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Local, State, and National (LSN) Government

Teacher: Mr. Shulman Room: E112
Email: Phone: 301-985-1820, ext. 3295
Class Website:

Course Objectives:
(1) You will learn to appreciate the USA government.
(2) You will earn high grades every quarter.
(3) You will pass the Government High School Assessment (HSA) or else you will not earn
a high school diploma.

Course Description: The course content covers information about: the foundations of
government; the United States political system; the legislative, executive, and judicial
branches of government; citizenship rights and responsibilities; the structures and
functions of state and local governments; and a global perspective on governmental

Student & Teacher Expectations:

1. Most importantly, we will respect everyone who sets foot in our classroom.
2. We will enter class with an open mind.
3. We will respect the views and beliefs of everyone in our class.
4. We will dress professionally.
5. We will not use cell phones and music players during class.
6. We will always have our school ID visible.
7. We will not eat or drink food in the classroom, except for water.

1. You are expected to be here every class!
2. If you are absent for class, a legal excuse note is needed within 2 days of the absence.
3. If you are absent for class, you are entitled to make-up work only if you provide a
valid excuse note. You must pick up your makeup work either before school or after
school. I will not spend class time providing makeup work during class.
4. If you do not come to class and do not provide a valid excuse, you will not receive
make up work.

Classroom Procedures:
1. Entering Class: Everyday, unless 2. Take out your homework and
otherwise noted, you will follow the same place it on desk
entry routine. This is so we do not waste 3. Complete your Warm Up.
time during class, so we can learn as much
as possible. 2. SLANT is our classroom’s standard of
1. Take your Interactive Notebook excellent behavior. Students are expected
to your desk. to follow SLANT during class.
It is an acronym for the following: I will ask a QUESTION.
Sit up I will PAUSE to give you time to think.
Lean forward I will call ONE STUDENTS NAME to answer.
Ask questions Only that person will answer the question.
Nod your head
Track the speaker’s eyes 4. NO OPT OUT is a philosophy that will
be used everyday. NO OPT OUT means
3. Hot Call is a game that we will play that you must try to answer a question. It
every day. In this game, students will be is okay to get a question wrong or “pass”
asked a question and I will call on someone at first, but we will always end with you
to answer. However, in this game, no one getting the question right. The teacher will
is allowed to raise his or her hand. The provide you with opportunities to answer
following is the sequence I will use when the question correctly.
using HOT CALL:

Student Materials:
1. Textbook  United States Government: Democracy in Action, costs $70 (KEEP IT


* You will need to keep a 1-inch 3-Ring Binder for this class
* Your Interactive Notebook will stay in the classroom
* Your Interactive Notebook must be organized using dividers with the following
1. Warm Ups
2. Class Notes
3. Unit Vocabulary & Review Guide
4. Homework, Quizzes, Tests
5. I Learned Today… (Keep approximately 20 sheets of plain notebook paper in
this section)

Grading Scale: Grade Distribution:
90-100% = A Tests, Quizzes, Projects =
80-89% = B Class Work = 25%
70-79% = C Homework = 25%
60-69% = D
59-below = E

Tests, Quizzes, Projects (50% of Your Grade):

1 Test per Unit:
* Mix of selected response (multiple choice) and BCRs (Brief Constructed Response)
* Tests will reflect actual HSA questions
1 Quiz per Unit:
* Much shorter than tests meant to assess your vocabulary knowledge
1 Book Report per Quarter:
* More details to follow…
Class Work (25% of Your Grade):
Some of the assignments/activities we will do in class:
Short writings & Readings Presenting Information to
the Class
Reading & Discussing Current Internet Scavenger Hunts
Creating Posters & Political Acting out Skits

- You will receive homework most nights; you are expected to spend at least 5-10
minutes each night studying too.
- You will receive Unit Review Questions before each unit exam for you to complete
and study.
- Mr. Shulman will only accept Late Work if you write a 1-paragraph note explaining
why you are turning the assignment in late Pay attention to the deadlines for turning in
Late Work!!

~*My Promise to You*~

Starting from day one, I hold no assumptions about you. Your race, gender,
language background, immigration status, sexual identity, or ethnicity does not
guarantee you will succeed here, rather your work ethic will determine your ultimate
achievements. I will work hard to make every class relevant to you and your lives. I will
not tell you what to think; rather I will help you become better thinkers. I will do my best
to help you earn a passing score on the Government High School Assessment exam,
though you will need to work hard outside of class in order to pass this important exam.
Most importantly, I will strive to make this class memorable and meaningful for the rest
of your life.
- Mr. W.J. Shulman

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