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1. What is matrix?

* Matrix is a rectangular array of objects.

3 4 6
*[ ] Rows
1 0 7

2. Order of matrix.

* If a matrix has m number of rows and n number of columns then order of matrix is mxn.

6 9
*[ ] order -2x2 i.e. A square matrix of order 2
4 3
7 1 3
*[ ] order 2x3 i. e. A rectangular matrix of order 2x3.
5 7 9
3. Types of matrices.

* Row matrix--- [1 2 3]

* Column matrix ---[5]
9 7 2
1 2
* Square matrix of order 2 ---[ ] , of order 3----[1 6 3]
4 3
5 0 6
6 0 0
*Diagonal matrix --[0 8 0] ,in which all the nom diagonal elements of a square matrix are
0 0 7
all zero

7 0 0
*Scalar matrix --[0 7 0]( it is a diagonal matrix whose all diagonal elements are equal)
0 0 7
1 0 0
1 0
*Unit/Identity matrixI2= [ ], 3 = [0 1 0]
0 1
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0
* Null/Zero matrix --[ ] ,[0 0 0]
0 0
0 0 0
4. Equality of matrices.

5. Operation on matrices

(a) Addition/subtraction of matrices.

* Same order matrices can be added as well as subtracted.

* Addition as well as subtraction of matrices are binary operations.

(b) Multiplication of matrices.

*Two matrices are compatible for multiplication if number of columns of first matrix is equal to
the number of rows of second matrix.

1 2 5 7 4
* = [ ] , = [ ] , AB exists but BA does not exist.
3 4 2 5 2
* Multiplication of matrices is also binary operation under certain conditions.

6.. Transpose of matrix.

* By interchanging rows to columns or vice versa transpose of matrix is obtained.

2 1
2 5 8 T
* = [ ] , A =[5 7]
1 7 0
8 0
7. Symmetric and skew symmetric matrices.

(a) Symmetric matrix if A=AT,(where A is a square matrix)

(b) Skew symmetric matrix if AT= -AT

(c) Every square matrix can be expressed as the sum of a symmetric and skew symmetric
1 1
i.e. = 2 ( + ) +2 ( )

=(Symmetric matrix)+ (Skew symmetric matrix)

8. Elementary transformations for finding inverse of a matrix.

(a) Elementary row transformations A=IA

(b )Elementary column transformations A=AI

Note: Elementary row transformations and Elementary column transformations should not be
used simultaneously to find the inverse of a matrix.

9.What is determinant?

*Every square matrix can be associated with a unique number that is called its determinant.

i.e.| |=ad-bc

10. Minors and co factors of the elements of a determinant.

* Aij=(-1)i+jMij ,where Aij is co factor and Mij is minor.

11. Evaluation of a determinant.

* The sum of the products of elements and its corresponding co factors of a row or column.

12. Properties of determinants.

* The value of the determinant remains unchanged if its rows and columns are interchanged.

*If any two rows(or columns) of a determinant are interchanged the sign of determinant

* If any two rows (or columns) of a determinant are identical(all corresponding elements are
same) then value of determinant is zero.

* If each element of a row (or a column) of a determinant is multiplied by a constant k then its
value gets multiplied by k

*If some or all elements of a row or column of a determinant are expressed as sum of two (or
more) terms, then the determinant can be expressed as sum of two (or more) determinants.

*If ,to each element of any row or column of a determinant , the equimultiples of
corresponding elements of other row (or column) are added, then value of determinant
remains the same.

* Use of appropriate property to evaluate the determinant easily.

13. Adjoint and inverse of a matrix.

12 11 21
*adjA=[ 11 ] =[ ] ,where Aij is a co factor of aij.
21 22 12 22

* A(adj A)=I |A|=(adjA)A

() ()
|| ||

*A-1= ||

14. Conditions for a system of linear equations to be consistent/inconsistent

* A system of linear equations is called consistent if it has at least one solution.

i) |A| 0 (System has unique solution)

ii) |A|=0 ( )B (System has no solution)

iii) |A|=0=(adj A)B ( System has infinitely many solutions)

15. Solving a system of linear equations using matrix method.


2x+7y-4z =20


3 2 5 10
A =[2 7 4], X=[], B=[20]
8 6 5 25
AX=B, X=A-1B

16.To form linear equations from given word problems and their solution using matrix method.



