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The determination of the Landslide occurence

probability by spatial analysis of the Land

Article in Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences May 2014


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5 authors, including:

Dnu Petrea Bilasco Stefan

Babe-Bolyai University Academia Romn Filiala Cluj Napoca Colect


Sanda Rosca Iuliu Vescan

Babe-Bolyai University Babe-Bolyai University


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Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and G.I.S. spatial analysis for
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Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, May 2014, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 91 - 102



Dnu PETREA1, tefan BILACO2, Sanda ROCA1, Iuliu VESCAN1 & Ioan FODOREAN1
"Babe-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Geography, 400006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania,,,,
Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Subsidiary Geography Section, 9, Republicii Street, 400015, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, e-mail:

Abstract: The diagnosis and the prediction of landslides are essential problems in territorial planning
from the efficient land-use perspective. In this context there were elaborated an amount of investigation
methods, but there isn`t any consensus yet. Even the methodology adopted by Romanian Governamental
Decision no. 447/ 2003 is quite incomplete. The main goal of this study is to identify the probability of
the damaged lands occurrence (affected by landslides) by introducing and using some variables and
coefficients out of the record which will be integrated in a complex model of GIS spatial analysis. In this
manner, the goal was to reduce the subjectivity level that occurs, in most of the methods, in the process of
marking the variables. In the investigated territory, Transylvania Plateau, landslides are the most frequent
process. These are the results of the favorable litology, hydro-climatic conditions, declivity and the fact
that the landslides are still active is a result of not suitable land-use in the transition period from
centralized agriculture (in communism) to a traditional agriculture, which means a considerable
fragmentation of the properties. The implementation of the model in a relief unit characterized by a high
morphological and morphometric variability, gives a high level of generality to the model. The value of
the Relative Operating Characteristics curve (0,848) used to validate the model indicates the high
predictability of the model and suggests its possibility to be used for other theories with similar
morphological characteristics.

Key words: landslides, GIS data bases, GIS spatial analysis, probability, hazard coefficients

1. INTRODUCTION complex spatial analysis models, may lead to a true

estimation of the probability that a certain territory
It is well known that landslides, together with be exposed to landslides.
erosional processes and human activities generate The identification of the areas of susceptibility
useless of agricultural lands inducing major negative associated with the landslide occurrence probability,
implications on the economic development in the based on GIS models is a frequent subject in the
affected areas. In Romania, landslides represent the specialized literature. For the moment there are two
natural hazards with the highest occurrence research directions: the heuristic one and the
frequency and they have the widest manifestation quantitative one (Van Westen, 2004; Thiery, 2007).
area (Surdeanu, 1998). The predictability model presented in this study is
The premise of the study is that the territorial part of the second category and uses the statistical
morphometry represents the main factor which spatial analysis.
contributes to the occurrence, triggering and further Statistical spatial analysis models are based on
evolution of the landslides. We believe that the identifying the preparing factors and the probability
quantitative assessment of each morphometric factor of the occurrence and evolution of the studied
and the integrated analysis of all factors, based on phenomenon. Specialized literature emphasizes

