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Section I: Identification

Janissary Corps

The Janissary Corps existed as a professional fighting force that compromised of units that

formed the sultans troops and bodyguards. They were more effective in war as they adopted

firearms very early and made extensive use of early grenades and hand cannons. They also

carried their medical staff during war to attend to the wounded and the sick which was a

contributor to their success in war. During peacetime, they served as policemen and firefighters.

They were disciplined and moral which made them the strongest united army at the time. They

were united by Islamic ideology and also created alliances across political and racial groups

making them more successful during their time.

1492 Expulsion

1492 was the year in which the entire Jewish community was expelled from Spain by the king at

that time. This was done in fear that they would influence the newly Jewish converts back to

practicing Judaism. It was particularly a big betrayal to the Jews and the worst period of their

lives since they were forced to flee from their homes and businesses within a short time span.

During this time, a lot of refugee lives were lost as they tried to reach safety. Others were knifed

to death in the hope of finding stolen gold and diamonds in their stomachs. Some Jews who fled

to Turkey were lucky enough as they were welcomed. Others that fled to Portugal were

forcefully converted to Christianity on pain of death.


It was a labor system in which Spanish soldiers were rewarded with Indian laborers and granted

a tract of land. It was made to meet the needs of the colonies early mining economy. It was also

intended to reduce the abuse of forced labor and control and regulate American Indian labor. The
natives would provide tributes to their encomendero in the form of gold or agricultural products.

In return, the individual soldier was required to protect them and instruct them in the Christian

faith. The Encomienda served as a protection for the natives when disease and famine struck and

during war.

Mongol Empire

They were the largest most successful empire at the time and in history. Their most successful

tactic was to get rid of and destroy all cities that refused to surrender. They went for war during

difficult physical conditions such as in winter while other individuals hid from the weather. They

waged a war in central Asia while the campaign in northern China was still in progress. They

were governed by a strict code of law under which any resistance to their rule received severe

punishment. During their reign, they were victorious against many other known empires and

feared rulers.

Section II

Choice A - Why was the plague so devastating, and how did it impact the global system of

the pre-Black Death era

The bubonic plague that broke out in Europe was extremely devastating during the time (1300s

C.E.) for a number of reasons. At the time, researchers did not know the main cause of the

disease thus were not able to come up with a cure for it. This in turn led to the loss of a huge

number of individuals hence decreasing Europe population. In addition to the population

decrease, families lost their loved ones within a maximum of five days. The rate at which death

occurred was alarmingly high. The disease was also a painful experience as it formed swellings

on the body called buboes which would burst along the skins surface. The plague led to loss of

vast amounts of wealth by the rich as they went to churches trying to find help and protection

from the disease. This in turn made the church richer and reduced their moral dignity.

The plague had numerous effects on the global system that existed before its outbreak. It led to

reduced food products which led to food shortages and increased food pricing. Furthermore, the

church lost a lot of followers who lost faith in it. It also led to increased demand for laborers to

harvest crops. The laborers then had a chance to work under their own conditions with assurance

of good pay. It also paved way for a newer generation of people who grew the city on different

terms and principles. The living standards changed for the better. Job opportunities also became

common and easy to find.

Section III: Long Essay

Choice B - How did European colonialism transform the Americas?

Weapon improvement was a key feature. The Americas were well in endowed in skills in

archery. I could say they are the best archer regions in the world. They used these skills in

hunting and defending themselves from attacker. The coming of Europeans brought with them

rifles which were more efficient and deadly than the bow and arrows they were used to. It

became a technological advancement and the Americans used this to establish and protect their

territories. And overtime the Americans tended to embrace the rifles and forgoing their bows and
arrows. This was mainly because they were now more available and were more suited at the time

and age from the technological advances.

Fortification of villages was also a way of the Europeans. The villages in the European nations

were fortified with walls to ensure the security is improved. On the other hand the villages in the

America were built closely together but had no walls to ensure that they had a distinct size of the

villages. Without this consideration it made it very easy for outsiders to enter the community and

even loot what the village had to offer. With the introduction of walls and watch towers for

fortification it made it easier for them to see the enemy from far, and also made it tougher for the

enemy to be able to raid them. I strongly believe it made the village more secure and they could

hence thrive without worry of being attacked when they are helpless. This is also a factor to the

success of the villages that lead to the growth of nations.

Change in design of the local homes to the European way of building house. The houses the

natives of the Americas lived in were in very much simple they were as if temporary. The

structure were built without any considerations of the standards of living of the people. The

Europeans brought with them the ideas of good living for its people. The Europeans focused on

ensuring that its people had good living standards and hence advocated for proper housing. This

housing enlightened the Americans on what they have been missing all this time. The houses

they first had were just adapted to the surrounding but with the introduction of better housing

they embraced this without complaining about it.

Change of culture, with the European influence growing more and more over the Americans the

culture the Native Americans had was soon to be tested. The Europeans tried to impose their

culture on the Americans. This was by introducing Christian religion to the Native Americans.

As expected the natives of the land were not willing to change their culture. Strong rebellions
were very much seen at the time and mostly because they were not willing to forgo their beliefs.

They also had local languages in the region and with time they were also wiped out and adopting

European languages was the result this included mostly the use of English. This was mostly to

facilitate the communications in the region among all.

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