Onboarding Webinar

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6 Ways to Elevate Your New Hire

Sco% Henry
Senior Director, Product Management

6 Ways to Elevate Your Onboarding
Using Virtual to Engage, Equip & Energize

Scott Henry
Sr. Director, Product Management
The Onboarding Opportunity

New hires with formal onboarding training are 54% more

Organiza?ons with a standard onboarding process
experience 50% greater new hire reten6on
Manager sa?sfac?on increases by 20% when their
employees have formal onboarding training
Automa?ng onboarding tasks results in 18% greater
achievement of employees performance goals

* Source: The Onboarding Sta?s?cs You Need to Know

9 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Millennials Driving Virtual Onboarding

Ability to showcase technology during the recruitment

process plays a key role in holding Millennial candidates'
The tradi?onal classroom-and-paperwork approach to
onboarding doesnt cut it with Millennials.
Millennials have grown up using technology, and most are
used to more interac6ve forms of learning.

10 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Value of Virtual Onboarding

Provides a consistent onboarding experience for global

new hires and prepares them for success at your company

Delivers the type of interac6ve, engaging virtual learning

demanded by the Millennial workforce

Increases new hire produc6vity and employee reten?on

by up to 50% by providing easy access to formal
onboarding training

Reduces the cost of new hire onboarding by up to 90%

11 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

6 Ways to Elevate Your New Hire Onboarding

1 Leverage pre-boarding to build community & excitement

2 Use webcasts for orienta?on engagement and reach

3 Deliver a consumer-like virtual experience

4 Engage using virtual interac?vity and networking

5 Encourage new hires to play games

6 Help new hires to nd coaching & mentoring

12 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Best Prac6ce #1

Leverage pre-boarding to build

community & excitement

13 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Value of Pre-Boarding

Over 30% of new hires are already searching for

a new job in their rst weeks, or even worse,
not showing up at the rst day at all

How pre-boarding of new hires makes everyones

life easier, Gerrit Brouwer, Nov 13, 2014.

14 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Pre-Boarding: Lay the groundwork for the rst day

Pre-boarding is the period from the date new employees sign

their contract and the date of their rst day during which
you should:
1. Share culture for the right rst impressions
2. Build excitement for joining your company
3. Create a sense of community

15 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Right Impressions: Short-form company videos

Using short and to-the-point videos are an eec?ve way to

explain the essen?als of your company and values

16 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Right Impressions: Take them on a culture journey

Clearly communica?ng your business culture, values and vision

can jump start your new hire integra?on

17 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Right Impressions: Live Q&A sessions

Webcam-based discussions allow company representa?ves to share

perspec?ves and answer ques?ons prior to new hires rst day

18 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Build Excitement: Be proacKve with self-educaKon

Providing links to social media, blogs, and announcements will

help them easily nd the right places

19 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Build Excitement: Fun facts about culture, leadership

20 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Sense of Community: Foster company interacKon early

Socialize your new hires early by invi?ng them to ask ques?ons

and par?cipate in discussions

21 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Sense of Community: Oer virtual buddy system

Connect a new hire directly with an experienced colleague as a

buddy to ensure the new hire feels welcome

22 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Best Prac6ce #2

Use webcasts for orienta?on

engagement and reach

23 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Enhance reach with webinars for orienta?on presenta?ons

Deliver live and on-demand onboarding presenta?ons to

reach new hires globally

24 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Increase produc?vity with simu-live webinars

Allows presenters to op?mize their ?me by pre-recording

their webinars and delivering it repeatedly as live courses

25 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Be%er meet global needs with simu-live webinars

Pre-recording webinars and delivering them as live session

allows companies to be%er address global ?me zones

26 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Op?mize learning with personalized user experience

Allows new hires to rearrange the user interface to best meet

their preferences and learning style

27 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Engage new hires with interac?ve features

Instructor bios Tests

Q&A Idea storming
Resources (course & post work) Chaptering
Feedback surveys Blogs / RSS feeds
Social networking Breakout sessions
Group chat
Wikipedia (unfamiliar terms)

28 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Augment training with webinar-based cer?ca?on

29 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Best Prac6ce #3

Deliver a consumer-like virtual

onboarding experience

30 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Todays Training Challenges: Confusing User Interfaces

Four of the Top 12 LMS complaints relate to Usability

Looks sta?c and ugly Doesnt invi?ngly display courses

Confusing to navigate Does not have a mobile app

Source: 12 Common Complaints about Learning Management Systems, Allison Bickford.

