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1) 1- 3 sets 12 reps

2) Bent over Dumbbell Row -

2- 3 sets
12 each side

3) over the head (ombros) 12reps, 3-5

4) squats ou lunges 12 each side, 3 sets

5)over the head seated (triceps) 12, 3-5

6) side bends 12 each side, 3-5

7) (tentar outro de peito)

8) standing hammer curl (biceps) ou -12reps, 3-5

standing curl (normal- biceps)

9) para acabar posso fazer uns sit ups

10) toe raises

Dia de abs:

- sit up (15-20 reps, 3-5 sets)

- russian twist (20, 10 each side, 3-5 sets)


- toe touches (10 reps, 3-5 sets)

- standing bycicle crunches ( ou bycicle crunches normais)

- plank (10s, 3-5 sets)
- aguentar pernas em U (10s , 3-5 sets) ou seated leg lifts (15 each side, 3-5 sets)

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