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This chapter presents the results of primary data and secondary data analysis and
discussion. The details of primary data are explained as the results of action in cycle I and II,
the students speaking ability score and the result of observation by using an observation
check list during the teaching and learning process. The secondary data were obtained from
the interview and documentaion.

4.1 The Implementation of the Action in Cycle I

The implementation in cycle 1 was conducted during the school hours in VIII grade.
It was conducted in three meetings. It consisted of two meeting of the actions and one
meeting of the test. The first action was done on Monday, 2nd November 2015. Then, the
second action was conducted on Monday, 9th November 2015 . The test was given on
Saturday, 21th in the third meeting. In implementing the action in cycle 1, the teacher in the
teacher in the first meeting taught the students used cartoon movie as a media in teaching
learning describe text. Then, in the second meeting the teacher taught the previous material.
Then, the third meeting the teacher gave speaking test to the students.

4.1.1 The Action is the First Meeting of Cycle I

There were three steps of teaching speaking in the first meeting of cycle 1. The step of
pre- activities was done about ten minutes. The researcher prepared the learning aids such as
LCD projector and a laptop. After preparing teaching mediam the researcher greeted and
checked the attendance list to know the one by one of the students. And then the researcher
showing the cartoon movie media. The cartoon movie media was about the legends,especially
the story about Pinokio. From the observation the students were very enthusiastic when the
students watched the video. By showing the catoon video, the researcher gave leading
question, such as : (1) what do you think about the cartoon movie? (2) have you ever known
about the story?, (3) what was the title ?, The students were very interested in learning the
material explained by the teacher. The students can gave some question about the activity in
the video and answered the teacher question about the character in the video.

Then, main activity was about 120 minutes. In the phase, the researcher explained
about the descriptive text, the she gave some questions including the purpose of the
text,language features. Most of them could answer the question correctly, because this text
always there in every grade from SMP and in SMA. Then, the researcher showed again the
cartoon movie about two or three times and the researcher asked to the students to make
summary or outline to describe based on the cartoon movie. Next the researcher asked to the

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students to memorize and describe the character about the cartoon movie by using their own
words in front of the class.

In the post activities, the researcher asked the students difficulties and reviewed the
material. After that, the researchergave the conclusion or summary about the materials.

4.1.2 The Action in the Second Meeting of Cycle I

The second action was conducted on Monday, 23th November 2015. In the
preactivities, the researcher checked the students attendance. The researcher began the class
by having little discussion and the teacher riviewed the material last time. The responses of
the students were very good. In the main activities, the researcher explained about what were
the students difficulties in the first meeting. They felt difficukt to speak English because
many students have little vocabulary.

The researcher changed the theme of material in the first meeting in cycle 1 the
researcher used a story legend and in tis second meeting the teacher used fairy tales the tittle
is Cinderella. They were very active in following teaching learning process because the
story was familiar with their students prior knowledge. Their participation increased
compared to that of the first action. Thay competed with one another to get good score. Then
the researcher gave them exercises. In the post activities, then the researcher evaluate the
students understanding by giving some question.

The third meeting was on Saturday, 28th November 2015. The students did the
speaking test. In this place, the teacher asked to the students to comprehend the cartoon
movie, the teacher used the fabel especially Elephant and Ant Friendship. And the teacher
asked to the student to make summary to describe by using their own words and gave the 20
minutes to prepare in front of the class one by one.

4.1.3 The Process of the Action in Cycle 1

The action in cycle 1 was conducted in three meeting that included two meeting of
teaching speaking and one meeting for doing the test. The first meeting was done on Monday,
2nd November 2015, the second meeting was done on November 9th 2015 and the test was
done on November 14th 2015.

