Teacher Notes - Web - Level 5

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Penguin Readers Factsheets level

T e a c h e rs n o t e s 1


by John Wyndham

eb opens in England in the 1960s. The narrator of circumstances in which they struggle to survive. Britain
W the story, Arnold Delgrange, loses his wife and was under attack from triffids deadly and mobile
daughter in a car accident, and with them his monster plants that could kill a human with one whip of
reason for living. their branches. The word triffid has now passed into the
Lord Foxfield is a rich and important member of society. language as a general term for a monster plant.
He has plenty of money but not many years left to live. He Wyndham went on to write many more best-selling
wants to be remembered for something grand. He comes novels. He died in 1969.
up with the idea of a perfect society where there is no war,
no prejudice, no class structure. He calls it his Project. He
buys a Pacific Island and advertises for people to make BACKGROUND AND THEMES
his dream a reality. For Arnold Delgrange, this is the
Wyndhams characters are ordinary people who are put in
perfect opportunity to start his life again after the terrible
a terrifying situation in which they are fighting for their
loss of his family. Gradually a strange collection of people
lives. As well as battling for survival, these people try to
is brought together, all with different skills and different
preserve the moral and social values of everyday life
reasons for joining the Project.
under difficult conditions. They try to re-establish Mans
However, when they get to the island there seems to be dominance over Nature and rebuild society on the basis of
something strange about it. People from nearby islands western European civilization honour between friends,
say there is a curse on it. They begin to explore and soon loyalty to friends and country, honesty, hard work and an
discover what is wrong with the island millions of spiders appreciation of natural and manmade beauty. In Web, the
live on it. Not only that, but the spiders have developed a characters go to set up home on an uninhabited island in
group intelligence and work together to catch and eat the Pacific about which they know nothing. When the
anything that moves, including humans. Thick spiders radio breaks, they have no way of leaving the island. It
webs cover more than half the island. All the newcomers provides a perfect setting for a terrifying battle against
ideas of a perfect society are forgotten as they focus all monster spiders.
their strength of body and mind just on staying alive.
The story of Web begins with a search for Utopia an
ideal society where people live in peace and harmony,
ABOUT JOHN WYNDHAM without greed and jealousy. The term Utopia means no
place and was coined by Sir Thomas More, a sixteenth
John Wyndham is one of Englands best-known writers of century English writer and politician. He wrote an essay
imaginative science stories. He was born in 1903 in the about the search for a perfect form of government. His
English Midlands. After his parents separated in 1911, he solution was very advanced for his day a form of
and his mother and brother lived in many different parts of communism, national education for men and women, and
Britain. He finished school in 1921 and went on to try tolerance of all religions. John Wyndham brings the idea
various careers, including farming, law, commercial art up to the mid-twentieth century. In Lord Foxfields perfect
and advertising. None was a success, so he tried writing, world, the priority is for people to be able to think
starting with short stories. From 1930 until the outbreak of creatively. His theory is never tested, however, because
the Second World War, he wrote stories mainly for the first spider attack takes place within a fortnight of the
American magazines. groups arrival on the island.
During the Second World War Wyndham worked first in In Web, John Wyndham plays on a universal human fear
the civil service and then in the army. After the war he spiders. We seem to share an instinctive dread of
started writing again, and found fame and fortune in 1951 creatures that live in dark holes, run on eight legs, trap
with the publication of The Day of the Triffids. This was a their prey in webs and can be deadly poisonous. Some
story about the reactions of ordinary people to terrible facts about spiders are: they have six or eight eyes as well

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Penguin Readers Factsheets 5
T e a c h e rs n o t e s
as eight legs; they kill by biting and paralysing their prey Chapters 34
and sucking out the juices; some types of spider, e.g. Horace Tupple leaves the ship at Panama (see page 10).
tarantulas, can live for up to 25 years; they dont get Ask students to work in pairs. They work out and practise
caught in their own webs because they have oily, non- a conversation between Horace Tupple and Walter Tirrie
stick feet; in an average square metre of grassland there when Horace tells Walter of his decision to leave. Ask
pairs to act out their conversation.
will be 500 spiders.
The fictional island of Tanakuatua in the Pacific Ocean
Chapters 56
where Web is set has suffered two major invasions from Divide students into groups. Each group looks through
these chapters and makes notes about the behaviour of
the West. First it became part of the British Empire at the the spiders. Elicit the information they have found and
beginning of the twentieth century. Between 1875 and write it on the board. Groups then discuss ways of
1914 the major European powers all built empires around defeating the spiders. Then compare the ideas of the
the globe. By 1914 the British Empire covered a fifth of the groups.
worlds land surface and included a quarter of the worlds Chapter 7
population. After the First World War (191418), however, Put students into pairs. They are Arnold and Camilla. They
Europe was exhausted and it was no longer considered have to think of arguments to persuade the islanders not
acceptable to take whatever land was available. After to kill them. Each pair writes down three reasons why they
that, Britain controlled the island of Tanakuatua in name should stay alive. At the end, compare reasons across the
only. class. Which is the best? Which is the worst?