many types of statistical approaches. First of all, one appreciating that this is based on elements which are
stresses the multi-varied statistical analysis, applied difficult to quantify and do not have a spatial
by Carrara et al., 1995, 1999, which is based on the continuity (lithology, hydrogeology, seismicity), we
analysis of the contribution of every factor in consider that there is a possibility to validate the
landslides occurrence, starting from their presence or existing model with some unitary morphological and
absence in each uniform unit from a morphometric morphometric variables, derived from DEM. The
point of view. main reason for the study is the fact that they are
Another type of approach is the bi-varied rigorously and objectively determined,
statistical analysis, which gives a statistical index to independently from the interpretation that is given
each factor implied in the model, being based on the by the researcher to some data that can often be
presence of landslides in the analyzed territory. This incomplete or inadequate from the point of view of
type of approach is most frequently used and is scale. For increasing the accuracy of the results and
based on identifying the relations between the for quantifying the predictability degree of the
preparing factors as independent variables and the model we used a number of nine morphometric
existent landslides as dependent variables. variables (hypsometry, slope, slope aspect, density
GIS spatial analysis models for the of fragmentation, depth of fragmentation, wetness
determination of the landslides occurrence index, stream power index, plan curvature, profile
probability, using the bi-varied statistical approach, curvature) which are considered to be essential in
were developed at the same time with the increase of spatial analysis and planning studies.
possibilities for the storage and management of large
amounts of databases. In this purpose, research was 2. STUDY AREA
made by Blteanu & Micu (2009), Bilaco et al.,
(2011), Filip (2008), Onac et al., (2008), Arma The Transylvanian Plateau is a complex
(2011), Arghiu et al., (2013) for Romania. In the physical geographical unit, not only from a tectonic,
international specialized literature, similar structural and lithological point of view, but also
approaches have been made by Chung et al., (1995), from morphometric and geomorphological point of
Nagrajan et al., (2000), Dhakal et al., (2000), Saha view as a reflex of the varied coniditions imposed by
(2002), Sarkar & Kanguno (2004), Lee & Pradham, the bedrock and external modeling. In these
(2007), Minucsr (2013). conditions, on the territory of the Transylvanian
The study of landslides is an old Plateau one identifies a high frequency and variety
preoccupation of Romanian researchers: Tufescu of types and forms of landslides. The economic and
(1966), Martiniuc (1961), Hrjoab (1968), territorial impact of these phenomena is higher due
Bcuanu (1980), Blteanu (1983), Rdoane et al., to the fact that the Transylvanian Plateau represents
(1995), Surdeanu (1998), and more recent: Micu & an important agricultural region of Romania, as
Blteanu (2009), Manea & Surdeanu (2012), all about 70% of its area is agricultural land.
using classical identification, inventory and mapping From regionally point of view the
methodology. Transylvanian Plateau can be divided into three
Because of the bigger extension of the areas major units: Somesan Plateau, Transylvanian Plain
affected by landslides, the Government of Romania and Tarnavelor Plateau, each with different
issued the Decree 447/2003 which settles the morphometric characteristics, (Fig. 1).
methodology for the elaboration and for the content The border area with the neighbouring
of natural risk maps for landslides with application mountains presents a very high morphometric
guidelines published in Monitorul Oficial 305 on the variety, due to its different geological structures on
7th of May 2003. which it is formed. Therefore three morphographic
In some situations, this methodology allows units can be identified: depressions, low plateaus,
some conclusive results, even though it is regarded high transition hills near the mountains. The large
as not so efficient by many specialists because the spatial diversity of these morphometric units
mark of some variables (lithological, climatic and imposed their inclusion in this study, in the
hydrogeological) imposes an amount of subjectivity transition area of the Transylvanian Plateau to the
which derives not only from the different formation neighboring mountain area and we analyzed them
of the applicants but also from the deficient types, like a different structure with common
and scales of the maps and available data for characteristics.
different regions of the country. Tarnavelor Plateau has the largest area of all
Considering the necessity to respect the the three units, 30%, followed by the Transylvanian
demands of the present methodology, but also Plain 18% and Somesan Plateau 12% of the entire

study area. The contact area of the Transylvanian The spatial analysis model is developed using
Plateau with the mountains has a large extension more database structures, starting from the primary
(40%) compared to the regional units that compose morphometric database (contour lines obtained by
the major unit. It is also the most complex from a vectorization of 1:25000 maps), modeled databases
morphometric point of view. (the Digital Elevation Model, density of fragmentation,
wetness index, stream power index, probability
coefficient) and derived databases (slope angle, slope
aspect, drainage density, plan curvature, profile
curvature, hipsometry and depth of fragmentation).
Each element of the morphometric database is
included in the spatial analysis model as a parameter
for the identification of the landslide occurrence
probability. The probability values of the parameters
were obtained based on Decree 447/2003, taking
into account the territorial extension for each
characteristic interval, (Table 1).
The intervals choosed for each coefficient
were selected on the basis of the studies mentioned
in references via expert knowledge-based approach.
In the spatial analysis model, we use the
determinist quantitative analysis based on
mathematic indexes integrated into a formula that
takes into consideration all the parameters identified
spatially before:

