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Interview Prep for Assistant Engineer (Works & Services) BS-17 SPSC

Bold fonts Questions asked in interview from APG

Normal fonts Questions related to already asked questions

1. Japan comprises of how many Islands or Japanese archipelago? Ans: 6852 Islands.

2. Which is the largest city of Japan and on which Island is it located? Ans: Tokyo on Honshu

3. 4 main Islands of Japan are called: Home Islands. a) Honshu b) Hokkaido c) Kyushu d) Shikoku.

4. Worlds highest waterfall? Ans: Angel Falls in Venezuela (979 metres or 3212-ft).

5. Difference between an ocean and a sea?

An ocean is interconnected mass of saltwater (covering 71% of the surface of the earth) where
boundaries are established by continental land masses, or the equator and ridges in the ocean
floor. A sea, on the other hand, is usually smaller than an ocean (a division of an ocean) and is a
body of salt water that is; surrounded on all or most sides (partially enclosed) by land and/or
part of one of the oceans.
Oceans are vast bodies of water that cover roughly 70% of the earth. Seas are smaller and
partially enclosed by land. The five oceans of the earth are in reality one large interconnected
water body. In contrast, there are over 50 smaller seas scattered around the world.

6. Oceans by size (descending): Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic.

7. Continents by size (descending): Asia, Africa, N.America, S.America, Antarctica, Europe &

8. Continents by population (descending): Asia, Africa, Europe, N.America, S.America, Australia &
Antarctica (No permanent residents but up to 4,000 researchers and personnel in the summer
and 1,000 in the winter)

9. Fun Facts about Continents:

a. Asia has the highest and lowest points on earth. Mt. Everest is the highest point on
earth at 29,029 feet above sea level. The lowest point is the Dead Sea, which is more
than 1,400 feet below sea level.
b. Africa is home to the longest river in the world, the Nile (Egypt). It stretches 6,853 km
(4,258 miles) from Sudan to the Mediterranean Sea.
c. North America boasts the largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Superior. One of
the Great Lakes, Superior covers more than 31,700 square miles between the U.S. and
d. South America has the longest mountain range in the world. The Andes Mountains
stretch 4,300 miles from Venezuela south to Chile.
e. Europe lays claim to the largest and smallest nations in the world. Russia is the biggest
at 6.6 million square miles, while Vatican City is the smallest at 109 acres.
f. Australia is the smallest continent and the only one to be a single nation.
g. Antarctica is covered in more ice than any other continent. Nearly 98 percent of this
southernmost continent is ice-bound.

10. Deepest point in the oceans: Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean (11kms or 7miles deep from
surface) and the only people who have dived successfully to Mariana trench are: Jacques Piccard
and Navy Lt. Don Walsh 1960.

11. Height of Mount Everest: 8848-m or 29029-ft (Location: The international border between
China & Nepal, Himalayan range) (First ascent: 29 May 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing
Norgay) (highest peak of Himalayan range)

12. Pakistanis who have climbed Mt. Everest: Nazir Sabir, Hasan Sadpara, Samina Baig (the 1st &
only Pakistani woman) & Abdul Jabbar Bhatti.
13. Height of K-2 (Mount Godwin-Austen or Korakaram-2 or Chhogori): 8,611- m or 28,251 ft
(located on the China-Pakistan border Gilgit Baltistan Xinjiang) (it is the highest peak of
Korakaram range & 2nd highest peak in the world after Everest)

14. Height of Nanga Parbat (killer mountain): 8,126-m or 26,660-ft (9th highest peak in the world)
(Location: Astore-Gilgit Baltistan) (it is the highest peak of Himalaya in Pakistan)

15. Why is the cape of Good Hope in Africa called so?

The Cape of Good Hope is a headland on the Atlantic coast side of South Africa. It is known for
its spectacular scenery. It was originally named the Cape of Storms by Portuguese explorer
Bartholomew Dias in 1488. It was later renamed, by King John II of Portugal, the Cape of Good
Hope because of the great optimism engendered by the opening of a sea route to India and the
East. A common misconception is that the Cape of Good Hope is the southern tip of Africa. This
misconception was based on the misbelief that the Cape was the dividing point between the
Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Contemporary scientific knowledge instead states the southernmost
point of Africa is Cape Agulhas about 150 kms to the east-southeast.

