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Date: 21st, 22nd & 23rd December 2015


BHARUCH - 392001

Date: 21st, 22nd & 23rd December 2015

A three day workshop was conducted by the GIC club

SVMIT, Bharuch for the final year engineering students to develop
the zest for the entrepreneurship for the personal growth & lead the
MAKE IN INDIA moment for national growth also. The
Workshop was mainly divided in to three day learning process
which includes: Idea Pitching or generation, patent search
ology & Prototype making. The students were also learned
the group dynamics and group building. Three groups were
finalized for the upcoming events.



A three day workshop was conducted by the GIC club SVMIT, Bharuch for the final
year engineering students to develop the zest for the entrepreneurship for the personal growth
& lead the MAKE IN INDIA moment for national growth also. The Workshop was mainly
divided in to three day learning process which includes: Idea Pitching or generation, patent
search methodology & Prototype making. The students were also learned the group dynamics
and group building. Total 350 students from the final year were participated in the event. Out
of which 54 students were qualified for second day activities. on third day the 9 groups were
formed for the whole event. Three groups were finalized for the upcoming events.

The workshop which took place at the Seminar Hall of Shree Sad Vidya Mandal
Institute of technology, Bharuch, Gujarat, from 21st -23rdDecember 2015 was as part of the
efforts to develop the interest in the Entrepreneurship and to think towards innovation. The
Final students from the all the branches were participated in the event.

The process of the workshop employed the services of internal facilitator and Hall in
charges which comprised of Director J.M Patel, Principal Dr. R.G Kapadia & Shri H.G
Shah as the lead facilitators and event coordinator, Shri Nayan P. Soni & Smt. Jignasa N.
Patel who made the various session of the training workshop interesting, interactive,
educative and participatory. The List of Committee members is attached at the end of this

On the closing ceremony, 3 winner groups were encouraged with the certificates and
the memento by the Chief Guest Mr. H.K Chaudhary (G.M, D.I.C. Bharuch), Director Shri
J.M Patel & Principal Dr. R.G Kapadia.


The overall purpose of the workshop is to develop an environment for the students to
think out of the box generate effective business idea and come up with the solutions for their
business idea. Also, to encourage the student to learn group dynamics, Business model
canvassing, patent search and Prototype making.


(1) To support the Make in India initiative to develop the Nation

(2) Recognize the way of success stories of leading entrepreneurs.

(a) Ice breaking activity

(b) Student Perception on entrepreneur.

(c) Creative and compelling delivery of Idea.

(3) Gather new skills to better implement of different branches of engineering for versatile
group dynamics.

(4) Develop an outline for starting up new business.

(5)Understand how to work upon a creative idea, patent search & to develop Minimum
viable product.

(6) Be prepared for the market up-down to survive in the market.

(7)Develop an implementation plan/ strategy that can yield better lifestyle of the peoples.

(8) To develop the leadership skill to handle the group.


Ability to have a shared understanding and importance of Idea generation in carry out
new business activities.
Ability to develop market strategy, to know their prime customer and making business
model canvas.
Ability to come up with workable strategies and action for implementation.

Ability to work with different background peoples and networking.


The workshop was enriched with Power Point presentation, discussions, role play and
group work. Thesession was highly interactive and participatory to enhance learning,
strengthen partnership among the group members & others groups. During the group
formation,participants were able to discuss their idea to make compatible groups which can
come up with common solutions to the problems. In addition participants articulate critical
issues theywould passionately address among their various groups. The following were some
of the methods usedin conducting the training process:

Group Work Session: This increases the participation and contributions of

participantsas they work in smaller group. This is a strategy to provide space for those
who couldnot fully participate in the larger group.
Experience sharing: By the director sir, principal & GIC Group members to think
Brainstorming: This allows generation of variety of views, ideas, and or perception
fromthe participants.
Lectures / discussion: Brief lecture were given after brainstorming by the
participants todeepen their understanding of the session and or topic being discussed,
it also allowsthe facilitators explain some key concepts.
Gallery walk& Presentation: completed group work is placed on the table and
participants move roundto give feedback and inputs to the presentations.
Role Play: Dramatic representation of the final prototype presentation.


