, cartoon make learning enjoyable and, more importantly, memorable experience
because the activities in teaching and learning process using cartoon interisting and
interactive for the students.

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1.7.3 Students Participation in Learning Process

Students involvement is the activeness of the students participation during

the teaching and learning proccess. The indicators to show the students involvement
in this reasearch are respondinng to the teachers question and others point of view
ideas, giving question to the teacher and provide feedback ( make eye contact, not the
had, and make appropriate interject a command). So in this reasearch, the studentss
active involvement in speaking class refers to the students attention, participation, in
giving question, participation in giving opinion, and participation in giving answer in
learning proccess of speaking.

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There are related literatures to support of the theory of the research that will be presented in
this chapter. They consist of speaking achievment. Some aspect of speaking ability, speaking
in oral descriptive, of cartoon movie media, the procedure on the use of cartoon movie media
in teaching speaking, the strenght and weakness of using artoon movie media, previous
research, and hypothesis. Those topic will be discussed in following section repectively.

2.1 The Teaching of Speaking

The mastery of speaking skill in English is a priority for many second language or
foreign language learner. Consequenly, learner often evaluate their success in language
learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much hey
feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency. Teacher and textbook may use
of a variety of approaches, ranging from direct approaches focusing on specific features or
oral interaction (e.g., turn taking, topic management , and questioning strategies) to indirect
approach that create condition for oral interaction through group work, task work, and other
strategies (Richard, 1990).

In speaking and listening tend to be getting something done, exploring ideas, working
out some aspect of the world, or simply being together . In writing, may be creating a frecord,
commiting events or moments to paper (Jones, 1996). Research has also thrown considerable
light on the complex city of spoken interaction in either a first or seecond language. For
example, Composed of idea units ( conjoined short phrases and clauses), planed (a teacher) or
unplanned (conversation), employees more vague or generic words than written language,
employees fixed phrases, fillers, and hesitation markers, involves reciprocity (interaction are
joinly constructed), and show variation (between formal and casual speech), reflecting
speaker roles, speaking purpose and the context.

Speaking type of talk that can usefully be distinguised has been called talk as

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This refers to public talk, that is, talk that transmits information before an audience , such as
classroom presentations, public announcements, and speeches. Some of the skills involved in
using talk as performance are using an appropriate format, prensenting information in an
appropriate sequence, maintaining audience engagement, using correct pronunciation and
grammar structure, creating an effect on the audience, using appropriate vocabulary, and
using appropriate opening and closing.

2.2 Speaking Achievement

Speaking ability is the ability of students to speak English. Most students convey that
speaking is difficult lesson. There are many ways to teach speaking more interisting.
Therefore, the teacher must have creativity to teach speaking easily. Besides that the teacher
should pay more attention to improvement of speaking ability.

The goal of teaching the spoken language in the classroom is to enable the students to
express their ideas in the target language. However, the important thing in speaking that
should be known by the speakers is to make the listeners understand of what the speaker is
saying. According to Thornburry (1995:1) speaking is so much part of daily life taht we take
it for granted. The average person produces tens of thousands of words a day, although some
people- like autioneers or politicians may produce even more than that.

2.3 Some Aspect of Speaking

According to Johnson (1995:5), there are four major component generally recognized
in the analysis of speach process namely: fluency and accuracy of pronunciation, vocabulary,
and grammar. The speaker should know well those mayor component of speaking beside
knowing with whom, when and where they practice their speaking.

2.3.1 Fluency

Sometimes, there are many students could not speak fluently, it can make the listeners
not understand what the speaker is saying. In speaking is needed a fluency to speak up.
Thornbury (1995:6) said that speed is a factor, but it is by no means the only or even the most
important one. Listeners perception of speakers fluency suggest that pausing is equally
important, in other word, students need to stop or pause when they are speaking. It can be
concluded that fluency is a part of some components which is important in speaking because
the listeners will be aesy to understant when the speaker speaks with a godd fluent.

