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Equitable Card Network vs Capistrano she applied for such a card, she never used it.

Doctrine: An answer to the complaint may raise a Redulla posed as respondent and fooled ECI into
negative defense which consists in defendants issuing the card to her.
specific denial of the material fact that plaintiff
alleges in his complaint, which fact is essential to RTC: Having failed to deny under oath the
the latters cause of action. Specific denial has genuineness and due execution of ECIs
three modes. actionable documents that were attached to the
1) The defendant must specify each material complaint, Mrs. Capistrano impliedly admitted
allegation of fact the truth of which he does not the genuineness and due execution of those
admit and whenever practicable set forth the documents.
substance of the matters on which he will rely to
support his denial CA: Although respondents answer was
2) When the defendant wants to deny only a part somewhat infirm, still she raised the issue of the
or a qualification of an averment in the genuineness and due execution of ECIs
complaint, he must specify so much of the documents during trial by presenting evidence
averment as is true and material and deny the that she never signed any of them. Since
remainder petitioner failed to make a timely objection to its
3) When the defendant is without knowledge admission, such evidence cured the vagueness in
and information sufficient to form a belief as to her answer. That respondent sufficiently proved
the truth of a material averment made in the by evidence that her signatures had been forged.
complaint, he shall so state and this shall have
the effect of a denial. Issue: WON although the respondent failed to
make specific denial of the actionable documents
Facts: Petitioner alleged that respondent applied attached to the complaint, she overcame this
for at the Manila Yacht Club (MYC) under the omission by presenting parol evidence to which
latters widow membership program. Since the petitioner failed to object
MYC and ECI had a credit card sponsorship
agreement in which the Club would solicit for Held: (See doctrine)
ECI credit card enrollment among its members But the rule that applies when the defendant
and dependents, respondent allegedly applied wants to contest the documents attached to the
for and was granted a Visa Credit Card by ECI. claimants complaint which are essential to his
Petitioner further alleged that respondent cause of action is found in Section 8, Rule 8 of the
authorized her daughter (Redulla) to claim from Rules of Court.
ECI her credit card and ATM application form
and signed the acknowledgement receipt on The Court holds that the CA correctly ordered
behalf of the respondent. After respondent got the dismissal of petitioners action since,
hold of the card, she supposedly started using it. contrary to the RTCs finding, respondent
On November 24, 1997 Mrs. Redulla personally effectively denied the genuineness and due
issued a P45,000.00 check as partial payment of execution of petitioners actionable documents.
Mrs. Capistranos account with ECI. But Mrs. True, respondent denied ECIs actionable
Redullas check bounced upon deposit. documents merely for lack of knowledge which
Because respondent was unable to settle denial, is inadequate since by their nature she
her P217,235.36 bill, Petitioner demanded ought to know the truth of the allegations
payment from her. But she refused to pay, regarding those documents. But this inadequacy
prompting petitioner to file ac collection suit was cured by her quick assertion that she was
before RTC Cebu. also denying the allegations regarding those
Answering the complaint, respondent actionable documents for the reasons as stated
denied ever applying for MYC membership and in her special and affirmative defenses.
ECI credit card; that Redulla was not her
daughter; and that she never authorized her or
anyone to claim a credit card for her. Assuming
Special affirmative defense of the respondnet
11. Defendant denies having applied for
membership with the Equitable Card network, Inc.
as a widow of a deceased member of the Manila
Yacht Club.
12. She has never authorized anyone to get her
alleged card for the preceding reason. Therefore,
being not a member, she has no obligation,
monetary or otherwise to herein plaintiff.

Since respondent in fact verified her claim that

she had no part in those transactions, she in
effect denied under oath the genuineness and
due execution of the documents supporting
them. For this reason, she is not barred from
introducing evidence that those documents were

(81 na si ms Capistrano and she lives in CDO but

the transactions were done in bohol, cebu and
muntinlupa and yung signature nya varied from
the ECI.s documents)

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