1st DAY- 21st December 2015 MONDAY

Branch Wise Student Registration
8.30 AM - 9.00 AM

Inauguration :
Lightning of lamp
9.00 AM - 11.00 AM Hosting
Welcome Notes
Motivational Speech
Tea Break

Plenary Session -1
Brain storming
11.00 AM 1.00 PM Group Formation
Presentation by Hall In charge
Ice Breaking Activity

1.00 PM - 2.00 PM Networking Lunch

Plenary Session -2
2.00 PM - 4.00 PM
Presentation by Hall In charge
Reading of book by students
Presentation by each group

2nd DAY- 22nd December 2015 TUESDAY

Idea Pitching, Generation of Ideas & Presentation
8.45 AM - 10.45 AM

Jury Judgement, Refinement of Idea, and Discussion on MVP in

11.00 AM - 1.00 PM
respective group.

1.00 PM - 2.00 PM Networking Lunch

Prototype Making, Presentation by each group and summary

2.00 PM - 4.00 PM
of the session by Facilitator

3rd DAY- 23rd December 2015 WEDNESDAY
Business Model Canvas, Presentation on BMC & Preparation of
8.45 AM - 10.45 AM BMC

Presentation on MVP by each group, judgement for the best idea &
11.00 AM - 1.00 PM
business models.

1.00 PM - 2.00 PM Networking Lunch

Announcement of Winner and prize distribution & vote of

2.00 PM - 4.00 PM

Day 1: 21st December 2015, Monday

The workshop was inaugurated with lamp lighting and felicitations of the dignitaries on
dais. Shri J.M Patel (Director SVMIT), Dr. R.G Kapadia (Principal SVMIT) gave the
inaugural speech and emphasized that the students of the final year have to take part in such
event. He also stated that Indians are innovative but not in India. It is because of the skewed
policies and creation of a system, where the Universities had no freedom to conduct any
experiments. Director, J.M Patel has also focused on positive attitude, value of work, doing
work without worrying about brand value&Make in India Campaign started by Hon.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. He also motivated the audience by saying that we are as
good as others if not better. Along with Director sir and principal sir, other guests also shared
their thought on the occasion.

Shri H.G Shah, GIC coordinator, said that in Entrepreneurial work, the examples and
cases of failure are more than those of success. Shri H.G Shah shared his wide experience by
informing that the real flow of money will be based on education and skills. At the same
time, he said that it was important to channelize the energy of the youth. He also added that
there are three types of entrepreneurs who drive our nation. Shri N.P Soni, Event coordinator
emphasized on activities related GIC Club activities and IPR. He also added that he had more
faith in the current government for framing the policies in Entrepreneurship Development.
Also he said that everyone should strive to leave the world a better place to live than what he/
she gets.

(Day 1: Inauguration and Welcome Notes)
After the Registration and the Inauguration function the 1st session of the workshop
stated with the Brain storming activity. The brain storming session was handled by the Shri
N.P Soni (Event Coordinator). He has covered the basics of how to reach the idea to
entrepreneurship. He has mainly emphasis on business techniques and the dynamics of group
Brain storming activity also includes the ice braking activity in which the students
were told to make their own groups among them. After the group formation each group
member were allowed decide their group leader and asked to present their views on
Perception on entrepreneur.
At the end of the 1st session there was a networking lunch break. After the lunch break
the hall in charge give the various books on entrepreneurship to the students to read it and
again give their views about entrepreneur. This activity changed the perception of the
students and they were encouraged to have interest and think on making their own business.

(Day-1, Sesson-1: Brain Storming, Ice breaking and Group Formation)

Day 2: 22nd December 2015, Tuesday

The 2nd day of the workshop started with the brush ups of the 1stday activity and told to
think on their business idea. After giving some time all the groups were told to present their
idea one by one. This session is called idea pitching, in which total 17 ideas were presented
by the 14 groups. These ideas were being judged by the jury members. The jury members
were, all the HODs of various branch.
After a tea break of 20 min the jury members came with their judgement. The jury
members have decided total 9 ideas out of 17 ideas. Now, all the 9 ideas of the different
group members were suggested to give detailed business strategies and give more details on
their idea. This activity lead to make the new group leaders and new groups based on the
business idea & strategies.
After the reforming the groups, the hall in charge gave presentation on the Minimum
viable Product (MVP). This session force the group to think on, how to take up their idea in
to reality, focus on their prime customers and manufacturing & marketing strategies. At the
end this session all groups has presented their MVP to the jury.
After the lunch break the Hall In charge gave the presentation on the prototype
making and patent search. In this session students were given the different techniques and
idea about how to make prototype and the importance of the prototype.

