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sero fiioutlys thervfog thei eles ft the jvavinonment as mo ovina vow with ch jsonevrn Lo aaenobie sadinoats, hemor 0 werworganisns aro eal a antl fling me 6 MAE is, ang oti top fa ate The pala, methytanercry 6 tpl ne masily comcentrated in Gltertetding shellfish ‘his aevumnlation eal bonagaiication, {ike inonganie and phhenytiioncaryeomwnmnue ‘why any is eget by fama voy sity having a alte of 70 das, als hghy tne fooates In Japan am thor 1960, tho ington ol stollfish vontaining omethytinncay ed Tout tras of Minamata ignas,soveno disturb of the conrad nervons systont asueiate! with ter fry poisoning. The buiklup af nethylierenty ompontls in Seanlinavian fashwear lakes the US. Great Laos fore lang atous to bo cam Aleouned for Fishing. a BIOLOGICAL TRI OF WASTES AND POLLUTANTS: ATMENT ‘Tho metabolic ativitios of microorganisms aro om: ployed forthe decomposition of wastes. Microbial degradation of wastes and polltants is essential for maintaining onvitonmienta quality, SOLID WASTE Urban solid waste produetion in the United States lamiounts to roughly 150 milion dry tons per year, Much of this material is inet, composed of glas, metal, and plastic, bu the remainder is decompos- able organic waste such as household and indus tral garbage. Up to 80% of municipal solid waste is organic; removal of glass, plastic, and aluminum, in recycling programs improves the degradabilty of the remaining wastes. Sewago sludge derived {rom treatment of liquid wastes and animal waste from cattle feedlots and large-scale poultry and swine farms are also major sources of solid organic ‘waste, In traditional small family fri ope ‘most organic solid waste is recycled into the land 4s fertilize. In highly populated urban conters and areas of large-scale agricultural production, the dis: posal of massive amounts of organic. waste be- ‘comes a difficult and expensive problem, ‘There are several options for dealing with solid ‘waste problems. Today, many of the inert compo DISPOSAL, ‘us of sl waste atch annum nd glans sv racavoml anil eovyeted, Even paper whi tolativoly testo uel doradation- ean rwewvarl fron soli wast, ad many hooky ah wespapens ots piel on eee papi The ‘nani, uh ofthe sali seta uty bn inehnee td, etn ptt alr pallation pram th onyanieeompeanonts ea I subject anne ial Iowoyvalation i aquatic or treosteal sewage fons ln muy cases th sie wast y amped sum or discard on lan, allowing birgradetion {w exeur notunlly without any speclal treatm bout excossive camping of ongunic wastes inte tor tra and marino neonystonts ean ems unto problems wiles the operation ts cartully mare ga mitre SANITARY LANDFILLS. Th spe las oxpnsive way dispose ot sid ei to place tht utr lanes toallaw ito dooompose In land eran sed inorganic sold waste se depasied taper a Teli and that has minimal ral state au cor proiinn tact insects and rodent, and safc hazard each day's waste dapost son trod with ayer of si, creating sna ond AU (i. 14a. For a0 to 80 sears Plng Tanith organic cone of esl waste dargesslove nacrbie microbil Jcamposion ‘The produce of anerobie microbial meals include carbon aid, wat, methane, anos Iawe molecular weight cols, nd acts, whch ditto ite the surounding water and ai casnng the lanl to sat sly. Extensive amounts o inthe are prodiead during this decompestion oct, pletely providing sour of ended fia gus. Al somo slid waste dapos! ae Such as ona ot Palos rdes, Calls the methane tats produced i coleted an sl te narby power plans. Eventually. the decomp in shows. siglng completion oe biodegrade on of tho sol wast. ssidenc ceases, an he lund‘is stbtized. Than the site can be ‘oe or secreational purposes ltr itmay erenualy pe ‘ies funddton for eonstton " Athough the use of sataryTondilssspe tnd inexpensive, ther ace soverl problems sae sod with this waste disposal methods Pretalre onstruction on «ill boogie active lanl sito may ost in stra damage tothe bul ings base of overt ofthe land bases explosion hazard tay exit do to methane seep {into bases andor else se tus, Aboveground plantings also hay be ath ‘god brcause of mothan seepage: The mu of

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