LEVEL-1(1 marks)
1 2 3 1 2 4
1. if A=[ ] and B=[ ] .Find the value of 2A-B.
1 4 5 3 2 6

+ 2 6 2
2. If [ ]=[ ] .Find the value of a and b.
5 5 8

2 3 3 1 2 3
3. find x,y,a and b if [ ]= [ ]
1 + 4 3 + 4 1 6 29
+ 8
4. find x and y if [ ]= [ ]

1 +2 1 2
5. if A=[ ]= ,B=[ ]. Find x,y and z if A=B
2 +1 2 4

6. Find x,y,z,w if
6 4 +
[ ]+[ ] = 3[ ]
1 2 + 3

3 4 1 7 0
7. if 2[ ]+[ ]=[ ] ,find x and y.
5 0 1 10 5

7 0 3 0
8. Find X and Y if X+Y=[ ] and X-Y=[ ]
2 5 0 3

5 2 3 6
9. Find X and Y if X+y=[ ], X-Y=[ ]
0 9 0 1

10.Find matix B such that

2 5 17 1
[ ]B=[ ]
3 7 47 13

11.if A=[ 2 ]and B=[2 1 4] ,verify that() =
LEVEL-2(4 marks)
3 2 0
1. if A= [1 4 0] , show that 2 7 + 10 = 0
0 0 5

1 2 3
2. if A=[3 2 1], then show that 3 23 40 = 0
4 2 1

1 5
3.Find the number x and y such that 2 + + = 0. Where A=[ ]
4 3

1 1
4.For A=[ ], show that = [ ] , for all positive integers m.
0 1 0 1

1 1 1 31 31 31

5. if = [1 1 1] , = [31 31 31 ], for all positive integers n.
1 1 1 31 31 31

6.If A=[ ] , thenprove by principle of mathematical induction that =

[ ] for

all .

2 3 4 4 0 5
7. if A=[ 5 7 9], B= [1 2 0], verify that () = .
2 1 1 0 3 1
4 2 1
8. Express the matrix A=[3 5 7 ] as the sum of a symmetric and skew symmetric matrix.
1 2 1

1 3 5
9. Express [6 8 3] as a sum of symmetric and skew symmetric matrices.
4 6 5

0 6 7 0 1 1 2
10.if A=[6 0 8] , B=[1 0 2] , C=[2], verify ( + ) = + .
7 8 0 1 2 0 3

1 2 3 7 8 9
11.find the matrix X so that [ ]=[ ]
4 5 6 2 4 6


1. Find the inverse of the following matrix by using elementary row operation.
Level 1
7 1 3 1 2 3 5 2 1 6
(i) [ ] (ii) [ ] (iii) [ ] (iv) [ ] (v) [ ]
4 3 2 7 5 7 2 1 3 5
Level 2
2 0 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2
(i) [5 1 0 ] (ii) [2 4 1] (iii)[3 1 1] (iv) [3 0 1 ]
0 1 3 3 7 2 2 3 1 2 1 0
2 1 3
(v) [1 2 4]
3 1 1
Level 3
3 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2
(i) [2 0 1] (ii) [3 0 1] (iii) [1 3 0]
3 5 0 2 1 0 0 2 1
2 1 4 1 1 2
(iv) [4 0 2] (v) [ 1 2 3]
3 2 7 3 1 1

2. Find the inverse of the following matrix by using elementary column

Level 1
2 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 10 2
(i)[ ] (ii) [ ] (iii) [ ] (iv) [ ] (v) [ ]
1 2 2 7 2 3 4 2 5 1
Level 2
1 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 2
(i) [ 1 2 3] (ii) [2 3 1] (iii) [1 2 3]
3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1
3 3 4 1 2 2
(iv) [2 3 4] (v) [1 3 0]
0 1 1 0 2 1
Level 3
1 3 2 3 0 1 1 2 3
(i) [3 0 5] (ii) [2 3 0 ] (iii) [ 2 5 7]
2 5 0 0 4 1 2 4 1
3 1 2 1 1 2
(iv) [2 0 1] (v) [3 1 1]
3 5 0 2 3 1

