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in the News


The Alliance for Water Efficiency presented Burns & McDonnell appointed Paul Fischer,
Amy Vickers with its annual Water Star president and general manager of the Regional
Award, an award that recognizes individual Office Group, to its board of directors. Fischer
excellence in water efficiency. Vickers was joined Burns & McDonnell in 1988 after
honored for her more than 25 years of graduating from Colorado State University
achievements in the water efficiency field. with a degree in civil engineering. After work-
She is a nationally recognized water conser- ing in both the Energy and Infrastructure
vation and efficiency expert, engineer, and groups at Burns & McDonnells world head- Vickers
author of the Handbook of Water Use and quarters in Kansas City, Mo., Fischer relocated
Conservation. She is also recognized as hav- to the Denver, Colo., office to serve as project
ing spearheaded the inclusion of plumbing engineer and project manager.
standards in the 1992 US Energy Policy Act.
In addition to her book, Vickers has written The Desert Research Institute (DRI) named
more than 75 professional papers, articles, Nathan Allen as the new executive director of
op-eds, and essays. the Nevada Water Center of Excellence
(COE). He leads the Las Vegas-based COE,
Issam Najm was awarded the Dr. Pankaj which drives the Governors Office of
Parekh Research Innovation Award by the Economic Development innovation initia-
Water Research Foundation in recognition tives and provides the nexus for public- and
of his significant contributions to advancing private-sector collaboration in water-focused
the science of water. Najm is president of technologies. Allen joins DRI with experience
Water Quality & Treatment Solutions Inc., in environmental sustainability, business
an environmental engineering and science development and research, construction,
consulting company located in Los Angeles, public outreach, and advocacy. Prior to join- Najm
Calif. He is a nationally recognized expert ing DRI, he served as chief executive officer
on the evaluation and application of innova- and principal of TerraSwell, which he found-
tive technologies for drinking water treat- ed as a response to environmental science
ment, and has led numerous research proj- and sustainability challenges encountered in
ects funded by the Water Research the field. Allens experience in applied science
Foundation. Najm has been a member of the includes previous positions as a research sci-
professional drinking water community for entist and also as a coordinator of sustain-
24 years and is an active member of AWWA. ability for the University of Arizona
Biosphere 2, under which the Model City
American Water announced that two of its Research Program was launched. Allen is a
American Water Resources (AWR) subsid- former solar technician for Arizona start-up
iary employeesJoanne Kahl, claims spe- Technicians for Sustainability.
cialist, and Carrie Boner, customer service
specialistreceived Customer Excellence Dewberry, a privately held professional
Awards from the Professional Association services firm, hired William Grubbs as a
for Customer Engagement (PACE). Kahl senior project manager in the firms
was named Representative of the Year. She Baltimore, Md., office. In his new role,
joined AWR in 2008 and has since received Grubbs is responsible for project
the companys top Quality Assurance honor management for planning, design, and
and the Regal Award for Quality for four construction of water treatment facilities
consistent years. She has completed AWRs throughout the US mid-Atlantic region. Grubbs
Emerging Leaders Mentoring Program. With more than 20 years of experience
Boner received the Customer Service managing both medium- and large-capacity
Representative Award, which is given to water treatment facilities, he previously
individuals who consistently create excep- served as the principal engineer and project
tional experiences for their customers. She manager for the largest designbuild
joined AWR in 2012 and is enrolled in the operate surface water treatment plant in
Emerging Leaders Mentoring Program. Arizona, with a total capacity of 360 mgd.

2014 American Water Works Association JO U R NA L AWWA | D EC EM B ER 2014 27

Patrick Natale will join Hatch Mott GHD recently named Blair Shackleton as
MacDonald (HMM) as vice-president of market leaderWater for Western
business strategies in January 2015. In this Australia. Blair is a chartered chemist with
position, he will support HMMs more than 33 years experience in the
marketing and business development water and power industries, including
initiatives and its employee recruitment plant design, process monitoring, trouble-
and retention programs. Natale brings 44 shooting, operations support, and project
years of engineering, management, and management roles. He has led the design of
business experience to HMM. He served as municipal potable supplies, industrial and
the executive director of the American power station water systems, and large
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) from desalination plants.
2002 to 2014. Prior to joining ASCE,
Natale served in the same role at the MWH Global announced that Dick Talley is
National Society of Professional Engineers assuming the role of the Oregon area man-
(NSPE) and held numerous top-level ager for MWH in the Americas. Talley
management positions with the Public joined MWH in 2013 and brings more than
Service Electric and Gas Company 25 years of professional experience in the
(PSE&G) of New Jersey. During his water and wastewater consulting industry.
28-year career at PSE&G, he was He is based in the MWH Portland office. In
responsible for managing sales, marketing, his new role, Talley is responsible for client
strategic planning, and customer service. service, project delivery, and management of
MWH wet infrastructure services through-
Pure Technologies recently appointed David out Oregon. Talley has extensive experience
Burke as vice-president for its southeast as a project manager, civil engineer, and con-
region. With more than 27 years of experi- struction manager in developing water infra-
ence at the Washington Suburban Sanitary structure in rural and urban environments.
Commission (WSSC), Burke brings to Pure a
knowledge of how large municipal utilities Delta Systems Engineering Inc. (DeltaSE)
operate. In his most recent position, he was announced the appointment of Peter Beaulieu
the group leader of WSSCs Technical as director of engineering, based in the firms
Services Group. Based in Pures Columbia, Las Vegas, Nev., office. In his new role, he is
Md., office, Burke manages business develop- responsible for DeltaSEs overall engineering
ment efforts in the southeast region and efforts. He manages all local operations in
works with existing clients to develop pipe- Las Vegas. Beaulieu joined DeltaSE in 2003
line management strategies. as an engineering project manager.

