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13 Things You Should Give

Up If You Want To Be

Somebody once told me the definition of hell:

On your last day on earth, the person you became will
meet the person you could have become.Anonymous

Sometimes, to become successful, and get closer to the

person we can become, we dont need to add more things,
we need to give up on some of them.

There are certain things that are universal, which, if you

give up on them, you will be successful, even though each
one of us could have a different definition of success.
Some of them you can give up today, while it might take a
bit longer for others.

1. Give Up On The Unhealthy

Take care of your body. Its the only place you have to
live.Jim Rohn

If you want to achieve anything in life, everything starts

here. First you have to take care of your health, and there
are only two things you need to keep in mind:

1. Healthy Diet
2. Physical Activity

Small steps, but you will thank yourself one day.

2. Give Up The Short-term
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is
enough.Mae West

Successful people set long-term goals, and they know that

these aims are merely the result of short-term habits that
they need to do every day.

These healthy habits shouldnt be something you

do; they should be something you are.

There is a difference between: Working out to have

summer body and Working out because thats who you

3. Give Up Playing Small

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is
nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to
shine, as children do. It is not just in some of us; it is in
everyone, and as we let our light shine, we unconsciously
give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our fear, our presence automatically liberates
others. - Marianne Williamson

If you never try and take great opportunities, or allow your

dreams to become realities, you will never realise your true

And the world will never benefit from what you could have

So voice your ideas, dont be afraid to fail, and certainly

dont be afraid to succeed.

4. Give Up Your Excuses

Its not about the cards youre dealt, but how you play the
Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Successful people know that they are responsible for their

life, no matter their starting point, weaknesses, and past
Realizing that you are responsible for what happens next in
your life, is both frightening and exciting.

But its the only way that you can reach the success,
because excuses limit and prevent us from growing
personally and professionally.

Own your life; no one else will.

5. Give Up The
Fixed Mindset
The future belongs to those who learn more skills and
combine them in creative ways. Robert Greene,

In a fixed mindset, people believe that their intelligence or

talent, are simply fixed traits and that talent alone creates
successwithout effort. Theyre wrong.

And successful people know this. They invest an immense

amount of time on a daily basis to develop a growth
mindset, acquire new knowledge, learn new skills and
change their perception so that it can benefit their lives.
Remember, who you are today, its not who you have to be

6. Give Up Believing In The

Magic Bullet.
Every day, in every way, Im getting better and better
mile Cou

Overnight success is a myth.

Successful people know that making small continuous

improvement every day, will be compounded over time,
and give them desired results.

That why you should plan for the future, but to focus on
the day thats ahead of you, and improve just 1%.
7. Give Up Your
Shipping beats perfection.Kahn Academys
Development Mantra

Nothing will ever be perfect, no matter how much we try.

Fear of failure (or even fear of success) often prevents us

from taking action, and putting our creation out there in
the world. But a lot of opportunities will be lost if we wait
for things to be right.

So, ship, and then improve (that 1%).

8. Give Up Multi-tasking
You will never reach your destination if you stop and
throw stones at every dog that barks. Winston S.
Successful people know this. Thats why they choose one
thing and then beat it into submission. No matter what, a
business idea, a conversation, or a workout.

Being fully present and committed to one task, is


9. Give Up Your Need to

Control Everything
Some things are up to us, and some things are not up to
us.Epictetus, Stoic philosopher

Differentiating these two is important.

Detach from the things you cannot control, and focus on

the ones you can, and know that sometimes, the only thing
you will be able to control is your attitude towards

And remember, nobody can be frustrated while saying

Bubbles in an angry voice.
10. Give Up Saying YES To
Things That Dont Support
Your Goals
He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he
who would achieve much must sacrifice much; he who
would attain highly must sacrifice greatly.James Allen

Successful people know this that to accomplish their goals,

they will have to say NO to tasks, activities, and demands
from your friends, family, and colleagues.

On a short-term, you might sacrifice a bit of instant

gratification, but when your goals come to fruition, it will
be worth it.
11. Give Up The
Toxic People
You are the average of the five people you spend the most
time with.
Jim Rohn

People we spend the most time with, add up to who we


There are people who are less advanced in their personal

and professional life, and there are people that are more
advanced than us. If you spend time with the people are
behind you, your average will go down, and with it, your

But if you spend time with people more advanced than you,
no matter how challenging that might be, you will be more

Take a look at around yourself, and see if you need to make

any changes.
12. Give Up Your Need To
Be Liked
The only way to avoid pissing people off is to do nothing
important.Oliver Emberton

Think of yourself as a market niche.

There will be a lot of people that like that niche, and there
will be individuals who dont, and no matter what you do,
you wont be able to make entire market like you.

This is entirely natural, and theres no need to justify


The only thing you can do is continue is improving and

contributing every day, and know that the growing number
of haters means that you are doing important things.
13. Give Up Your
Dependency on Social Media
& Television
The trouble is, you think you have timeJack Kornfield

Impulsive web browsing and television watching is a

disease of todays society.
These two should never be an escape from your life or your

Unless your goals depend on either, you should minimise

(or eliminate) your dependency on them, and direct that
time towards things that can enrich your life.
In this blog, Ive chosen to feature the tools and tips from five amazing people highlighted in
Tims book, specifically: Tony Robbins, Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen, Reid Hoffman and Seth

Those five titans offer the following five nuggets:

1. Morning priming
2. Not waiting to pursue your dreams
3. Conviction without stubbornness
4. Stimulating the subconscious mind
5. Starting extremely small

All of these are ripe for your upcoming New Years resolutions. Congrats again to Tim on his
book Lets dive in.