16. Bermuda triangle: located in North Atlantic Ocean. Its 3 vertices are:
a. Miami, Florida, US
b. San Juan, Puerto Rico
c. Bermuda

17. How many states are there in America? 50 {Largest (size): Alaska, Largest (population):

18. How many USA presidents: 45 including Trump.

19. Pakistans policy towards Afghanistan: Neutral, Non-interference policy

20. Pakistans border with neighboring countries:

a. Afghanistan: Durand Line 2430 kms (named after Sir Mortimer Durand, who was the
foreign secretary of the British India. The border was established in November 1893
after an agreement between Afghanistan and the British Empire.)(Khyber pass is a
mountain pass connecting the town of Landi Kotal, near the Afghanistan and Pakistan
border, to the Valley of Peshawar)
b. Iran: Pakistan-Iran Barrier 909 kms (Iran has built a 700 km concrete wall that is, three
feet wide and 10 feet high, to stop the flow of illegal border crossings.)
c. India: The Radcliffe Line 2912 kms (became the official border between Pakistan and
India on August 17, 1947. As the border was established by Sir Cyril Radcliffe the
chairman of the Indo-Pakistan Boundary Commission therefore it was named after
him. Wagah is the only road border crossing between India and Pakistan, and lies on the
Grand Trunk Road between the cities of Amritsar and Lahore. Wagah is also famous for
'the lowering of the flags' ceremony which is held there every evening, and is witnessed
by a large crowd from both the nations. Wagah is actually a village from which the
Radcliffe line was drawn separating India and Pakistan.)
d. China: 523 kms (The Khunjerab Pass is the highest paved international border crossing.
The famous agreement called the Sino-Pakistan Agreement was passed in 1963 between
Pakistan and China, according to which both countries agreed on the border between
them. The Karakoram Highway, also known as the Eighth Wonder of the World, lies on
the border between Pakistan and China. It connects Sinkiang Uighur of China and Gilgit
Baltistan of Pakistan and is one of the highest paved international roads in the world.)
e. Arabian Sea: 1046 kms.
f. Total Border lenghth: 6774 kms.
g. Total Area: 796,095 km2 8 lac km2 approx (36th in the world area wise)

21. Largest desert of Pakistan: Not sure, Thar or Cholistan

22. Kalashnikov (AK-47 assault rifle) inventor: Mikhail Kalashnikov (Russian General)

23. Which disease is transmitted by dog bite: Rabies.

24. Which disease is transmitted by mosquito bite: Malaria (by female mosquito transmitting
plasmodium bacteria), Dengue.

25. Disease caused by Vitamin-A (retinol) deficiency: Night-blindness. Prevention: dark green leafy
vegetables, bright-colored fruits (mango, papaya)

26. Disease caused by Vitamin-B1 (thiamine) deficiency: Beriberi. Symptoms: weakness, pain,
weight loss, difficulty walking, and emotional disturbances. Caused by only eating white rice.

27. Disease caused by Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid) deficiency: Scurvy Symptoms: lethargy,
progressing on to spotty skin, losing teeth, and bleeding and swollen gums. Slow wound healing
and general weakness is also a regular symptom. If left untreated scurvy can be fatal.
Prevention: citrus fruits/ varied diet.
28. Disease caused by Vitamin-D deficiency: Rickets Symptoms: softening of bones in children
usually resulting in fractures and deformities. This is due to the fact that vitamin D plays a key
role in calcium absorption and the building of strong, healthy bones.

29. SAARC: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation - (HQ: Kathmandu, Nepal.) -
(Members: 8 - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri
Lanka.) (Last SAARC summit = 19th Summit at Islamabad, Pakistan Cancelled due to Indias
Isolation tactics.)

30. OPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries - (HQ: Vienna, Austria) (Members =
14 (Middle-East = Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi, UAE Afria = Algeria, Angola, Equatorial
Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria S.America = Ecuador, Venezuela)

31. SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (previously, Shanghai Five) (HQ: Beijing, China)
(Members: 8 - China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India & Pakistan)

32. NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (HQ: Brussels, Belgium) (Members: 29)
(intergovernmental military alliance between several North American and European states)

33. ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Secretariat: Jakarta, Indonesia) (Members:
10 - Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos,
Myanmar, and Vietnam)

34. EU: European Union (Capital: Brussels, Belgium ) (Members: 28)

35. NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement (Members: 3 USA, Canada and Mexico)
(trilateral trade bloc in North America)

36. ECO: Economic Cooperation Organization (HQ: Tehran, Iran) - (Members: 10 5 Central Asian
Republics: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Kyrgistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan) (Eurasian political and economic intergovernmental organization which
was founded in 1985 in Tehran by the leaders of Iran, Pakistan and Turkey. It provides a
platform to discuss ways to improve development and promote trade and investment

37. OIC: Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (HQ: Jeddah, KSA) (Members: 57) - (it is "the
collective voice of the Muslim world" and works to "safeguard and protect the interests of the
Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony") (Last Summit: 13th
Islami Summit at Istanbul, Turkey in 14th April 2016)

38. UN: United Nations:

A. Six Principal Organs:
i. UNGA: UN General Assembly Members: 193 HQ: UN HQ New York , USA
ii. Security Council: (Members: 5 Permanent: USA, UK, Russia, France, China 10
Temporary Members: for 2 year terms) (HQ: UN HQ New York , USA)
iii. ECOSOC: Economic & Social Council (Members: 54 - elected by the United
Nations General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms) (HQ: UN HQ New
York , USA)
iv. Secretariat: Executive Arm of UN - Secretary General: Head of Secretariat -
Antnio Guterres (Portugal) - (HQ: UN HQ New York , USA)
v. International Court of Justice: judicial branch of the UN - HQ: Peace Palace in
The Hague, Netherlands

B. Funds, Programs and Special Agencies:

a. FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization
b. ILO: International Labor Organization
c. ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization
d. IMO: International Maritime Organization
e. UNICEF: United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund
f. UNDP: United Nations Development Fund
g. UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
h. UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme
i. WHO: World Health Organization
j. WMO: World Meteorological Organization
k. NSG: Nuclear Suppliers Group
l. IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency
m. ADB: Asian Development Bank
n. IMF: International Monetary Fund
o. WTO: World Trade Organization
p. ICC: International Criminal Court
q. Interpol: International Criminal Police Organization

39. Red sea is b/w Asia and Africa. Also called: Gulf of Arabia.
40. Dead Sea: is a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west.
Salinity makes for a harsh environment in which plants and animals cannot flourish, hence its
name. The Dead Seawater has a density of 1.24 kg/litre, which makes swimming similar to
41. Important Straits: Strait: a narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two other large
areas of water.
a. The Strait of Hormuz is a strait between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. It
provides the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the open ocean and is one of the
world's most strategically important choke points. On the north coast lies Iran, and on
the south coast the United Arab Emirates and Musandam, an exclave of Oman. At its
narrowest, the strait has a width of 29 nautical miles (54 km). About 20% of the world's
petroleum (about 35% of the petroleum traded by sea) passes through the strait,
making it a highly important strategic location for international trade.
b. Strait of Malacca: connects the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Longest strait of
c. Strait of Gibraltar: connects Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.
d. Bering Strait: separates Asia from America.
e. Palk Strait: separates India from Srilanka.
f. Messina Strait: separates Italy from Sicily.
g. Panama Canal: links Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean.
h. Suez Canal: b/w Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea.

42. Indus Waters Treat:

Treaty signed in Khi on: 19th Sep 1960.

