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Technology in the

Learning Environment

Episode 2

My Learning Episode Overview

Episode 2 provides me with an opportunity to give a more intent look at bulletin
board displays and determine the effectiveness of these displays in delivering in purpose
and message.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to:
Evaluate bulletin board displays using a set of criteria for quality.
Apply principles in designing an effective bulletin board display.

My Performance Criteria
In will be rated along the following:
Quality of my observations and documentation,
Completeness and depth of analysis,
Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
Time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essential
1. Bulletin Boards have four general purposes:
Decorative- They offer visual simulation and appeal to aesthetics. They
set the social and psychological atmosphere of the school.
Motivational- They encourage students to perform better and have greater
confidence. An example would be the display of students outputs that
show each output is recognized and valued.
Informational- They are used as a strategy to disseminate information.
Instructional- They invite students to respond and participate through
interactive displays.

2. The set criteria for evaluating bulletin board displays includes effective
communication, attractiveness, balance, unity, interactivity, legibility, correctness,
and durability.
` My Map
Display board, or what we are more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of
the most readily available and versatile learning resources.
To realize my Intended Learning Outcome, I will work my way through these

Look around a Pick one and Propose

school for evaluate the enhancements
bulletin board display to make the
display display more
My Tools
As you look around and examine board displays, use the activity forms provided
for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for a


Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board
displays do you see?
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers
can see them?
3. What are the displays about? What images and colors do you see? How are
the pieces of information arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and
the like)
6. Are the message clear and easily understood?
7. You may choose to take a photo of the display board (if allowed).

Name of the School: Colegio de San Sebastian


Location of the School: Buenavista, Sablayan Occidental Mindoro

Date Visit: July 17, 2017

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most
interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.

Topic of the Board Display: Supreme Student Government

Location of the Board Display in School: High School Department

Check the column that indicates your rating.

Write comments to back up your ratings.
4 Outstanding
3 Very Satisfactory
2 Satisfactory
1 Needs Improvement

Criteria Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective Communication As I looked into the bulletin
It conveys the message quickly board, I can say that it clearly
and clearly. emphasize the message it
holds. The requirements,
responsibilities and the rules
and regulations the students
/ must follow inside the school
premises are clearly stated and
by the first time you look on the
board, you can say that these
board holds the major
information about the high
school department officers.
Attractiveness The board is professionally
Colors and arrangement catch wise in construction and directs
and hold interest. the eye on where it should go.
By the first time you looked at
it, you will really stop for a while
to read the posted
announcements and papers on
it. The colors, the designs and
the arrangement of the
decorations of the board along
with its content really can
caught once attention.
Balance As what I had said above, the
Objects are arranged so arrangement of the objects on
stability is perceived. the bulletin board directs the
viewers eyes on the way it
/ should go. There is a balance
on the way the objects were
organized and information that
are related to one another were
grouped as a whole.
Unity The designs, colors and
Repeated shapes or colors or shapes used by the maker of
use of borders holds display the bulletin board choose the
together. right one for the designs
complements each other, from
the border up to the letter styles
and fonts, the designs clearly
represents the message of the
Interactivity The style and approach entice
The style and approach entice the learners to be involved for it
learners to be involved. updates them on the school
announcements and upcoming
activities, also, it reminds the
students on what to do and
what not to do on the school
Legibility The letters are not that so
Letters and illustrations can be visible from a distance but just
seen to be involved. like other bulletin board that
can be found inside the school,
the viewer must go near the
bulletin board to have a good
view and to be able to read the
writings on the board clearly.
It is free from grammar errors, The bulletin board is free from
misspelled words, and / grammar errors, misspelled
ambiguity. words and ambiguity.

The bulletin board is very
It is well constructed, items are
/ durable for is made up of a
securely attached.
board with a glass covering.
An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Jopie D. Aranda

Location: High School Department Building
Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: The bulletin board is named Supreme
Student Government for the officers of the High School department are the one
maintaining and updating it. It is about the rules and regulations of the schools, the
officers of the school, some educational leadership quotes, school announcements
and the updates for the upcoming activities.

Strengths Weaknesses
The title is an eye catching
one, everyone who might
pass before it will really
make a stop to look at it.
Probably, the only
Also, there is a balance of
weakness of the bulletin
design, the lay out used by
board lay-out is the size of
Description of the Bulletin the maker of it will really
the font, for it is just visible
Board lay-out directs the viewers eye into
on a close distance but
where it must go, the
non-readable on a farther
choice of color was also
clear and nice to the eye
and the size of fonts is just
enough to read on a close
The content is very
educational and at the Probably, in terms of the
same time, very educational aspects, there
Evaluation of educational
informative. It also updates are no weaknesses for the
content, and other aspects
the students on to the content just serve it
upcoming activities and purpose.
agendas of the school.
I might suggest that the next time the officers of the high
Recommendations or
school department updated or post anything on their
Suggestions for
bulletin board they must make sure that it can be read
from a distance.

Signature of Evaluator over

Printed Name
My Analysis

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience?
Why? Why not?
The board display design reflect the likes and interest of its target audience for it
reflects professionalism and formality of the students and teachers inside the school
premises and by the fact that it is the main bulletin board in high school department where
the main rules and regulations, announcements and upcoming events are being posted
thus, everyone especially its target audience will really caught their attention.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not?
The language used is clear and simple for the target audience to be understood, it
was just an average construction of English, not too deep and enough just to relay the
message it convey.

What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective? Why?
Why not?
For me, the purpose of the board display is to remind every students on the rules
and regulations they must bear in minds as the students of Colegio de San Sebastian
and to always follow these rules, it also serves as the corner were the announcements
for the upcoming events are posted as well as the names of the concerned officers of the
high school department and some of inspirational leadership quotations. Those posted
on the bulletin board is really effective for everyone is being informed on what to do and
what not to do and on what might be the activities to be prepare ahead of time.