In the first meeting, the researcher explained about descriptive text and the purpose
descriptive text. The teacher expalin about what is descriptive text, what is the descriptive
and what is the purpose descriptive text. The teacher gave some example ad simulation about
someone describe to the student like Pinokio. The teacher asked to the students what is the
characteristic of the cartoon movie, and the students must answer or guess who is the
character of teacher describe. Then, the researcher did not take the score the exercise in the
first meeting. In the second meeting, the researcher done some activities. The students were

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very enthusiastic, but they have much problem to describe in English because they lack
vovabulary. The teacher showed the video about fabel the title or fabel is Ugly Duckling,
the students is students is very observe for watch the video,the abserved attentivally every
path of the story, the teacher gave some question about the story of the video, in this step the
students understand about the story. After that, the teacher asked to the students to describe
the video. Some students difficult to memorize of vocabulary like the word bring, kind ,
and helpfull. It made the students could not spoke up fluently. The teacher gave permission
to the student to search the difficult word in dictionary and asked to the students to memorize
new words in order to the students added more vocabularies. Then, teacher trained the
students to correct pronunciation before beggining described activity while listening how to
spell the word well through sound of the video. And third meeting, , the teacher asked to the
students to described in front of the class in pair by using their own words. From the third
meeting the teacher got the result in the students speaking in oral descriptive, they increase
their vocabulary and the started to increase their vocabulary. And the fourth meeting, the
researcher conducted the test to the students. The researcher gave the cartoon movie media
especially the title of the cartoon is Elephant and Ant Friendship then, the researcher asked
to the studentsto pay attention when they watched the video cartoon and then the teacher
asked to the students to describe and asked to students to come in front of the class one by
one to speak in oral descriptive the story about Elephant and Ant Friendship while the
students performed or spoke up, the researcher took scores. The researcher scored the
students speaking ability by using four criteria; they are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
and fluency. In order the scores were accurate, the researcher also recorded the students
voices by using mobile phone for future checking. As a result, the percentage of the students
score achievement was 50% of 34 students or 17 students passed.

4.1.3 The Result of Observation in Cycle 1

Observation was done by thhe researcher and the English teacher during teaching and
learning process. It was done by using checklist. It was intended to do the process evaluation.
The researcher gave the cartoon movie media in teaching speaking of descriptive text. It was
conducted collaboratively by the teacher, here the teacher became the observer and the
researcher was the teacher. In cycle1, the first meeting was conducted on Monday, 2 nd
November 2015. The indicators of active students were a) the students active participation to
pay attention to the lesson from the teacher, b) the students active participation to ask the
question to the teacher based on material that has given from teacher, c) the students active
participation to answer teacher question, d) the students active participation to do the
teachers instruction related to the activities in English speaking class by using cartoon movie
media, and e) the students active participation in doing the task/exercises that is retell in
front of the class. The students were considered to be active when they fulfilled at least three

There were two actions and one test in cycle 1. In the first meeting, the students were
not active in teacing and learning process. When the researcher showed the cartoon movie

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media about the story to the students, some of the students were less interested. The
reseracher asked the students to describe character of the video. Some of the students felt
difficult when they describe, because the story of the fabel was English fabel was English
full. There were 25 out of 34 students were active and 9 students were passive. It can be seen
in appendix . Some of the students were still difficult to understand the story about the
cartoon movie showed by the teacher and analyze the figure of the story character. It
happened because they were poor in vocabulary. The researcher also asked what character of
descriptive text, some of could not mention it. Then, some students were shy and had low
vocabulary. The students got the difficulties to speak up correctly. They looked very
confused to say something especially in descriptive text. They also spoke ungrammartically
because they were still confused about the use past tense.

The second meeting was conducted on Monday, 9th November 2015. In this meeting,
the students could express their ideas to describe about the character entitled Pinokio.
They had bravery to speak up although there were any mistake in using grammar, vocabulary
and in pronouncing the words. The result of observation in the second meeting was better
than the first meeting. There were 5 out of 34 students were active and students were passive.

The result indicated that the students active participation in teaching speaking ability
by using cartoon movie media was 55%. This percentage was under the standard percentage
that was 75%. These, the students active participation in teaching learning activities in cycle
1 did not achieve the standard percentage. The percentage of the student active participation
could not achieve the reserach target in cycle 1 because most of the student felt diffulties to
achieve some indicators. For instance, the students had difficult to speak up correctly. It was
because the student had lack of vocabularies, so they could not speak up correcly in the past
form. Besides that, most of them were unconfident to express their idea and thought in
asking and answering the question to the teacher. In the second meeting, the result of the
students active participation was 65%. This percentage did not achieve the standard
percentage that was 75%. Thus, the students active participation in teaching and learning
activieties in the second meeting cycle 1 had not achieved the standard percentage. Clearly,
the test in cycle 1 was enclosed on appendix.

