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Power System Analysis and Design

J. Duncan Glover, Thomas J. Overbye, and Mulukutla S. Sarma

Sixth Edition
Errata for First Printing

Page Number Correction Description

20 In the first line, change Institute of Electrical Engineers to Institute of Electrical and Electronics
67 In Solution: (a) For the induction motor, P = 400 kW and. Delete (a)
70 In Multiple Choice Question 2.4, (v) should be (c)
71 In Multiple Choice Question 2.15, change to Q
84 In Problem 2.51, change 2000 v to 2000 V
85 In entry 5 under References, Tan should be Ton
152 In Figure 3.38, change j2 to j25
370 In Equation (6.8.7) change Srecordered to Sreordered
371 In Equation (6.8.8) change Srecorderd to Sreordered
In Problem 7.8, replace the current equation with iac (t ) = 10 (1 + e t /200 + 6 e t /15 ) sin(120 t ) A
468 In Problem 7.18, remove the instance of (a) at the start of the problem
590 In the second point under Simplifying Assumptions, change Section 7.7 to Section 7.5
644 In Example 10.8, three lines above solution part b. line 2-4 should be line 2-3
661 In Problem 10.18, remove the instance of (a) at the start of the problem
743 In the caption for Figure 1, change red to dashed, orange to dotted, and green to dash-
748 In the legend for Figure 3, symbols need to appear as shown

750 In the caption for Figure 4, change red to dashed, orange to dotted, and blue to double
804 In line 7 of the second column, change red to black
815 In Example 13.1, (b) should be inserted before Plot the voltage

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