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Posted on Saturday, December 17, 2016
Computer Studies
Definition of output devices
Features and uses of output devices
2. Structure , Types and Functions of
Difference between impact and non-
impact printer
Differences between the monitor and the
Definition of software
Types of software
4. Types of system software
Examples of Operating Systems
Examples of Utility software
Types of Application Software
6. Special package grouping
Levels of Programming Languages
8. Features of each level of programming
Comparison of levels of programming
Meaning of Basic
Basic Character Set
Data Types
Basic Keywords
Basic Variables and Constant
10. Basic Expressions
Basic Statements
Precedence of Arithmetic Operation
Simple Basic Program Examples
Holiday Assignment
Make a research on the following with a recent
Operating system
Programming Languages
Basic Programming Language
Note: Youre to print-out a hardcopy for
submission on resumption day.

Physical Health Education

1.[i] First aid Definition, objectives,
qualities of a first aider, content of first aid
box and uses.
[ii] Basic principle of first aid and safety
precautions in physical education and sport
1.Common sports injuries e.g. fracture,
dislocation, wound, sprain strain, muscle
cramp etc. [i] causes [ii] symptoms [iii]
Treatment [iv] prevention
2.Ball game {Handball] [i] Nature of the game
[ii] dimension of the court [ii] Basic skills
[iii] Facilities and equipment [iv] Rules and
regulation [v] Officials and their duties. [vi]
3.Traditional physical education and sports in
West Africa [i] Origin [ii]Importance and
types e.g. Aquatic sports, boat regatta,
Argungun fishing, Dunbe, Langalanga,
4.The All African Games
- Headquarters/membership and functions
of the council [ii] International governing
bodies such as supreme council for sports
5.Racket game [ TENNIS] [i] Specification of
the court [ii] Nature of the game [iii]
Equipment [iv] Skills [v] Rules and
regulations [vi] Officials
7&8. Practical Demonstration
9. Respiratory System [i] Structure and
function of the lung [ii] Internal external
respiration [iii] Mechanism of breathing [iv]
Aerobic anaerobic respiration
1.Circulatory system [i] Structure and function
of the heart [ii] The blood vessels [iii] Pulse
rate [iv] Systolic and diatonic pressure [v]
Difference between pulmonary vein and
2.Revision of the terms work
Holiday Assignment
1.Nature of the game
2.Dimension of the court
3.Basic skills
4.Facilities and equipment
5.Rules and regulation
6.Officials and their duties
7.Terminologies used
Check the internet to download information on
the above topic
You are to printout or copy the information in
your class notebook.
Foods & Nutrition
1. Revision/Simple treatment of cuts,
wounds, burns-theory and practical.
2. Hygiene personal, kitchen and food
3. Methods of cooking- Moist, dry
4. Food study Meat and poultry
5. Practicals Meat and poultry
6. Egg milk and milks products
7. Practical egg, milk and milk products
8. Sea food cookery
9. Practical on sea food cookery
10. Special Diet- vegetarian diet, under
weight, over weight.
11. Invalids and Convalescents
12. Revision
13. Examination
Holiday Assignment
Discuss Hygiene in the kitchen under the
following headings
i) Definition
ii) Personal Hygiene
iii) Kitchen Hygiene
iv) Food Hygiene

1. Angles between lines and triangles.
2. Quadrilaterals, other polygons and intercept
3. Ratio, proportion and rates.
4. Quadratics factorisation and equations.
5. Quadratic functions and graphs.
6 & 7 Trigonometry
- Sine, cosine and tangent
- Angles of elevation and depression
- Bearing
8. Pythagoras theorem and special angles
9 & 10 Mensuration of plane shapes
- Perimeters and areas
- Arc of circle
- Area of sector
- Area of segment
Holiday Assignment
1. The following simultaneous equations are
written in base two 11x + 10y = 10001
10x y = 10
Solve the equations, leaving your answer in base
2. Find the number bases x and y from the
following simultaneous equations. 25x 23y =
34x + 32y = 3610

Oral English
1. More examples on vowel sounds
2. More examples on vowel sounds
3. More examples on consonants
4. More examples on consonants
5. The English syllable
6. Consonants clusters
7. Syllabification
8. Transcription of monosyllabic words.
9. Identification of sounds
10. Revision
11. Examination
12. Examination
Holiday Assignment
Answer the questions from number 1 to 40,
pages 11-12 of Oral English at a Glance.