What suggestions can you make?

I just only suggest that the bulletin board must use larger font the next time they
post any announcement on it.
Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board.
Use the form below.

My Proposed Board Display

Theme: Life is a gift that must be treasured. Avoid drugs and make life worth living.

Board Title: Save Life! Say NO to DRUGS

Nowadays, Filipinos especially the teenagers on school and off-school are
open and prone to the influence of abusive drugs coming from the threat of their
peers and pressures from the society they belong. But with the help of this bulletin
board of mine, the people especially the students and teachers inside the school
premises as well as the other visitors will be able to:
Understand the harm abusive drugs can bring to ones life.
Realize the severe impacts of drugs to ones health.
Learn ways that triggers the temptations to use abusive drugs.

To identify the possible impacts of using abusive drugs in ones body.
To enumerate the different kind of abusive drugs.
To value the importance of life and to avoid the use of abusive drugs.

Best feature of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

Ways to avoid the pressure of using abusive drugs.
Impacts of abusive drugs to one health.
Different kind of abusive drugs.
What to do when the person you knew is using drugs.

Content Resources (Name each needed resources and give each a brief description):
Philippine Health Statistics and Drug Awareness PPT

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

Styrofoam, 3D pictures, linen and colored papers, tapes, sticker papers.
My Reflections/Insights

1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

Creativity a teacher must be creative in order to make his bulletin board

appealing to everyone. The teacher must be able to use his own imagination
to develop new and original ideas in designing and making the bulletin
Artistic the teacher must have the sense of art to lay-out the bulletin board
well and to choose the correct and appropriate colors, borders, shapes and
font styles to be use. The teacher must have the ability to relate art in his
Verbally skilled the teacher must have the ability to construct and choose
the right word/s to be use in the bulletin board he/she is making. Being
proficient in English and Filipino grammar and must be able to relate his
language to the context of the bulletin board.
Resourcefulness a teacher must be able to find resourceful materials to
be use whenever the material she desired to use is not available. She must
be able to find some substitute for that particular material without affecting
the quality of the output of the bulletin board.
Up to date a teacher must always be updated with whats new and whats
trending so that he may be able to use these to easily get the attention of
his desired targets.

2. Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?

I already have all the skills that I had mentioned above. For in my past years,
I became the first president of the Book Lovers Club in Colegio de San Sebastian
way back 2014. During that time I was also the one assigned to update and lay-
out for our own club Bulletin board, also, for my 4 years as high school student in
the same school, I was always the Vice President of the Math club and became a
member of the Art club and an officer of Science and Filipino club, and during this
time, I was always involve in making the lay-out and on designing each bulletin
board of the said clubs. Therefore, after my long run on these clubs I must say that
I am capable and well develop on every skills that I had mentioned on the Number
1 question.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on
how you can improve on or acquire these skills?

I am well develop in all skills I had mentioned above, but if I had to choose
one, I will pick the Up to date because being updated especially in the field of
making science bulletin board is quiet hard and requires a lot of time and money
for you will not get updated without investing your cash in the computer shops,
also this skill requires mastery and managing of the internet or the World Wide
Web. I must say that with further time and as I study more about science and
discover new things and facts on the net, I might be able to develop this because
as a teacher, I must be a pioneer into the world of ideas.
My Learning Portfolio
Based on your suggestions, make your own board display lay-out. You may present your
output through any of these:
A hand made drawing or layout
An electronic drawing or layout
A collage
My Board Display Lay-out
My Learning Rubrics
Field Study 3, Episode 2 - Technology in the Learning Environment
Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs
Learning 4 3 2 Improvement
Episodes 1
All episodes All or nearly all Nearly all Fewer than half of
were done with episodes were episodes were episodes were
outstanding done with high done with done; or most
quality; work quality. acceptable objectives were
exceeds quality. met but need
expectations. improvement.

4 3 2 1
All Analysis Analysis Analysis questions
questions/episod questions were questions were were not
es were answered not answered answered.
Analysis of answered completely. completely.
the Learning completely; in Grammar and
Episode depth answers; Clear Vaguely related spelling are
thoroughly connection with to the theories unsatisfactory
grounded on theories
theories. Grammar and
Exemplary Grammar and spelling are
grammar and spelling are acceptable.
spelling superior.

4 3 2 1
Reflection Reflection Reflections Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
Reflections/ profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and
Insights clear; supported clearly supported by shallow and are
by experience supported by experiences not supported by
from the learning experiences from the experiences from
episodes from the learning the learning
learning episodes episodes
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis questions
complete, clear, complete, incomplete; were not
well-organized clear, well- supporting answered
Learning and all organized; documentation Grammar and
Portfolio supporting; most s are organized spelling
documentations supporting but are lacking unsatisfactory
are located in documentation
sections clearly s are available
designated and logical and
clearly marked
4 locations 2 1
Submitted before Submitted on Submitted a Submitted two
Submission the deadline the deadline day after the days or more after
of Learning deadline the deadline
Episode 4 3 2 1
COMMENT/S Over-all Rating:
Score (Based on


19- 13-
Score 20 17 16 15 14 11 10 9-8 7-below
18 12
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

_______________________________ _________________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date
above Printed Name
Field Study Course 3:
Technology in the Learning Environment


Name: Jopie D. Aranda
Course and Year: BSED Physical Science IV
Year Level: STEM 11 and Grade 10
Date: July 17 2017
Time: 7:30 8:30, 8:30 - 9:30
Resource Teacher: Sir Zaldy Serquinia, Ms. Maria Bella Millan
Cooperating School: Colegio de San Sebastian

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