KM- Probability coefficient

Fs- slope factor
Fa- aspect (slope aspect) factor
Fh- hypsometry factor
Fdd- density of fragmentation factor
Fda- depth of fragmentation factor
Fwi- wetness index factor
Figure 1. Geographical position of the study area Fspi- stream power index factor
Fcpl- plan curvature factor
3.MATERIAL AND METHODS Fcpr- profile curvature factor
All these factors are analyzed as GIS databases to be
The GIS spatial analysis models that analyze integrated in the spatial analysis model. The
the probability of occurrence and the development of hypsometric factor has a double role: first as a
the landslides are divided in two major categories: database shaped on the basis of contour lines and the
quantitative or statistical models and semi- drainage network which is the base for deriving other
quantitative or deterministic models. factors; and second as a derived database and active
The achievement of a GIS spatial analysis component of the spatial analysis equation which will
model supposes the following of several steps: the finalize the final model for the identification of the
creation of the database, the spatial modeling proper, landslide occurrence probability. To implement the
the validation of the model to quantify its degree of equation by means of the above-mentioned factors,
predictability. Spatial analysis is based only on the it was necessary to set up two additional GIS spatial
morphometric characteristics of the territory, which analysis sub-models to identify the spatial extension
are derived from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). and the influence of the SPI and WPI factors in the
The Digital Elevation Model, seen as a final result of the modeling.
modeled database, represents the support for the
parameters that compose the spatial analysis 4. RESULTS
equation. Using the TopoGrid Function of the
ArcGis software, which gives high accuracy results, The execution of the spatial analysis model
we obtained a 20 m resolution DEM. was based on the creation and analysis of the

databases and the thematic maps specific for every they belong according to the weight of the area of that
parameter. For each parameter, we identified the class out of the total area of the analysed territory.
characteristic intervals and the probability class where

Table 1. Computed statistical values for the GIS model variables

Code Value P Intervals Explanation
- there are considered to be surfaces with low
< 0.1 Low 165-400 m
probability the altitude extended surfaces unltil 400
0.1-0.3 Average 401-500 m meters which are, in general, not affected by slope

processes and which are influenced by river bed

Average- processes;
Fh 0.31-0.5 501-700 m
High - the surfaces with 400-700 m, specific to terraces
0.51-0.8 High 901-1800 m fronts are partially affected by slope processes;
- More than 900 m altitude relief, characteristic to
>0.8 Very high 701 900 m mountain contact areas, presents an accentuated
morphodynamic potential.
< 0.1 Low 0-5 - Low slope surfaces (<5) characteristic for major
0.1-0.3 Average 5.1-15 river beds of the main rivers, terraces plain and
extended slopes are, in general, not affected by
Slope angle

Average- landslides;
0.31-0.5 15.1-25
Fs high - moderately inclined surfaces (5.1-15) are
preferable for mass movements
25.1-30, - highly inclined surfaces (>25) presents high and
0.51-0.8 High
>35 very high susceptibility for landslides and gravity
>0.8 Very high 30.1-35 processes.
< 0.1 Low PLAIN - plane surfaces, spacific to valley corridors, terraces
0.1-0.3 Average N, NE plain and extended watersheds are, in general, not
Aspect (slope aspect)

Average- affected by landslides;

0.31-0.5 E, NW - slopes with N, NE, E and NW exposure are
0.51-0.8 High SE, S shadow and half shadow slopes with low
sussceptibility for landslides.
- SE, S, SW, W slopes (sunny and semi-sunny) are
>0.8 Very high SW, W highly sussceptible to landslides because of the high
amount of precipitation and high sunny degree
which is favourable to frost and defrost processes.
< 0.1 Low 0-1 m/kmp - low values of drainage density, identified in slope
0.1-0.3 Average 1-1.5 m/kmp area induce low probability to occur landslides
Drainage density

Average- because the river network is almost absent.