David Lilenthal visited the region to help bridge the gap bw the 2 nations dispute.
Eugene R. Black: the then president of WB.
Sutlej, Ravi, Beas (SRB) : India --- Indus, Chenab, Jhelum (ICJ) : Pakistan
Treaty signed by: President Ayub Khan and PM Jawaharlal Nehru
Dispute arose on 1st April 1948 when India stopped irrigation supplies to Pakistan.
To solve the dispute, negotiations commenced in World Bank on: May 1952
Pak asked the WB to appoint neutral expert resolving the dispute on the construction of
Baglihar Dam (on Chenab River).
Indus and its 5 tributaries combine into 1 river at: Mithan Kot.
Smallest Barrage: Taunsa.

43. Capitals Currencies Premiers Famous for:

Argentina: Buenos Aires - Peso
Cuba: Havana Peso Raul Castro
Tajikistan: Dushanbe Somoni
Turkmenistan: Ashgabat Turkmen new manat 4th largest reserves of natural gas.
Kazakistan: Astana Tenge petroleum reserves largest landlocked country
dominant nation among CARs.
Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek Som Minerals (Gold, Coal)
Uzbekistan: Tashkent Uzbekistani som Diverse heritage (Caliphate & Turks &
Mongols came here) (Mineral rich) 4th largest gold deposits in the world.
South Africa: only country with 3 capitals: i) Pretoria (executive) ii) Bloemfontein
(judicial) iii) Cape Town (legislative) Largest city: Johannesburg SA.Rand
Russia Moscow Ruble Area: 17.1 million km2 lies in Euroasia largest country.
Canada Ottawa Canadian Dollar Area: 10 million km2 - 2nd Largest country.
China Beijing Yuan - Population: 1.4 billion (1st) - Area: 9.6 million km2 (3rd) Largest
city: Shanghai.
USA Washington D.C (district of Columbia) Dollar Area: 9.8 million km2
Australia - - Area:

44. Notable Trade/Economic partnerships:

IP - Iran Pakistan Natural Gas Pipiline - Peace Pipeline 2775 km idea of a NED civil
Engineer: Malik Aftab Ahmed Khan (Sitara-e-Jurrat) in 1950 in controversy (Expected
date: Dec 2014)
TAPI Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan India Natural Gas Pipeline Trans
Afghanistan Pipeline 1814 km
Current Name of Cities Old Names of Cities