Civic Education
1. Revision of 1st terms work
(Nationalist roles of individuals e.g
Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Nelson Mandela,
Queen Aminat, Funmilayo Ransome Kuti)
2. Democracy (Definition/Meaning
representative democracy, features, Merits &
3. Rule of law: its principles, limitations,
Needs, Importance to a state.
4. Liberty (Types, individual, civic &
political liberty) factors of safeguarding.
5. Minority & Majority interest with
adequate examples, reasons for protecting
minority interest, ways of protecting, safe
guarding minority interest.
6. The major pillars of democracy,
constitution, source & types, discuss merit &
7. Arms of Government- Legislature,
Executive, Judiciary (both types & functions)
8. Armed forces, trade unions, civil
societies, rules & policies & democratic
9. Federalism, features, merit & demerits.
10. Definition state government local
government, functions, problems of the three
11. Definition Citizen & Alien, Difference
between, functions & responsibilities
12. Revision
13. Examination
Holiday Assignment
1a. Mention three institutions you know.
b. Write short notes on: i)punctuality ii) leisure
2. Give the meanings of the following:

Dyeing and Bleaching

Holiday Assignment
Use any coloured piece of fabric (multiple
colours) to create a greeting card for any chosen
C. R. S
Holiday Assignment
Read Romans 1:16:17, 3: 21-24, 5: 1-11
Galatians 2: 16-21, 3: 19-21, 5:22. And answer
these questions.
1. Explain the term justification by faith
2. What are the conditions to attain or achieve
3. State the fruits derived from justification.
4. Explain how Christians can show or manifest
these in their lives.
1. Revision of last term work/foreign trade
meaning, types with diagram advantages and
disadvantages, barriers.
2. Concepts in foreign trade visible and
invisible trade.
Terms of trade, balance of trade, balance of
payment, counter trade.
3. Export procedures involved in foreign trade.
4. Documents used in foreign trade
5. Customs and Excise Authority.- Functions
6. Export promotion council and functions
7. Nigerian Ports Authority Meaning,
8. Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria
(FAAN) Functions
9. Transportation Meaning, Importance,
forms, advantages and disadvantages of each,
factors determining choice of transportation.
10. Documents involved in transportation.
Terminologies associated with transportation.
Holiday Assignment
1a. Define foreign trade
b. Explain five barriers to foreign trade
2. Explain the following
i. Terms of trade ii. Balance of trade iii.
Balance of payment iv. Counter trade
Visual Arts
1. Colour Revision/Colour
a. Definition of Colour
b. Classes of Colour
c. Properties of Colour
d. Emotional qualities of colour
e. Colour wheel/Chromatic circle
f. Importance of colour
g. Colour mixing techniques
2. Painting
a. Definition of painting
b. Materials and tools used in painting
c. Modes of painting wet and dry media
d. Types of painting
3. Perspective
a. Definition of perspective
b. Types of perspective
c. Application of perspective on drawing
4. Museums and Gallery
a. Definition of museum and gallery
b. Types of museum
c. Location of Museums in Nigeria
d. Importance of museum to individuals and the
e. Differentiate between museum and gallery
f. Common terminologies in museums
g. Visit to museum and gallery.
5. History of Art
a. Origin of Art
b. Location or region
c. Style and characteristics of Art
d. Purposes and functions of Art
6. Letting
a. Definition of letting
b. Types of letting
c. Materials used in letting
d. Qualities of a good letting
e. Elements of good letting
f. Terminologies used in letting
g. Construction of lower case letters (small
h. Construction of upper case letters (capital
7. Letting
a. Definition of border design
b. Pencil construction of letters and figures
8. History of Art African/Art and Egyptian Arts
a. Origin of African Art
b. Locations of African Art
c. Datings of African Arts
d. Contents of African Art
e. Forms of African Arts
f. Materials used for African Arts
g. Characteristics of African Arts
a. Origin of Egyptian Arts
b. Location of the Arts
c. Dynasty and contents of Egyptian Arts
d. God and goddesses of Egyptian Arts
e. Egyptian paintings
f. Egyptian Architectural and sculpture
g. Religion of the Egyptians
h. Characteristics of Egyptian arts
9-10. Tie-Dye and Batik Production
a. Definition of tie-dye
b. Chemical used in tie and dye
c. Materials used for tie-dye
d. Tying/knotting technique
e. Processes involves in the production of tie-
dye production
a. Definition of Batik production
b. Origin of batik production
c. Chemicals used in batiking
d. Materials used in batiking production
e. Types of wax used for batik production
f. Processes involved in batik making
11. Revision
12-13. Examination
Holiday Assignment
1. Write extensively on the following:
a. Element and principles of art
b. Functions of cultural and creative art
c. Life drawing and abstract drawing with
d. Colour
2. In your sketch pad of on a half cardboard
paper show the colour wheel chart making sure
that all the classes are projected.
b. Using your poster colour in your
sketchpad/cardboard paper produce the TONAL
GRADATION of colour red-These cardboard
must be white.