Not many years later, Tanakuatua suffered its second Chapters 89

major invasion. The Western powers started to test their Put students into small groups. Arnold and Camilla fail to
atomic weapons in the Pacific Ocean. They chose the save the men in the plane from the spiders. Ask students
to imagine that they are Arnold and Camilla. What would
Pacific because it is far from major centres of population.
they do to warn the men?
On May 12 1951, the first hydrogen bomb was tested in
the middle of the Pacific Ocean by the United States. The ACTIVITIES AFTER READING THE BOOK
question of first world powers testing atomic weapons in Put students into small groups. Ask them to discuss what
the Pacific Ocean continues to be an issue today, with they liked about Web and what they disliked. Then have a
France carrying out nuclear tests at Muraroa Atoll in the whole-class discussion.

Communicative activities
It will be useful for your students to know the following new words.
The following teacher-led activities cover the same They are practised in the Before You Readsections of exercises at
sections of text as the exercises at the back of the reader, the back of the book. (Definitions are based on those in the Longman
and supplement those exercises. For supplementary Active Study Dictionary.)
exercises covering shorter sections of the book, see the Chapters 12
photocopiable Students Activities pages of this Factsheet. project (n) an important piece of work or an idea that is planned and
These are primarily for use with class readers but, with the organized carefully over a period of time
exception of discussion and pair/groupwork questions, Chapters 34
can also be used by students working alone in a self- biologist (n) a scientist who studies living things
access centre. cliff (n) a high steep rock or piece of land
patch (n) a part of an area that is different or looks different from the
Tell students to imagine a new and ideal society on a raft (n) this is flat and floats, and is made from long pieces of wood
tropical island. It will be a society without war and that are tied together
jealousy. Divide the class into groups. Give each group tractor (n) a strong vehicle with large wheels, used for pulling things
one aspect of the new society to think and talk about: volcano (n) a mountain that sometimes explodes and smoke and hot
social organization, government, the law, money, melted rock come out of the top
population size, work, growing food. web (n) a net made by a spider to catch insects
Chapters 56
Get the class back together. Groups share their ideas.
crab (n) a sea animal with a round flat shell and ten legs. It walks
What problems will the perfect society have? Write
students ideas on the board.
insecticide (n) a chemical used for killing insects
paradise (n) a place that is very, very beautiful and that you very
Chapters 12 much like
In these chapters the narrator lets the reader know that altar (n) a kind of table used for religious ceremonies
Lord Foxfields project was not a success. Put students Chapters 89
into groups and ask them to find evidence of this. Eg: the erupt (v) to send out smoke and fire into the sky
first line of the book is: But how did you become involved
in such a crazy business?

Pu blis hed and dis tribut ed b y Pearson Edu cation

Factsheet written by Jane Rollason
Pearson Education 2000
Fa ctshe et se ri es dev elop ed by Lo uis e Jame s
Penguin Readers Factsheets level

Students activities 1

Web 3

Photocopiable 4
These activities can be done alone or with one or more
other students. Pair/group-only activities are marked. 5

Activities before reading the book 6

1 Read the introduction on page iv. David touches some Can you think of a reason why nobody lives on
white stuff that covers a tree. What do you think the Tanakuatua? Write down your ideas. UPPER
white stuff is? INTERMEDIATE
2 Match the names and feelings.
2 Which jobs did John Wyndham try before becoming a (a) Horace (b) Arnold (c) All the people in the group
(d) Walter (e) Camilla
(i) have different ideas about how to organize the
Activities while reading the book group.
(ii) thinks the people in the group have no sense of
CHAPTERS 12 humour.
(iii) seems to be suffering emotional pain.
Chapter 1
(iv) turns away from the others into a private world.
The newspapers are full of stories about Lord Foxfields
Project. (v) feels he is returning to the world.
Can you fit these phrases into the article below? Chapter 4
free, politically independent; architect and journalist; 1 Below are some of the things the people do as soon
and not to the past; political or social; a rich and as they land on the island. Put them in order of
powerful man; the two principles of importance in your opinion.
FOOLS PARADISE choosing a place to live
Lord Foxfield, (a) ........................................ , has come up getting power going to operate lights
with a new way to spend his money. He imagines he can making a kitchen
create the perfect society. He is working with arranging a water supply
(b) ........................................ Walter Tirrie to draw up building shelters
plans for a (c) ........................................ society. They exploring the island
have found and bought the Pacific island of Tanakuatua. Show your order to another student. Is it the same? If
Here they will build a society on there are differences, say why you think one thing is
more important than another.
(d) ........................................ Knowledge and Reason.
2 How did you feel when you read the last page of this
It will be a mixed-race society that looks to the future chapter? Talk to another student. Are you afraid of
(e) ........................................ , says Lord Foxfield. Talented spiders? What would be more frightening than spiders
in this situation?
people will be able to think and work free from financial
worries or (f) ........................................ problems. CHAPTERS 56
Chapter 2 Chapter 5
1 Imagine you are joining the group going to 1 Work with another student. Read the first page of
Tanakuatua. What are the five most important things Chapter 5. Joe Shuttleshaw wants to go and look for
you will take with you things that you cannot live his son. One student is Joe; the other is another
without? Make a list. Show your list to a friend have person in the group. Persuade Joe not to go.
you chosen the same things?
2 Look at the picture on page 24. You are Mrs
2 Talk to another student. Shuttleshaw. Write a paragraph describing what
The narrator, Arnold Delgrange, tells us that the happened to your son.
Project was not lucky. What do you think is going to
go wrong? Guess. 3 What are the group going to do to protect themselves
against the spiders? Have you got any better ideas?

