"Bennie The Bear" Obituary

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Bennie the Bear

Bennie the Bear rst waddled down Marion Street and into the
hearts of Johnsonville, SC residents in the fall of 2009. He was named
in honor of the gentleman who he rst paid the unexpected visit to., Mr.
Bennie. He could be seen wandering down the railroad tracks batting
at bumblebees and lumbering from house to house shyly greeting his
neighbors. He was even known to gleefully eat a Happy Meal offered
to him by his friends. Eventually he even gained semi celebrity status
when he got his own Face Book page and had nearly 1000 followers.
One day Bennie wandered back into the woods, and stayed there with
his bear family for many years. Johnsonville understood Bennies need
to return to the wild, and although they missed him, they thought and
spoke of him often.
In October 2017 Bennie decided to head back to Johnsonville to visit
his old buddies but some of its people had changed. Not everyone was
excited to see him. Amidst protests of him being as friendly as Baloo
the Bear some people refused to take heed. It appeared that all of the
Bare Necessities Bennie had taught his Johnsonville family just eight
years ago had been totally lost on some.
On Monday , October 23, 2017 Bennie was gunned down by one
selsh individual with the intention to boast himself by making a trophy
out of our friend, Bennie. Bennie wandered back into the woods hurt,
shot, bleeding, and more scared than ever. His almost lifeless body laid
on the ground until day break. As the sun came up on Tuesday morning
the lethargic bear was found laying wounded and hurt. The Department
of Natural Resources euthanized Bennie the Bear and his body was
taken away mysteriously and his life ended in the same little town he
visited and wandered about. Bennie could have been tranqualized
and moved or left alone to return to his woodland family but he nor his
Johnsonville family were given that option. Bennie was indeed a wild
animal but had proved himself friendly and simply watched his human
friends in amazement, never bothering a soul. His life ended sadly and
It is a sad travesty that a town that has suffered so much grief
in the last few months should have to suffer the unnecessary loss of
our friend, Bennie the Bear. As a Christian, I implore the people of
Johnsonville to come together in the wake of such a senseless killing.
May we all remember back to the fall of 2009 fondly and recall those
Bare Necessities we learned from Bennie the Bear.
To memorialize Bennie the Bear we are asking that donations be
made to PETA, 501 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 23510.
This obituary was paid for by Bennie the Bears friend, Brad Richardson.


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