Repairing Our Books

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Repairing our books

Salam Yasir. Today when we were having story time you came to me with a ripped book. Oh
no, what happened Yasir. You looked at me and said not me teacher, I didnt break it. Thats
ok Yasir I said, as you handed me the book.I asked the group of children at the table how we
could fix it, Jumanah said we can stick the page back in the book with cellotape teacher
Lynda. Great idea Jumanah, whos going to get the cellotape for us? Yasir you put your hand
up and ran down to the art and crafts table and bought it back for me. Well done Yasir, Im
glad you want to help, we can all check the other books and see if there are any more than
need fixing.

So you sat down and went through the box of books and found two more that needed repairing.
I did the first one while you and the your friends watched. Then it was your turn, you pulled
the tape down and carefully placed it on the ripped edge see teacher you said to me as you
pointed to the book. It took a few minutes to get it right however you managed to repair the
book, you were so pleased with yourself and you told the other children next time dont break
the book, you have to be gentle. I was so proud of you Yasir, being aware of the broken book
shows me that you care for our environment and our resources.

Contribution / Mana Tangata: Children experience an environment where are encouraged

to learn alongside others using a range of strategies and skills to play and learn with others.

Belonging / Mana Whenua: Children and their families experience an environment where
they know they have a place and take part in caring for the environment and resources.

Teacher Lynda October 2017

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