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Prof: Marisa, Jara Cooperative Learning 2017

Alumna: Rojas, Janet Phonetics and phonology


I had the opportunity to advise Castro M. Eugenia. We met twice in a week ,3 hours a
day. The first time we met, two dialogues were dictated, as well as the delivery of two more
dialogues for transcription. The predisposition that Maria Eugenia had was very good,
responsible and punctual at the time of meeting. In terms related to the subject, she is quite
clear, sometimes she tends to make mistakes with strong and weak vowels, perhaps the
reason is that she is not quite accustomed to the rules of gradation. One or two mistakes with
the /s/, /z/ and /z/ morpheme and the diphthongs /au/ and /ua/. But in general terms she is
quite good.

The same as with M. Eugenia, I met with Galera Ailen twice a week, 3 hours a day. Ailen
was very responsible, punctual and nice. I dictated her 2 dialogues and gave her 2 more for
transcription. Both girls were enthusiastic and ready to learn. Ailen is very good in
transcription and dictation, maybe the only thing she should try, is to distinguish when to write
the central /^/ or the //, which I think its a common mistake. In terms of gradation she is
good, no more than 5 mistakes, and there were some cases, in transcription mainly, where she
did not know whether to write a long or short vowel. Maybe it's because she's distracted. The
4 dialogues, in general terms are very good.

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