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I don’t think that jumping of cliffs is particularly

my cup of tea but this time pressure forced me. I

walked up to the edge of the cliff. I could see the
swirling currents of the water below. I bent my
knees and put my arms into a diving position and
leapt. I soared through the air downwards and into
the water. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was
looking upwards to the ocean’s surface. My eyes
were stinging badly and that’s when I noticed that I
was lying on the ocean floor and current was
pulling me closer and closer to an underwater cave
which I would not like to get pulled into. When I
dived of the cliff, I had no idea that there was a
strong current below. I tried to swim away but the
‘wind in the water’ was pulling me back. As I
approached the cave, I spread out my legs, aiming
for the sides. When my feet touched the edges of
the cave, I pushed of it with all my might and
managed to get myself out of the area where the
current was and swam up to the surface. Panting
for air, I looked around to sea where I was. Luckily,
I was right next to the shore. When I reached the
shoreline, I met two men who were digging for
gold on the beach (don’t ask why). They told me
that only ghosts could see them for they,
themselves where ghosts. That’s when I realized
that I was a ghost. I had not escaped out of the
current at all, I had been pulled into it and

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