Soal Lengkap Dengan Kisi Kisi

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Soal Siti Nurhayati

Group 9

1. Disajikan teks descriptive mengenai sebuah tempat, peserta didik dapat menentukan manfaat penulisan
teks tsb bagi pembaca
2. Disajikan teks descriptive yang sama, peserta didik dapat menentukan makna salah satu frasadalam teks
tersebut berdasarkan konteksnya
3. Disajikan sebuah teks percakapan terkait ungkapan saran dan responnya, pesrta didik dapat menganalisa
latr belakang pemberian saran didalam teks tersebut
4. Disajikan sebuah teks percakapan yang sama, peserta didik dapat menentukan langkah yang akandiambil
oleh salah satu tokoh dalam teks percakapan tersebut
5. Disajikan sebuah teks percakapan rmpang, peserta didik dapat ,menentukan ungkapan yang terkait
penawaran jasa dan responnya sesuai konteks

Exercise number 1-2 refer to the text below

Makassar is the provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the largest city on Sulawesi Island. From
1971 to 1999, the city was named Ujung Pandang, after a pre-colonial fort in the city, and the two names are often
used interchangeably. The port city is located at 58S 11925E, on the southwest coast of the island of Sulawesi,
facing the Makassar strait. Its area is 175.77 km2 and has population of around 1.4 million. Makassar is home to
several prominent landmarks including the 16th century Dutch fort Fort Rotterdam, Trans Studio Makassar the
third largest indoor theme park in the world and the Karebosi Link the first underground shopping center in
Indonesia. Makassar has several famous traditional foods. The most famous is Coto Makassar. It is a stew
composed of the mixture of nuts and spices with beef parts which include beef brain, tongue and intestine. Konro
rib dish is also popular traditional food in Makassar. Both Coto Makassar and Konro are usually eaten with
Burasa, glutinous rice with coconut milk and sauted coconut granule. In addition, Makassar is the home of pisang
epe, or pressed bananas. These are bananas which are pressed, grilled, and covered with palm sugar sauce and
sometimes eaten with Durian. Many street vendors sell pisang epe, especially around the area of Losari beach.

1. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To describe about Makasar
B. To inform popular food in Makasar
C. To provide all the data about Makasar
D. To tell Ujung Pandang as another name of Makasar

2. It is a stew composed of the mixture of nuts and spices with beef parts line 8-9
The underlined words mean
A. Prepared for
B. Made from
C. Served with
D. Cooked in

Questions number 3- 4 refer to the following dialog

Dika : I dont know what to do this week end.

Steven : Why dont see a film? Watching film is the most fun at my leisure.
Dika : That sounds good. What film?
Steven : Lets see Avenger Infinity. It is the newest action film from Hollywood.
Dika : Id rather not. I like horror better than action film.
Steven : There is Better watch out A mix of comedy-horror- thriller film.
This will be at 10 oclock at the XXI cinema. We can have a bite of eat in the food court down the
cinema building. Is that OK?
Dika : Great idea. Ill pick you up before 9.

3. Why does Steven suggest Dika to watch a film?

A. Dika is fond of watching film any time
B. Steven enjoys watching film at free time
C. Dika likes action film better than horror film
D. Steven will pick him up at early
4. What will probably happen at their week end?
A. They will have lunch after the film
B. Dika will ride his motorcycle to the cinema
C. They will go to the cinema together
D. They will arrive to the cinema at 10 a clock

For question number 5, choose the best answer to complete the dialog

5. Bell boy : Good morning Sir, Welcome to the Shangrilla Hotel. May I help you with your

Guest : Thank you. However I have to check in First.

Bell boy : No problem at all. The receptionist over there. Please follow me.

A. I can manage myself

B. Sure thing
C. Let me get it
D. How come

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