Level 1 (one mark)

41 1 5
1. Without expanding evaluate the determinant: |79 7 9|
29 5 3
2. If A is a square matrix of order 3 such that | | = 64 ,then find the | |

1 2
3.If A = [ ] then find the |2 |
4 2
5 +1
4. For what value of , the matri :- [ ] is singular?
2 4
5. If A is a square matri of order 3 such that |adj A| = 64, find |3A|

6.Evaluate : | 6 5 |
20 24

7.If A is a square matrix of order 3 and |3 | = ||, then write the value of K

8.Write the value of the determinant : |150 150 |
75 750
1 2
9. If A=[ ], then find the value of |2A|
4 2
2 4 2 4
10.Find the value of , | |= | |
5 1 6

Level 2 (four marks)

1.If a + b +c 0, and | | = 0 , then show that- a = b = c

+ + +
2.Using properties of the determinants: evaluate | z |
1 1 1

3.If a, b, and c are positive and unequal, show that the value of the determinant

| | is negative.

4. Using properties of determinants, solve for .

| + | = 0

5.Without expanding the determinant, evaluate: |1 ||

6. Prove that | + | = 4

+ + 2
7. Prove that | + 2 + | = 9 2 ( + )
+ + 2
2 3
8.If X= -4 is a root of |1 1| = 0 then find other two roots.
3 2

1 2 1
9. Show that |1 2 |=|1 |
1 2 1

10.If a+b+c=0 and | | = 0 then prove that a=b=c

Level 3 (six marks)

1. Using properties of determinants, prove that

1 + 2 2 2 2
| 2 1 2 + 2 2 | = (1 + 2 + 2 )3
2 2 1 2 2

2.Using the properties of determinants , prove that:

2 1 + 3
| 2 1 + 3 | = (1 + )( )( )( )
2 1 + 3

15 2 11 3 7
3. Solve for x: | 11 17 14 | = 0
10 16 14

(2 + 2 )/
4. Solve for x: | ( 2 + 2 )/ | = 4
2 2
( + )/

2 2 2 2 2 2
5.Prove that |( + 1)2 ( + 1)2 2
( + 1) | = 4 | |
( 1)2 ( 1)2 ( 1)2 1 1 1

1 cos( ) cos( )
6. Prove that: |cos( ) 1 cos( )| = 0
cos( ) cos( ) 1

1 1 1
7.In a triangle ABC,if| 1 + sin 1 + sin 1 + sin | = 0 then prove that ABC is an
sin + sin2 sin + sin2 sin + sin2
isosceles triangle.
1 1 1
8.In a triangle ABC,if| 1 + cos 1 + cos 1 + cos | = 0 then prove that ABC is
cos + cos 2 cos + cos 2 cos + cos 2
an isosceles triangle.

9.If | | = 0 then find the value of p/(p-a) + q/(q-b) + r/(r-c)