After conducting the first and second meeting, the researcher tasted the students
speaking ability. The result showed the some students could retell even though they were still
lack in pronouncing the words and producing the sentences grammatically in descriptive.
There were only 50% of 34 students or 17 students fulfilled target the maximum passing
grade of the school which 70.

4.1.5 The Result of Students Speaking Test in Cycle 1

The speaking test was conducted after the action done. The test was conducted to
measure the students speaking ability in oral descriptive. The students had to describe the
story based on the cartoon that provided by the teacher. The teacher gave new movie to the
students for their task to describe in front of the class.

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The result of speaking test in cycle 1 is presented inTable 4.1. For futher information,
the result is enclosed in Appendix.

Table 4.1 The Result of Students Speaking Test in Cycle 1

Total Number of Students (N) 34

The number of the students who get score 70
or higher (n)
Total Percentage of the students who got
score 7 or more (E) % = %

Based on the table 4.1 above, it was known that, the number of the students who got score 70
or more was only 17 students (50%). It means that it did not achieve the target percentage
that was 75%. In other word, the action given in cycle 1 was not successfull yet.

4.1.6 The Result of Reflection and Revision in Cycle 1

The reflection was done after the result of speaking test and observation in cycle 1.
Based on the observation as process evaluation, it was found from that 21 students or 60%
out of 34 students were active during the teaching and learning procces in first meeting. In
adition, 22 students or 65% out o 34 students were active during the teaching and learning
process in second meeting, it showed that the students were more active in second meeting
than the first meeting. However, the students active participation in the average was still
below the standard percentage that was 75%. Moreover, based on the product evaluation in
cycle 1, the students speaking ability could achieve the target score requirement. It showed
that the result from 34 students who followed the test there were only 50% or 34 students
who get score 70 or more. Therefore, the actions of cycle II needed to improve their speaking
ability by using cartoon ovie media.

Based on the result above, it was known that the students speaking score in cycle I did
provide better improvement both their involvement in the speaking in the process and
product. It was caused by some weakness that appear when the teaching learning process in
cycle I.

The weakness based on the result in cycle I was caused by the following problems:

1. They were difficult to mmeorize of vocabulary. It made the students could not
speach upp fluently.
2. They were difiicult to spelll of correct pronounciation.
3. The teacher need to replay the video for the students understand about the

By knowing the weakness, the researcher had some solutions which applied in cycle
II. The solutions were:

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1. The researcher gave permission to the students to search the difficult words in
dictionary and asked to the students to memorize new words in order to the
students added more vocabularies.
2. The researcher trained the students the correct pronounciation before
beggining retelling activity.
3. The researcher tried to explained the lesson as good as possible.
4. The researcher chaged cartoon movie with famous fable which was familiar
with them. In order to attract students interest to follow the lesson.

Moreover, by doing this kind of active participation, the students were expected to be
better in performing their abilities and built confidence when thet expressed their idea.
The students also could improve their ability in speaking test too.

4.2 The Implementationof the Action in Cycle 2

The action in cycle II was conducted because the action in cycle I had not
reached the research target. The actions in cycle II were conducted were conducted in
three meeting including the test. It was conducted on Saturday, 23rd November 2015.
Then, the second meeting including the test was on Monday, 28th November 2015.
The third action was conducted on Saturday, 30th November 2015. In first meeting,
the researcher taught the material wel based on lesson plan. Then, the second meeting
was same with first meeting. The last, the students did the test individually

4.2.1 The Action in the First Meeting in Cycle II

The action of cycle II contained three steps, they were: pre-activities , main
activities, and post activities. The step of pre-activities was done about ten minutes.
Then,the researcher gave a leading question questions by remembering the students
yo the topic in the last meeting.

Meanwhile, the main activities became the next activities that were done by
the teacher. The duration was about 80 minutes. The first meeting in second cycle the
researcher riviewed some weakness by motivating the students in learning English,
suggested to importance of English in globalization and explained the material by
retelling activity. The researcher explained again about tenses used in narrative text
and trained the students more about the correct pronounciation. In this cycle, the
researcher used different cartoon movie. Then, the researcher showed the cartoon
movie about two or three times and then the teacher asked to the students to make
summary or outline based on the cartoon movie. And next the teacher asked to the
students to memorize tell the character about the cartoon movie in meeting 4 was
The Goose And The Golden Eggs. This story was about fable. The duration this
cartoon movie was not long and the story made the students interested to follow and
pay attention when the researcher showed the cartoon movie.

