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Reconciliation of Life

Mohammad Ashfaqur Rahman

A civil servant

What is Life...
What is it's purpose?
The "old" man is thinking the fact;
He is seeping a cup of tea,
Under the old banyan tree.
The tree wants to tell many tales,
Old man tries to understand them,
by the essence of the silence.

In this retirement nowhere to go,

|Time is long; what to do?

Gentle breeze goes through the tree

Shaking the branches as a sign of disagree,
The old fighter reanimates events of past
as he tells the tree,
"Connect your stories with mine".

In this retirement nowhere to go,

Time is long, nothing to do.

The mighty tree is now connected

With the soul of the retired fighter;
The old man the dynamism lies,
Beneath the stagnant banyan.

All the life the man just issued or executed orders,

Raises children on his shoulders,
from office to home again and again for nation and family.
He gave shapes to dreams of many;
What about his dreams-
What about the places he wishes to go?
What about the things he tried to do?
The sun and the tree give the man a new light of retirement,
a new hope; a second chance.
A new vision has come to his sight,
He should not be "stopped" in this life,
A number of places to go with his wife,
He will learn new things,
May be computer, blogging or writing,
He will teach the youth,
What do honesty, compassion and courage worth?

With great gratitude, he looks at the tree

Remembers a quote of the great Rumee,
"You are not a drop in an ocean; you are an ocean in a drop".

The old but green fighter stands up and starts to walk fast.....

In this retirement, many places to go,

Time is short, many adventures to do.........

A tribute to all retired civil servants who had dedicated their lives for the

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