Autocollimator - GearTeam PDF

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This experiment aims to give the student the basic knowledge of what is an
Autocollimator, the concept that it works with and to understand how data are
analyzed to get the results. All of that will be done by measuring the straightness
of a beam.

Get the beam we want to use ready and cleaned then calibrate the autocollimator
to be in line with the reflector, turn on the lamp of the autocollimator and check
the alignment between the autocollimator and reflector at both extremes of the
operational distance. Now start taking readings at different distances and tabulate
the readings.

We have the data now acquired in a table and it is ready for analysis using
graphical method and least square method to get the cumulative rise and fall of
the testing beam in micrometer.

1) To measure the straightness of abeam with the use of Autocollimator.

2) To identify the principle of autocollimator device
3) To be able to draw conclusions about the straightness error using graphical
methods and least square method.

Experimental setup:

3 2

Figure 1.1: Autocollimator

Autocollimator components:

1) Light source : light bulb connected with voltage supply .

2) Reflector: a mirror that reflect light back to the autocollimator with an
angle that corresponds with the straightness of the beam.
3) X-axis wheel :Adjust the X-axis.
4) Y-axis wheel: Adjust the Y-axis.
5) Eye piece: lens to see the reflected and transmitted light.
Data collected:

Table 1.1: Data collected

Autocollimator reading
Position Reflector Carriage
Minutes Seconds
1 0 0 0
2 0-100 8 17
3 100-200 9 53
4 200-300 9 61.8
5 300-400 10 17
6 400-500 9 40
7 500-600 11 5
8 600-700 12 10.1
9 700-800 13 33.1

Sample of calculation:

Taking position 700-800:

Line Joining end points

Autocollimator reading = 13 minutes and 33.1 second =(13*60)+33.1 = 813.1 s

Difference from first reading = 813.1-497=316.1 s

Rise/Fall in interval L =(316.1/60)*20 micron = 373.67 micron

Cumulative Rise/Fall =0+32+34.933+40+27.667+56+77.7+105.36= 373.667 micron

Line joining end point segment= 373.6/8=46.7083 micron

Line joining = 46.7083*8=373.667 micron

Error=Line joining- Cumulative = 0 micron

Least square method

=(0+100+200+300+400+500+600+700+800)/9= 400 mm

= Sum of cumulative/9= 130.337 micron

Xm=X-=800-400=400 mm

Ym=Y-=373.667-130.337=243 mm



m= ^2


Yleast= mX+C = (0.4474*800)-48.63 =309.299 micron

Max difference= Yleast- cumulative= -64.3674 micron

Figure 1.2: Figure of Cumulative data, line joining end points and least square
line as shown in the legend.

Discussion and conclusion:

- Explain the principle of the autocollimator.

The autocollimator is an optical device used to measure small angles with very
high sensitivity . The autocollimator projects a beam of collimated light. An
external reflector reflects all or part of the beam back into the instrument
where the beam is focused and detected by a photodetector. The
autocollimator measures the deviation between the emitted beam and the
reflected beam. Because the autocollimator uses light to measure angles, it
never comes into contact with the test surface.

- Are the existence of burrs or dust on the surface plate effect your

For optical autocollimator it does not effect as the light will not touch the
surface but if the results will be effected if dust was on the reflector.
-Autocollimator works on the principle of light reflection, it concerned with the
idea that flat surfaces reflect light at 0 degree angle.

-The main scale is divided in into 20 division each reads 0.5 min.

-The accuracy of the device is 0.2 second.

- The alignment between the autocollimator and reflector should be checked at

both extremes of the operational distance to make certain that the target
graticule is contained within the eyepiece field.

-The least square method is more accurate because it depends on the average
value of the position and rise and fall.

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