0.31-0.5 1.5-2 m/kmp - average values of drainage density, specifical to
Fdd 0.51-0.8 High 2-2.5 m/kmp average section of the slope, impose a high
susceptibility due to regresive erosion of the 1 and 2
river flows;
>0.8 Very high >2.5 m/kmp - high values characterise the confluence areas and
the surfaces with a lack of vegetation with the
presence of linear erosion.
< 0.1 Low 0-100 m

- low values of the depth emphasizes a low potential

0.1-0.3 Average 100.1-200 m
Depth of

for landslides;
Fda 0.31-0.5 200.1-300 m - high values of the depth induce a high potential for
landslides to occure due to high altitude gauge (arear
0.51-0.8 High 300.1-400
overlayed on high slope sufaces).
>0.8 Very high >400 m
- low values emphasise low saturation in water index
Wetness Index

< 0.1 Low 0-14

surfaces identified with watershed area and low
0.1-0.3 Average 14-16 hills.
Average- -high values of the parameter indicate surfaces
0.31-0.5 16-18 characterized by a high saturation index regardind
0.51-0.8 high 18-20 the water from the soil, identified mainly, in the

slope area, at the contact between slopes and major
>0.8 Very high >20 river beds, generating a high susceptibility for
< 0.1 Low >0 - low values for the SPI emphasise a low erosional
Stream Power 0.1-0.3 Average 0-1 power of the drainage and, of course, a low
Index Average probability for the occurence of the landslides.
Fspi 0.31-0.5 1.1-1.2 - high values of the SPI characterise the areas where
0.51-0.8 High 1.21-1.4 the erosional power is high, this fact determines a
high probability and very high that the landslides to
>0.8 Very high >1.4 occur.
< 0.1 Low < - 0.1 - negative values represents concave surfaces
0.1-0.3 Average -0.09 0 overlayed over the accumulation zones with a low
Plan Curvature

Average- - the values closed to 0 are given to the linear

0.31-0.5 0-0.1
high surfaces, in general to the low declivity slopes with a
Fcpl 0.51-0.8 High 0.1-0.2 average to high probability.
- maximum positive values indicates convexe
surfaces for forming the elementar hydrographical
>0.8 Very high >0.2 network which acts to the level of the slope by depth
and regresive giving a high and very high
< 0.1 Low <0 - negative values characterise convexe slopes with
0.1-0.3 Average 0-0.1 high flow and low infiltration level, generationg a
low probability;
Profile Curvature

Average- - the values closed to 0 are for the bent linear

0.31-0.5 0.1-0.2
high surfaces with a average to high probability;
Fcpr - high values characterise concave slopes with high
0.51-0.8 High 0.2-0.5 flow and high level of infiltration of the water into
the soil, a high dynamics due to their shape, aspects
that induce a very high probability to occur
>0.8 Very high >0.5 landslides.

4.1. The analysis and creation of the value of the probability coefficient specific for the
databases extension area of the probability interval (2 and 3)
and the equation calculating the value of the interval
The methodology for the determination of the probability coefficient (4).
probability value proposed in the Government (x * y) / 100 = z (2)
Decree 447/2003 is based on the quantitative and x = vpmax - vpmin (3) where:
qualitative analysis of the landslides for every o x the value of the probability interval;
probability interval. Because the area of o y the interval area of spatial extension,
implementation is very large, the qualitative as percentage;
assessment of every probability interval for each o z the value of the probability
parameter was not possible. In order to determine coefficient depending on the area;
the probability value, we proposed an analytical o vpmax, vpmin the maximal value of the
procedure which takes into account the area of every probability interval, the minimal value
probability interval out of the total studied area. of the probability interval.
The proposed analytical procedure considers vp = a + z (4) where:
that the probability for a landslide to occur on a o vp the probability value;
territory is directly proportional to its spatial o a the basic value of the probability
extension. Therefore, if the spatial extension of the interval;
high probability interval is very high on the entire o z the value of the probability
study area, the probability of landslide occurrence is coefficient depending on the area.
high and that interval receives a high value in the To illustrate the analytical method proposed in
value interval. this paper, we will give an example of the
The calculation of the probability value calculation of the probability value for the intervals
according to the proposed procedure is based on a of the slope angle factor (Table 2).
two-equation system: the equation calculating the