1 2 + 3
10.Prove that |1 2 + 3 | = ( )( )( )(2 + 2 + 2 )
1 2 + 3


2 3 5
1.Find the minors of (1,2)th entry in the given matrix [6 0 4]
1 5 7

4 1
2. Find the minor of (2,2)th entry in the given matrix [ ]
2 3

1 2 3
3.Find the cofactor of (1,3)th entry in the following : [2 3 0]
1 5 4

+2 3
4.Find the value of x, if | |=3
+5 4

2 + 5 3
5. Find x , if | |=0
5 + 2 9

3 2 +1
6. For what value of x the given matrix[ ] is singular ?
2 4

30 30
7. Evaluate | |
60 60

8. If A is a square matrix of order 3 such that | | = 25, find ||

9. If A is a square matrix of order 3 and || = 5 find A(adjA).

3 2
1. If A=[ ], find A.(Adj A)
1 4

1 3
2. if A= [ ], find | |
1 4
2 0 0
3. If A= [ 3 4 0], find | |
10 7 3

1 0
4. Given that A=[ ] and A(adjA)= k[ ], find the value of k.
0 1

0 0
5.If A=[0 0], find adjA.
0 0

1 2
6. Find the adjoint of the matrix [ ]
3 5

7. Find the inverse of the matrix [ ]

5 2
8.For the matrix A=[ ], verify that adj A= ()
3 1

1 1 2 4
9. If A=[ ] and B=[ ] ,then () = ()()
0 3 3 0

3 1
10.Find the inverse of the matrix A= [ ].Also verify that 1 = 2 = 1
2 6

2 3
11.Given A=[ ], compute 1 and show that 21 = 9
4 7

4 5
12.If A=[ ], show that A-3I= 2(I+3A-1)
2 1

13.If A=[ ],x 1,calculate (i) A2 (ii) (A2)-1
4 2

14.Find the inverse of the matrix A=[ 1+ ] and show that: aA-1=(a2+bc+1)I-aI.

!5.Find the condition that the matrix [ ]

May be invertible .If the condition is satisfied find the inverse of the matrix.

2 3 5
16.Find the co factors of the elements of the third row of the determinant|6 0 4 | and verify that
1 5 7
A31 a11+A32a12+A33a13=0.
17.Using cofactors of elements of third column evaluate the determinant|1 |.

1 1 1
18. If [ ][ ] =[ ],then find the values of a and b.
1 1
1 2
19. Find the adjoint of the matrix A=[ ], also verify that () = ||2 = ()
3 4

3 1 2
20. If A= [2 3 1], find A(adjA) without calculating adjA.
1 2 1

1 1 1
0 1 2 2 2 2
1.If A=[1 2 3] and 1 = [4 3 ],then find the values of a and b.
5 3 1
3 1
2 2 2

1 1 2
2.Find the adjoint of the matrix A=[ 2 3 5],also verify that A(adjA)= ||3 =(adjA)A
2 0 1

2 1 3
3. Find the inverse of the matrix A=[ 4 1 0], also verify that 1 = 3
7 2 1

1 3 4
4.If A=[1 4 3],then verify that() = ||. Hence find 1 .
1 3 4

5 0 4 1 3 3
5. Given A=[2 3 2], 1 = [1 4 3],compute ()1
1 2 1 1 3 4

8 1 4
6.If A= [ 4
4 7],prove that 1 = .
1 8 4

1 1 1
7. If A=[2 1 0],prove that 1 = 2
1 0 0

3 1 1 1 2 2
8.If 1 = [15 6 5] and B=[1 3 0 ], find ()1
5 2 2 0 2 1

1 2 1
9. If A=[2 3 1], verify that (i) ()1 = (1 )
1 1 5

(ii) (1 )1 =
1 2 2
10. If A=[2 1 2], prove that 2 4 5 = 0. Hence find 1
2 2 1
2 3 5
1.Find the minors of (1,2)th entry in the given matrix [6 0 4]
1 5 7

4 1
2. Find the minor of (2,2)th entry in the given matrix [ ]
2 3

1 2 3
3.Find the cofactor of (1,3)th entry in the following : [2 3 0]
1 5 4

+2 3
4.Find the value of x, if | |=3
+5 4

2 + 5 3
5. Find x , if | |=0
5 + 2 9

3 2 +1
6. For what value of x the given matrix[ ] is singular ?
2 4

30 30
7. Evaluate | |
60 60

8. If A is a square matrix of order 3 such that | | = 25, find ||

9. If A is a square matrix of order 3 and || = 5 find A(adjA).

3 2
1. If A=[ ], find A.(Adj A)
1 4

1 3
2. if A= [ ], find | |
1 4

2 0 0
3. If A= [ 3 4 0], find | |
10 7 3

1 0
4. Given that A=[ ] and A(adjA)= k[ ], find the value of k.
0 1

0 0
5.If A=[0 0], find adjA.
0 0

1 2
6. Find the adjoint of the matrix [ ]
3 5

7. Find the inverse of the matrix [ ]

5 2
8.For the matrix A=[ ], verify that adj A= ()
3 1

1 1 2 4
9. If A=[ ] and B=[ ] ,then () = ()()
0 3 3 0

3 1
10.Find the inverse of the matrix A= [ ].Also verify that 1 = 2 = 1
2 6

2 3
11.Given A=[ ], compute 1 and show that 21 = 9
4 7

4 5
12.If A=[ ], show that A-3I= 2(I+3A-1)
2 1

13.If A=[ ],x 1,calculate (i) A2 (ii) (A2)-1
4 2

14.Find the inverse of the matrix A=[ 1+ ] and show that: aA-1=(a2+bc+1)I-aI.