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2.3.2 Accuracy

Speaking is not only bravery to speak loudly in front of many people, but also need to
understand of the English roles. In this case, the students need to know the pronunciation
rules, familiar vocabularies and the English Grammar.

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is a way in which a language is spoken. The aim of teaching

pronunciation to the students in order to the student to know of consonant, vowels,
intonation, stress, and rythm. According to Meade (1961: 148) pronunciation is vital to
effectiveness of the speech. In other word, pronunciation refers to the way in which we make
the sound of words. For a variety of reasons, many words in English are not pronunced the
way they are spelled, and some sounds can be created by more than one combination of letter.

b. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one necessary aspect in speaking. Sometimes, there are many students
could not speak fluently. It caused the students have the lack vocabulary. Without,
vocabulary the speaker does not speech about what the speaker feeling. And also students
will get difficulties in expressing their idea without have more vocabularies.

Wilkins i Thornbury (2002:13) stated that without grammar very little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. If the students have many
vocabularies, they will easy to master language skills.

Based on this description above, it can conclude that vocabulary is very important in
teaching learning process of the language especially in teaching speaking. Therefore, the
teacher should motivate the students to enrich their vocabulary, and to be active when the
students is saying.

c. Grammar

In teaching speaking, the teacher not only teach how to speak fluently, but also the
teacher teach how to produce good sentences. In order the listeners to understand what the
speaker is saying. According to Thornbury (1999:04) grammar is a process for making a
speakers or writers meaning clear when contextual information is lacking.

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In other word, grammar is one of the aspect of the language system and essential
element of speaking that relates to whether or not the students use correct form of target

Descriptive text is a kind of text to describe the story that present tense. It means taht
if the speaker is retell the story aout descriptive text certainly the speaker use grammar
especially use present tense. In order the listeners understand what the speaker is saying. It
can be concluded that the student must learn grammar to speak well.

2.4 Type of Text

Many type of paragraph such as explanation, descriptive, spoof, narrative, and

recount. According to curriculum of 2013 at senior high school focused on short functional
text such as: explanation, descriptive, spoof, narrative, and recount. But here, the researcher
focuses on descriptive text.

2.4.1 Descriptive Text

Descriptive text that describes what kind of person or an object described, good
shape, its properties, number and other. Objective (purpose) of any clear descriptive text, it to
explain, describe or express a person or an object.

2.4.2 Generic Stucture of Descriptive Text

The are three generic stucture of descriptive text. According to by Kane (2000:352)
there are two characteristic of descriptive text as follow:

1. Descriptive text has structure as below:

Identifying the phenomenon to be describe.
2. Description
Describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristic in detail.

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2.5 Speaking in Oral Descriptive

Speaking in oral descriptive is the speaking achievement of the students to speak

English. Most students convey that speaking is difficult lesson.(M.Eryca Ronauli manalu :
2009) state competence is not just about achievement, but also they can apply their ability in
reporting type of text orally. Therefore , the teacher must have creativity to teach speaking
easily. Besides that the teacher should pay more attention to improvement of speaking ability.

Descriptive text is not simple as thought, a small scale survey shows that students
problem in speaking a descriptive text sre as follows : no idea to speak about, diffuculty in
organizing ideas, limited range of vocabulary, no motivation to speak, and lack of confidence
in grammar. In line with the survey stated, at the beggining of speaking activity including in
speaking descriptive text, students have to find out the idea to speak about. The speaking in
oral descriptive text the students can also figure out the object that they have to describe
easier, because they can see the object directly through video. Unfortunately, getting stuck of
ideas is often faced by students and it can be a block in writing activity. As a result, speaking
process goes slowly and stops immadiately.

2.6 The Definition of Cartoon Movie

Cartoon movie is animated film that movement. Usually, the cartoon movie have
funny figures. In order theere are many students love it. For example: Dora cartoon, Walt
Disney cartoon, Tom and Jerry cartoon. In besides that, cartoon movie is one of media of
teaching learning process in the classroom. A creativity teacher must created the good
atmosphere in the classroom. Monotonous learning make the students bored. In the case, the
teacher must using interisting media to teach student is using cartoon movie.

