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Seeing what is, believing what will be.

The African Childrens Hospital

at Amani Medical Center
Dear Friends and Family:

On behalf of the Amani Medical Foundation, I would like to express my deepest appreciation
and gratitude for your consideration in sharing of our vision to establish the African Childrens

Africas population is almost 50 percent children, but too many mothers and children suffer
and die needlessly. There is only one comprehensive childrens hospital in sub-Saharan Africa
(in South Africa.) There is a growing realization that children are not just small adults, but need
an environment, facilities, and equipment appropriate to their needs. Pediatric beds in existing
general hospitals do not reflect this realization. Sometimes multiple children share the same
bed, and too often doctors have to make the heart-rending decision to turn sick children away
because there is no room in the inn.

The ACH will be a 164 bed facility and will also provide specialty services including a pediatric
intensive care unit, a neonatal intensive care unit, a maternity wing and a full range of imaging
services. The long-term vision is to grow in a measured way, and once the ACH is fully opera-
tional, to allow it to serve as a tertiary pediatric teaching and referral hospital for all of Ghana
and the nations of west Africa.

The African Childrens Hospital at Amani Medical Center holds the promise of becoming a
model for pediatric care, setting new standards and showing the way for other African nations
where similar challenges exist.

Our strength is our people- we have a wonderful and dedicated team, who love each other; are
committed to our mission; full of integrity; and most importantly love serving people.

If this seems exciting to you, please join us. With your help these dreams and promises can be
made real!

May God richly bless you.


Victor H. Agbeibor, MD
Amani Medical Foundation
What you need to know about
African Childrens Hospital at Amani Medical Center
The need for focused care for children and women in Africa is huge and pressing.

African countries south of the Sahara have twice the number of children found in an equivalent population in the
developed world (40-60% under the age of 16), yet there is only one comprehensive hospital dedicated exclusively
to the care of children: The Red Cross Childrens Hospital in South Africa.

Because of this lack of access to quality medical care, women and children across all of sub-Saharan Africa suffer
needlessly. Where there are hospitals and clinics, many are not fully staffed and do not have adequate medical

Founded by a Ghanaian physician acutely familiar with the needs of the area, the Amani Medical Foundation
endeavors to establish the Amani Medical Center in southeastern Ghana. This facility will be a tertiary care pediatric
and womens not-for-profit hospital and medical school providing services to the most at-risk populations in Ghana
and other West African countries.

The African Childrens

Hospital is the first phase
of the Amani Medical
Center. The land for the
hospital is near Kpong
and the Akosombo Dam,
an ideal location close to
an urban center (Accra,
50 mi/85 km) yet firmly
situated to serve the rural

The Amani Medical

Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
Non-Profit Organization
and is also registered
in Ghana as a company
limited by guarantee.

The Amani Medical Foundations goal in
creating the African Childrens Hospital is
to establish a comprehensive, not-for-profit
womens and childrens hospital in Ghana.

African Childrens Hospital Vision

We aim to be the leading provider of childrens and
womens health care in West Africa

We aim to improve the quality of life of the most vul-
nerable segment of the Ghanaian/African population

We aim to train the next generation of physicians,
nurses, and other health care professionals.

African Childrens Hospital Values

We will live the example of Jesus Christ by dedicating
ourselves to serving others and showing respect and
compassion for all.

We will conduct our affairs with honesty, consistency,
and transparency.

We will be known as the premier role model of health
care in the developing world.

Improving Health Care for Children and Women
in Ghana, West Africa

The purpose of the African Childrens Hospital at

Amani Medical Center is to serve as a role model,
showing the way for other African countries by
demonstrating the answers to the problems that plague
African healthcare by:

1. Providing quality but affordable healthcare.

2. Investing in the health of Africas future - children 18

years of age and under make up almost 50% of the
continents population.

3. Providing better health access for Africas greatest

resource - women provide 70% of the workforce
and grow 90% of the food.

4. Stopping the brain drain that Ghana and other

developing nations experience by training doctors
and healthcare professionals in a quality facility
with adequate and modern equipment.

A Worthwhile Cause

Africa bears 25% of the global burden of disease and Children: In African countries south of the Sahara,
is the least healthy region in the world. It is also the 40-60% of the population is age sixteen and under.
poorest and least educated region, with an average per This is twice the number of children found in an
capita income of US $340. equivalent population in the developed world, and yet
there are virtually no dedicated childrens hospitals to
The statistics are even more abysmal for sub-Saharan care for this innocent and vulnerable population. The
Africa. Women and children in particular suffer and die Red Cross Childrens Hospital in South Africa is the
needlessly given that they are the most vulnerable. only comprehensive hospital dedicated exclusively to
children in sub-Saharan Africa.

According to a recent Ghana demographic

and health survey:

1. 19.3% of the reported deaths in greater Accra
(its capital) were for children under the age of 5.

2. One out of every nine (1/9) children dies before age 5.

3. Ghana ranked 159th in the infant mortality rate out of

194 countries.

