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ein7017 WW PaperToStone (Cost Estimator - Home Construction | PaperToStone For Queries Call: 1800 123 0095 Cost Estimate - New Home Construction Estimated cos’ ciry LAND AREA FLOORS Has Basement BHK PAINT TYPE DOOR TYPE FLOORING build your dream house Your Requirements Chennai 1000 Saft Ground +2 Floors true 34 BHK Basic TeakWood Tiles Build your Dream House in = 48,88,537" Foundation %3,12315 Earthwork and Excavation mem Labour ang Earth Filing Cement Concrete wen Cement Sand Course Aggregate Brick Work mem Bricks Cement QUANTITY PRICE 11,625 cubic ft @ ® 10 per unit 1.16250 Total Price 1,16,250 QUANTITY PRICE 9 bags @ € 380 per unit 3,420 3 cubic meters @ & 7,000 per unit 21,000 5 @ F600 per unit 3,000 Total Price 27,420 QUANTITY PRICE 6.220 nos. @& 6 per unit 37,320 20 bags @ & 380 per unit 7,600 hitps:twor papertostone.comvcost-stimatorconstruction 16 ein7017 sand DPC mem Horizantal DPC Labour Labour Cost excl Earthwork Super Structure RCC Pillars rem Cement ‘Sand Coarse Aggregate Ms Stee! RCC Beams cement ‘sand Coarse Aggregate Ms Stee! ‘Cost Estimator - Home Construction | PaperTaStone QUANTITY S.cuble meters @ & 7,000 per unit Total Price QUANTITY 120 sqft @ % 130 per unit Total Price QUANTITY 113 man days @ ¥ 650 per unit Total Price ‘TOTAL FOR FOUNDATION QuaNTITY 150 bags @ € 380 per unit 16 cubic meters @ & 7,000 per unit 31 cubic meters @ ¥ 600 per unit 2,081 cubic meters @ & 48 per unit Total Price QUANTITY 27 bags @ ¥ 380 per unit 29 cubic meters @ & 7,000 per unit 57 cubic meters @ & 600 per unit 3,713 Kg @ € 48 per unit Total Price Brick Work - Sidewalls re Bricks cement ‘Sand auantiy 35,280 nos. @ & 6 per unit 112 bags @ ® 380 per unit 23 cubic meters @ & 7,000 per unit Total Price hitps:twor papertostone.comvcost-stimatorconstruction PRICE 35,000 79,920 PRICE 15,600 15,600 PRIC: 73,25 7325 £312,315 %19,19,372 PRICE 57,000 108,793 18,600 97,968 282,361 PRICE 103,740 203,000 34200 179,224 519,164 PRICE 2,11,680 42,560 161,000 4.15240 218 ein7017 ‘Cost Estimator - Home Construction | PaperTaStone Brick Work - Innerwalls QUANTITY 28,297 nos, @ 6 per unit Cement 90 bags @ € 380 per unit, ‘Sand 19 cubic meters @ & 7,000 per unit Total Price Labour me QUANTITY Labour 563 man days @ & 650 per unit Total Price ‘TOTAL FOR SUPER STRUCTURE Flooring Main Flooring eM QUANTITY Tiles 1430 saft @&75 per unit Labour 57 man days @ ® 650 per unt Miscellaneous LUMP SUM Total Price Bathroom and Kitchen Flooring eM Quantity Ties 600 sqft @ €75 per unit Labour 24 man days @ € 650 per unit Miscellaneous LUMP SUM Total Price ‘TOTAL FOR FLOORING Plastering and Wall Tiles Plastering - Walls wrens QUANTITY Cement 7A.bags @ ¥ 380 per unit sand 16 cubic meters @ & 7,000 per unit Labour 1,050 man days @ & 650 per unt hitps:twor papertostone.comvcost-stimatorconstruction PRICE 169,782 34200 133,000 336,982 PRICE 365,625 3,65,625 ¥19,19;372 % 296,250 PRICE 107250 37,050 64950 2,08,550 Pate 45000 15600 27,000 87,600 2,96,250 %11,00,550 PRICE 28,120 112,000 682,500 is ein7017 Plastering - Ceiling Cement ‘sand Labour Wall Tiles mem Glazed Tiles - Kitchen Glazed Tiles - Bathroom Labour Wood Work Doors Teakwood Frames ‘Teakwood Shutters Iron grilling with labour Windows Teakwood Frames Teakwood Shutters Iron griling with labour Painting Exterior Painting ‘Cost Estimator - Home Construction | PaperTaStone QUANTITY Total Price Quantity 16 bags @ € 380 per unit 4 cubic meters @ & 7,000 per unit 220 man days @ € 650 per unit Total Price UANTITY 730 @ 840 per unit 800 @ & 40 per unit, 61 man days @ ® 650 per unit Total Price ‘TOTAL FOR PLASTERING AND WALL TILES. QuaNTiTY 1,080 ft @ € 95 perunit 800 sqft @ 8130 per unit 800 sqft @ &20 per unit Total Price QuantiTY 490 f1@€ 95 per unit 520 sqft @ € 130 per unit 520 sqft @ €20 per unit Total Price ‘TOTAL FOR WOOD WORK hitps:twor papertostone.comvcost-stimatorconstruction PRICE 822,620 PRICE 6,080 28,000 143,000 177,080 PRICE 29,200 32,000 39,650 100,850 11,00,550 342,400 PRICE 97,850 104,000 16000 217,880 PRICE 46,550 67600 10,400 1.24850 =3,42,400 %4,71,350 ais ein7017 Ir Putty and primer celling Paint - ceiling Putty and primer walls, Paint- walls Interior Painting Putty and primer celing Paint celing Putty and primer walls Paint-walls Paint Doors and Windows Electrical and Plumbing Electrical ire Electrical Plumbing vet Plumbing ‘Cost Estimator - Home Constton | PaperToStone Quantiry 450 sqft @¥12 per unit 450 sqft @813 per unit 3620 sqft @ € 12per unit 3,620 sqft @ €18 per unit Total Price QUANTITY 3000 sqft @ €12per unit 2,000 saft @¥12 per unit 11,030 saft @ 12 per unt 11,030 saft @ 13 per unit 1,450 saft @ 213 per unit Total Price TOTAL FOR PAINTING QUANTITY LUMP SUM Total Price QUANTITY LUMP SUM Total Price ‘TOTAL FOR ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING PRICE 5,400 5850 43,440 47.060 1.91,750 PRICE 36,000 39,000 182360 143390 18.850 3,69,600 471,350 2 4,46,300 PRICE 2,00,800 2,00,800 PRICE 245,500 2,45,500 446,300 “This cost estimates only en approximation of the most common projet needs Issuable or budgeting and planing purposes only Actual costs may vary depending on exzctrequements hitps:twwra papertostone.comvcost-ostimatorconstruction 515

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