Cartoon have been widely used as one of teaching authentic audio visual material in
language learning clasess. In other word, cartoon movie is a kind of movie that series of
drawing and tell story or express a message either funny and serious and paly a television
type screen. According to Rule and Ague (2005) cartoons are preffered because they create
low affective filter atmosphere which causes high degree of motivation.

In addition, cartoon are also considered as exellent teaching tools because they not
only add humor to atopic but also illustrate the idea in memorable way. In deed, cartoon
make learning enjoyable and, more importanly, memorable experience because the activities
in the teaching and learning process using cartoons interisting and interactive for the student.
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2.7 The Procedures of Teaching Speaking Using Cartoon Movie

In the study, cartoon film is chosen as a media of teaching English speaking. The
researcher will use Cartoon Movie as media to teach English speaking. Cartoon
Movie is an animated television series taht is wonderful show for the students. The
steps of teaching English speaking by using cartoon movie is:

1. First the teacher show the cartoon movie used the sound only ( without the
visual) and ask to the students try to guessing that sound
2. Second the teacher show the cartoon movie ( without the sound), and the third
the teacher show the cartoon movie using audio visual of the cartoon movie.
3. The model of the cartoon movie isa fabel have have text of the video when the
text use English language.
4. Third of the way already done, the teacher formed a group to discuss the
material that is given and ask the student to perform in front of class to

2.8. The Strength of Using Cartoon Movie Media

Cartoon movie media have some strenght in it is implementation in speaking class.

According to Gilbert (2009:6) in Puspitasari (2012: 4) there are some key benefits of using
cartoon movie, they are : 1) Clear and easy to understand. 2) Produce in pure English, the
English words and sentences are full by linguist experts and educators and choice of words to
suit our students speaking study. 3) Contain of many dialogs and vocabulary with familiar
story completed by nice pictures, colors, and sounds. 4) Teachers do not need talk a lot in
explaining the teaching materials that are being presented. 5) The material can be printed as
needed. 6) Data can be stored in the form CD or flash, so it can be taken everywhere. In other
word, the strength of using cartoon movie is media of teaching learning process that more
enjoyable, fun, and interisting.

2.9 The Weakness of Using Cartoon Movie Media

Cartoon movie media has weaknesses in its implementation in speaking class. If the
teacher teach speaking using cartoon movie media, the teacher need more expense. For
example: the teacher need LCD Projector and laptop. In other word, cartoon movie also has a
negative impact on the students, for example in the Spongebob Square Pants cartoon , this
cartoon indirectly can give suggestions to the children to always interfere with other people,
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and like other people meddling. In the impact can solve with use the good cartoon movie like
Upin and Ipin cartoon that give more knowledge.

3.0 Previous Research

Maulida (2013) used a classroom acrion research. She found that Cartoon Movie is a
media gave a significance effect on students speaking ability. The title of Maulida thesis is
Improving Students Speaking Skill Through Oral Description Practice On Eight Grade
Students of SMP Negeri 2 Tebas. The students enthusiasm while doing their performance by
using their own thing/object. It can be seen while teacher give time to themselves to practice
their thing through oral description. All of students practice with their own style and try to
have a good performance while describing thing in front of the class. So, they can increase
their pronunciation, fluency, and confident. She had to make sure taht all students practice
speaking correctly. Student mean score 75.37, the score was passed the criteria of (KKM) and
categorized satisfying. Based on the previous study above, the researcher will use cartoon
movie the students speaking achievement at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi.

Himawan (2013) used a CAR (Classroom Action Research). He found that using
cartoon film can improve students speaking ability of SMPN 2 Taman. The title of
Himawans thesis is Improving Students Speaking Ability by Using Cartoon Film of SMPN
2 Taman. The describe the teaching narrative speaking using cartoon film that is
implemented to improve students speaking skill. Students mean score is 7.91, the score was
passed the criteria of (KKM) and categorized satisfying. Based on the previous study above,
the researcher will use cartoon movie media to improve the student speaking achievement at
SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi. The presence of cartoon film as media to improve students
narrative speaking had given a significant progress toward their speaking ability. Since they
were never taught by using films, the presence of thi research also gave the students new
persepective that they could also relate the material to their hobby like pictures, music, etc.