Home Economics
1. Revision of first term work
2. Division of labour.
- Meaning/origin
- Advantages, Disadvantages, Limitations.
-Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages.
3. Scale of production
(i) Small (ii) Medium (iii) Large.
-Meaning of scale of production.
-Characteristics of scale of production (internal
and external economies of scale).
-Internal and external diseconomies.
4. Firms and Industry
-Definition of firm, plant and industry.
-Factors that determine the size of a firm.
5. Business organization
-Meaning, Types.
Sole proprietorship and partnership.
-Characteristics, source of fund
- Advantages and Disadvantages.
-Contributions to the economy.
6 - 7. Joint Stock Companies
-Private and public limited liability companies.
-Characteristics, Advantages
-Disadvantages, Contributions to the economy.
Shares, bonds, debentures, etc.
8. Cooperative societies.
-Types, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages.
Public Enterprises.
-Meaning, Features, Reasons for setting them
up, Merits and demerits.
9 - 10. Population.
-Definition, Determination of population size,
Population Growth, (Increasing Population &
Ageing or Declining Population).
11 12. Revision and Examination
Holiday Assignment
a. Define division of labour
b. State and explain two advantages of division
of labour
c. State and explain two disadvantages of
division of labour
d. Explain two limitations to division of labour
ei. Define specialisation
ii. List and explain two types of specialisation.

1.Revision/ heat energy, concept of heat and
temperature, effects of heat and its uses
2.Thermometer and its types, evaporation,
boiling and melting
3.Expansion of solids, effects and application
of expansion
4.Expansivity and its application: linear, area
and volume expansivity. Anomalous
expansion of water. Real and apparent
5.Heat transfer: conduction, convection,
radiation and their applications
6.Electric charge: production, types,
distribution and storage.
7.Gold leaf electroscope and its uses, lightings
8.Fields: concepts and types of field,
gravitational, and magnetic field
9.Electric field: lines of force, properties of
lines of force: description and properties of
force field
10. Production of continuous electric current
11. Revision
12. Examination
Holiday Assignment
1.A solid metal cube of side 10cm is heated
from 10oC to 60oC. If the linear expansivity
of the metal is 1.2 x 10-5K-1, calculate the
increase in the volume.
What is electrostatic induction? How would you
charge a rod through this method?