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In this post activities which had about seven minutes, the researcher aske the
students difficulties and gave riviewed about the material by stating the function of
descriptive text.

4.2.2 The Action in the Second Meeting in Cycle II

The second action was on Monday,28th November 2015. In the pre-activities,

the researcher riviewed the last material and all the students were active. The title of
story of cartoon movie was The Goose and The Golden Eggs . In the main
activities , the researcher asked to the students to comprehend the content of story.
Then, the researcher showed the cartoon movie about two and three times and then
the teacher asked to the students to make summary or outline based on the cartoon
movie. And next the teacher asked to the studnets to memorize and describe the
character about the cartoon movie by using their own words in front of the class. After
that, the researcher asked the students if the students were the first to come forward
and could told the story correctly, they got additional score from the researcher. It
made the students more interested to follow the lesson. In the post activities, asked to
the difficulties and riviewed the material, most of them were active in discussion.

The third action was conducted on Saturdayday, 30th November 2015. The
students did the test. The students received same activities to desrcribe in front of the
class one by one the title of the story cartoon movie is Elephant and Ant
Friendship. While the students performed or spoke up, the researcher took the scores.
The researcher scored the students speaking ability by using four criteria; they are
pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. In order scores were accurate, the
researcher also recorded the students voices by using mobile phone for future

4.2.3 The Process of the Action in Cycle II

After conducting the first and the second meeting of the cycle II, the
researcher organized the speaking test. It was intended to get primary data about the
students speaking ability. It was conducted on Saturday,30th November 2015. There
were two kinds of evaluation or test done by the researcher and the collabolator to
collect data. They were process evaluation which refered to the researchers activities
to the students speaking test. The students speakin in oral descriptive text by using
their word about character of their favorite cartoon movie. In the first meeting the
students did not show good respon to spell some English word. But in some
opportunity the students begin to respons like answering some meaning of the words
from Indonesian to translate in English words. In the second meeting, the students
begin to search some word and new word to describe the story of the video using
dictionary. And the third meeting, the students speak in oral descriptive in fornt of the

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class use their own word, they increased their vocabularies, and they could memorize
more vocabularies. In this cycle the increase of the students so good to collect some
vocabulary and spell the word in godd pronounciation. The teacher collect the score
criteria of the students speaking, like difficult of pronounciation, errors showing
imperfect control of grammar, lack vocabulary, and speech low fluency. From the
collected of the scoring criteria. The research applied the product evaluation to
measure the students speaking ability. As a result, the percentage of the students
score achievement was 75% of 34 students or 26 students were achieved. Clearly, it
was enclosed in appendix.

4.2.4 The Result of Observation in Cycle II

As it has bben explained above, class observation was done the researcher during the
teaching and learning process. To observe the students active participation, the instrument
that was used in the form of obsdervation checklist. It was conducted on Saturday, 23rd
November 2015 and on Monday, 28th November 2015. In this cycle, the students active
participation improved better than in cycle I. In the first meeting the students become more
active in teaching learning process to given by the researcher. When the researcher showed
the cartoon movie about fable, almost every students was active. It is because that In fable
story was more interested than a legend story. It could happen because in the fable story,
there were many pictures and duration was not too long. It made the students did not got
bored. After the students watched the cartoon movie the researcher asked to the students
made summary or outline, and the researcher also asked to the students to make summary in
group to order the students were not difficult to make summary. After that, the teacher asked
the students to come in front of the class to retell the story by using their own words. It could
be seen in teaching and learning process. From the observation checklist, there were 26 out
of 34 students or 76% who were active in the fourth meeting. The result can e seen in
appendix. There were 27 students out of 34 students or 80% who fulfilled the indicators in
the fifth meeting. In cycle II, the students were active during teaching and learning process.
In this phase, the students would be able to describe correctly in front of the class by using
their own words. Then, the students were confident in asking and answering the questions the
researcher. The researcher made competition during the teaching and learning process. The
purpose of the competition was to challenge of the students more enthusiastic in describing
the story. In order to the students more enthusiastic in describing the story. The result
observation can be seen in appendix.

