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Birth Date: 30 Nov 2001

Birth Place: Kinabalu Mt.,
Date of Birth 30 Nov 2001 Friday
Time of Birth 07:13:00 AM
Place of Birth Kinabalu Mt., Malaysia
Ayanmash NC Lahiri
Local Mean Time 06:57:00
Sidreal Time 11:32:35
LT Correction 16:0:0
Obliq 23.44

Avkahada Chakra Ghatak(Malefics)

Lagna Scorpio Rashi Dhanu
Lagna Lord Mars Months Margshirsh
Rashi Taurus Tithi 5, 10, 15
Rashi Lord Venus Day Saturday
Nakshatra Krittika Nakshatra Hasta
Nakshatra Lord Sun Prahar 4
Charan 2 Lagna Vrish
Tithi Poornima Yoga Sukarman
Paya Copper Karan Shakuni
S.S. Yoga Siva
Favourable Points
Karan Vishti

Varna Vaishya Lucky Numbers 3

Tatwa Prithvi Good Numbers 4, 5, 6

Vashya Chatushpad Evil Numbers 3, 9

Yoni Sheep(F) Good Years 12,21,30,39,48,

Gana Rakshas Lucky Days Sun, Mon, Tue

Nadi Anta Good Planets Sun, Moon, Mars

Nadi Pada Ant Evil Planets Mercury, Venus

Vihaga Vayas Friendly Signs Can Leo Pis

First Letters Aa, Ee, U, A Good Lagna Aqu, Tau, Can, Vir

Sun Sign Scorpio Lucky Metal Copper

Decanate 2 Lucky Stone Red Coral

Lucky Time After sunrise
Lucky Direction South

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Planetary Positions at Birth Time

Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---
Ascendant Scorpio Mars 27:27:11 Jyestha-4 Mercury

Sun Direct Scorpio Mars 13:55:20 Anuradha-4 Saturn Father Friendly House

Mercury Direct Scorpio Mars 11:10:0 Anuradha-3 Saturn Intellect Enemy House

Venus Direct Scorpio Mars 2:58:30 Vishakha-4 Jupiter Spouse Neutral

Mars Direct Capricorn Saturn 29:37:23 Dhanishta-2 Mars Courage Exalted

Jupiter Retro Gemini Mercury 20:35:4 Punarvasu-1 Jupiter Wealth

Saturn Retro Taurus Venus 17:53:38 Rohini-3 Moon Longevity Friendly House

Moon Direct Taurus Venus 2:54:13 Krittika-2 Sun Mother Exalted

Rahu Retro Gemini Mercury 4:10:11 Mrigsiras-4 Mars Desire Exalted

Ketu Retro Sagittarius Jupiter 4:10:11 Moola-2 Ketu Emancipation Exalted

Uranus Direct Capricorn Saturn 27:24:28 Dhanishta-2 Mars

Neptune Direct Capricorn Saturn 12:37:6 Sravana-1 Moon

Pluto Direct Scorpio Mars 20:56:34 Jyestha-2 Mercury

Lagna Kundali

9 7

Ketu 8

Uranus Sun Mercury

Mars Ascendant

Venus Pluto

10 6

11 5
12 4



Jupiter Rahu
1 3

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Specific Characterstics
You will have a highly endowed mind possessing creative fancy, intuitive faculty and fondness
for artistic pursuits. You will have an amiable disposition and steadfast affections. You will have
sensuous love of life and a desire for comfort and luxury. You will have success in drama, music
and fine arts. You will secure patronage of wealthy ladies.

You will have a variable, moody and romantic disposition with fertile imagination, refined taste
and delicate feelings. You will be fond of dainty food and will be successful in travelling. You will
have a practical nature and acquisition of property will be easy to you. You will have a sensitive
nature. Disappointment in love affairs may make you languishing. Your married life and domestic
climate may have queer vagaries but you will depth of feelings and fidelity in attachments. Early
years may prove difficult because of dependence and servitude which will be overcome as you
will be matured by learning through experience.