Hyderabad Neroon Kot

Karachi Kaulachi

Nawabshah Shaheed Benazirabad

Bin Qasim Pepri

Jacobabad Khan Garh

Sialkot Salwan Kot

Attock Campbell Pur

Faisalabad Lyall Pur

Sahiwal Montgomery

Pak Pattan Ajhodhan Pur

Lahore Mahmud Pur

Gujranwala Khan Pur

Quetta Shal Kot

Muslim Bagh Hindu Bagh

Zhob Fort Sanemars

Peshawar Persha Pur

Swat Rowdayana

Bannu Edwar Esa Bad, Dhulip Nagar

Islamabad Raj Shahi

Current Name of the Countries/Places Old/Alternate Name of the Countries/Places

Makkah Batha

Madina Yasrab

Abyssinia Ethiopia

Ankara, Turkey Angora

Istanbul, Turkey Constantinople

Sri Lanka Ceylon

Beijing Peking

Iran Persia

Iraq Mesopotamia

Zimbabwe Rhodesia

Zambia Northern Rhodesia

St. Petersburg, Russia Leningrad

Thailand Siam

Namibia South-West Afria

Libya Tripolitania & Cyrenaica

France Gaul

Myanmar Burma

Taiwan Formosa

Japan Nippon

Tokyo, Japan Edo

Hawaiian Islands Sandwich Islands

Indonesia The Dutch East India

Mexico New Spain

Sobriquets Nick Names of Important Places
Orignal Name

Britain of the East / Land of Rising Sun Japan

Battle field / Cockpit of the Europe Belgium

City of Cycles Beijing, China

City of dreaming spires Oxford

City of Sky Scrappers / Empire City NewYork

City of Magnificent Distances Washington, D.C

City of Golden Gate San Francisco

City of Seven Hills / Eternal City Rome, Italy

Forbidden City Lhasa, Tibet

Island of Pearls / Pearl of Arabia Bahrain

Key to the Mediterranean / Pillars of Hercules Gibraltar

Land of Thousand lakes Finland

Land of Morning Calm Korea

Land of Rising Sun Japan

Land of Setting Sun Britain

Land of Midnight Sun Norway

Never, Never Land Prairies, N.Australia

Land of Thunder Dragon China

Playground of Europe Switzerland

Roof of the world Pamirs, then Tibet

Sick man of Europe Turkey

Sugar bowl of the world Cuba

Ambassadors / High Commissioner to and from Pakistan

Countries Pakistani Ambassador Ambassador to Pakistan

China Masood Khalid Sun Weidong

Iran Asif Ali Khan Durrani Mehdi Honardoost

Consul General Mohammad


Afghanistan Zahid Nasrullah Khan Omar Zakhilwal

India Sohail Mahmood Ajay Bisaria

USA Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry David Hale

UK Syed Ibne Abbas Thomas Drew

UAE Moazzam Ahmad Khan Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem


Saudi Arabia Vice Admiral (Retd) Khan Nawaf Ahmad Al-Malki

Hasham Bin Saddique

Turkey Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi Sadik Babur Girgin

Russia Qazi M. Khalilullah Alexey Y Dedov

France Moin ul Haque Martine Dorance

Pakistan's Permanent Delegate


Foreign Secretary of Pakistan Tehmina Janjua

New Federal Cabinet took oath on 4th August 2017 (after the previous federal cabinet was dissolved
after Sharif stepped down following a landmark Supreme Court ruling on the Panama Papers case on
28th July 2017)

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (former Petroleum

Prime Minister of Pakistan

Federal/Cabinet Minsiter for Defence Mr. Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan

Federal/Cabinet Minsiter for Finance, Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar

Revenue & Economic Affairs

Federal/Cabinet Minsiter for Foreign Affairs Khawaja Muhammad Asif

Federal/Cabinet Minsiter for Interior

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal
Addl: Planning,Development
and Reforms

Federal/Cabinet Minsiter for Law and Justice Mr. Zahid Hamid

Federal/Cabinet Minsiter for Railways Mr. Khawaja Saad Rafique

Federal/Cabinet Minsiter for Privatization Mr. Daniyal Aziz

Mr. Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan

Federal/Cabinet Minsiter for Power

Minsiter of State for Information and Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb


Minsiter of State for Power Mr. Abid Sher Ali

Muhammad Tallal Chaudry
Minsiter of State for Interior

Pakistans 1st female federal minister: Begum Kulsoom Saifullah Khan.

Current MNAs: Shireen Mazari, Aisha Gulalai, Nafisa Shah.
Former Notable women: Shazia Marri (MPA), Sharmila Farooqi (Adviser), Hina Rabbani
Khar (1st female foreign minister of Pakistan), Dr. Fehmida Mirza (Speaker Parliament)
Speaker of the National Assemble: 19th Ayaz Sadiq
Chairman of the senate: 7th - Raza Rabani
During the President's absence, the chairman senate is empowered with the duties of
the presidency; in rare events involving the absence of the chairman, the presidential
duties are usually held by Speaker National Assembly. Term = 3 years.
45. Nobel Laureates 2017:
a. The Nobel Peace Prize 2017: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
b. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 was divided, one half awarded to Rainer Weiss, the
other half jointly to Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne "for decisive contributions to the
LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves."
c. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 was awarded to Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank
and Richard Henderson "for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high-
resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution."
d. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017 was awarded jointly to Jeffrey C. Hall,
Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young "for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms
controlling the circadian rhythm".
e. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2017: Kazuo Ishiguro
f. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2017:
Richard H. Thaler "for his contributions to behavioural economics".
g. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway and the remaining Nobel Prizes in
Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature and the Prize in Economic
Sciences are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden.