!5.Find the condition that the matrix [ ]

May be invertible .If the condition is satisfied find the inverse of the matrix.

2 3 5
16.Find the co factors of the elements of the third row of the determinant|6 0 4 | and verify that
1 5 7
A31 a11+A32a12+A33a13=0.
17.Using cofactors of elements of third column evaluate the determinant|1 |.

1 1 1
18. If [ ][ ] =[ ],then find the values of a and b.
1 1

1 2
19. Find the adjoint of the matrix A=[ ], also verify that () = ||2 = ()
3 4

3 1 2
20. If A= [2 3 1], find A(adjA) without calculating adjA.
1 2 1

1 1 1
0 1 2 2 2 2
1.If A=[1 2 3] and 1 = [4 3 ],then find the values of a and b.
5 3 1
3 1
2 2 2
1 1 2
2.Find the adjoint of the matrix A=[ 2 3 5],also verify that A(adjA)= ||3 =(adjA)A
2 0 1

2 1 3
3. Find the inverse of the matrix A=[ 4 1 0], also verify that 1 = 3
7 2 1

1 3 4
4.If A=[1 4 3],then verify that() = ||. Hence find 1 .
1 3 4

5 0 4 1 3 3
5. Given A=[2 3 2], 1 = [1 4 3],compute ()1
1 2 1 1 3 4

8 1 4
6.If A=9 [ 4 4 7],prove that 1 = .
1 8 4

1 1 1
7. If A=[2 1 0],prove that 1 = 2
1 0 0

3 1 1 1 2 2
8.If 1 = [15 6 5] and B=[1 3 0 ], find ()1
5 2 2 0 2 1

1 2 1
9. If A=[2 3 1], verify that (i) ()1 = (1 )
1 1 5

(ii) (1 )1 =
1 2 2
10. If A=[2 1 2], prove that 2 4 5 = 0. Hence find 1
2 2 1


Solve the system of equations using matrix method

1. 3x-2y+3z=8, 2x+y-z=1, 4x-3y+2z=4

2. X+y+z=3, 2x-y+z=-1, 2x+y-3z=-9

3. 3x+4y+7z=14, 2x-y+3z=4, x+2y-3z=0

4. 2x-y-z=7, 3x+y-z=7, x+y-z=3

5. X+y-5z=26, x+2y+z=-4, x+3y+6z=-29

6. 2x-3y+5z=11, 3x+2y-4z=-5, x+y-2z=-3

7. X+y+z=6, x+2z=7, 3x+y+z=12

8. X+2y-3z=-4, 2x+3y+2z=2, 3x-3y-4z=11

9. X+2y+z=7, x+3z=11, 2x-3y=1

10. 2x-y+3z=13, x+3y+2z=1, 3x-4y-z=8


2 3 5
1. If a A= [3 2 4] find A-1.. Using A-1 solve the system of equations :- 2x-3y+5z=11,
1 1 2
3x+2y-4z=-5 and x+ y 2z =-3
2 3 10 4 6 5 6 9 20
2. Solve the system of equations: + +
= 4 , + = 1 ,

