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I am designing a DHIS2 system that tracks project implementation.

At any one point in time (weekly,

monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually) I should be able to report on the progress of the project

The progress should cascade from Activity, its corresponding output, the resulting sub-purpose and
ultimately goal. This can be expressed in percentages e.g Activity X is 50% complete based on the
completed sub-activities, output y is 60% complete based on the completed activities, sub-purpose z is
70% complete based on the completed outputs, and the overall project goal progress is 70%.

I have tried to highlight the cascade in the below diagram.

Sub-Purpose 1
Output 1.1
Activity 1.1A
Sub-activity 1.1Aa Planned Start date, actual end date,
Planned budget, actual budget, report
Sub-activity 1.1Ab

I am thinking of using a tracker module with programs, programstages, tracked entities e.t.c. However,
your additional inputs is most welcome.

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