Women: In Ghana as in most African countries, there
are more women than men. It is estimated that 53%
of the population are women. They are considered
Africas greatest resource.

Women provide 70% of the workfare and grow 90%

of the food. Yet in 2006 a report by WHO showed that
the 23 countries with the worst maternal mortality rates
worldwide were all in sub-Saharan Africa.

According to WHO data:

There are 51.09 deaths per 1000 live births in Ghana -

by comparison, the United States has 6.3 deaths per
1000 live births.

The lifetime risk of maternal death in Ghana is 1 in

45, more than twice the average worldwide, and a
trend that is highly correlated to infant mortality.

Ghana ranked 158 in maternal mortality out of

193 countries.

Maternal deaths in Africa will greatly decline if women

have access to well-equipped health centers with
suitably trained and skilled staff.

Why Ghana?

Ghana is arguably the most peaceful and stable

democracy in Africa. It is described by many as the role
model country on the continent.

As the best governed, most stable democracy in Africa,

Ghana has a growing economy and opportunities for GOVERNANCE AND POLITICAL
investment and growth. These are some of the reasons OVERVIEW:
it was chosen as the site for President Barack Obamas In 1957, Ghana, formerly known
July 2009 visit. In his remarks to Ghanas parliament, as the Gold Coast, while
President Obama praised Ghana for its democratic a British Colony, became the
record and later cited health as one of the four major first independent sub-Saharan
areas of concern for Africas future. African nation. Today, Ghana is
a sovereign unitary republic
LOCATION: consisting of ten regions. Since the1992 Constitution,
Ghana is located on the southern coast of West Africa. Ghana has practiced multi-party democracy as its
It is bordered on the west by Cote dIvoire, on the system of government. The country has had successful,
northeast and north by Burkina Faso, and on the east fair, and uneventful elections over the last nineteen
by Togo. To the south, Ghana is bounded by the Gulf years, with at least two peaceful transfers of power
of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. Ghana has an area to the opposition party within this time period. It is
of 92,098 square miles (238,533 square kilometers). considered the premier role model of stability and
good governance in Africa. The current president is
POPULATION: John Atta Mills of the National Democratic Congress
Ghana is one of the most populous countries in West (NDC), a former law professor. He was elected in 2008.
Africa, second only to Nigeria. In 2009, the estimated
population was 23.48 million, growing at a rate of 1.93 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK:
percent annually. The population is heavily youthful, Ghana is one of the more economically viable countries
with approximately 54% under the age of 18 and 70% in Africa, having a rich resource base and a leading
under the age of 30. per capita GDP among African nations. Ghanas major
sources of foreign exchange include gold, cocoa,
DEMOGRAPHICS: timber, diamonds, manganese, and bauxite. Significant
English is the official language of Ghana. There are oil reserves were discovered in 2007, and oil production
many ethnic groups with the predominant ones being: is anticipated to began in 2010. It has been consistently
Akan 44%, Moshi-Dagomba 16%, Ewe 13%, and Ga rated the best country to do business in Africa.
8.5%. Freedom of religion is encouraged in Ghana with
a population comprised of:Christian 63%, Muslim 16%,
and traditional African religion 21%.

The Millennium Developmental Goals (MDG)

In 2000, all 192 United Nations member states and

at least 23 international organizations agreed to
the Millennnium Development Goals, in an effort to
encourage growth by improving social and economic
conditions in developing countries. They include
specific targets of reducing maternal and infant
mortality. The Amani Medical Foundation, through the
African Childrens Hospital at Amani Medical Center
desires to lead the way, and be the premier example of
how this can be achieved.

The Millennium Developmental Goals (MDG)

The focus of the African Childrens Hospital at Amani
Medical Center is on goals 4, 5 and 8

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

2. Achieve universal primary education

3. Promote gender equality and empower women

4. Reduce child mortality

5. Improve maternal health

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other disease

7. Ensure environmental sustainability

8. Develop global partnership for development

African Childrens Hospital at Amani Medical Center
Bringing state-of-the-art care to western Africa

Design concepts

The gentle curve on the inside of the building stems The patient rooms are on the northwest end facing
from the symbolism of Ashanti stools while forming a the mountains. The tranquil views will be therapeutic
funneling view of the beautiful mountain range from to the patients.
one end of the atrium to the next.
The rest of the buildings have a similar patterning in
The building faades modular nature comes from the their stone work. The window openings are deep and
modular, alternating patterns & color of Kente cloth setback which help shade the openings, and the solid
in Ghana and is subtly articulated. This rhythm moves buildings are similar to traditional heavy masonry
from the building into the site. buildings this region of the world.

The atrium has elevated corridors, or bridges,
spanning from the clinic to the bed tower and surgical
spaces, providing privacy, but also beautiful views into
the lively atrium and mountains beyond.

Solar panels on the atriums roof help store back up

energy while letting diffused light into the atrium
(between the panels).

The east to west orientation of the building is
suggested for equatorial regions to minimize the suns
exposure on the longer building faces.