1. Revision of last terms work/introduction
to mole concept
2. The mole concept in terms of mass number,
volume of reactants and product
3. Writing and balancing of equations
4. Calculations of:
(I) molar mass of compounds
(II) percentage of an element in a
(III) Empirical and molecule
5. Chemical laws and formulae their
(I) Laws of conservation of mass
(II) Laws of constant composition
(III) Laws of multiple proportion
6. Chemical combinations
(I) Electrovalent bonding, properties of
electrovalent bonding
(II) Covalent bondings, properties of
covalent bonding
7. Other type of bonding method
(I) Co-ordinate covalent bonding (dating
(II) Metallic bondings
8. Kinetic theory of matter
(I) Postulate of a kinetic modern of matter
(II) Uses of kinetic modern
(III) Nature of solid, liquid and gases
(IV) The change of state of matter
9. Gas laws
(I) Boyles laws
(II) Charles laws
(III) General gas equation
(IV) Ideal gas equation
(V) Daltons laws of partial pressure
10. Avogadros laws
11. Revision
12. Examination
Holiday Assignment
1. Organic textbook chapter 3. Answer
questions 1 8 on bonding in organic
2. Write short notes on extraction of the
following metals (al, cu, sn, fe). Mention their
chemical properties.
French Language
1. La revision du travail pass
2 & 3 Future simple: experimer des conseild.
Les cultures des autres.
4 & 5 Semaines: C.O.D. (complement dobject
directe. Les pronous. Demander et indiquer le
6. Semaines les vacances, la literature
7 & 8 Semaines: Les promous possessif et
demonstratifs. La litterature
9 & 10. Semaines: Limparfait, la traduction
11 & 12. Revision et examen!
Devoir de la maison.
1. Lissez la litterature
<<Sans, famille>> et et Resumez chapitre 4,5,6
2. Conjugues les verbs
Suivant au pass compose;
a. Venir
b. Prendre
c. Manger
d. Discuter
e. Faire

English Language
1. Homographs-Words that are spelt the same
2. Structure: Present tense/Simple/Present
Continuous/ Present Perfect/ Present Perfect
Vocabulary Development Words associated
with transportation.
3. Structure: Auxillianos: Will and Would
4. Structure: Principle- present past
Essay writing: formal letter.
5. Structure: Auxiliaries- Shall/Should.
Essay Writing: Descriptive
6. Structure: Can/Could
Spelling: Word commonly misspelt/ use of
7. Structure: Past tense: Simple/past continuous
Past perfect/past perfect continuous
Essay Writing: Various methods of introducing
8. Structure: Future tense: Simple/Future
Essay Writing: Argumentative
Vocabulary development- Stock Exchange
9. Structure: Punctuation Question Mark/
apostrophe and exclamation mark.
Spelling: Homophones: Words that sound alike.
10. Structure: Punctuation Full stop,
comma/dash, colon/semi-colon/quotation mark.
Essay Writing: Writing minutes of meeting.
Holiday Assignment
MY STATE Write a one page key points on it.
Typed/hand written.

Yoruba Language

1.Ede: atunyewo eko lori awon isori oro ede

Yoruba.Asa: Elegbejegbe tabi irosiro.
Litireso: Iwe asayan.
2.Awon isori gbolohun ede Yoruba gege bi
we asayan Ore Mi
3.Isori gbolohun gege bi ise won.Asa:
Eesu/Esusu,Ajo.Litireso.Ewi Iya atata.
4.Aroko asapejuwe.Asa: Oge Sise Lapapo.
5.Akanlo Ede.Asa:Aso wiwo fun tokunrin ati
6.Aayan Ogbufo(Part1).Asa: Ilana ati eto
Igbeyawo abinibi.Litireso :Itan
Isedale awon Yoruba.
7.Aayan Ogbufo(II) Asa : Asa igbeyawo ni
ile Yoruba lorisiirisii.
8.Onka ede Yoruba lati Ookan titi de Egbaa(1-
2,000).Asa :Igbeyawo Ode oni-
Soosi,Mosalasi,Kootu abbl.
9.Awon Eka ede tabi ede adugbo.Asa:
Igbagbo awon Yoruba nipa oyun nini ati
yiya agan.
10. Aroko asotan tabi oniroyin.Asa
Isomoloruko.Litireso :Awon ewi alohun oloro
wuuruwu bii alo apamo/apagbe
11. 12&13 Atunyewo eko ati idanwo asekagba
saa yii.
Holiday Assignment
Dahun ibeere Yii (Answer this question).
Ko eyo oro Yoruba mewaa otooto ti sipeli won
jora sugbon ti itumo won yato(Homonyms) Bi
apeere : Ito< ito(saliva) :ito (urine).

