Module Title-Introduction To Hospitality and Tourism

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Module Title: Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism

The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the nature of
hospitality and hospitality products from both local and international perspectives. It
will ensure students acquire a holistic understanding of the hospitality, including the
travel and hospitality industry, including the impacts of hospitality on destination
economies, communities and fragile environments. Students will be expected to take
a critical perspective on the effects of hospitality on their own country, and how
hospitality can have a strategic developmental function.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module students will be able to;
Describe the history and structure of international travel and hospitality
Appraise the positive and negative impacts of tourism destination
Analyze a range of tourist needs and motivations to travel;
Discuss the development and distribution of hospitality products;
Describe the role played by Government and other institutions.

The History and Structure of The historical beginning,
the Travel, Tourism, and growth and recent trends in
Hospitality Industry. hospitality, definitions of tourist
and hospitality. Hospitality
organizations, tourist boards,
Chapter 1
national and international
organizations, lATA, WTO,
CAA, BAA, ABTA, 'Visit Britain'
and similar non-UK
Tourists Needs and The different types and needs
Motivations. of tourists; business, vacation,
family, and tours.
Reasons for travel and the
travel 'experience' for heritage,
Chapter 2
culture, scenery, weather.
Facilities, psychological and
sociological influences,
facilitators and motivators to
encourage travel.
Chapter 3 Development of Hospitality Factors required to become a
Products. tourist destination.
Development of destinations,
and the demand for niche
holiday products, Man- made
and natural tourist attractions
Transport and Accommodation. Transportation facilities (road,
rail, air, sea and inland
Chapter 4
Accommodation and food, the
range available and grading
The Distribution of Hospitality The role of tour operators and
Products. travel agents, travel agents as
intermediaries, the
Chapter 5 interrelationships Links
between the sectors,
distribution and information
Governments and Political The role of governments and
Issues. influence on hospitality, visas,
Chapter 6 permits and foreign exchange
restrictions, political unrest
Hospitality policy.
Positive and Negative Positive impacts: direct and
Economic Hospitality Impacts. indirect income and
employment, the multiplier
effect, contribution to GDP,
currency exchange rates.
Negative impacts: foreign
Chapter 7
ownership of facilities and
hotels, high level of imports of
goods for hospitality, high
demand driven inflation,
seasonality, over dependence
on hospitality industry.
Positive and Negative Positive: conservation of
Environmental Hospitality natural beauty areas,
Impacts. archaeological and historic
sites, improved Infrastructure,
environmental awareness.
Negative: environmental
Chapter 8 impacts, pollution, over
development leading to
destruction of flora and fauna,
land use problems, waste
disposal, damage to
archaeological and historic
Chapter 9 Positive and Negative Socio- Positive: conservation of
Cultural Hospitality Impacts. cultural heritage, buildings and
artefacts, renewal of cultural
pride, cross-cultural
Negative: overcrowding, over
commercialization, loss of
authenticity or customs, social
problems Influx of expatriate
Hospitality Ethics and Issues in sustainable
Sustainable Hospitality. hospitality, sustainable policies
Chapter 10 and procedures in destinations.
Hospitality business practices
and codes of conduct.

Recommended Text
The Business of Hospitality, Holloway, J.C., (2002), Longman
An Introduction to Hospitality, Butterworth-Heinneman, Lickorish, L. and
Jenkins, C., (1997

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