4.2.5 The Result of Students Speaking Test in Cycle II

The speaking ability test was administered at the end of the cycle II. It was conducted
on Saturday 23th November 2015. The result of speaking test in cycle II is presented in Table
4.2. For further information, the result is enclosed in Appendix

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Total Number of Students 34
The numbers of the students
who get score 70 or higher 26
Total percentage of the
students who got score 70 or % = %

more ()

Based on the table 4.2 above, it was found that the number of students who got score
70 or more was only 75% which means taht they achieved the target percentage that was
75%. It can be said taht the action was considered success. It showed that the students had
made improvement in speaking ability by using cartoon movie media from cycle 1 and cyle
II. The following table present the improvement of students reading comprehension
achievement in cycle I and cycle II.

Table 4.3. The Result of Students Speaking Ability and Students Active
Participation in Cycle I and Cyle II

Targets Cycle I Cycle II

Percentage of the
students who got score 50% 75%
70 or more ()
Total percentage of the
students who got score 55% 80%
70 or more ()

4.2.6 The Result of Reflection Cycle II

The reflection was conducted after the result of speaking test and the
resultof observation were known. The result of speaking test showed the
improvement from cycle I to cycle II, there were 75% of the students reached
the target. This means the requirement of the research target had achieved.
Moreover, the percentage of the studentS active participation on cycle II in
average was 80% the students had fulfilled the indicators being observed. It
means that the result of classroom action research in cycle II had fulfilled the
requirement in this research. That can be seen in this evidence:

1. The students understood how to make sentence in descriptive text to

describe about the cartoon movie. The process of the students study
English especialy make some words,search some vocabulary, how to

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write the word, and how to integrate the word into sentence. So, the
students were not confused to speaking in oral descriptive.
2. The students were able to say difficult words or new words with
pronounciation correctly when they want to speak. They can memorize
their vocabulary. They felt shy to spell the words because they affraid
false when to say it. So the speech is very low, but when they straight
to learn, their spell is very frequently and start to improve.
3. The students were more intersted and fun when watching a cartoon
movie about the fable. The students considered fable was more
interested than the legend because the duration about the story of the
legend too long. It made the students got bored. Meanwhile, fable
conained more pictures and the story was entertained for the students.
The title support the media for the students to understand about the
story of cartoon movie. And to suppot the picture, video, and the title is
sound, sound is very important to support the three criteria of media
because impossible the students can understand what is the meaning of
the story.

The successfull criteria in this research had been achieved. There were some factors. They
were are follows :

1. Most of the students could understand how to produce a good sentence in the past
form. Because in the cartoon movie there was a subtitle in the story could learn in the
text of the story in the past form. So, the students were not confused to speak in oral
descripive text, it can be seen the number of percentage of the students who got score
70 or more could increase from the percentage 50% to 75%. It could be seen from the
result of speaking ability in cycle II.
2. Giving more explanation about speaking in oral descriptive based on the cartoon
movie given by the researcher. It made the students confidently express their ideas is
understnding the character, because they were able to speak with with pronounciation
and grammatical structures correctly.
3. Of the research used the familiar cartoon movie and easy to understand by the
students. So , they students had to memorize the story first before describe the
character. When the students can memorize the character well, the students were able
to speak in oral descriptive it more fluently.

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Since, the cycle II had ready reached the requirements of the research criteria therefore,
the cycle II was the end of the cycle.

4.3 Discucssion

In this part, the researcher is going to discuss the result of the research, the application
of cartoon movie is learning speaking class it makes the students more interested. By
describing the character of cartoon movie, the researcher can know the mechanic form of the
students speaking includes , vocabularry, grammar, pronounciation , and fluency. The
researcher also can encourahge the students interaction with the classmates when they were
discussed the character about the movie and describe it in front of the class. So, the researcher
concluded that the speaking ability of VIII students was increased after being thought using
cartoon movie because of the three main factors.