The African Childrens Hospital Fast Facts

The African Childrens Hospital (ACH) will be a non-profit, Project location: Accra, Ghana, West Africa
free-standing pediatric academic medical center with an Project square footage: 379,809 square feet
adjacent wing for womens care. Site size: 27 acres
Architecture: Stanley, Beaman, and Sears
The beautiful 27-acre site has been master planned
to address the initial hospital as a 164-bed facility Spacious private rooms with overnight accommodations
with associated outpatient clinics, and further room for 48 medical surgical Pediatric beds
expansion. The campus was designed with patients and Emergency Services:
families in mind. - 10-bed emergency department and trauma center
- 8 observation beds
From every public space to every patient room, the award-
- 6 fast-track beds
winning Stanley, Beaman, and Sears design team utilized
evidence-based design principles to create a child friendly, - 8 operating suites: six equipped and 2 shelled
family centered, safe and therapeutic healing environment. 12-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
The result is a carefully created, world class, state-of-the-art 24-bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
facility that would effectively serve the needs of women 32-bed Triage/Observation/LDR
and children in Africa. 48 medical surgical beds
3 Cesarean Section Suites
Incorporating environmentally friendly technology
State-of-the-art technology
Paperless information management system
Friendly and warm interior and exterior colors

The Proposal

An Invitation from the

Amani Medical Foundation
The Amani Medical Foundation invites you to contribute
to building and sustaining the African Childrens
Hospital at Amani Medical Center in Accra, Ghana.
By doing so, you will help improve the lives of our
brothers and sisters in West Africa by bringing top quality
health and medical care to the regions most vulnerable
populations. In turn, you will become part of the mission to
support the Millennium Development Goals to improve
health in sub-Saharan Africa. We thank you very much
for your consideration and pray that God will bless you.

For further information, please contact:

Amani Medical Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 702443
Tulsa, OK 74170-2443
T: 918.978.8457

A business plan is available upon request

Recognition and Stewardship

Upon completion of the facility, and with

your permission, your name will be listed
on the Founders Plaque which will be
located at the entry of the hospital.

Gift Level Designation

$ 100 - 999 Friend of Amani
$ 1,000 - 9,999 Friend of Africa
$ 10,000 - 49,999 Advocate of Africa
$ 50,000 - 99,999 Visionary of Africa
$ 100,000 - 499,999 Diplomat of Africa
$ 500,000 - 999,999 Ambassador of Africa
$ > 1,000,000 Champion of Africa

HOW CAN YOU HELP? Your gift is tax deductible
and you may give in these ways:
Gifts or cash may be made by check, money order, or
credit card (VISA or MasterCard).

Marketable securities may be sent or transferred to

Amani Medical Foundation with certain restrictions.

Mortgage-free real estate may be given after

consultation with the Foundation and the Board
of Directors.

Gifts matched by your employer can be an

important source of contributions. Matching gifts
must be initiated by donors. Check with your
employers human resource department for details.

Board of Directors

Founder and President: Victor Agbeibor, MD, Williamsburg, VA

Chairman of the Board: Bao An Andy Gia Le, MD, Phoenix, AZ
Secretary: Kenneth C. Lao, MD, Ophthalmologist Advanced Eye Center, Gainesville,GA
Treasurer: Frances Cheng, MD/PHD candidate, Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN
Prince Agbeibor, engineer, Schlumburger, Ventura, CA
Scott Austin, Scott Appraisals LLC, Birmingham, AL
Rosemay Ayitey, MD, Oklahoma City, OK
Rene Cabral-Daniels, MPH, JD, MBA, National Advocate patient Foundation,Washington DC
Laura G. Berry, Co-Founder and President of Praxis Med International in Carmel, IN
Afua Entsuah, Harvard Kennedy school of Goverment, Cambridge, MA
Mikael Jacobs, MBA, Financial Advisor, Trustcore Financial, Brentwood, TN
Christopher Yan-Chi Chow, MD, Tulsa, OK
Danile Lee, DO, Tulsa, OK
Darin Mann, MD, Tulsa, OK
Dorothy Owens, Realtor, Savannah, GA
Catrell Owens-Agbeibor, MD, Catrell-Old towne medical center,Williamsburg,VA
Pascal Owusu-Agyemang, MD, MD Anderson Medical Center, Houston, TX
Janel Paulk, MBA, Healthcare Consultant, Charleston, SC
Jeremy Powers, MD candidate, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine,
Richmond, VA
Dora Akuetteh Saforo, MD, Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA
Alvin Shih, MD, MBA, BioTherapeutics R &D Director, Pfizer, Boston, MA
Sanjay Thomas, MD, Bassett Healthcare System, Cooperstown, NY

Board of Advisors
Patricia Carswell, Associate Dean, Vanderbilt Universitys Owen Graduate School of
Management in Nashville, TN
John R. Crouch, MD, President, Christian Medical & Dental Association, Tulsa, OK
Jane Kim, MBA, healthcare consultant in Chicago, IL
Jon Lehman, MBA, Associate Dean, Vanderbilt Universitys Owen Graduate School of
Management, Nashville, TN


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