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Do antidepressants cause dependence?


INTRODUCTION imply these outcomes. Discontinuation tends to be the

preferred term among those who do not regard antide-
Most medical authorities do not regard antidepressants pressants as addictive. However those who view these
as causing dependence, or addiction, but this view has drugs are additive may regard this term as misleading.
been challenged on the basis that these drugs can cause Antidepressant discontinuation symptoms were
withdrawal symptoms and that in some patients these reported soon after imipramine, the first tricyclic antide-
symptoms prevent antidepressants being stopped pressant, entered clinical practice (Mann & MacPherson,
(Medawar, 1997; BBC, October 2002; May 2003, 1959; Andersen & Kristiansen, 1959). They occur with
September 2004). This is an important issue for several antidepressants from all classes including tricyclic anti-
reasons. First, antidepressants are widely used and so if depressants (TCAs), monoamine reuptake inhibitors
they cause dependence then large numbers of people (MAOIs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
could potentially be affected. Second, patients must be (SSRIs), serotonin and noradrenalin reuptake inhibitors
given accurate information about drug side effects and so (SNRIs) and miscellaneous antidepressants such as mir-
health professionals need to be clear about the issue of tazapine, a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic anti-
dependence. Finally, lay fears about addiction may act as depressant (NaSSA). A recent review identified reports
a barrier discouraging those suffering from depression of discontinuation symptoms with 22 antidepressants
from seeking help or taking prescribed antidepressants. (Haddad et al., 2004).
The first part of this paper reviews antidepressant discon-
tinuation, or withdrawal symptoms, with particular
emphasis on the clinical features and incidence of such CLINICAL FEATURES
symptoms. The second part of the paper addresses the
issue of whether this phenomenon indicates dependence Antidepressant discontinuation reactions have several
or addiction (the two terms are used synonymously). key features. Symptoms usually appear within a few days
With regard to terminology, some authors refer to anti- of stopping an antidepressant or less commonly reducing
depressant withdrawal syndromes and others to dis- the dose. Onset more than 1 week later is unusual. In a
continuation syndromes. Both terms refer to the same naturalistic study of 97 patients the mean interval
phenomenon and are likely to continue to be used inter- between stopping an SSRI and the onset of discontinua-
changeably; the main issue is to be clear about the mean- tion symptoms was 2 days (Bogetto et al., 2002).
ing. The term withdrawal syndrome is synonymous, in Discontinuation reactions are more common with higher
many peoples minds, with addiction or dependence, doses and longer courses of treatment and are rare unless
whereas discontinuation syndrome is less likely to treatment has continued for more than 5 weeks. These
features suggest that discontinuation symptoms reflect re-
stabilisation of the central nervous system, and other sys-
Address for correspondence: Dr. P.M. Haddad, Cromwell House tems, from the adapted state that developed during anti-
Community Mental Health Centre, Bolton Salford and Trafford Mental depressant use.
Health NHS Trust, Cromwell Road, Eccles, Salford, Manchester M30 Left untreated, most antidepressant discontinuation
OGT (United Kingdom).
reactions are short-lived. In the prospective study by
Declaration of Interests: the author has received honoraria for lec- Bogetto et al. (2002) the mean duration of SSRI discon-
turing and attending advisory boards from the manufacturers of several tinuation symptoms was 5 days. In a series of 71 untreat-

Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 14, 2, 2005

Do antidepressants cause dependence?

