Sperger - Sonate H-Moll (Piano) PDF

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Johann Matthias Sperger Sonate h-Moll (1 36) fiir KontrabaB und Klavier (Klaus Trumpf) Johann Matthias Sperger Sonate h-Moll (T 36) fiir KontrabaB und Klavier Nach der Sonate fiur KontrabaB und Violoncello bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Klaus Trumpf MUSIC LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS MEMPHIS, TN 38152 Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag Hofheim - Leipzig CO ———— VORWORT Johann Matthias Sperger wurde am 23.3, 1750 in Feldsberg (Niederésterreich), heute Valtice (Tschechien), geboren. Hier erhielt er seine ersten musikalisehen Unterweisungen. Diese Taadenzstadt, wo dic kunstsinige Familie der Liechtensteiner ihe Stammchind oe frstlichem Theater hatte in der ein Franzishanerorden ein Orchester unterhiel, ene Singschule vorhanden Win dee cin gues musikaisches Umteld das Sperger zwefelios prigte: Noch Siete in Pacheipe tusiktheorie bei Johann Georg Albrechisberger und Kenteabah tet Friedrich Eemmeaperger — leat Sperger seine erste Anstellung in der PreSburger Hofkapelle beim Erzbischof Graf von Batthyany an. Hier fand er gute kinstlerische Voraussetzungen vor und traf auf eine Reihe ausgezeichneter Instrumentalisten, was ihn am Vielfiltigen schépferischen {eelstingen anregte. Neben seiner solisischen Titighet Komponiere lies tg Sinfonien, zahl- [ithe Solokonzerte fir verschiedene Instrumente ~ darunter di¢ ersten seat Kontrabat- Konzerte ~ und Kammermusik. Nach Auflésung dieser Kapelle fand Sperger in den Jahren 17831786 Aufnahme in der Kapelle des Grafen Erddy in Eberau, Be folgte eine Zeit als Reischalfender Musiker in Wien, wo u.a. Vanhal cin KontrabaBkonawe frevee schrieb, Im Jan 1789 hole i Herzog Friedrich Franz I. von Mecklenburg Schwerin nse Hofkapelle ach Ludwigslust. Hier blieb er bis zu seinem Tode am 13,5, 1812 fe vgs geschitzt und hochgeachtet, was auch aus dem Briefwechsel mit dem Herzog hervorgeht, und er erfuthr mit der Auffuhrung des Mozart-Requiems ankiblichseines Todes eins hohe Wirdigung, Der Originaltitel der vorliegenden Sonate (T 36)! lautet Sonate, per il Contrabasso. / et Vio~ Loneelo / da Giovanni Sperger. Sic wurde laut Eintrag im Maneckript anne cp nieder- Weta gg kcamte inden laren vor, als Sperger dem cellospiclenden Kone Frente Tre gate it Bein mit der Hoffnung auf eine Anstelung ter vorspelta encasae re atte 1788 tbersichte er im auch seine ,Cellosinfonie™ (mit eolgwen Viotoncetio) jpesslzung erfUllt in Form und Inhalt alle Merkmale der kassischen Sonets re kein Duo Vroniine eleichberechtigter Stimmen; Der KontrabaB Ubemimmt die shecuac Fabrung, das Vinee sete dic harmonictregende Begleitung. Wie in seinen drei Sonaten mer obligater Viola! gelingt Sperger unter Ausnutaung der Doppelgrifftechatk dic fon die Terz-Quart- Rimmung (A-d-fis-a) des Wiener Kontrabasses’ begtinstigt wurde cine vollstimmige Musizierweise, SinverdientermaBen geiet das Werk Spergers ebenso in Vergessenheit wie die Kontrabag- immune des 18, Jahrhunderts. Um dem wieder ervachten Intereore aa ex Zeit an dieser Musik Rechnung zu tragen, ist es erforderlich, flr den heute gebravetlichen Solo-Kontrabai, Firming nist Auffithrungsmdglichkeiten zu schaffen: Die Gegebenheiten er Quart. pate Werk, auf dessen thematisches Material Sperger ubrigens in smct seiner letzten Kontrababkonzerte zurickgrift, der Vergessenheit entrissen weclen pibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommem befindet. Herausgeber und Verlag danken fiir die freundliche Genehmigung zur Veréffentlichung, Miinchen, Herbst 1996 Klaus Trumpf Tung gg er Werk ir Konrabo von JM. Sperger in Aled Pliny, Gescche des Konrabases, Tutzing 1984 "eh le re Sonat snd bei Hossein ee Fans i Kn nd Kivi encheney Bestnaane th, etna FH 279, Sonate Du (139) Bestumnr F DSN ere D Dar (F 40) Bestellommer 1511 ‘he Aled Planyavsky, Geschiche des Konrabases,Tuzing 1988 PREFACE Johann Matthias Sperger was bor on 23 March 1750 in Feldsberg (Niederisterreich), now known as Valtice (Cech Republic). Here he received his first instruction in music, In this ducal town the arts-loving Liechtensteiner family had its castle with its ducal theatre. A Franciscan order maintained an orchestra and there was also a music-school. These provided fruitful