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25645 479th Ave | Garretson, SD 57030 | (605) 759-6232 |

To obtain an elementary teacher position at Fred Assam Elementary.

Bachelor of Science in Education and Expected May 2018
Human Sciences Degree
South Dakota State University
Elementary Education Certificate from Dakota State University

Early Childhood Education Certificate from South Dakota State University

Major GPA: 3.216/4.0


495 Practicum Hours: September 2017-Present I am working in a 1st grade

classroom at Dakota Prairie in Brookings, South Dakota. While in this placement I
am completing 43 hours in the classroom. My duties are to assist the teacher with
facilitating small group reading instruction, short individual math assessments, and
observing computer literacy time. I also will teach a short science unit in the
classroom that will be observed by a DSU instructor.
395 Practicum Hours: January 2017-May 2017 I was placed in a 3rd grade classroom
at Dakota Prairie Elementary in Brookings, South Dakota. Here I completed 35
hours in the classroom. While in the classroom, I observed lessons from the teacher
and the student teacher that was also placed in the class. I also taught one read
aloud lesson and two math lessons. My math lessons were observed by a DSU
Student Teacher: August 2016-December 2016 in SDSU Laboratory Preschool,
Brookings, SD. Planned out lesson plans for small and large groups of 4 to 5-year-
olds. Working with parents to create focused lesson plans. Created weekly
newsletters and daily journals. Documented progress of children in small group.
Program accredited by National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Student Observer. August 2012-December 2012. Observed 3rd grade classroom.
Helped Mrs. Flint grade and pass out papers. Assisted students struggling with
multiplication facts. Worked on weekly journals to report what learned from class

Customer Service. Capital Card Services,

Brookings, SD. September 2015- Present.
Assisted customers having problems with credit
cards. Received rewards for customers
complementing my work.

Professional Development Activities

Technology & Diversity Conference: October 4,

2017. DSU Campus

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