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. announced that In addition, Angela Downing has joined
Paul Davis of Hatfield, Mass., was promoted DeltaSE as its chief financial officer/vice-
to principal. Davis has 28 years of industry president of administration. Based in Phoenix,
experience. In addition to his consulting Ariz., she is responsible for the financial man-
work for GZA, he is the corporate technical agement of the company. Downings career
practice lead for Natural Resources and spans more than 15 years, with experience as
Permitting and core lead for the Ecological the vice-president of a small corporation; she
Services marketing sector. He also co-founded also has extensive experience with business
and serves on the Environmental Regulatory management, marketing, business develop-
Committee of the Massachusetts Association ment, accounting, and human resources.
of Municipal Airports.
DeltaSE also announced that Sonja Scriven
SJE-Rhombus appointed Lenny Newman to its has joined the company as its senior project
board of directors. Newman has more than manager of California. She is responsible for
30 years of experience in finance, currently DeltaSEs integration projects and local oper-
serving as the chief financial officer of East ations. Scriven has more than 20 years of
View Information Services. He began his experience in water, wastewater, and supervi-
career in 1982 as an accountant with Arthur sory control and data acquisition integration.
Andersen & Company. He is a board advisor Scriven previously served as president of
Newman for multiple companies. WaterHammer Inc.

28 DE CE MBE R 2 0 1 4 | J O U R N A L AW WA
2014 American Water Works Association
Walter Lynch, president and chief operat-
ing officer of regulated operations at
American Water, was appointed president Joseph L. Gerit, Omaha, Neb.; Life Member
of the National Association of Water Award, 1989; Fuller Award, 1983
Companies (NAWC) for a one-year term.
Lynch has served as an NAWC board Buck Greenway, Princeville, Hawaii
member since 2008. In addition, Julee
Womack of American Water Military John F. Kubala, honorary member, Bedford,
Services Group was selected to receive the Texas
NAWC Living Water Award for her efforts
in building strong relationships between David O. Powell, Pasadena, Calif.; Life
Hill Air Force Base and American Water. Member Award, 1995
The NAWC Living Water Awards program
John W. Premo, Saginaw, Mich.
celebrates exemplaryprivate water indus-
try professionals who are living water Charles T. Riggs, Marcellus, Mich.
through their commitment to quality, ser-
vice, and community. Bruce E. Sitzman, Alden, N.Y.

In Memoriam
Austin Francis McCormack Jr., a pioneer in mem- Appointed district engineer for Permutits Dallas,
brane technologies, died Oct. 16, 2014, at the age of 90. Texas, office in 1961, McCormack became a regis-
Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., in 1924, McCormack tered professional engineer in Texas and Oklahoma.
boxed for his high school, edited the school newspa- Three years later, he left Permutit to establish his own
per, and appeared in stage productions, graduat- company, the McCormack Corp., which sup-
ing in 1941. plied ultrapure water systems for the semi-
He enrolled at the Stevens Institute of conductor, defense, and power industries.
Technology in Hoboken, N.J., and In the decades that followed, he received
worked odd jobs to pay tuition until he three patents and wrote numerous
enlisted in the US Navy in 1942. technical papers. McCormack was a
McCormack then began his career co-author of an article in the March 1964
before he was out of school, becoming Journal AWWA focused on the limits of
an engine tester for Wright water quality testing to quantify
Aeronautical, which included running impurities in water at levels less than
experimental tests on a cyclone engine 1 mg/L and the treatment to meet the
used in the B-29 bomber. ultrapure water required at the time for
He graduated from Stevens in 1945 with a semiconductor manufacturing. The article
degree in mechanical engineering and was dis- presaged the development of more sensitive tests
charged from active duty in 1946, after serving on the and instruments. He was a life member of AWWA and
USS Vicksburg out of Long Beach, Calif. active in the American Membrane Technology
McCormack then went to work for the Permutit Association, which has an interview with him in its
Co., a supplier of industrial water treatment equip- online Chats With Pioneers.
ment. In 1947, Permutit sent him to Rochester, N.Y., In addition, McCormack and his wife June wel-
to serve Eastman Kodak. While there, he implement- comed emigrating families from Cuba and Vietnam,
ed a new method to remove microscopic particles hosted international dignitaries, and traveled exten-
from industrial process water. The technology was sively throughout North and South America, Europe,
later employed by the semiconductor industry. Asia, and Africa.
While he was living in Rochester, McCormack met He is survived by five children, 18 grandchildren,
June Doyle, who loved dancing as much as he did. and a great granddaughter. June and his son William
They were married in 1949 and had six children. preceded him in death.

2014 American Water Works Association JO U R NA L AWWA | D EC EM B ER 2014 29

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