musical surroundings which doubtlessly influenced the young Sperger. In Vienna Sperger studied music- theory with Johann Georg Albrechtsberger and double bass with Friedrich Pischelberger. He then attained his first position in the Court Orchestra of Pressburg of Archbishop Graf von Batthyany, Here he enjoyed a favourable musical environment and made the acquaintance of a ‘number of outstanding instrumentalist, inspiring him in his creative work. Besides his soloistic activities he composed 18 symphonies, several instrumental concertos — including the first six of. his double bass concertos ~ and also chamber-music. Following the dissolution of the Pressburg Court Orchestra, Sperger was appointed to a position in the orchestra of Duke Erdédy in Eberau, ‘where he stayed from 1783 to 1786. There followed a period of working as a free-lance musician in Vienna, where Vanhal, among others, wrote a double bass concerto for him. In 1789 he was asked by Archduke Friedrich Franz I of Mecklenburg-Schwerin to join his Court Orchestra in Ludwigsburg. He remained here until his death on 13° May 1812. Highly respected, as can be deduced from his comespondence with the Archduke, he was honoured afier his death with a performance of Mozart’s Requiem. ‘The original title of the present sonata (I 36)! was Sonata, per il Contrabasso. / et Violon- cello / da Giovanni Sperger. According to an entry in the manuscript, the work was written in Anno 1790. The sonata may well have been written in the previous years, when Sperzer often performed to the cello-playing King Friedrich Wilhelm Il in Berlin in the hope of obtaining a position in his Court Orchestra, In 1788 Sperger presented him with his “Cellosinfonie” (with obligato cello) and his Sinfonia Concertante in an arrangement for cello. It is likely that Sperger would have played the sonata with the eminent cellist F. X Hammer, whom he knew from the Pressburg Court Orchestra. Though unusually scored for duo combination, in terms of form and content the work complies with the traditional sonata, It is not, however, a duo of equally treated parts; the double bass assumes a leading role while the cello has a harmonic accompanimental role. As in his three sonatas with obligato viola’, by using double-stops (facilitated by tuning in 4ths and 3rds of Viennese double bass’, i, ¢. A-d-fsharp-a), Sperger achieves a full-sounding musical texture. As the 18°-century tuning of the double bass fell into oblivion, so too did the musical works of Sperger. In order to do justice to this music it is necessary to re-create the appropriate performing conditions on the modem solo double bass. If tuning in 4ths is used, the solo-part should be amended. The resulting loss of polyphony should ideally be compensated for in the piano-part. This has been attempted in the present version for double bass and piano. This musically interesting work re-employs material from two of his last double bass concertos. It is to be hoped that with this publication the work may be rescued from oblivion. This edition is based upon autograph of the work, which is housed in the municipal library of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Both editor and publisher express their thanks for the kind permission to to publish this work. Munich, autumn 1996 Klaus Trumpf Translation: Graham Waterhouse "T= Tramp catalogue of works for double bass by J. M.Spergr, in: Aled Planyavsky, Geschichte des Kotrabaies, Taig 1988 * These thre Sons, range for double bass and piano are also available rom Hofineiser Publishes: Sonata in D major (T 38) catalogue no FH 2739; Sonata nD major Tr 39), caalogue no FH 2689; Sonata D maior (C40), ‘alogue no. 7511 » ‘See Aid Planyavsky, Geschichte des Konrabases, Tein 1988 Sonate h-Moll (T 36*) fiir Kontraba8 und Klavier Johann Mathis Sperger (1750-1812) lavirpar: Klas Tramot Allegro moderato —— —— Kontabas ESE = == Klavier sche Vorwont © 1997 by Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag, Hofheim + Leipzig FH 2450 a ee “ = 140 Adagio cantabile ea 18 Allegro o : = SEE = PS fe SS ! ! C= = Se = = 4 = SS SS bees Per f we lp Se =— | Bae = fess | eet SS SSS | See] |S ian SS | it “4 wns Wa i i tt 4 Ht Th iW i ial | pp doce bs SSS SS SSS ———<————=— + =

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