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Name: Sachchida Sharma Regd. No. 1-1-063-2013

Semester and year of admission: First, 2013 Degree: B.Sc.Ag.,
Major supervisor: Prof. Dr. Moha Dutta Sharma
The study was conducted to analyze the value chain of banana in Bardiya district of
Nepal from April to September, 2017. Thirty (30) banana farmers were selected using the simple
random sampling technique from the study site, Gulariya, recognized as the banana block of
Bardiya district. The required information was obtained through the questionnaire survey. To
study the marketing aspect of banana, 30 traders (10 contractors, 10 wholesalers and 10 retailers)
were selected and interviewed. The average land holding was 0.81 ha in the study area while the
average area under banana cultivation was 0.75 ha. The only marketing channel identified in the
area, was producer-contractor-wholesaler-retailer- consumer. Gross return per hectare and
benefit cost ratio was found as NRs.475080 and 2.43 respectively. Net margin per hectare from
banana farming was NRs.279545. The maximum value addition was seen in wholesalers level
which was calculated as 50% of total. The producers share was 43.10% for the larger farm size.
Infestation of pest and disease, banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) and bunchy top virus
were the major problems for banana cultivation. The other problems identified were wind
damage, theft, animal damage, irrigation problem, market and input access. The major marketing
problem faced by the banana producers were fluctuation in price followed by lack of market
information, large gap in consumers price and farm gate price, sale on credit and lack of
collection center. The constraints were lack of quality storage facility, attack of pest and
diseases, frequent occurring of natural calamities, lack of technical know-how and improperly
functioning farmers co-operatives. However, the opportunities in the banana cultivation like the
supply of good and quality inputs, increasing credit facilities with lower rate of interest and
formation of strong marketing groups suggested that the banana farming could be established as
a profitable enterprise in Bardiya district owing to its economic return.

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