3. The sum of three numbers is 6.If we multiply third number by 3 and add second number to it
,we get 11.By adding first and third numbers we get double of the second number. Represent it
algebraically and find the numbers using matrix method.
4. The cost of 4 chocolates ,3 samosas and 2 apples is Rs 60.The cost of 2 chocolates ,4 samosas
and 6 apples is Rs.90.The cost of 6 chocolates ,2 samosas and 3 apples is Rs. 70.Find the cost of
each item by matrix method. What do you think is the healthiest diet? Suggest an item that
could replace samosa to make the diet healthier.
5. Using matrix method ,solve the system of equation x+2y+z,x-y+z=4,x+3y+2z=10.If x represents
the number of persons who take food at home, y represents the number of persons who take
junk food in market and z represent the number of persons who take food at hotel. Which way
of eating food you prefer and why?
6. There are three families, first family consists of 2 male members,4 female members and 3
children. Second family consists of 3 male members,3 female members and 2 children. Third
family consists of 2 male members, 2 female members and 5 children. Male member earns Rs
500 per day and spends Rs 300 per day. Female member earns earns Rs 400 per day and spends
Rs 250 per day. Child member spends Rs 40 per day. Find the money each family saves per day
using matrices. What is the necessity of saving in the family?
7. Three shopkeepers A, B and C are using polythene, handmade bags (prepared by persons) and
newspapers envelopes as carry bags. It is found that the shopkeepers A,B ,C are using(20,30,40)
,(30,40,20) ,(40,20,30) polythene ,handmade bags and newspapers envelopes respectively. The
shopkeepers A, B,C spent Rs 250,Rs 220 and Rs 200 on these carry bags respectively. Find the
cost of each carry bags using matrices. Keeping in mind the social and environmental conditions,
which shopkeeper is better and why?
8. Ina legislative assembly election , a political party hired a public relation firm to promote its
candidate in three ways; telephone, house calls and letters. The numbers of contacts of each
type in three cities A,B and C are (500,1000,5000) ,(3000,1000,10000) and (2000,1500,4000)
respectively. The party paid Rs.3700 ,Rs 7200 and Rs. 4300 in cities A,B and C respectively. Find
the costs per contact using matrix method keeping in mind the economic condition of the
9. In a survey of 25 richest person of three localities x, y ,z. It is found that in locality A 7 believes in
honesty,12 in hard work and 6 in unfair means. While in Y 10 believes in honesty 11 in hard
work , 4 in unfair means and in Z, 8 believes in honesty ,12 in hard work 5 in unfair means. If the
income of 25 richest persons of locality x, y and z are respectively
Rs.1,19,000,Rs.1,18,0001,18,000per day then find income of each type of person by matrix
method. In your view which type of person is better for society and for nation.
10. Three friends A,B and C visited the reliance fresh to purchase fruits. A purchased 2kg apples,1 kg
grapes and 3 kg of oranges; B purchased 3kg apples,2 kg grapes and 1kg oranges; C purchased 4
kg apples, 3 kg grapes and 2kg oranges, the amount paid by them are respectively
Rs.440,Rs.410and Rs.620. Find the cost of 1 kg of each fruit using matrix multiplication. Why we
take fruits in our diet.