(Day-2, Idea Pitching, MVP & Prototype Making)

Day 3: 23rdDecember 2015, Wednesday

The 3rd day was started with the Video of the last two day activities, which gave the zest
and sweet memories. Forwarding the session, Dr. R.G Kapadia (Principal, SVMIT) gave
presentation on Business Model Canvas (BMC). In his presentation, he covered the
history of the development of BMC and also showed some videos to students. At the end
of presentation he congratulates the students to a part of changing nation and thought
After the presentation the students were busy in making their BMC and told to present
it to jury members & Principal Sir. The activity ends up with the total 9 BMC.
After the tea break students were told to present their Business idea model with the
MVP &BMC to present against jury members. Top 6 groups were finalized and the
closing ceremony was called off after lunch break.
The closing ceremony of the 3 day workshop was started at the seminar hall and the
final 6 groups were told to present their Business model and BMC to the Chief Guest Shri
H.K Chaudhary (G.M, D.I.C. Bharuch), Director J.M Patel sir & Principal Dr. R.G
Kapadia for the final competition and validation of the models. Total three groups were
winner. The winner all groups were given the certificates and memento.
The vote of thanks was presented by Smt. J.M Patel (Event Coordinator). The
Principal Sir has also address the students for successfully completion of the event and gave
surprise to upcoming same event for the all the years students in January 2016.
Director Shri J.M Patel Sir has also gave vote of thanks and promised the winners group
to support them to develop their business idea further.
Few Memories of the 3rd day& Organizational Chart of Event are as follows:

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(Day-3, Final Competition, Prize distribution &Vote of Thanks)

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Shri J.M Patel ( Director, SVMIT) GIC COORDINATOR
Dr. R.G Kapadia ( Principal, SVMIT) Shri H. G Shah
(Asso. Prof. Mechanical


1) Prof. Nayan P. Soni (Civil Dept.)

2) Prof. Jignasa N. Patel (Computer Dept.)

FACULTY 1) Aakash Joshi
1) Prof. R. H Zaveri
COORDINATORS 2) Karot Krunal 8) Alok
(Computer Dept.) 9) Mrinal
1) Prof.Vandana Gajjar (Mech. Dep.t) 3) Neel Thakkar
10) Piyush
2) Prof. Mittal Patel 4) Anurag Rana
2)Prof.Dhval PAtel (Mech. Dept.) 11) Pooja
(Mechanical Dept.) 5) Sammer patel
3) Prof.Satish Makwana(Mech. Dept.) 12) Devraj
3) Prof. D.S Jadav 6)Yash Mehta
4)Prof .P.D Solanki (Mech. Dept.) 13) Dushant
(EC Dept.) 7) Deep Desai
5) Prof.Ghanshyam Prajapati(Comp. Dept.) 14) Krunal
4)Prof. D.O Deore
6) Prof. Ashish D. Patel (Comp. Dept.)
( Chemical Dept.)
7)Prof.Vishal M. Patel (Comp. Dept.)
5) Prof. D.A Patel
8)Prof.Jalpa Shah ( E.C Dept.)
(Electrical Dept.)
9)Prof. Ankur Patel (Chem. Dept)
10)Prof.Darshana Dhimmar(Chem. Dept.)
11) Prof.Divesh Patel (Elect. Dept)

1. Prof. Sashank Thanki (Mechanical Dept.)
2. Prof. Kruti J. Dangarwala (Computer Dept.)
3. Prof. Vaishali R. Patel (Computer Dept.)
4. Prof. Nishant N. Parmar (EC Dept.)
5. Prof. Ruchi Gupta (Civil
( Dept.)
6. Prof. Nilam K. Patel (Electrical Dept.)

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Media Corner
1. Follow us on YouTube :

2. Media broadcasting of the program on Narmada Channel News

3. Media broadcasting of the program ofValedictory function on Narmada Channel

News 23rd December 2015.

4. News broadcasting in the Newspaper of DIVYA BHASKAR

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