Morning Priming (Tony Robbins)

Tony Robbins introduced to me to morning priming years ago, and it has become a staple of my
morning routine ever since. Upon waking, Tony immediately goes into his priming routine, which
is intended to produce rapid change in his psychology and physiology. Tony says, To me, if you
want a primetime life, youve got to prime daily. Priming with Tonys method only takes around
10 minutes, and here are the three steps:

1.Expressing Gratitude (3 minutes): Tony describes this step as, Feeling totally grateful for
three things. I make sure that one of them is very, very simple: the wind on my face, the
reflection of the clouds that I just saw. But dont just think gratitude. I let the gratitude fill my soul,
because when youre grateful, we all know theres no anger. Its impossible to be angry and
grateful simultaneously. When youre grateful, there is no fear. You cant be fearful and grateful

2.Spiritual Exercise (3 minutes): Tony describes this step as, Total focus on feeling the
presence of God, if you will, however you want to language that for yourself. But this inner
presence coming in, and feeling it heal everything in my body, in my mind, my emotions, my
relationships, my finances. I see it as solving anything that needs to be solved. I experience the
strengthening of my gratitude, of my conviction, of my passion

3.Three to Thrive (3 minutes): Tony describes this final step as, Focusing on three things that
Im going to make happen, my three to thrive. See it as though its already been done, feel
the emotions, etc.

There is No Need to Wait (Peter Thiel)

Peter Thiels contrarian ideas have become gospel in Silicon Valley. He has been an advocate
of dropping out of school in favor of entrepreneurship, and there have been tens of thousands of
applications for his Thiel Fellowship since he launched it in 2011.

Here is Peter Thiels answer to the question, What do you wish you had known about business
20 years ago?
If you go back 20 or 25 years, I wish I would have known that there was no need to wait. I went
to college. I went to law school. I worked in law and banking, though not for terribly long. But not
until I started PayPal did I fully realize that you dont have to wait to start something. So if youre
planning to do something with your life, if you have a 10-year plan of how to get there, you
should ask: Why cant you do this in 6 months? Sometimes, you have to actually go through the
complex 10-year trajectory. But its at least worth asking whether thats the story youre telling
yourself, or whether thats the reality.

Strong Views, Loosely Held (Marc Andreessen)

This phrase was on Marc Andreessens Twitter bio for years. Marcs explanation of this phrase
in Tim Ferriss book is worth noting and internalizing for every entrepreneur:

Most people go through life and never develop strong views on things, or specifically go along
and buy into the consensus. One of the things I think want to look for as both a founder and as
an investor is things that are out of consensus, something very much opposed to the
conventional wisdom Then, if youre going to start a company around that, if youre going to
invest in that, you better have strong conviction because youre making a very big bet of time or
money or both. But what happens when the world changes? What happens when something
else happens? Thats where loosely held comes in. People everywhere hate changing their
minds, but you need to be able to adapt in light of new information.

Give the Mind an Overnight Task (Reid Hoffman)

Reid Hoffman jots down problems in a notebook that he wants to his mind to work on overnight.
This helps him ruminate over different ideas in his subconscious to start his next day primed
with solutions. It was Thomas Edison who said, Never go to sleep without a request to your
subconscious. Here is Reid speaking on his tactic:

What are the kinds of key things that might be constraints on a solution, or might be the
attributes of a solution, and what are tools or assets I might have? I actually think most of our
thinking, of course is subconscious. Part of what Im trying to do is allow the fact that we have
this kind of relaxation, rejuvenation period in sleeping, to essentially possibly bubble up the
thoughts and solutions to it.

To Create Something Great, Start Extremely Small

(Seth Godin)
Seth Godin has authored 18 best-selling books on the way ideas spread, marketing and
strategic communication. His ideas on starting small to go big have impacted me across all my
organizations and companies.

In the word of United States Army general Creighton Abrams, When eating an elephant, take
one bite at a time. Here is Seth Godin on starting small:

My suggestion is, whenever possible, ask yourself: Whats the smallest possible footprint I can
get away with? What is the smallest possible project that is worth my time? What is the smallest
group of people who I could make a difference for, or to? Because smallest is achievable.
Smallest feels risky. Because if you pick smallest and you fail, now you have really screwed
up We want to pick big. Infinity is our friend. Infinity is safe. Infinity gives us a place to hide.
So, I want to encourage people instead to look for the small. To be on one medium in a place
where people can find you. To have one sort of interaction with one tribe, with one group where
you dont have a lot of lifeboats.

As always, some of the most important learnings by the most brilliant people, are all about

The Secret To Extraordinary Success Lies in the 12 Dimensions

Lifebook is based on the premise that what weve been trained to think about
success are outdated industrial age models that no longer serve us. The
Lifebook system measures success in 12 dimensions.

1. Health & Fitness

2. Intellectual
3. Emotional
4. Character

5. Spiritual
6. Romantic
7. Parenting
8. Social

9. Financial
10. Career
11. Quality of Life
12. Life Vision

Ask Yourself these Questions

What would your life look like if you can reset your metabolic clock and
your health?
What would your intellectual life look like if you could double your rate of
What would your emotional life look like if you can achieve mastery over
your emotions?
What would your character look like if you can turn your virtues into
habits within 30 days?
What would your spiritual life look like if you can expand your
What would your love relationship look like if you can transform it into a
passionate love affair ?
What would your parenting life look like if you can deepen your
connection with your kids?
What would your social life look like if you can discover a powerfully
supportive group of conscious, inspired individuals?
What would your Financial life look like if you figured out your formula
for abundance?
What would your Career look like if you could get to that next level?
What would your Quality of Life look like if you can achieve tremendous
results in every area of your life within 30 days?
What would your Life Vision look like if you can bring more clarity,
passion and purpose to it within 30 days?

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