46. Fort Abbas and its details: formerly known as Pholra, is a town and a tehsil in Bahawalnagar
District in the Cholistan Desert of Punjab, Pakistan. It is situated south of Haroonabad, near
Faqirwali, on the border of Pakistan and India. Fort Abbas is a historical city and had a strategic
importance during the Nawab of Bahawalpur's rule. It was known as Pholra until it was renamed
in 1927 by Nawab Sir Sadiq, who named it on his eldest son, Muhammad Abbas.

47. How many Surahs & Ayats are there in Quran?

Surahs: 114 (86 Maki and 28 Madni)

Ayats: 6236 not 6666

48. Some important Life events in the Holy Prophets (SAW) life:
Born: 12th Rabi-ul-Awal 570 or 571 AD (Year of the elephant)
In Care of: Bibi Halima (RA) till the age of 2 years
With mother Bibi Amina (RA) till the age of 6 when she died. (576 AD)
1st Guardian: paternal grandfather Abd al-Muttalib (RA) who died on: 578 AD
2nd Guardian: Uncle - Abu Talib (RA)
Married to Hazrat Bibi Khadija (RA) on: 595 AD
Attained Prophet hood on: 610 AD (40 yrs old) at Cave of Hira.
Children: 3 Sons (Qasim, Abd-Allah, Ibrahim) 4 Daughters (Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm
Kulthoom, Fatimah Zahra)
i. Hazrat Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) 595619
ii. Hazrat Sauda bint Zama (RA) 619632
iii. Hazrat Aisha bint Abi Bakr (RA) 619632
iv. Hazrat Hafsa bint Umar (RA) 624632
v. Hazrat Zaynab bint Khuzayma (RA) 625627
vi. Hazrat Umme Salamah (R.A) bint Abi Umayya 625632
vii. Hazrat Zaynab bint Jahsh (RA) 627632
viii. Hazrat Juwairiah bintul Harith (R.A)628632
ix. Hazrat Umme Habibah (R.A) bint Abi Sufyan 628632
x. Hazrat Rayhana bint Zayd (RA) 629631
xi. Hazrat Safiyyah (R.A) bint Huyayy 629632
xii. Hazrat Maimoonah (R.A) bint al-Harith 630632
xiii. Hazrat Maria al-Qibtiyya (RA) 630632

Period of Quran revelation: 23 Years (13 Makkah, 10 Madina)

Hijrat-e-Madina: 622 AD: 52 years old.
Later Events: Badar: 623 AD, Uhad: 624 AD, Khandaq: 627, Treaty of Hudaibia: 628,
Conquest of Makkah: 629, Farewell Pilgrimage & Passing away: 632 (62 Yrs)

49. Bismillah 2 times in which Surah: Surah Namal

50. No Bismillah in which Surah: Surah Tobah
51. Word Quran in Holy Quran: 70 times.
52. The name Muhammad in Holy Quran: 4 times
53. The word man and woman appears: 24 times (equal)
54. 25 Prophets are mentioned in Quran.
55. 3 Mosques mentioned: Masjid-ul-Haraam (Makkah), Masjid-ul-Aqsa (Jerusalem), Masjid-ul-
Qubba (Madina).
56. Longest Ayat: Ayat-ul-Kursi in Surah Baqra.
57. Mother of Quran (Ummul Quran): Surah Fatiha
58. Heart of Quran: Surah Yaseen
59. Angels who test the faith of the dead in their graves: Munkir and Nakeer
60. Two angels who record a person's actions: Kiraman katibin called Raqib and Atid
61. Ashab-e-Kahf (the seven sleepers mentioned in Surah Kahf) slept for 309 years. There were 7

62. Titles of the Prophets/Sahabas:

Hazrat Adam (A.S): Abu-ul-Bashr.
Hazrat Nooh (AS): Naji Ullah; Shaikh ul Ambiya, Abu ul Bashr Sani.
Hazrat Ibraheem (AS): Khalilullah, father of prophets and Idol Destroyer.
Hazrat Ismayeel (AS): Zabeeullah, Abu-ul-Arab.
Hazrat Dawood (AS): Najeeb ullah
Hazrat Moosa (AS): Kaleem ullah
Hazrat Esa (AS): Rooh ullah
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW): Habeeb ullah

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