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My focusing algorithm:

By cycle:
0. What about this now?
1. Is there anything else about this? And is there anything else about this? (and so on, not
2. Collect all that is described, stay with it for at least 30 seconds, observe the changes
Again go to step 0

There is also a focusing algorithm from Alexander Zemlyakov (who says that all this was
still in LRH, but he taught auditing in a completely different way than he audited himself - I
went through Zemlyakov once processing, I remembered this chip that he did to me) :

By cycle:
0. What about this now?
1. Is there anything else about this? And is there anything else about this? (and so on, not
2. What happened in the body (or on the physical plane) while you were describing it (a)?

According to Eugene Gendlin's book. Similar to me spent Zemlyakov. According to OM

and Dzhendlin, this thing helps and hefty speeds up processing

1. We pay attention to ALL physical sensations (and also it is possible and on emotions,
images, thoughts, etc.), arisen at the description of a problem
2. Focus on them
3. We create them, we ask you to feel, either to note or to let it happen

1. Such feelings arise in the border zone between the conscious and the unconscious.
2. Sensations in the beginning are of an indistinct nature (although they are unique unique
and are recognized unmistakably).
3. Feelings are experienced on a bodily level.
4. They have a holistic character, this is some kind of a given, but having an internal
complexity, complexity.
5. Feelings arise step by step, manifesting step by step.
6. These steps bring the person closer to his true essence, which is not reducible to any
7. The process of manifestation of sensations is directed to growth.
8. To develop theoretical explanations for the stages of manifestations of sensations makes
sense only retrospectively.
4. Looking for the most suitable word

(Ask him a question: "What about: _______?" (Substitute your keyword, phrase or image
name here.)
? Or: "What is actually contained in ________?"
? Or: "What is the worst thing you can say about ________?"
? Or: "What is needed to ensure that everything is good?"

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