For low probability 1% and 0.01% respectively. This indicates a good
(0.1 * 35) / 100 = 0.03 stability of the slopes in the analysed territory.
0 + 0.035 = 0.03
4.2.2 Slope aspect
For average probability The slope exposure to the sun influences the
(0.20 * 57) / 100 = 0.11 development of geomorphological slope processes
0.10 + 0.11 = 0.21 by means of climatic parameters that are unequally
distributed on the surface: solar radiation, insolation,
For average-high probability precipitation (Dragot et al., 2008) and temperature.
(0.19 * 7) / 100 = 0.01 The analysis of the probability indices has been
0.31 + 0.01 = 0.32 performed according to the probability values
presented in table 3. By reclassification, a grid type
For high probability raster database has been obtained, showing the very
(0.29 * 1) / 100 = 0.002 high weight (27.53%) of the average probability
0.51 + 0.002 = 0.51 interval, followed by average-high, high and very
high probability with weights of 24.41%, 23.84%
For very high probability and 23.68% respectively. One remarks that the areas
(0.20 * 0.01) / 100 = 0.00002 characterized by low probability are very small,
0.80 + 0.000002 = 0.80 covering only 0.54% of the total area of the
Based on these equations, we computed the Transylvanian Plateau.
probability value for each interval of the
morphometric factors taken into account for the Table 3. Values and probability classes (slope aspect)
assessment of the landslide occurrence probability. Probability Area
Probability Intervals
Value (km2)
Low plan 0.05 137.00
4.2. The analysis of the probability factors
Medium 0.15 6938.98
4.2.1 Slope angle Medium E
The slope angle is a parameter absolutely 0.35 6153.47
High NV
necessary to be quantified, both quantitatively, as a SE
factor that enables slope processes, and qualitatively, High 0.57 6008.03
as a factor that generates landforms emerged as a SV
consequence of those processes. Very High 0.84 5967.48
The database corresponding to the slope factor
has been created taking into account the grid type 4.2.3. Hypsometry
raster database, derived from DEM, and the The hypsometric analysis of the
indications from table 2. Transylvanian Plateau reveals the considerable
Table 2. Values and probability classes (slope) extension of low altitude areas, largely distributed in
Probability Area the Transylvanian Plain, Somean Plateau, as well as
Probability Intervals in the contact basins and corridors. Higher altitudes
Value (km2)
0-2 are specific for Trnave Plateau and the
Low 0.03 8898.71
2.1 - 5 Transylvanian Subcarpathian Hills (the transition
Medium 5.1 15 0.21 14421.21 sector to the mountain unit).
Medium 15.1 20
0.32 1792.00
High 20.1 25 Table 4. Hypsometric values and probability classes
25.1 -30 Probability Area
High 0.51 81.66 Probability Intervals
>35 Value (km2)
Very High 30.1 35 0.80 11.38 Low 165-400 m 0.03 9732.77
Medium 401-500 m 0.16 8475.38
The quantitative analysis of the probability Medium High 501-700 m 0.35 6333.49
values specific for the slope angle factor, performed High 901-1800 m 0.51 58.53
at the level of the entire study area, reveals the large Very High 701 900 m 0.80 604.79
spatial extension of low probability (35% of all
areas) followed by the average probability (57%). Taking into account the above-mentioned
The average-high, high and very high probability facts, the probability values for every altitudinal
intervals have a reduced territorial extension, of 7%, interval have been chosen (Table 4) according to