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This chapter presents the research methodology in this research . It covers research design,
research setting and subject, research procedure, research subject, data collection method,
research procedure, and data analysis method.

3.1 Research Design

Classroom action research (CAR) was applied in this research. It is can improve the
students speaking achievement in oral descriptive text by using cartoon movie media at
SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi. States Cohen and Manion in Susanto (2010:7) CAR is on the
spot study. It means CAR will be appropriately used as the design. As Susanto said
(2010:11), CAR is the implementation of teaching and learning in the classroom. Based od
those ideas, CAR was conducted to help the teacher to improve the students speaking ability.

CAR has four stages. They are planning stage, implementation stage, observation
stage, and reflection stage. The framwork of CAR used is adapted from Susantos framework.
The following is the framework

Cycle #1
Yes Reported

Planning Implementation, Reflection

Observation and after Data Result
Reflection in Collection satisfactory
the field

Yes Reported
Cycle #2

Planning Implementation, Reflection

Observation and after Data
Reflection in Collection
the field
(Adapted from Susanto, 2010:10)

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In General, the procedures of this classroom action research are highlighted as follows:

Identfy the problem faced by the English teacher in the classroom and the students in
learning English:

a. Planning the action (constructing the lesson plan for cycle I); It contained
identification of the problem not only in the classroom but also in students learning
English which are faced by the English teacher. Besides that, the researcher must
make lesson plang and prepare all of material and media
b. Observing the classroom while implementating the action in the first cycle. In this
step, the researcher as the doer did the teaching and learning process by applying the
lesson plan which has been made. The observers wrote everything while the teaching
and learning process occurred as the data for the research.
c. Reflecting the result of the action. It is donee afte the planning, implementation and
observation had been done. Analyzing the data would create the result of the action.
As had been indicated,if the first cycle could not fulfil the target of the research, the
researcher would do the second cycle in the same procedures.

(CAR must not do in some cycle, if the conclusion of the result is fulfill the target, the
research can be stopped and report it. But if the result is not fulfill the target, the researcher
must take cycle II and furthermore.

3.2 Research Setting and Subject

The Subject of the research is the class VIII students of SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi
in the 2015/2016 academic years. This school only has one class in every grade. Each class
consists of the 33 students. Based on the information from the eight English teacher in
teacher in the interview, the eight grade students still had difficulties in narrative speaking. In
this research, the action cycle is done suitable with the English schedule in that class.

The research subjects focus is on the eight grade especially on VIII. The factor of the
selection of the class is the low ability of the students in speaking. It is known by the English
teacher who said that most of the students of that class could not achieve the target minimum
of the speaking score. Briefly, there are 10 students or 43.24% of 37 or 16 students who get
the score 75 in speaking test. But the researcher could not show the list of the score in
preliminary study because they did not give it shown but also told the mean and the
percentage only.

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Besides that, they also had low activeness in learning process. Clearly, the teacher said that
most of the students did not pay when she dictated text for speaking test. Also, the students
did not pay attention in doing exercise of speaking

3.3 Research Procedures

To achieve the goal of this research, the action was done in the form cycles covering
four activities. They are planning the action, implementation of action, observation, and
reflection that was explained as follows:

3.3.1 The Planning of The Action

Planning the action is the first step in conducting classroom action research. In this step, the
researcher prepare everything which is needed to do implementation. There are some
activities done in this phase

a. Determining Learning Materials

The materials of the teaching learning process was adapted from students work
book. The learning of material is cartoon movie entitled is Moana. The teacher give
guiding question to the students about the topic, giving discription about the topic, and
give the key term of the topic.

b. Arranging The Lesson Plan on Each Meeting

Core Competence: Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of concrete

and abstract realms related to the development of the self-study in the school
independently, and able to use methods according to scientific rules

Basic Competence: Prepare a written and oral descriptive text, simple, about people,
places of interest, and famous historical buildings, with due regard to social functions,
text structures, and linguistic elements that are true and contextual
Indicator : Analyzing story structure is descriptive
1. Recognize the parts or components which is in descriptive text
2. Identify the parts or components which is in descriptive text
3. Make a example descriptive text based on the situation that had been given

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4. Showing in front of class about descriptive text which has been made based on
given the particular situation.

