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Morning Meeting Routine

1. Transition
Students transition into morning meeting from snack time. As students make their way to the carpet, they must share
their answer to a question of the day (what did you do this weekend, what is your favorite holiday, etc.). They should
also ask a question to a friend/classmate to develop conversation skills.
2. Call/Response
To gather students, I say something like Hello Puppets (in a British accent) and students reply (also in a British
accent) Hello Governor.
3. Good morning song
Good morning __(childs name)_ how are you?
Good morning ___________ how are you?
Were so glad that you came and I hope you feel the same.
Good morning __________ how are you?
4. Jump, jump song
(to the tune of B-I-N-G-O)
There is a friend at school today and (childs name) is his name-o
Jump, jump ___________
Jump. Jump _____________
Jump, jump _____________
And __________ is his name-o.
5. Calendar
Students identify the current month and count how many days we have used in the month thus far. The calendar
numbers are displayed in a color pattern. Patterning skills are displayed through students identification of the color
that todays date should go on. Pictures are placed on the calendar each day and students develop time concepts by
talking about something they liked that they did 1 week ago, during a weekend, or yesterday.
6. Focus Wall
The focus wall contains content we will focus on for the day. Focus shapes, letters, and numbers change daily. The
days focus helper comes up to the wall to tell the class what we will be focusing on. If a focus shape is a circle, we
look for the circle in magazines, on walks, and in dramatic play as a chef making pizzas.
7. Activity
This is the portion of morning meeting during which we incorporate a hands-on activity, much like the lessons
outlined below
8. Morning Message
The morning message tells students what they will be working on that day. Letters are often missing from the
message and students practice handwriting by helping to fill in the missing letters.
9. Transition Activity
Students usually transition from circle time into centers, journaling, specials. Journaling often requires that students
take activity materials with them for an extension activity.

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