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Absolute and relative cell address

There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute.

Relative and absolute references behave differently when
copied and filled to other cells. Relative
references change when a formula is copied to another cell.
Absolute references, on the other hand, remain constant, no
matter where they are copied.
By default, all cell references are relative references. When
copied across multiple cells, they change based on the relative
position of rows and columns. For example, if you copy the
formula =A1+B1 from row 1 to row 2, the formula will
become =A2+B2. Relative references are especially
convenient whenever you need to repeat the same calculation
across multiple rows or columns.
There may be times when you do not want a cell reference
to change when filling cells. Unlike relative
references,absolute references do not change when copied
or filled. You can use an absolute reference to keep a row
and/or column constant.

An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the

addition of a dollar sign ($). It can precede the column
reference, the row reference, or both.

Conditional formatting
In the Home tab of the ribbon (thats geek for the menu in the
top with all the buttons) click Conditional Formatting.

Then hold your pointer over the option Highlight cells rules
and apply the rule based on requirements
EG If you want to highlight values less than 100

You enter the value that the cell content must be less than
in order to trigger the conditional formatting.

So if you enter 100, something will happen when the value is

less than 100. What that something is well define in the box
to the right.

As you see the standard option is Light Red Fill with Dark Red

If you just click OK now, all the quantities that are below 100
will be formatted this way.

If you want to change that (and you probably will) click the
drop-down arrow next to the right box and select one of the
other presets.


it allows you to make logical comparisons between a value and

what you expect. In its simplest form, the IF function says:

IF(Something is True, then do something, otherwise do

something else)

So an IF statement can have two results. The first result is if

your comparison is True, the second if your comparison is



In the above example,: IF(C2 = Yes, then return a 1, otherwise

return a 2)

f you need to test for more than one condition, then take one of
several actions, depending on the result of the tests, you can nest
multiple IF statements together in one formula. You'll often hear this
referred to as "nested IFs".

The idea of nesting comes from embedding or "nesting" one IF

function inside another

In the example shown, we are using nested IF functions to assign

grades based on a score


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