Igbo Language
Holiday Assignment
1. Isiokwu Oke na Nwunye (Jenda)
Choputa nwunye ihe ndi a
a. Oketikpo b. Mbekwu ch. Ebule d. Oke
ehi e. Oke ezi
f. Okpara g. Okeokpa gb. Oke
nkita gh. Di
gw. Ozo (title)
Agricultural Science
1.Agricultural financing
2.Cultivation of vegetables
3.Cultivation of roots and tubers
4.Cultivation of cereals
5.Cultivation of oil palm
6.Cultivation of Cocoa
7.Cultivation of citrus
9-10. Soil
11-12. Examination
Holiday Assignment
a. Explain the meaning of agricultural finance
and agricultural credit.
b. Name six sources of agricultural credits
available to the small-scale farmer.
c. Mention six problems associated with
agricultural credits.
Literature in English
1.Revision of last terms work
2.Introduction to Frank Ogbeche:- Harvest of
Corruption. Background and setting
3.Comprehensive discussion and treatment of
the text.
4.Comprehensive discussion and treatment of
the text.
5.Comprehensive discussion and treatment of
the text.
6.Comprehensive discussion and treatment of
the text.
7.Comprehensive discussion and treatment of
the text.
8.William Shakespeare Shall I Compare thee
to Summer day? General analyses of the
9.Gabriel Okara: Piano and drum. General
analyses of the poem
10. Lenrie Peters: Panic of Journey Old.
General analyses of the poem.
11. Revision
12. Examination.
Holiday Assignment
In your note write and study the background and
setting of the play: Frank Ogbeche: Harvest of

Financial Accounting
1.Revision last term Examination Question
2.Journal Entries:- Meaning, uses and format,
3.Trial balance: Definition, uses, preparation
of trial balance using extract from ledger
4.Errors which do not affect trial balance:
definition, correction, ledge and journal
5.Errors affecting trial balance: definition
suspense account, ledger and journal entries
6.Bank reconciliation statement: definition of
bank statement and cash book terminologies,
purpose and drafting of journal with content.
7.Bank reconciliation statement: Adjustment
of cash book, preparation of bank
reconciliation statement using the two
8.Trading, profit and loss accounts: definition
of terms, format and working exercises.
9.Balance sheet: Meaning, definition of
terminologies, format and working
10. Revision
11. Examination
Holiday Assignment
1. Define trial balance
2. Explain six errors which do not affect the trial
c. State six errors which affect the trial balance.
d. Define suspense account
e. List six uses of general journal
1. Revision of last terms works/mountains
2. Mode of formation of mountains
3. Plateaux
4. Plains
5. Weather and climates
6. Weather and climates continues
7. Introduction to map reading
8. Scales
9 & 10 Direction and Bearing
11. Revision
12. Examination
13. Examination
Holiday Assignment
1a. Define Mountain
b. State types of mountain
c. Discuss mode and formation of mountain
d. State uses and disadvantages

2.Food substance
i. Classes and source of food with local
ii. Balanced diet with its importance
b. Digestive enzymes( characteristics, classes,
and functions).
c. Mode of nutrition
ii. Heterotrophic ( Holozoic, parasitic,
symbiotic, saprophytic, carnivorous plants)
a. Classification of plants
1.Botanical classification
2.Agricultural classification
iii. Classification based on life cycle(Annual,
Bi-ennial Perennial)
b. Effects of Agricultural activities on
ecological system.
1.Bush clearing, bush burning, tillage,
fertilizer/ herbicide application
ii. Effects of different types of farming practice
on ecosystem.
3 Pests of agricultural importance
1.Definition of pest
2.Types of pests
3.Effects of pests and control.
b. Disease of agricultural importance
1.Definition of disease.
ii. Types of disease(viral, bacterial, fungal etc)
iii. Effects of disease on crop plant
Control and prevention of disease.
i. Ways of improving crop yield
ii Causes of food wastage
iii. Ways of preventing food wastage
iv. Methods and principles of food preservation
and storage
v. population growth and food supply
1.Definition and types of ecology( Autecology
and Synecology)
biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere habitats, niche, population,
biomes, ecosystem.
c. Component of an ecosystem
i Local biotic communities(Tropical rain forest,
southern guinea and northern guinea savanna.,
sahel savannah, desert,
ii Major biomes of the world( Temperate
rainforest, tundra, afro alpine, desert.
i. Types of association
ii. Tolerance
8. Population
9. Adaptation
10. Pollution
11. Revision
12/ 13 Examination.
Holiday Assignment
1.With the aid of diagram describe carbon
2.With the aid of diagram describe water
3.Define the following basic ecological
concept- ecology, autecology,
synecology, environment, biosphere,
lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere,
habitats, ecological niche, population,
biome, ecosystem.