ed paroxetine discontinuation reactions reported by doc- INCIDENCE

tors as adverse drug reactions (Price et al., 1996), and
presumably representing the severer end of the spectrum Several methodological issues are pertinent to the
of reactions, the median duration was 8 days (range 1-52 question of incidence of discontinuation syndromes. First
days). Occasionally symptoms can last several weeks or high quality research is sparse. Secondly, as already dis-
even months. If the original antidepressant is re-com- cussed, discontinuation reactions occur on a spectrum in
menced symptoms usually resolve within 24 hours. terms of the number and severity of symptoms.
Discontinuation symptoms are very variable with over Consequently incidence will depend on how symptoms
50 different symptoms being reported with SSRIs are detected (self report or check list), how symptoms are
(Haddad, 1998). Discontinuation reactions occur on a defined in terms of severity and duration and the thresh-
spectrum in terms of the number and severity of symp- old set for defining a syndrome. Thirdly, incidence varies
between different antidepressants. Finally a range of con-
toms; reactions range from an isolated symptom to a clus-
founders will influence incidence e.g. the dose of the
ter and from mild to severely disabling. This raises the
antidepressant, the duration of antidepressant treatment,
issue of a threshold for defining a discontinuation syn-
whether the antidepressant is stopped abruptly or tapered
drome. Although provisional operational criteria for an and the rate of any taper.
SSRI discontinuation syndrome have been proposed Methodological issues aside, it is apparent that discon-
(Haddad, 1998; Black et al., 2000) there is no accepted tinuation symptoms are common with many antidepres-
definition. The situation is made more complex as differ- sants Estimates for the percentage of patients who expe-
ent symptom clusters, or discontinuation syndromes, can rience one or more discontinuation symptoms include
occur. imipramine 100.0% (Law et al., 1981), amitriptyline
A general SSRI discontinuation syndrome has been 80.0% (Bialos et al., 1982), clomipramine 33.3%
described (Haddad, 1998; Haddad et al., 2004; Black et (Diamond et al., 1989) and phenelzine 32.2% (Tyrer,
al., 2000); the term general is used to differentiate this 1984). Turning to newer antidepressants, Fava et al.
syndrome from rare SSRI discontinuation syndromes (1997) reported that during the three days following stop-
such as mania and extrapyramidal syndromes. Six main page of venlafaxine and placebo under double blind con-
symptom groups are recognised within the general SSRI ditions, seven (78%) of nine venlafaxine treated subjects
discontinuation syndrome i.e. symptoms of dysequilibri- and two (22%) of nine placebo-treated patients reported
um, sensory abnormalities, gastrointestinal symptoms, the emergence of adverse events, a statistically signifi-
general somatic symptoms, sleep disturbance and affec- cant difference. Among the SSRIs prospective studies
tive symptoms. The commonest symptoms are dizziness, indicate that paroxetine is associated with the highest
nausea, lethargy and headache (Haddad, 1998). A similar incidence of discontinuation symptoms and fluoxetine
discontinuation syndrome occurs with venlafaxine (Fava the lowest (Rosenbaum et al., 1998; Michelson et al.,
et al., 1997). 2000; Judge et al., 2002; Bogetto et al., 2002; Tint et al.,
No prospective studies have compared discontinuation 2002). Several factors may account for this difference but
the long half-life of fluoxetine and the existence of an
symptoms in patients stopping antidepressants from dif-
active metabolite, norfluoxetine, with an even longer
ferent classes making it impossible to comment with cer-
half-life seem important. Abrupt discontinuation of
tainty on how discontinuation syndromes differs between paroxetine leads to approximately 1/3 of patients com-
antidepressant classes. However clinical experience and plaining of one or more discontinuation symptoms on
anecdotal reports suggest that symptoms of dysequilibri- open questioning (Oehrberg et al., 1995) but if symptoms
um and sensory abnormalities are more prominent with are screened for with a checklist approximately 2/3 of
stoppage of SSRIs than with TCAs. In contrast TCA dis- patients experience a discontinuation syndrome,
continuation reactions seem more likely to involve defined as 4 or more new or worsened symptoms
prominent gastrointestinal symptoms than do SSRI reac- (Rosenbaum et al., 1998).
tions presumably reflecting a greater degree of choliner- In most patients discontinuation symptoms are mild
gic rebound after TCA stoppage. and short lived. However symptoms can cause significant
Several rare discontinuation syndromes have been morbidity, they may be misdiagnosed leading to inappro-
reported anecdotally (Haddad et al., 2004). These include priate treatment, they may adversely effect future antide-
hypomania and mania (reported with SSRIs, TCAs and pressant compliance and they may prevent some patients
MAOIs), extrapyramidal symptoms (reported with TCAs stopping antidepressant treatment. In the context of this
and SSRIs) and cardiac arrhythmias (reported with paper, a key question is whether this last effect indicates
TCAs). that antidepressants cause addiction/dependence.

Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 14, 2, 2005

P.M. Haddad

DO DISCONTINUATION SYMPTOMS INDICATE of the drug exceeds that which was intended. This is well
DEPENDENCE? illustrated by some alcohol dependent patients who report
that once they start drinking they cannot stop. Such loss
Dependence and addiction are ambiguous words that of control is not recognised with antidepressants. A third
are used to refer to a range of phenomena by patients and DSM-IV criterion is tolerance. Randomised controlled
health professionals (Haddad & Anderson, 1999). When trials indicate that many patients continue to derive pro-
patients ask whether antidepressants are addictive they phylactic benefit from a constant antidepressant dose
may refer to one of several concerns; Will they experi- over several years (Frank et al., 1990). Although some
ence withdrawal symptoms?, Will they become tolerant patients do need to increase their antidepressant dose due
and require escalating doses to keep well?, Will they to a relapse of illness, it is simplistic to automatically
become a junkie or addict and loose control over their assume that this indicates tolerance; the effect could also
antidepressant use?, Will the antidepressant make them be explained in terms of increasing psychosocial or
more susceptible to develop depression in the future? In organic stressors that underlie the illness.
turn, health professionals have distinguished between Antidepressants apart, many drugs cause discontinua-
physical and psychological dependence and neither tion symptoms but are not associated with addiction or a
term necessarily means that a patient will meet the crite- dependence syndrome e.g. anticonvulsants, beta-blockers,
ria for substance dependence in ICD-10 or DSM-IV, nitrates, diuretics, centrally acting antihypertensives, sym-
criteria that have evolved from those given in earlier edi- pathomimetics, heparin (Routledge & Bialas, 1997),
tions. This section examines whether antidepressants tamoxifen (Kerr & Myers, 1999), dopaminergic agents
cause dependence as defined in ICD-10 and DSM-IV. (Keyser & Rodnitzky, 1991), and antipsychotics (Gardos
However the issue of ambiguity is important when com- et al., 1978; Tranter & Healy, 1998). Conversely some
municating with patients and will be returned to in the highly addictive drugs, including freebase (crack) cocaine,
final section of this paper. cause only relatively minor withdrawal syndromes.
Both DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, Other evidence supports the view that antidepressants
1994) and ICD-10 (World Health Organisation, 1992) are not addictive. First, antidepressants are widely used in
differentiate between a diagnosis of substance depen- patients with drug and alcohol dependence to treat co-
dence and a drug withdrawal state where substance morbid depression and in some cases to attempt to treat
dependence criteria are not met. In both classification the substance dependence. One would expect this group
systems substance dependence is a syndrome, withdraw- of patients to be particularly susceptible to become
al symptoms are neither sufficient nor mandatory for the addicted to antidepressants if there was such a potential
diagnosis and behavioural features and a compulsive pat- but such problems are not reported. Second, in animal
tern of drug use underlie most of the diagnostic criteria. models antidepressants are not self-administered whereas
In DSM-IV these include excessive time being spent addictive drugs such as benzodiazepines and opiates are
using the drug, inability to control drug use, drug use tak- (Schindler et al., 2002; Gomez et al., 2002). Third, most
ing priority over other activities and drug use continuing addictive drugs have some immediate pleasurable effect
despite persistent harmful consequences. These features after initial consumption (e.g. relaxation with alcohol,
rarely occur in patients taking antidepressants. In terms of excess energy with amphetamines, euphoria with opiates)
DSM-IV and ICD-10 definitions antidepressants in gen- but this is not the case with antidepressants. Finally, most
eral have no clinically significant potential to cause addictive prescription drugs have a black market or
dependence (Haddad, 1999; Haddad & Anderson, 1999; street value and will be diverted or sold on for use for
Tyrer, 1999). To illustrate this further one can consider non-medical reasons (Nutt, 2003). Neither phenomenon
some of the DSM-IV dependence criteria in more detail. is seen to any significant extent with antidepressants.
One DSM-IV criterion for dependence is excessive Two exceptions to the rule that antidepressants are not
time being spent using the drug, obtaining it or recover- addictive are amineptine and tranylcypromine, rarely pre-
ing from its effects. It is virtually unheard of for patients scribed antidepressants with dopaminergic effects
to try and obtain additional antidepressant prescriptions (Haddad, 1999). Case reports identified the addictive
by forgery, registering simultaneously with more than potential of both drugs shortly after they entered clinical
one GP or presenting to hospital A&E departments with practice, something that has not happened with other anti-
fabricated stories of needing an emergency supply of an depressants despite these being prescribed in far greater
antidepressant; in contrast all these scenarios are familiar amounts. Stimulant effects are likely to account for the
to doctors in the case of opiates and benzodiazepines, two dependence noted with amineptine and tranylcypromine,
drugs where iatrogenic addiction or dependence is recog- and, as most antidepressants have no such effects they
nised. Another DSM-IV dependence criterion is that use appear to be the exceptions that prove the rule.
Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 14, 2, 2005
Do antidepressants cause dependence?