CHAPTERS 34 Chapter 6
Chapter 3 1 What is it that has made the spiders so powerful,
according to Camilla? Does Camilla think the spiders
1 Read the first two paragraphs of Chapter 3 again and have intelligence?
answer this question.

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Penguin Readers Factsheets 5
Students activities

2 Put these sentences in the right order. spiders; the leader of the original group; more and
(a) They walk for a long time through spider country. more; that the spiders kill; arrives five days
(b) The men tie their hands together. A ship (a) ........................................ after the plane. A
(c) Suddenly they come to another path not a path
made by their group. small boat comes to the shore (b) ................................... .
(d) They meet the leader of the islanders, who has a They ask if Arnold is Mr Tirrie, (c) .................................... .
spider painted on his chest. They see the bodies of the two men
(e) Camilla and Arnold walk to the edge of the (d) ...................................... . The officer in charge of the
spiders hunting ground.
(f) They climb to the top of the old volcano. boat doesnt believe (e) ........................................ He
(g) Two men with long knives rush towards them and thinks that perhaps Camilla and Arnold
take them prisoner. (f) ........................................ the men from the plane. He
(h) They start to clear a path, cutting through the puts on (g) ........................................ although he doesnt
think its necessary. He goes to look at one of the
CHAPTER 7 (h) ...................................... . The spiders immediately
1 Answer these questions (i) ........................................ him. He tries to
(a) Why do the islanders pour away the prisoners (j) ........................................ But (k) .................................
insecticide and take their clothes away?
come. He runs (l) ........................................, screaming.
(b) Who are the Little Sisters?
He lives, but only just.
(c) How did the British soldiers treat the
Tanakuatuans during the Second World War?
Chapter 9
(d) Why did the islanders have to leave the island
1 Who ...
three years later?
(a) is interviewed by the army?
(e) What does the chief, Tatake, tell his people to
do? (b) is in hospital?
(f) What does the medicine man, Nokiki, tell the (c) does Camilla explore the island with?
people to do? (d) thinks it would be no good covering the island
(g) How many people stay on the island with Nokiki? with insecticide?
(h) What does Nokiki blame for making his people (e) thinks Camilla and Arnold could have done more
weaker and less proud? to prevent the tragedy?
(i) What does Nokiki do before he kills himself? (f) gets paid by the government for the tragedy?
(j) When the Tanakuatuans refused to return to the What ...
island ten years later, what did the government (g) erupted?
do? Where ...
(k) Why has Naeta come back to the forbidden (h) did Camilla find a single Araneus nokikii?
(l) Who does their god, Nakaa, blame for the 2 Talk with other students or write a paragraph.
weakness of the Tanakuatuans? What do you think the narrator of the story learnt from
his experiences on Tanakuatua?
2 When Camilla and Arnold get back to the settlement,
they find the rest of the group dead. What did Naeta
mean by helping the Little Sisters?
Activities after reading the book
CHAPTERS 89 1 You are Camilla. You are writing a piece about the
Chapter 8 spiders for a magazine called New Naturalist. Make
notes of all the information you want to include.
1 When the small plane arrives, two men get into a boat
and bring the boat to the shore. When they reach the 2 Look through the story for descriptions of the island
shore, they see a brown patch in the water. Work with of Tanakuatua. Use the information you find to draw a
a friend. Imagine a short conversation between them. picture or map of the island.
Act it out.
2 Use these phrases to complete this summary.
Arnolds hat and gloves; into the sea; who came in
the plane; attack; carrying four people;
knock them off; have murdered; patches of

Publishe d and d istribu ted by P ear son E ducat ion

Factsheet written by Jane Rollason
Pearson Education 2000
F act sheet s eri es deve l oped b y L ouise J ames

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