which the database representing the hypsometric The high and very high probability intervals
probability factor has been finalized. The areas with cover small areas of 7% and 6% respectively, out of
low and average landslide occurrence probability the total area of study.
have the highest weight (38.68% and 33.63%
respectively). 4.2.5. The depth of fragmentation
They are identified mainly in Somean The landform vertical fragmentation, as a
Plateau and the Transylvanian Plain. The average- probability factor for the emergence of landslides,
high, high and very high probability covers small highlights territorial discrepancies regarding the
areas, with weights of 25.13%, 0.23% and 2.40%. difference in height on a certain calculation area.
These three probability categories are located in the Having in mind the purpose of the analysis, in this
Transylvanian Subcarpathian Hills, the high area of study we opted for the hectare size quadrat as
Trnave Plateau and the contact area with the calculation units for the depth of fragmentation. This
Western Carpathians. option is based on the fact that the development and
further evolution of landslides take place on very
4.2.4. Density of fragmentation small areas, so the analysis of the depth of
The landform density of fragmentation fragmentation according to the classical
represents an important indicator in the calculation methodology (by km2) does not meet the modeling
and determination of the landslide occurrence objectives. The high value of the difference in height
probability. It is part of the category of preparing indicates unstable ground, usually with high slopes,
factors. At high values, calculated at the basis or on favourable for the emergence of landslides. The low
the slope, it determines a high instability of the values of the depth of fragmentation are usually
slope. A high value of the drainage network density characteristic of the large watershed areas, lowlands
means a high fragmentation of the slope, which is and river floodplains. Of course, they define area
favourable for the development of geomorphological with low landslide occurrence probability.
slope processes. The calculation of the probability coefficient
value (Table 6) is based, according to the
Table 5. Values and probability classes methodology proposed in this study, on the
(density of fragmentation) extension areas of each interval. Therefore, for the
Area depth of land fragmentation factor, 51.72% of the
Probability Intervals lity
(km2) area is included in the average probability class,
0 - 0.5 m/km2 48.09% in the low probability class, 0.19% in the
Low 0.05 13655.49 average-high probability and only 0.01% in the very
0.5 1 m/km2
Medium 1 1.5 m/km2 0.14 5647.52
high probability category. One may notice that the
high probability interval has not been given a
Medium High 0.33 2627.40 numerical probability value in the created database.
2 2.5
This is due to the fact that this difference in height
High 0.53 1826.28 does not exist in the study area.
Very High >2.5 m/km2 0.81 1449.10
Table 6. Values and probability classes
(depth of fragmentation)
These processes, in their turn, due to the Probabi-
nature of their mechanisms of development and Area
Probability Intervals lity
manifestation, favor a higher degree of water (km2)
infiltration. The minimal values of the density of Low 0 - 100 m 0.04 12123.56
fragmentation are associated to stable and relatively 101 200 m
Medium 0.20 13038.99
stable slopes and landforms as regards the effects of 201 300 m
linear erosion exerted by the drainage network. They Medium High 301 - 400 m 0.31 48.04
present a low landslide occurrence probability High 401 - 500 m - -
(Table 5). Concerning the weight of each probability Very High >501 m 0.80 1.83
interval on the total area of the analysed territory,
one remarks the very high extension of the low 4.2.5/4.2.6. Wetness index (WI) and stream
probability interval (54%), followed by the average power index (SPI)
and average-high intervals, with 22% and 11% These two factors can be associated because
respectively, indicating a relative stability of the they are part of the same category of factors that
slopes in the study area. take into consideration the topography of the terrain

