Yellow Magnetic Seed Monday August 30 2010

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Today is day 8 of

the Lunar
Scorpion Moon
in the year of the
Red Overtone The Cosmic Tree
Daily Dreamspell
For Monday August 30 2010

Yellow Magnetic Seed

I unify in order to target

Day one of the Attracting awareness
Yellow Seed I seal the input of flowering
wave spell.
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
What is my I am guided by the power of
purpose? yellow seed doubled
Yellow Seed Yellow Seed
is the Solar Seal of the Day,
Today’s essence. Action : Targets
In the Mayan language Creative Power : Flowering
Yellow Seed is KAN
Essence : Awareness

Yellow Seed Targets and

emphasizes the Flowering
of awareness

YELLOW is the power

of the SOUTH.
The energy of RIPENING
Yellow Seed
is the Solar Seal of the Day
Today’s essence.

In the Mayan language The entire fruit is already present in the seed. The seed
contains the hologram of its conclusion, the innate wisdom, and
Yellow Seed is KAN the will to become it. Your unconscious desires, ask to be
brought into being today. What is your heart song?

Encapsulate your intention into a seed at this time. The target

of focus from which you can, grow your desires. Planting a
seed is both an intention and an action. Your future rewards,
are the fruits of a seed, planted in the past.

Seeds grow, guided by natural energies, within the dimension

of time. From where you are today, it may seem that the soil is
not ready. Just as the seed changes the soil around it. Your
intention changes the energy of your life . As you plant your
truth, more truth comes in to being.

Release the seed, allow it to grow of its own volition. Once the
seed is planted, your role is to guide and nurture your
intention. First intend, then cultivate your dreams.
Yellow Seed
is also the Guide of the Day, Yellow Seed
The Guide shows the way
You are guided by the power of Action: Targets
yellow seed doubled
Creative Power : Flowering
In the Mayan language
Yellow Seed is KAN
Essence : Awareness
Yellow Seed Targets and
emphasizes the Flowering
of Awareness
YELLOW is the power
of the SOUTH.
The energy of RIPENING 

YELLOW is the power

of the SOUTH.
 The energy of RIPENING
Yellow Seed
is also the Guide of the day,
The Guide shows the way
You are guided by the power of
What intentions have you planted?
yellow seed doubled
What energies are flowing through your life at this time?

In the Mayan language As a guide, Yellow Seed guides the flowering. The unfolding
magic of nature. Fractal growth, expanding in a multitude of
Yellow Seed is, KAN directions and dimensions. A seed is holographic, it contains
all parts of the whole. New life, creates waveform fluctuations,
creating new patterns, new potentials from which new ideas an
opportunities emerge. When you change one part of a
hologram, it changes the whole.

Adjust and realign your seed intention as it grows.

Yellow Seed is a cohesive force, naturally attracting the

elements needed for growth. Sun, water, wind, other plants,
insects and animals, now come to the garden. Are these
elements complementary, do they aid in growth? Some
thoughts and feelings have no purpose. Remove and release
them. Cultivate an awareness of only those thoughts and
feelings which will create the future you desire. You are the
gardener, does your seed intention, need to be nurtured and
protected, or left alone to be made hardy.
Red Earth
is the Occult of the day
Red Earth
The Hidden Helper
Action : Evolves
In the Mayan language
Red Earth is CABAN Creative Power : Navigation

Essence : Synchronicity

Red Earth Evolves and

emphasizes Navigation.

RED is the
power of the EAST

The energy of INITIATION

Red Earth
is the Occult of the day

The Hidden Helper The earth moves and shifts and evolves. You are a part
of the earths living structure. Just as the earth, is part of
the living universe. Connecting to the earth, heals us, it
In the Mayan language connects us to the ordered synchronicity of natural time.

Red Earth is CABAN Events exist in relation to each other. When viewed from
a higher dimension, they occur simultaneously, in one
cosmic expression of now. Connect with the earth.
Reach through the mind, with heart-felt devotion, to an
event in need of healing. Grace is an ordered pattern of
love, which heals discord, by aligning it with peace. As
one is healed, all are healed. As we are healed, we

You are the earth, your body is a gift from the earth, you
are nourished and supported by her. Your souls innate
intelligence has formed the earths body into a human
being. Acknowledge, the generosity, beauty and
timeless peace of Gaia.

Connect with the earth, it is our oneness with the earth

that allows us to navigate the larger cosmos.
White Wizard
is the Antipode of the day
White Wizard
The Challenging Focus.
Action: Enchant
In the Mayan language White
Wizard is IX Creative Power: Timelessness

Essence: Receptivity

White Wizard Enchants and

emphasizes Timelessness

WHITE is the power

of the NORTH.

The energy of REFINEMENT

White Wizard
is the Antipode of the day

The Challenging Focus.

White Wizard is the shaman, the earth wizard. Through the
present moment all things are possible. You dance through
In the Mayan language White time, on the canvas of nature. White Wizard cast spells.
White Wizard enchants.
Wizard is IX
Our actions, words and intention are the power by which we
create. When we become aware of the spells we are casting
we can refine them, and transform our lives holographically.

With enchantment, comes responsibility. Create wisely. Be

aware of how your action and intentions affect others. By
trying to control others, you are controlled.

By acting with honor , you are honored.

White wizard says be mindful in your dance. The toes you

step on are yours as well. Be receptive to the feelings of
Enchant with the dance of kindness.
Blue Eagle Blue Eagle
is the Analog of the day
Action : Creates
The Like-Minded power
Creative Power : Vision
In the Mayan language
Blue Eagle is MEN Essence : Mind

Blue Eagle Creates and

emphasizes Vision

BLUE is the power

of the WEST

The energy
Blue Eagle
is the Analog of the day

The Like-Minded power Blue Eagle asks you to see. Blue Eagle’s vision is
powerful. From it’s vantage point it sees the grand,
expansive, vista. Blue Eagle is high flying, critical and
In the Mayan language detached. Blue Eagle sees the both the expansive
possibilities of the big picture and the sober realities of the
Blue Eagle is MEN fine detail.

Your creations are sourced from the collective mind. Blue

eagle tells us to fly high and travel beyond our selves.

Blue eagle uses the mind to create, bringing together twigs

and leaves to build a nest. The creations of blue eagle are
factual, practical, productive inventions. The pragmatic
use of resources and strategies to achieve an end.
Stay true to your vision.
Today is Tone 1



Action: Attract One is unity.

Creative Power: Unify
When we connect with the all that is, our purpose is
Essence : Purpose encoded within us.

Tone one is the invitation of the powers of creation.

A magnet of creative energy.

One is both the primal point of creation, and the

wholeness of completion.
Today is day 8 of
the Lunar
Scorpion Moon
in the year of the
Red Overtone The Cosmic Tree
Daily Dreamspell
For Monday August 30 2010

Yellow Magnetic Seed

I unify in order to target

Day one of the Attracting awareness
Yellow Seed I seal the input of flowering
wave spell.
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
What is my I am guided by the power of
purpose? yellow seed doubled

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