Mental Qualities
You will have a determined nature, at times bordering on obstinacy. You will sport the strength of
conviction stemming from your laborious and patient nature. You will be proud by your own right
and at times may be amorous.

Physical Attributes
According to your Horoscope, you will have broad neck and shoulders - may be somewhat
stoopy. You will have pensive brows and attractive lips, dark eyes, full forehead and curling hair.

General State of Health

Your zodiacal sign has governance over genito-urinary system, external generative organs,
excretory system, cervix, coccyx and prostrate gland. These are your vulnerable areas.
Elimination or disorder in connection with elimination will determine your remaining in desired
state of health or suffering from disease. You should take special care and exercise fullest
possible control over your intake of food and drink, and also over your arousal of strong passions
- which may increase the level of toxins in the body.

You should have plenty of sleep and should remain in a relaxed state of mind. You should take
more of leeks, radishes, garlic, ginger and ginseng.Since the Ascendant has no affliction in your
chart, you will be in good health.

Since Venus afflicts the Moon in your chart, you may suffer from general weakness and

Since Mars afflicts the Moon in your chart, you may suffer from blood-loss, ruptures and
inflammatory swellings.

Since Mercury afflicts the Sun in your chart, you are prone to have some memory problems;

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you may be a little nervous, restless and worrying.

Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Leo in your chart, the part of the body prone to
affections is the belly region.

Education and Profession

You are fairly intelligent and can grasp things quickly. But you may not have that much of
patience and may not wish to waste your precious years. You may not complete your College
education and opt for leaving it like many other celebrities did. You will have a successful career
in a field where the prime criterion is not high education but certain special abilities are needed.

The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the capability to express your views
very effectively and also offer communication skills. You have an aptitude for seeing both sides
of things as well. You will do well in the field of Law or in such fields where knowledge of rules
and regulations are required.

The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the qualities of a born businessman.
You will be quick to learn the aspects of trade and commerce. You will make a fortune by trading
and/ or manufacturing activities. As usual in business you may have to pass through some slack
patches when you will need to excercise control although during the most part you will do brisk

Wealth and Inheritance

As regards family-wealth, the position is only good to begin with. Fortunes you will obtain after
marriage, and through inheritance from deceased ladies. You will have chances of receiving
favours from ladies of aristocratic background. As regards domestic environments, the no. of
family-members may be but a few, mostly of extrovert type. Your partner will be fond of
pleasures, jewels and all sorts of valuables and precious things; and, will spend lavishly on

In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the Ascendant gives rise to auspicious 'Dhana-Yoga'.
This is an excellent combination for influx of wealth from various sources. You will have
successfully running and growing business ventures. Even if you have a humble begining you
will proceed farther than your own expectations and lead a contented life.

In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the Ascendant is a very fortunate indication
in respect of inheritance. You will not only have substancial property from your parents but also
will receive a legacy through your marriage-partner who will have an aristocratic background. In
one respect you should remain careful that you will be prone to accidental mishaps, which can
inflict head-injuries.

Marriage and Married Life

Your chart indicates that you will be married at normal age-period.

In your chart the Ascendant-lord and the 7th-lord are in Sesquiquadrate aspect. You will have

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a fairly good relationship based on mutual love and respect. However you may have minor
differences at times which is only very natural. As you will grow together, you will develop a
better understanding which will be beneficial for the family as a whole.

Travel and Journeys

In your chart most of the planets are situated in 'fixed' signs which indicates that you will seldom
require long-distance travelling. You will not require changing places in connection with your

Lucky Stone
Among auspicious gemstones RED CORAL (Munga) will be favourable for you.

You may take 8 to 12 Rattis of RED CORAL in a Silver ring which should be worn on right hand
ring finger on a Tuesday -- after mid-day.

Cheaper substitute of Red Coral is Sindoori Akeek which may be taken instead in a ring of
Silver or Copper.

While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

Dharini-garbha-sambhutam Vidyut-kanti Samaprabham Kumaram Sakti-Hastam cha Mangalam


The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the
weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced
to 1/2 to 1/3 part.

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