31 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Business learners have consumer expecta?ons

Consumer technology has spoiled business users

People now expect the same kind of experiences at work that
they enjoy at home
Consumer-style expecta?ons:
Sleek design
How are these expecta?ons changing the learning

32 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Enhancing the New Hire Experience

Virtual Learning
Course / Test
Authoring Tools
Exis6ng LMS New Hire
Pla]orms Experience
and Repor6ng

33 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Sleek Design: IntuiKve / Familiar Experiences

34 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Self Service: No InstrucKons Required

35 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Self Service: AnyKme, Anywhere, Any Device

36 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Social: Embed Social Media in Training Programs

37 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Best Prac6ce #4

Engage new hires using virtual

interac?vity and networking

38 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Engagement = Interac?vity + Networking

User engagement is directly

correlated to the level of
networking and how
interac?ve new hires are
within the onboarding

39 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Interac?vity: Live webinars for virtual orientaKon

40 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Interac?vity: Message boards for asynchronous exchanges

41 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Interac?vity: Idea generaKon / brainstorming

Idea storming enables the gathering and priori?za?on of ideas

and comments contributed by new hires

42 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Networking: Webcam chats with leadership & experts

43 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Networking: Social media

44 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Networking: Group and 1:1 chat

45 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Best Prac6ce #5

Encourage new hires to play games

46 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

The Value of Gamica?on

Training programs using gamica?on improves employee

engagement by 60%*
Gamica?on enhances employee produc?vity by 43%*
Gamica?on provides clear training objec?ves and recognizes
learners achievements
By making learning seem more like fun, the level of
knowledge reten?on is increased

* Source: Talent LMS Gamica?on Survey Results

47 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Associate points with new hire ac?vi?es

Contests can be used to engage new hires within the virtual

environment, drive specic ac?vi?es, and encourage networking

48 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Mo?vate using giveaways or compe??ons

49 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Foster peer mo?va?on with team-based compe??ons

50 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Engage new hires with game-based designs

51 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Use scavenger hunts to deliver guided paths

52 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Best Prac6ce #6

Help new hires to nd coaching

and mentoring

53 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Virtual Mentoring Drivers

Millennials are typically more interested than previous

genera?ons in nding a mentor.

Millennials have grown up with the no?on that one must

constantly seek the advice of another, and social media has put
this no?on on steroids.

Millennials want to have mul6ple mentors the tradi?onal

older managers, but also peer mentors/coaches.

One of Millennials characteris?cs is they really, truly, desire a

great deal of feedback.

54 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Make it easy to locate coaches and mentors

55 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Make it easy to locate coaches and mentors

An exper?se directory is a searchable list that includes

employees areas of professional exper?se

56 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Make it easy for others to contribute

Webcam scheduled discussions allow coaches, mentors and

experts to share perspec?ves and answer ques?ons

57 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Make it easy to share informa?on and opinions

58 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Make it easy for like-interests to nd each other

Virtual breakout rooms provide loca?ons for new hires, coaches

and mentors to network, interact, and share informa?on

59 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Case Study

Marrio% Voyage
Virtual Onboarding Environment

60 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Marrio% Voyage: 12-Month Virtual Onboarding Program

We give new college hires a virtual pla]orm that helps

accelerate their career development and progression,
increases overall retenKon of future leaders, and sets them
up for success at Marrio7.
Vice President
Global Talent Acquisi?on Services
Marrio% Interna?onal

61 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

New Hire Lobby (US/Canada)

62 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

New Hire Lobby (China)

63 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Global Training Center

64 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

New Hire Networking Cafe

65 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

The Culture Hub

66 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

The Marrio% Voyage Impact

Over 900 Voyagers have joined the program from 37

The virtual environment provides a globally consistent and
enriching experience
Its dis?nc?ve design has posi6oned Marrioc as a global
leader among university students and post-collegiate talent
It is exactly the type of highly technical, innova6ve and
experien6al learning requested by Millennials

67 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

6 Ways to Elevate Your New Hire Onboarding

1 Leverage pre-boarding to build community & excitement

2 Use webcasts for orienta?on engagement and reach

3 Deliver a consumer-like virtual experience

4 Engage using virtual interac?vity and networking

5 Encourage new hires to play games

6 Help new hires to nd coaching & mentoring

68 | 2016 ON24, Inc.

Ques6ons & Answers
Register for the next webinar!
6 Ways Every CLO Should Be Using
Video (and How Technology and
Millennials Can Help)
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

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