Teaching Strategy: The teacher introduce the topic with clue, the teacher give the
guiding question, and ask the students to give short description about the cartoon

c. Preparing the Observation

The observation method was used to observe the students learning activities in the
teaching learning process. To record the students activities in the teaching and
learning process the reseracher was used checklist paper. There are same points that
must be considered by the researcher and collaborator as the notes, they are:

The Observation Checklist for Students Participation

Indicators Category
No Name
1 2 3 4 5 Active Passive

1) The students pay attention the cartoon movie
2) The students can find the chaacteristic of person in cartoon movie
3) The student can fint the vocabulary in the cartoon movie
4) The students are able to speak English with grammatical structure correctly
5) The students can retell use their own in oral descriptive text in front of the

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Process evaluation was done whether the use of questioning technique can improve
the students speaking ability or not during speaking learning process. The evaluation is
intended to know the students participation in the process of learning.

d. Administering Speaking Test

In this process of learning always give the text. The test aims to determine students
ability to learn. To give the test for students that can be measured according to their
ability to be in accordance with the provisions contained in the lesson plan in which
there are core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and the subject matter.
In this case the researchers make the lattice problem using the specification table as a
reference to create a test capability that will be taught as follows:

Core Basic Main Indicator Kind Numbe Type Bobot
Comptence Competence Material of Test r of of Soal
(KI) (KD) per Test Test
Processing, Express the Descriptive The 1 a. Easy C3
reasoning, and meaning in text students
presenting in short are able to
the realm of functional make
concrete and text and sentence
abstract monologuein and
realms related the form of speaking
to the recount, of
development narrative, descriptive
of the self- and simple text based
study in the procedure in on the
school context of theme
independently, daily life
and able to
use methods
according to
scientific rules

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e. Determaining Criteria of Success

In the process of learning English by using cartoon movie in this research aims to
improve students skills in speaking English. And with the improvement of the researcher
have criteria for success in the process of teaching the students. The success criteria for
mentioned three criteria there are:

1. The students have more vocabulary

2. The students are able to speak English with grammatical structure correctly.
3. The students are more motivated to speak English in their enviroment.

3.3.2 The Implementation of The Action

The implementation of the action was conducted during the teaching and learning
process. The researcher was implemented the action teching speaking by using cartoon movie
media. Before the teaching learning process is begin, the researcher made lesson plan.

There are three activities in the classroom. They are pre-activities, main activities and
post activities. In the step of pre-activities, it was done about five minutes. For teh first
teacher greeted and checked the attendance list of the students. Then, the teacher give leading
question related about the materials that gave. In the main activities, the taeacher showed the
cartoon movie media to teach speaking in the class, then the teacher gave leading question
based on the cartoon movie that gave, and next the teacher asked to the student to made
summary or out line, after that the teacher asked to the students to retell in front of the class
ant the last activity is post activity, the teacher clarified the objective of the lesson to the

3.3.3 Observation

Observation is a way of gathering data by watching behavior, events, in teaching

learning process. According to Susanto (2010:78) says that observation is technical which
focuses on collecting nonverbal behavior data. This observation was done by the English
teacher focused on the indicators in the observation checklist containing:

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1. Pay attention to the lesson. The students pay attention to the cartoon movie to identfy
about the content of cartoon movie.
2. Asking questions. The students can found the characteristics of the person in cartoon
3. Asking question to the teacher about the activity of the cartoon movie. The students
can find the vocabulary in the cartoon movie
4. The students answer teacher question using English with grammatical stucture
5. The student can retell cartoon movie in oral descriptive text in fornt of the class.

Therefore, the students was categorized as the active students if they could reach
three indicators or more but if tehy applied less of three indicators they was categorized
as the passive students.

