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Employee Engagement

According to [ CITATION Davwn \l 1033 ], Employee engagement is a workplace approach
resulting in all employees of an organization to try and give out their best each day, committed to and
believed in their organizations goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, with
an enhanced sense of their own well-being. Not only that, [ CITATION Mar09 \l 1033 ] discussed that
engaged employees are more likely to be loyal with the organization, perform at least 20 per cent better
than non-engaged colleagues and view the organizational goals as their own.

Employee Engagement Model

Source: [ CITATION Sco07 \l 1033 ]

Individual factors consists of those such as gender, age, ethnicity and disability. Not only that,
factors such as job, working hours and salary, as well as important issues such as bullying or workplace
sexual harassment.

Management, leadership and communication refers to the relationship between the managers
and/or leaders with the employees, how much do the employees take place in the organizational
decision making and levels of trust. Managers possess an effectual influence on the employees in this

Attitudes to work refers to employees view towards their jobs and includes levels of health, job
satisfaction, enthusiasm, commitment and loyalty to the job or organization. It is important that
employees and employers maintain a two-way communication between attitudes to work and

The engagement box itself refers to the CIPDs three types of engagement which is cognitive,
emotional and physical. According to [ CITATION Sco07 \l 1033 ], the definition of the three dimensions
of employee engagement as follows:
Emotional engagement to being very involved emotionally in ones work;
Cognitive engagement to being focusing very hard whilst at work;
Physical engagement to being willing to go for the extra mile for the employer.

According to [ CITATION Eva13 \l 1033 ], there are three elements that are critical towards sustaining
employee engagement over a long term, specifically traditional engagement, enablement and energy.
Traditional engagement is the employees willingness to give unrestricted effort in their job, whereas
enablement is the provision of tools, resources and support for the employees to do their job effectively,
which are mainly provided through direct line supervisors. Next, energy as means of being in a
workplace environment that continuously supports physical, emotional and interpersonal well-being.

[ CITATION Eva13 \l 1033 ] discussed that the results for Malaysia in categorized responses are 36%
of employees are highly engaged in their work, 22% are unsupported in which employees are
traditionally engaged but lack the enablement and/or energy, 17% are detached by which employees
feels energized and enabled but lack the traditional engagement, 25% are disengaged employees who
are rated low on the three elements of engagement.

According to [ CITATION Dig16 \l 1033 ], Digi.Com Berhad is a global telecommunications
provider and provides mobile voice, Internet and automated services to 11 million customers in
Malaysia. [ CITATION Dig14 \l 1033 ] stated that it believes that having engaged employees is crucial to its
progressive and constant growth, therefore actively engaged Digizens (Digi employees) through multiple
platforms where Digi listened, supported open dialogues, and are eager to seek feedback. This resulted
in a 4% increase in Digis annual employee engagement survey. Not only that, Digi signed their first
collective agreement with its in-house union, Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd Employees Union
(DGEU) in December 2014. DGEU is recognized as the only bargaining body for all eligible employees in
Peninsular Malaysia. This resulted in the harmonious relations between Digi and DGEU.

On the other hand, Samsung is the largest mobile phone manufacturer in its home market of
South Korea and the third largest in the world. In addition to mobile phones and related devices, the
company is also famous for his production of televisions, cameras, and electronic components.
According to [ CITATION Joa14 \l 1033 ], Samsung has an ambitious vision of inspiring the world and
creating the future, therefore Samsung believes that it needs to create a culture where its employees are
highly engaged and feel truly valued. Samsung carried out an extensive research to analyze the take-up
and usage rates for all benefits and giving the employees a chance of communication by saying what
they liked. Not only that, Samsung launched a full flexible benefits scheme catering to the diverse
employees around the country. It resulted in a huge success where 91% of employees joined the pension
scheme, increased employee engagement resulting in a 3.65% reduction in attrition, employee pension
contributions outstrip national average by around 3%.

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