and highlight the degree of water accumulation on covering extremely small areas at the contact
certain areas (WI) or the power of water erosion in a between the plateau and the mountains.
stream within a certain catchment area (SPI). The
spatial modeling of these two factors has been Table 8. Values and probability classes (SPI)
Probability Area
performed according to the equations derived by Probability Intervals
Value (km2)
Beven & Kirkby (1979) for WI and Moore et al.,
Low <0 0.02 6667.64
(1991) for SPI, implemented in ArcGIS as: Medium 0-1 0.24 18535.10
Ln((accumulation*400)/Tan(slope)), [WI] Medium High 1.1 1.2 0.31 0.32
Ln((accumulation+0.001)*(slope/100+0.001)), High 1.21 1.4 0.51 0.02
[SPI] Very High >1.4 0.80 0.003
Ln, Tan mathematical identifiers 4.2.7. Plan and profile curvature
accumulation - flow accumulation The areas with a prominent slope and exposure
400 area in m2 of the DEM cell change are identified with the help of the
slope - slope in radians topographical surface curvature. According to the
The calculated values of the wetness index are method of curvature analysis, two indicators may be
between 12.43 and 25.29 and are directly proportional obtained: the plan curvature and the profile
to the landslide occurrence probability. The low curvature.
values correspond to lands with low degree of water The profile curvature provides information
saturation which involves a low landslide probability. about the areas with moderate and high flow on the
topographical surface, taking into consideration the
The high values are characteristic for areas with
shape of the slope (linear, convex or concave). The
relatively high water saturation, therefore having a
negative values define convex slopes, with low
direct impact on the landslide trigger mechanisms and
(almost null) landslide occurrence probability.
a high probability of landslide emergence.
The zero value is associated to linear slopes, which
The extension of areas with different degrees
present an average or average-high landslide
of probability varies between 4% for very high occurrence probability. Positive values highlight the
probability, 7% for high probability, 20% for low slope pronounced concavity and therefore there is a
and average-high probability and 49% for average very high landslide occurrence probability.
probability (Table 7). As for the territorial extension of the probability
Table 7. Values and probability classes (WI) intervals according to the profile curvature, the GIS
Probability Area analysis shows the very large extension of the average
Probability Intervals and average-high probability, with weights of 48.7%
Value (km2)
Low 0 - 14 0.02 5128.61 and 51.60% respectively. The other three intervals
Medium 14 - 16 0.19 10377.66 present lower weights, 0.14% for the low probability
Medium High 16 - 18 0.34 5030.30 class, 0.19% for the high probability class while the
High 18 - 20 0.53 2574.76 weight of the very high probability interval is almost
Very High >20 0.80 2168.58 null as compared to the entire area of the study unit
(Table 9).
The analysis of the SPI calculated values, Table 9. Values and probability classes (profile curvature)
ranging between -2.8 and 1.45, highlights the areas Probability Intervals
Probability Area
with potentially high erosion exerted by water Value (km2)
streams. The negative values of the SPI indicate the Low < - 0.1 0.01 35.64
flat areas of watersheds and plateaus, with an Medium -0.09 - 0 0.19 12115.00
incipient drainage network and low landslide Medium High 0 0.1 0.40 13004.81
occurrence probability. Positive values are High 0.1 0.2 0.51 49.07
characteristic for moderate and steep slopes, terrace Very High >0.2 0.80 0.44
risers and steep banks, where there is a high
landslide occurrence probability (Table 8). The areas The plan curvature represents the perpendicular
with the largest extension (73.54%) are part of the direction on the maximum slope orientation. The
average probability class, followed by areas positive values highlight the convex slopes, with
presenting a low probability, with a weight of convergent flow and a high landslide occurrence
26.45%, due to the incipient development of a probability. The negative values are characteristic for
permanent drainage network in those sectors. The concave slopes with divergent flow and a low to
other probability intervals have very low weights, average landslide occurrence probability. Values close

to 0 are associated to linear flow slopes which present and the processing of thematic databases by means of
an average to high landslide probability. mathematical equations transposed into GIS spatial
Regarding the territorial extension of the analysis functions. The main purpose is to generate
probability intervals, defined according to the terrain new attributes, stored in different database structures.
plan curvature, one remarks the very large extension Starting from the spatial databases, by means of
of average-high (32.07%) and high (46.91%) modeling techniques, GIS spatial analysis and
probability intervals and the small extension of the reclassification of databases, intermediate models have
other three intervals: 9.17% for the low probability been conceived and later integrated in the final
interval, 11.70% for the average probability and structure of the probability model (Fig. 2). In order to
0.15% for the very high probability (Table 10). All derive and represent the probability coefficients
the factors analysed above constitute raster databases defining the analyzed factors, spatial analysis
and represent defining elements of the probability techniques have been used by database reclassification.
calculation equation implemented in the process of The probability coefficients derived from each
spatial analysis and identification of areas with factor are represented by raster format databases.
different degrees of landslide occurrence probability. These represent, in their turn, the main entry
elements in the spatial analysis equations meant to
Table 10: Values and probability classes (plan curvature) determine the landslide occurrence probability.
Probability Area The first one was to calculate the coefficients
Probability Intervals
Value (km2) representing WI and SPI according to the functions
Low <0 0.01 2310.25 included in ArcGIS programme. The second and
Medium 0 - 0.1 0.12 2947.98 most important one was to create, by means of
0.1 0.2 0.37 8083.69
spatial analysis, the complex model based on the
High probability equation and on the entry modeled and
High 0.2 0.5 0.64 11824.28 derived databases.
Very High >0.5 0.80 38.79 The model has been executed using the
equation (1) implemented in a GIS environment
4.3. Spatial analysis using the Raster Calculator function shaped as:

The spatial modeling of the landslide SquareRoot (("Fs" * "Fa")/7 * "Fh" * "Fdd"
occurrence probability demands the use of several * "Fda" * "Fwi" * "Fspi" * "Fcpl" * "Fcpr")
spatial analysis techniques. In their turn, these
techniques suppose the use of specialized software

Figure 2: GIS spatial analysis model of the landslide occurrence probability

The result of the model is materialized in a has been finished, no areas with very high landslide
raster database which highlights the landslide occurrence probability included in the category > 0.8
occurrence probability for every pixel of the have been identified at the level of the entire
analysed area (Fig. 3). Transylvanian Plateau.