First, one of the procedure is describing the character, in which the researcher palyed
the cartoon movie until the end of the story and then she asked to the students to describe
what the story about. Cartoon movie is a good media in teaching speaking because there
were many pictures on that movie. It made that the students more interested. According
Wright (1982:2) pictures are able to contribute to interest and motivation, a sense of the
context of the language and a specific reference points or stimulus. Since the technique of
teaching in this research was describe the character, the students had memorize the story first
before describing the character. When the students know what they have to describe, the
students were able to describe it more fluently. In fact the story in the form of cartoon movie
was easier to be memorize by the students.

Second, after the students watched the movie they understood abou the story well.
The students understanding affected by students creativity in describe the story based on the
movie. According to Kane(2000) descriptive is based on a learning process, in the descriptive
text that describe that the experience related to the senses, such as what form, sound, and
taste. In this case, descriptive means to know the story for describe the character of the
cartoon movie into their words. The purpose of the descriptive based on the story it could
made the students more easier to describe the characters, places, or things. In other word the
function of descriptive was to know the important events on that character. And to collect
more vocabullary.

Third, the cartoon movie that was used in this research was supported with the
subtitle. By paying attention to the subtitle when watched the cartoon movie, the students
learned about the grammar usage and the pronounciation of spoken descriptive. It meant that
subtitle in cartoon movie affected to the students grammar pronounciation achievement, and
vocabulary. It was confirmed by Canning Wilson and Wallace (2000) subtitled movie
encourage. Learners to consciously notice new vocabulary and idioms, and such as, may have
potencial to facilitate vocabulary acquisition without being a distraction for learner. The
researcher concluded taht when the student watched cartoon movie by using subtitle it made
the students added more new vocabularies and automatically the student were learned about

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the grammar usage and pronounciation correctly. The main point was that in every meeting.
The researcher found that the students tried to pay attention to the movie. It meant that the
cartoon movie is one of teaching media that help the researcher to make the students more
focus and to improve students speaking ability. The students ability in cycle I and cycle II
were also progessing.

To sum of cartoon movie is media which can create fun atmosphere and make the
students motivated to speak without feel shy. The taecher had successfully made the studnets
speak up about the cartoon movie they had watched. Finally, it can be concluded taht the
cartoon movie is a good media in teaching speaking.

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This chapter presents conclusion of the research and suggestion for the English
teacher, the students, and for the future researcher.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result of the speaking ability test and observation checklist, it can be
concluded that the use of cartoon movie media could improve the VIII students speaking
ability in oral descriptive at SMP Negeri 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the 2015/2016 academic
year. The improvement could be seen from speaking ability test result. In cycle I, there were
50% or 10 students achieve the minimum passive grade that was (70). It means that speaking
ability improved through it did not achieve the target. In cycle II, the result of speaking test
showed that 75%. It means that the VIII students speaking ability in retelling story can be
improved by using cartoon movie media at SMP Negeri 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the
2015/2016 academic year. From this study in the form of cartoon video helps students
because cartoon movie has many pictures which conribute to develop students interest and
motivation . The story in the form of cartoon movie was easier to be memorized by the
students. Secondly, the students understood about the story weel because cartoon movie has a
form, and a sound. It made the students easier to describe the charactre, places, or things of
the cartoon movie using their own words to collect more vocabularies. In finally, cartoon
movie is supported with subtitle. By reading the subtitle when watching the cartoon movie
the students learned about the grammar usage and the pronounciation of spoken descriptive.

5.2 Suggestions

The result showed that the used of cartoon movie media could improve the students
speaking ability in oral descriptive. By considering the result, some suggestions are purposed
to the following people:

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1. The English Teacher
It is important to the English teacher to apply the cartoon movie media in teaching
descriptive speaking because this media makes the students enthusiastic when
followed the English class especially in speaking skill.
2. Future Researcher
The result of this researcrh might be useful to the other researcher as a reference and
the source of information to conduct a further research dealing with the application of
using cartoon movie media to improve the students speaking ability in oral
3. The Students
The students should be more active in practicing speaking. It meant to increase the
speaking ability. They are expected to feel brave when speaking English because
English is useful for them in the future

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Himawan.2012. Improving Students Speaking Ability by using Cartoon Film at SMPN 2

Taman in academic years 2012/2013.

Hughes, A.1989. Testing for Language Tearchers. New York: Cambridge University Press.

15 Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi |

16 Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi |

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