In conclusion antidepressants, with the exception of fessionals; managing the withdrawal symptoms of addic-
amineptine and tranylcypromine, have no significant tive drugs, such as alcohol or opiates, is not in itself a
potential to cause dependence as defined in DSM-IV or major problem.
ICD-10 though discontinuation symptoms are common.

SYMPTOMS There is a danger that the debate over antidepressants
and dependence becomes a semantic argument, one side
Most patients who experience antidepressant discon- arguing that these drugs do not cause dependence in
tinuation symptoms have mild and short-lived symptoms. terms of current definitions and the other side replying
Of those that develop problematic discontinuation symp- that these definitions are not designed to detect the type
toms, most can be withdrawn from their antidepressant of dependence or addiction that occurs with antidepres-
with support and a gradual taper or, in the case of SSRIs, sants. The fact that addiction and dependence are
by switching to fluoxetine (Haddad et al., 2004). However ambiguous words, that mean different things to different
several patient websites contain multiple self-reports of people and cover a range of phenomena, adds to the con-
patients in whom discontinuation symptoms prevented fusion. One way round this is to ensure that doctors are
antidepressant stoppage or made coming off medication more explicit in the information that they give to patients
difficult and distressing. Similar effects occasionally and do not simply rely on using the umbrella terms of
occur with antipsychotics. Unfortunately there is no epi- addiction and dependence alone. Such information
demiological research to indicate the size of this problem should be provided routinely to all patients who are con-
or why some patients experience severe problems when sidering starting an antidepressant and should include the
most do not. As these patients do not fulfil current criteria following:
for dependence, they cannot be regarded as being depen- 1. Antidepressants are not associated with tolerance i.e.
dent on, or addicted to, their antidepressant. Some may for most people the dose that gets you well, keeps you
regard this differentiation as semantic and argue that if a well and there is no need to continually escalate the
patient cannot stop a drug when they want to they are dose to maintain the benefit.
dependent on it irrespective of current definitions. In 2. Patients do not crave antidepressants either when tak-
answer to this argument two related points can be made. ing them or after courses have finished.
First, there is a need to be precise about diagnoses in 3. Patients do not lose control over their antidepressant
medicine and particularly in psychiatry where there are use so that taking these drugs becomes chaotic or dom-
few laboratory diagnostic tests and diagnosis is largely inates their lives.
based on clinical syndromes. If diagnostic boundaries 4. For the above reasons antidepressants are not addictive
become blurred, then diagnoses become meaningless in in the way that alcohol and illicit drugs, such as
that they cannot convey useful information to patients amphetamines and heroin, are.
and health professionals about the condition. 5. Antidepressants do not make you more likely to suffer
Furthermore, blurred diagnoses will not define from depression in the future.
homogenous groups that can aid research. 6. Many patients who suddenly stop or interrupt their
Second, stating that antidepressants are not associated antidepressant will experience discontinuation or
with dependence, as defined in ICD-10 and DSM-IV, has withdrawal symptoms. These usually start one or two
practical implications that remain irrespective of whether days later, and with SSRIs the commonest symptoms
discontinuation symptoms make antidepressant stoppage are dizziness, headache, nausea and lethargy. These
difficult. For example, antidepressants are not associated symptoms usually resolve within a week without any
with tolerance or patients loosing control over their use of treatment but if the antidepressant is restarted they
medication. Furthermore once discontinuation symptoms revolve within hours. Occasionally discontinuation
have resolved, a patient will not crave their antidepres- symptoms can be severe, persist for weeks and in
sant or feel compelled to restart it. This is of great impor- some cases they have prevented patients stopping their
tance, dependence as described in ICD-10 and DSM-IV antidepressant. It is unclear how often this occurs but
is a relapsing condition; when withdrawal symptoms it seems to be the exception not the norm.
have ceased patients still crave their drug and often 7. To prevent discontinuation/ withdrawal symptoms
relapse into further drug taking, sometimes after long antidepressant should be taken regularly; missing
periods of abstinence. It is the relapsing nature of depen- doses out can cause discontinuation symptoms. When
dence that makes it so problematic for patients and pro- antidepressants are to be stopped the dose should be

Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 14, 2, 2005

P.M. Haddad

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Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 14, 2, 2005


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