3.3.4 Reflection

Reflection was conducted to reflect the result of the actions that was collected from
the class observation and speaking test in each cycle. It was supported by Susanto (2010:60),
the reflection was done during the data was collected, and in another hand the reflection was
done after the data was collected. It is purposed to know whether the action is successful or
not. If the research target in the first cycle is fulfilled, the action stopped. However, if the
target is not successful yet, the action preceded to the next cycles until the purposes of the
research had achieved.

3.4 Data Collection Method

Data collection methods applied in this classroom action research covered the primary
data and suuporting data. The methods used in collecting the primary data were
classroom observation and speaking test. While the supporting data were gathered
through interviewed with English teacher and documentation.

3.4.1 Primary Data

20 Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi | Observation

The observation method was used to observe the students learning activities in the
teaching learning process. To record the students activities in the teaching and learning
process the researcher was used checklist paper. There are some points that must be
considered by the researcher and collaborator as the notes, they are:

The Observation Checklist for Students Participation

Indicators Category
No Name
1 2 3 4 5 Active Passive

1) The students pay attention the cartoon movie
2) The students can find the chaacteristic of person in cartoon movie
3) The student can fint the vocabulary in the cartoon movie
4) The students are able to speak English with grammatical structure correctly
5) The students can retell use their own in oral descriptive text in front of the
Process evaluation was done whether the use of questioning technique can
improve the students speaking ability or not during speaking learning process. The
evaluaion is intended to know the students participation in the process of learning. Speaking Test

Speaking test is the way that used measure of student speaking achievement bby using
cartoon movie media. According Brown(2004:03)said test is method of measuring a person
ability, knowledge, or performance in a given doamin. The test item was constructed based

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on the components of speaking, they are: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. So, the
taecher and ther researcher hope the students can improve their English speaking.

In each cycle, the teacher will pay the cartoon movie and asked te students to retell
the story in front of the class. The result of the speaking test is the score of the students
dpeaking ability. The score of the student speaking achievement is the sum scored of the
students speaking fluency, students speaking grammar, students peaking pronunciatition and
students speaking vocabulary. The students will perform or will speak up, the researcher take
a score. In orfer to get the score accurately, the researcher also record the students voice by
using mobile phone for future check.

The test wich given to the students must be valid and reliable. Hughes (1989:26)
defines two criteria of constructing a good test. A test should have validitya and reliability. A
test is said to be valid if it measure accurately what it is intended to measure. Then, the test
reliable if it gave consisted result in the same test but at different time. In this research, the
researcher will be used content validity because the content validity of the material are
constructed based on the syllabus of the school. The instruction based on the syllabus as

Table the Test Instruction Based on the Syllabus

Core Competence Basic Competence Indicator Test Type

Processing, reasoning, Express the meaning The students can Asking to the
students to retell
and presenting in the in short functional text retell in spoken
spoken narrative in
realm of concrete and and monologuein the descriptive in front of narrative of the class
by using their own
abstract realms related form of recount, the class using their
words in oral
to the development of narrative, and simple own words descriptive text.
the self-study in the procedure in context
school independently, of daily life
and able to use
methods according to
scientific rules

Moreover, reliable is the test which is given to the students must have consistently in the
result. In this researcher collaboratively with the English teacher to be measured the students

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speaking ability. In order to the students get some score from them. It can be concluded,
speaking test is asaid reliable if there are two examiners. The researcher collaborated with the
English teacher to got a good score. From the researcher scoring criteria and the English
teacher scroring criteria it can discussion together for got reliable scored.

Based on the explanation about, the test constructed to measure the students
achievement in speaking covering their grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation.
The students speaking test is scored based on the Hughes rating scales of speaking test as

Table Scoring Criteria

In this research, the research and the collaborator gave the score for the students. The
score would be taken based on the oral production of the students to measure the progress.
The aspect of the scoring pronunciation, grammar, fluency, amnd vocabulary.