1 1 0 2 2 4
1. Given that A=[2 3 4] and B=[4 2 4] find AB.Use this to solve the following
0 1 2 2 1 5
system of equations.x-y=3,2x+3y+4z=17,y+2z+7.
4 4 4 1 1 1
2. Given that A=[7 1 3 ] and B= [1 2 2] Find AB. Use this to solve the following
5 3 1 2 1 3
system of equations.
1 1 1
3. If A= [2 1 3] find A-1 and hence solve the system of equations x+2y+z=4, -x+y+z=0, x-
1 1 1
3y+z =2.
4. An amount of Rs.5000 is put into three investments at the rate of interest of 6%,7% and 8% per
annum respectively. The total annual income is Rs.358. If the combined income from the first
two investments is Rs.70 more than the income from the third, Find the the amount of each
investment by matrix method.
5. A school wants to award its students for the values of honesty,regularity and hardwork with a
total cash award of Rs.6000. Three times the award money for hard work with a total cash
award of Rs.6000.Three times the award money for hardwork added to that given for honesty
amounts to Rs.11000.The award money given for honesty and hard work together is double the
one given for regularity. Represent the above situation algebraically and find the award for each
value using matrix method . Apart from these values namely honesty ,regularity and hard work
suggest one more value which the school must include for awards.
6. For keeping fit X people believes in morning walk, Y people believe in Yoga and Z people join
Gym. Total number of people is 70, further 20%, 30% and 40% people are suffering from any
disease who believe in morning walk, Yoga and Gym respectively. Total number of such people
is 21. If morning walk costs Rs.0, Yoga costs Rs.500 per month and gym cost Rs.400 per month
and total expenditure is Rs.23,000. (1) Formulate a matrix problem . (2) Calculate the number of
each type of people. (3) Why exercise is important for health.
7. An amount of Rs.600 crores is spend by the government in three schemes. Scheme A is for
saving girl child from the cruel parents who dont want girl child and get the abortion before her
birth. Scheme B is for saving of newly wed girls from death due to dowry. Scheme C is planning
for good health for senior citizen. Now twice the amount spent on scheme C together with
amount spent on scheme A is Rs.700 Crores .And three times the amount spent on scheme A
together with amount spent on scheme B and scheme C is Rs.1200 Crores. Find the amount
spent on each scheme using matrices. What is importance of saving girl child from the cruel
parents who dont want girl child and get the abortion before her birth.
8. Two schools A & B want to award their selected teachers on the values of honesty , hardwork
and regularity. The school A wants to award Rs. x each, Rs.y each and Rs. Z each for three
respective values to 3,2and 1 teachers with a total award money of Rs.1.28 lakhs. School B
wants to spend Rs.1.54 lakhs lakhs to award its 4, 1 and 3 teachers on the respective values (by
giving the same award money for the three values as before). If the total amount of award for
one prize on each value is Rs.57,000 using matrices find the award money for each value.
9. A School wants to reward the students participating in co-curricular activities (category I) and
with 100% attendance (category II) brave students (category III) in a function.The sum of the
numbers of all the three category student is 6. If we multiply the number of category III by 2 and
added to the number of category I to the result , we get 7. By adding II and III category would to
three times the first category we get 12. Form the matrix equation and solve it.
1 1 2 2 0 1
10. Use the product [0 2 3] [ 9 2 3]to solve the system of equations x-y+2z=1,2y-
3 2 4 6 1 2
3z=1 and 3x-2y+4z=2.
1. While solving the questions based on equality of determinants students equate the corresponding
elements whereas the question must be solved by equating the values of determinants.

2. For finding the inverse of a matrix using elementary transformations

In the case of Elementary Row Transformations one should start with A=IA, while in the case of finding
inverse using Elementary Column Transformations one should use A=AI, the students make mistake in
it.Although the answer comes out to be correct but the in between steps are not equivalent.

1-Mistakes of signs in calculating the cofactors

For example-


= 1| | + 2| | + 3| |


Minors and cofactors should be explained properly before expansion of



students generaly using expansion method in place of using properties of


Rectification practice should be done so that students can apply the properties
of determinants.

3- Mistake

Students write the operation but the same is not implemented during solving
the problem.

= 0 where w is the cube root of unity

Applying R1 -> R1+R2+R3

+ +
+ +
+ +
Rectification - difference between Row and Column operation should be
explained clearly and more practice is required.

4- Mistake

Mistakes found in finding the common in determinants.

For example-

= 2


Common should be taken either from row or column , it should not be taken
from the diagonal elements.

5- Mistake

Mistakes found in breaking the determinants.

For example-

+ + +
+ + + = +
+ + +

Breaking of determinants should be explained clearly with help of different type

of examples.


1.While finding the inverse of a square matrix of order 3 the course of action
should be like :

*First try make a11 =1, then a21=0 ,a31=0 in case of Elementary Row

*First try to make a11=1,then a12=0,a13=0 in case of Elementary Column


*For finding inverse of a matrix using Elementary Operations the operations

allowed are CIM (C= Clubbing i.e. R1 1 + 2 , I= Interchanging i.e.1 2 and
M=Multiplying i.e.1 2 ) This is also applicable for column operations.

*If in any determinant all the elements of a particular row are all unity(i.e. 1) then
apply 2 2 -1 ,3 3 1 .

* If in any determinant all the elements of a particular column are all unity(i.e. 1)
then apply 2 2 -1 ,3 3 1 .

*If the elements of a particular row or column are not all unity try to make them
unity if possible by applying proper property .

*Before expanding a determinant try to make maximum number of zeroes in a

row or column.

* In the particular problems regarding proving the determinant equal to the given
algebraic expression by using Properties of Determinant before expansion two
entries of any row or column must be zero.
*In multiplication of matrices the compatibility of multiplication must be
ascertained and the order of resulting matrix must be written properly.

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