4.4. Model validation

In order to establish the model degree of

predictability, we opted for its validation by means of
ROC curve determined at the level of two distinctive
areas, considered to be representative for the
Transylvanian Plateau: Niraj drainage basin,
remarkable because its high landform diversity makes
it a true synthesis of the whole Transylvanian
Plateau, and Somean Plateau which is, in its turn, a
morphometrically complex landform unit. The ROC
method allows the evaluation of the predictability rate
of the methods applied comparing the obtained
probability map with the map of the existing
The landslide inventory was based on SPOT
imagery, topographical maps and field inventory. In
the Niraj drainage basin, 126 landslides have been
detected and mapped covering a total area of 984 ha.
In Somean Plateau, a number of 322 landslides
have been identified, covering a total area of 5510
ha (Fig. 3).
The ROC curve is calculated for the 10 percent
threshold which represents the percentage of the
analyzed area for which the false positive and the true
positive values are determined. The values of the OX
Figure 3. Morphometry based landslide probability map represent areas in which the model has calculated a
of the study area very high probability but where there are no
landslides (false positive). The values represented on
On the whole, most of the territory belonging the OY correspond to areas in which the model has
to the Transylvanian Plateau is included in the determined a high probability, validated by the
average category of landslide occurrence existence of landslides (true positive). (Fig. 4). The
probability, which defines an area with a weight of best validation was obtained for the high probability
59.07%. Lands comprised in this probability class (0.977), followed by the average class (0.806)
category cover larger areas of Trnave Plateau, and the very high class (0.761).
Somean Plateau and the Transylvanian
The low probability category represents
40.30% of the total area of the analysed unit. Lands
corresponding to it are mainly located along the
large valleys of Some and Mure (mostly), Arie
and Olt (in fewer cases), as well as in the
Transylvanian Plain, on larger areas.
The average-high and high probability
categories are almost unsizeable in the graphical
representation and in the quantitative spatial
analysis. They have a weight of only 0.63% of the
total area of the plateau, covering very small areas at
the contact with the mountains. It is important to
Figure 4: ROC curve for the high landslide occurrence
stress the fact that, once the spatial analysis model probability

5. CONCLUSION curve on very large areas, considered to be
representative for the morphometric variety of the
The results of this study allow us to state that Transylvanian Plateau, which proves the viability
the analysis of the land morphometric characteristics and veracity of this method.
and their integration as key factors in a It can be concluded that the applied model has
methodological approach meant to determine the a very good correlation with the probability classes
landslide occurrence probability is fully justified and active landslides and the causative factors
scientifically and very useful because of its practical selected are relevant for the models applied.
implications. The results show a good predictability of the
The scientific relevance of the model model and prove its usefulness for the practical
proposed in this study starts from the premise that research.
morphometry, as a defining factor of the terrain All these facts allow us to state that the model
dynamic state, has a double function, playing a part proposed in this approach may be applied with good
both in the preparation and triggering the landslides. results in the investigation of other territories with
The fundament of the model lays on our firm similar features (in the sense that there is a lack of
conviction that morphometry represents a very landform morphometric homogeneity).
sensitive and true geoindicator of the terrain states More importantly, the model may be adopted
of stability or instability. as a working alternative for the methodologies that
These states are in fact prefigured by means of are inherently exposed, in a more or less obvious
the two above-mentioned functions, which manner, to cartographic or statistical deficiencies. In
(extremely important) may be interpreted in a conclusion, it is our opinion that this model
relatively constant (homogeneous) metrics according constitutes an original approach which significantly
to the spatial attributes of the landforms. contributes to the improvement of the methodology
We consider that a major advantage of this regarding the prediction of landslide processes.
model is that, compared to other models (like the
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Received at: 08. 11. 2013

Revised at: 10. 02. 2014
Accepted for publication at: 20. 02. 2014
Published online at: 25. 02. 2014


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