1-2 Conditions of factor necessary for siting a
fish pond.
3-4 Features of a standard fish pond
5-6 Establishment/construction of a fish pond
7-9 Fish culturing facilities
10 Maintenance of fish pond
11-13 Examination
Holiday Assignment
1. What is fishery regulations.
2. List six features of a standard fish pond.
3. Explain briefly five operations that will
normally be carried out when establishing a fish
pond before stocking.

Technical Drawing
Circle and its properties
Simple exercise involving mathematics
Application of tangency principle
Enlargement and reduction
Holiday Assignment
1. Attempt all the questions (objective and
theory) in your chemistry past question for
1998, 1999 and 2009
2. The half life for decomposition of Hydrogen
Iodide at 25 is 5.5hr. If this decomposition is
independent of the initial pressure, calculate the
rate constant of the decomposition.

1.Revision of First terms work
2&3. Functions & Benefits of Insurance
4& 5. Utmost Good Faith
6.Proximate Cause
Holiday Assignment
1. List and Explain three primary functions of
2. List and Explain two Secondary functions of
3. List five benefits of Insurance to Individuals.

Holiday Assignment
Examine the factors that led to state formation
in Nigeria between 1442 17th century.

Further Maths
1.Simultaneous equations (One linear one
quadratic) by substitution.
2.Solution of simultaneous equations by
graphical method.
3. Vectors: Definition of scalar and vector
quantities, Addition, subtraction and equality of
vectors. Multiplication of a vector by scalar,
multiplication of vectors.
4. Commutative, associative and distributive
properties of vector.
5. Triangle and parallelogram laws of vectors.
Resolution of vectors.
6. Surds, multiplication of surds, Addition or
subtraction of similar surds, rationalizing surds.
Solution of surdic problems.
7. Trigonometric ratios of Sine, Cosine, tangent,
Secant, Cosecant and cotangent of angles
(special angles).
8.Graphs of sine and cosine for 0=?=360
9.Revision and examination.
Holiday Assignment
1. A helicopter which can maintain a steady air
speed of 300km/h is at a point 200km south of
Benin airport. If a wind of 30km/h is blowing
from the direction 060, calculate
a) the angle of drift
b) the course which the pilot must set in order to
fly directly, to Benin airport.
c) The time of flight, correct to the nearest
2. Solve the equation (2 3x + 1) + (3 4x + 5) =
23 for x.

Catering Craft
1.Food commodities and methods of food
2.Study of food commodities
b.Meat/Ganne (Bush animals)
3 & 4 Foods and commodities contd.
a.Diary production (milk and milk production)
c.Vegetables and fruits
d. Cereals and pulse
e. Herbs and Flavourings
5. Principles of cooking, methods
a. Boiling and poaching
6. Stewing and steaming
7. Baking and roasting
8. Frying
9. Standing and local measuring equipment
10. Practical on methods of cooking
11. Revision
12. Examination
Holiday Assignment
Discuss meat under the following:
ii.Types of meat
iii.Value of meat
iv.Methods of cooking meat
v.Effect of heat on meat
vi.Preservation of meat
Holiday Assignment
1a. What is Communalism?
b. What are the features of Communalism?
c. Discuss the advantages of Federal System of

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