Is a process of assessment criteria in assessing students ability to learn speaking

English. Different a abilities on each students will produce a different score as well. English
speaking is not esy for all students, because in the English speaking have criteria that must be
achieved by the student in order to get a good score. And to achieve success in improving
students ability to speaking English, the researcher assessed according to criteria that students
must apply. There were the scoring rubric for aspect in the speaking test.


Level Description
`1 Pronounciation frequently unintelligible
Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult,
require frequent repetition
Foreign accent requires concentrated listening, and mispronunciation lead to
occasional misundertstanding and apparent error in grammar and vocabulary
Marked foreign accent and occasional mispronunciation which do not
interfere with understanding
5 No conspicuous mispronunciation, but would be taken for a native speaker.
6 Native pronunciation, with no trace of foreign accent

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Level Description
`1 Grammar almost entirely inaccurate to phrases
Constans error showing control of very few major pattern and frequently
preventing communication
Frequent error showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing
occasional irritation and misunderstanding
Occasional error showing imprefect control of some patterns but no weakness
that causes misunderstanding
5 Few error, with no patterns of failure
6 No more than two errors during the interview


Level Description
`1 Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation
Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival area (time, food,
transportation, family, etc)
Choice of words sometimes innacurate, limitations of vocabulary prevent
discussion of some commong professional and social topic.
Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interest; general vocabulary
permits discussion of any non- technical subject with some circumlocutions
Professional vocabulary broad and precise; general vocabulary dequate to cope
with complex pratical problems and varied social situations
Vocabulary apprently as accurate and aextensive as that of an educated native

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Level Description
`1 Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible
2 Sppech is very slow and uneven except for short or routine sentences
3 Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky sentences may be left uncompleted
Speech is occasionally hesistant,with some unevennes caused by rephasing and
grouping for words
Speech is effortless and smooth, but perceptibly non-native in speech and
Speech on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a
native speakers

(Adopted from Hughes, 1996:111-112)

Data Analysis Technique

Table 1. Measurement based on the Hughes Raing Scales Weighting Table

Students Score of Speaking Tesr The Calculation for the Final

A B C D Total Total Score Score


Wulan 6 6 6 6 24 24 100
Cahya 5 5 4 4 18 18 75
Note :

A. Pronunciation
B. Grammar
C. Vocabulary
D. Fluency

The calculation of total score is based on the scoring scales proposed by Hughes above.
Dealing with the scoring guide, each aspect is classified into six level. The biggest score is 6
and the lowest 1.
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The scoring table is used to assess the students speaking test that is concerned with
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency. The score took from the total number of the
four aspects. Then, the result of speaking test is seen from the mean score.

(Adopted from Daryanto, 1999:221 in Astuti, 2011:2)

3.4.2 Supporting Data Interview

The purpose of interview, the researcher want to know the information about the
school. According to Arikunto (2002:132), interview defined as a dialogue that is done by
interviewer to the interview to gain the information. It is conducted to get the information that
support the primary data concerning with the English teaching at that school. The questions
of the interviewed about the English curriculum used, the English books, the students score
before, and the techniques that were used by the English teacher of eight grade at SMPN 2
Glagah Banyuwangi Documentation

In this research, documentation is used to get supporting data about the total number
of the eight grade students, the names of the respondent and previous scores in speaking of
the eight grade students at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi.

3.5 Data Analysis Method

In this research, the research, the result of the speaking test is analyzed quantitatively
by describing the result of the percentage. To know teh percentage of the students who get
sscore score 75 or higher, the following formula was used:

E= 100%

Notes :

E : The percentage of the students who get score 75 o higher

n : The numbers of the students who get score 75 or higher

N : The number of the students

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The observation data in each cycle was analyzed qualitatively to find the percentage of the
students active participation in learning.

More over, the action was considered if student had achieved mean scored of criteria of
success in this research is determined in the following statements

a. 40% or 8 students out of 20 reach the minimum passing level 75

b. 40% or 8 from 20 students are categorized as the active students.

Furthermore, after the research analyzed the data, reflection will be done to know whether the
action is successful or not. The research and the English teacher will collaborate to make
conclusion based on the reflection of speaking test and observation in each cycle.

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